Dreamkeeper Tarot

'Dreamkeeper Tarot'  is one of the most sensible and sensitive decks of fantasy Tarot cards.

It reveals the depth of human existence through a string of symbols which reveal a long and wonderful story of lifetime.

These Tarot cards are meant for flexible and thorough analysis of each moment of a personality's development while they are also suitable for people who do art and would like to increase their impact, popularity or enhance their creative ability.

Apart from a traditional 'white book', people who use this deck of Tarot cards can turn to them for creation of new spreads, original and sometimes even unthinkable.
This card deck especially favours people who have a good taste and are sensitive enough to react to new changes, challenges and circumstances.

It takes some time to master it but results may be incredibly bright, unique and novel. In the realm of human feelings and spiritual development they can become a deep and formally impeccable guide with a state-of-art elegance and accuracy.

Created by Liz Huston from the US, they are full of original combinations and vibrant energy.
