What forces manifest personality in history? Criti

What forces manifest personality in history? (Critical comments)


There are many opinions about who or what makes history. Some argue that the main actor in the history of mankind are the personalities, others - peoples, others believe that we are controlled by certain forces. Therefore, it makes sense to figure out what is really happening to us, or rather, what is hidden behind the personalities who, as it seems to many, are creating history.

Key words: history, civilization, personality, people, power, management, information, self-consciousness, culture, stupidity.

In itself, the civilization of homo sapiens is finite, since it has a beginning. And this beginning was laid in the era of the transformation of primitive communal formations into larger structures of various types, but with one common feature - the right of private property. These, at first, tribal communities, uniting, gradually transformed into states, the structure and functions of which then changed in the direction of complexity.
The main tasks of the state, since they were based on the right of private property, consisted in protecting the owners from those deprived of it, as well as in their own development, without which, in a competitive environment, the state could be absorbed by stronger neighbors.
As we already know, most of the states of the current civilization have gone through the stages of slaveholding, feudalism and capitalism.
Who or what pulled these states forward – from barbarism to the heights of technology and culture?
If we turn to the very beginning of the current civilization, then in the minds of people, before the mysterious and surpassing powers of nature, the consciousness reigned that they were controlled by certain forces through their own representatives in the person of rulers, priests or heroes.
At the stage of slaveholding, these mythological ideas about the otherworldly arbiters of people's destinies have been supplemented by considerations about the possibility of a significant influence of individual representatives of the human race on changes in the life of communities, to which the rest of the citizens attributed the most energetic and self-activity people they knew well.
However, in the Middle Ages, the place of these citizens-personalities has been occupied mainly by monarchs and their close associates, who, allegedly, driven by divine providence, knew where society should go.
In the future, it was this idea that was transformed in an atheistic society into its opposite - the recognition of a leading role in the history of personalities.
With the advent of capitalism with its formal equalization of the rights of personalities, destruction of the estates, the leading role of personality in history quite naturally shifted from rulers to ordinary mortals, who nevertheless differed in a heroic spirit that allowed them to actively and effectively counter the invaders and protect the people from the oppressors.
British writer, historian and philosopher Thomas Carlyle attributed this heroic spirit to intellectuality. On this basis, he began to preach the cult of heroes: “... world history, the history of what a person has done in this world, is, in my understanding, essentially a story of great people who worked hard here on earth. They, these great people, were the leaders of mankind, educators, models and, in a broad sense, the creators of all that the whole mass of people generally sought to carry out what she wanted to achieve. Everything that has been done in this world represents, in essence, an external material result, the practical realization and embodiment of thoughts that belonged to great people, sent to our world” [1, p. 7].
Developing his ideas about the role of heroes in changing the world in historical terms on the basis of intellectualism, Carlyle, again, quite naturally for himself, argues that by raising the intellectual level, that is, by upbringing and education on the examples of great people, anyone can be made a hero: "A full world of heroes instead of a whole world of fools... - that's what we want! We, for our part, will put aside all that is base and false; then we may hope to be governed by nobility and truth, but not before… You and I, my friend, can in this perfectly stupid light be, each of us, not a fool, but a hero, if we shall want to" [2, p. 38-39].
Thus, Carlyle, uniting heroes with leaders and prophets, believes that it is they who rule the world, and the masses are often only a tool in their hands.
Surprisingly, it is a fact, that Carlyle has not noticed or did not want to notice belonging to power by no means of the heroes and prophets, but only energetic, not stupid and immoral rogues who seized it.
However, as is known from history, the heroes and prophets do not actually seek to rule the world - they only episodically try, respectively, to save it from the consequences of the mistakes or stupidity of the rulers or direct it to the path which seems to them to be true, and not to rule or govern.
In contrast to similar views of the British philosopher, Leo Tolstoy considered great people only tools of providence, slaves of history: “A person consciously lives for himself, but serves as an unconscious tool for achieving historical, universal goals. A perfect deed, and its action, coinciding in time with millions of actions of other people, acquires historical significance. The higher a person stands on the social ladder, the more connected he is with a large number of people, the more power he has over other people, all the more obvious the predestination and inevitability of his every act… The king is the slave of history. History, that is, the unconscious, general, swarming life of mankind, uses every minute of the life of kings for itself as an instrument for its own purposes" [3].
Tolstoy, like Carlyle, takes an extreme position on the role of personality in history, but on the other hand. And this is not surprising. If we recognize that a person plays a role, then he can be viewed from the position of weakness or strength of this role.
It is quite natural that the problem of personality in history could not fail to find a middle view of it between these two positions.
An example of such view is the formulation of his X. Rappoport. He cautiously states that the question of personality in history allows for "... a combination or reconciliation of subjective and objective points of view. Personality is both a cause and a product of historical development..." [4, p. 47].
Such set of possible variants of the role of personality in history suggests that the authors of these three obvious approaches were unable to "get" to the last layer of the depth at which the true mover of the historical process is located, limiting themselves by the solutions of this problem, having laid on the surface.
All these approaches are acquitted in their own way by the external result of their direct manifestation at various stages of historical development, but these authors have not answered the main question, what is hidden behind these generally obvious forces, whether it is the self-activity of personality or the predestination of the act of personality?
It must be assumed that the answer can be found in the difference between the consciousness of man and his communities from the consciousness of the highest representatives of the animal world – primates.
The chimpanzee genome coincides with the human genome by 99%, but for tens of millions of years these primates have not moved from an adaptive existence in the wild to changing this nature according to their own understanding, and the hominids could do this for two million years, which was manifested finally in the creation relatively recently by them already in shape homo sapiens of a civilization based on property rights.
The explanation of such a phenomenon can be found only in the sphere of consciousness, since a person escaped from the animal world due to his gaining self-consciousness, thereby fitting into a state of aware change in his own time of existence.
In general, such fluctuations of thinkers from one extreme to the other appear when there are a lot of examples in history of a visible greater or lesser influence or even impact of a person on the course of history.
For example, L. N. Tolstoy, apparently, paid the most attention to the fact that over thousands of years of rather pathetic existence of human communities, which mostly stagnated, developing for the ordinary observe unnoticeably, and which he most likely, for this reason, represented something like a swarm, in which personalities are not given the opportunity to act of their own free will, even if they have outstanding abilities as commanders or administrators, to significantly change the state of things.
From this follows Tolstoy's quite logical conclusion that no individual is capable of independently and consciously making cardinal changes in the world, despite the fact that he sets certain goals for himself and solves current tasks.
Indeed, no a personality, even a genius, is able to know the sign of fate, that is, to know exactly what is better and what is worse for the world or the country, an example of which is the disastrous campaign to Russia for Napoleon and France in general.
The fact is that in the process of finding and discovering a solution to a problem that may seem absolutely correct, there is always an inadequate interpretation of incoming data - often contradictory - from incoming information flows, especially since a person's ability to fully cover these flows and choose the necessary information from them is extremely limited both by his upbringing, education, knowledge, the ability to use the latter, memory, traditions, misconceptions of the environment around him, religion, and the ability to quickly think and make adequate decisions.
Therefore, the changes introduced into history by the actions of a person often surprise that person himself by the fact that he assumed something completely different. And this means the incompleteness of the control of one's own actions by a person, in which, therefore, some other forces intervene - more significant, although from the outside these forces may seem by the personality himself.
Apparently, for this reason, Tolstoy's ideas about a certain force, that predetermines the human actions, look quite convincing on the general outline of history.
In other words, you can suppose and wish as much as you like, apply or not to the conditions, but it is impossible to foresee everything, and even more so, it is absolutely impossible to foresee the future even with the use of computers for this, capable of really only extrapolation: in history.
All "great people" wanted one thing, but they received, as a rule, something else: or not at all corresponding to the desired model, which, for example, happened with Lenin, who ended up with not communism, but a bureaucratic fake for it, which, due to its utopian nature, disappeared relatively quickly, or such unstable formation as, for example, the empire created by Alexander Macedonian, which collapsed immediately after the death of its creator.
You will say that there are many other examples, but all states that arose, if you look closely, did not correspond to the desires of their creators, but turned out in one form or another as if by themselves only at a certain time and in a certain place, at this, a personality or even a group of personalities could only contribute to or counteract this.
All this, indeed, points to the irony of fate, that is, that in the end we are controlled by a kind of dissatisfaction with the existing, always aspiring the best, but not knowing this best for sure and, moreover, not knowing the right ways to achieve this or that good.
T. Carlyle, on the contrary, saw in people the embodiment of intelligence, which, indeed, can do a lot. Therefore, he rather paid attention to coups in society, where in the foreground, as he believed, were heroes with high intelligence, who, thanks to him, produced these upheavals. And this also looks very convincing, since, for example, the deeds of Christ and Napoleon, which turned the world upside down, are difficult to doubt.
As for H. Rappoport, he just stated that the truth should lie in the middle, not claiming more.
With the development of science, the management of the historical motion was transferred from the intellect of historical figures, which they really often lacked, to their desires, instincts, will, experiences.
In the future, such views were supplemented by the concept of collectivism, which implies the impossibility of reducing the community to personalities, which found its extreme expression in the involvement of the average person in social processes, and nothing more.
By now, considerations have arisen about the separation of the personality from the management by the historical motion, whose role has been reduced to coexistence of peoples in its diversity in a certain caste space in the form of different social practices.
All these views, again, reduce the actions of the personality in history exactly to a role, which is being associated that with will, that collectivism, that caste spaces, which in itself means wandering on the surface, and not an attempt to penetrate into the depth from which the scenario of this role floats out.
Therefore, researchers of this problem, in essence, shy away from searching for the basis and reasons from which the actions of personalities in history really proceed.
In particular, the desires and instincts emanating really from animal consciousness are unlikely to lead to great achievements for the good of society, since they, as animals perfectly demonstrate, are limited only to the desire for survival, reproduction, improvement of their own situation and, preferably, good nutrition.
Will and experiences only accompany the actions of the personality.
Collectivism, contrary to historical facts, generally denies the influence of personality on the course of history.
Any space in which individuals are located, even if caste, does not prohibit them from acting for their own considerations, since they are not robots.
Apparently, G. V. Plekhanov approached the problem of personality in history most adequately in comparison with previous and subsequent researchers, although he did not discover one or those forces that are hidden behind the actions of personalities.
The contradiction between the recognition, on the one hand, of the personality of the broadest role in history, and, on the other hand, the assertion that the historical movement is subject to certain general laws, he tried to resolve in his work “On the Question of the Role of the Personality in History” [5].
Plekhanov points out: "The collision of these two views took the form of the antinomy, the first member of which was general laws, and the second was the activity of personalities. From the point of view of the second member of the antinomy, history seemed to be a simple concatenation of accidents, from the point of view of its first member, it seemed that even individual features of historical events were conditioned by the action of common causes" [5, p. 32].
In his work, he assumed in some kind of synthesis not only to solve this problem, but to find the basis that determines the course of historical events.
Criticizing the recognition of the role of personalities as dominant in history, Plekhanov, using the example of the French Revolution of 1789, quite rightly notes: "... the storms that France has recently experienced have very clearly shown that the course of historical events is determined by far not only by the conscious actions of people. Events are committed under the influence of some hidden necessity, this circumstance alone should have suggested that these events are committed under the influence of some hidden necessity acting like hidden forces of nature, blindly, but in accordance with known immutable laws" [ibid., p. 17].
Trying dialectically to combine certain "immutable laws" with a certain influence on the course of the historical process of personalities, Plekhanov puts the development of productive forces in place of the driving force of the historical process, believing that it is they "... determine successive changes in people's social relations" [ibid, p. 33], but at the same time attributes the influence on the course of historical events to special causes.
These reasons, in his opinion, are “that historical situation in which the development of the productive forces of a given people takes place and which itself was created in the last resort by the development of the same forces among other peoples, that is, by the same common cause” [ibid., p. 33].
Along with that, Plekhanov complements the influence of special causes by the influence of single causes on the course of history, "that is, of the personal features of public figures and other "accidents", thanks to which events finally receive their individual physiognomy. Single causes cannot make the fundamental changes in the action of the common and special reasons, which also determine the direction and limits of influence of single causes. But still, it is certain that history would have a different physiognomy if the single reasons affecting it were replaced by other reasons of the same order "[ibid., P. 33].
Nevertheless, Plekhanov believes that... "personalities, thanks to given features of their character, can influence the fate of society. Sometimes their influence is even very significant, but both the very possibility of such influence and the size of it are determined by the organization of society, the ratio of its forces. The character of the personality is a "factor" of social development only there, only then and only since it is allowed by this social relationships "[ibid., p. 23].
Plekhanov also believes that such personality qualities as talents, knowledge, determination, courage, etc., which can play a significant role in the life of society, are explained not only by the general laws of development, but, in any case, "... the personal features of leading people determine the individual physiognomy of historical events, and the element of accident, in the sense we have indicated, always plays some role in the course of these events, the direction of which is determined in the last analysis by so-called general causes, that is, in fact, by the development of the productive forces and the mutual relations of people determined by it in the socio-economic process of production. Accidental phenomena and personal features of famous people are incomparably more noticeable than deep-seated general causes" [ibid., p. 31].
If the properties of social relations, as Plekhanov believes, are determined by the state of the productive forces, then the state of these forces depends on the talents and characteristics of certain individuals in one or another of their ability to discover and invent.
As a comment on the influence of talents on the course of events, Plekhanov points out: “In order for a person with talent of a certain kind to acquired, thanks to it, a great influence on the course of events, two conditions must be complied with. Firstly, his talent should make him more relevant to the social needs of the given epoch… Secondly, the existing social system should not block the way of a person who has a given feature, necessary and useful just at that time” [ibid, p. 28].
Similar approach to the influence of personality on the course of history led Plekhanov to the following conclusions regarding outstanding personalities: “A great man is great not because his personal features give an individual physiognomy to great historical events, but because he has features that make him most capable of serving great social needs of their time, which arose under the influence of general and special causes" [ibid., p. 34].
He adds to this characteristic of a great person that his deeds consist not in "that he can, as it were, stop or change the natural course of things, but in the fact that his activity is a conscious and free expression of this necessary and unconscious course" [ibid., p. 34].
All these considerations of Plekhanov about the role of personality in history, despite their external persuasiveness, attractiveness, and sometimes reliability, are, in fact, superficial.
The fact is that he, for example, claiming social relations as a consequence of the development of productive forces, did not reveal to us why productive forces arose and as a result of which they began to develop in one place, and in another they remained undeveloped.
Plekhanov also did not clarify why the concept of special causes introduced by him, which he considers the historical situation, that is, the conditions under which the development of productive forces takes place, are caused by productive forces.
In other words, he considers as if the causeless productive forces to be the source of both social relations and the historical situation, forgetting that, for example, for several hundred years of the domination of capitalism, despite significant changes in all elements of the productive forces – from the steam engine and its mechanics to the operators of computer networks, social relations are not have undergone significant changes, remaining at the owner and employee level, and the historical situation in the countries of developed democracy has not turned into a different one, although, of course, the system of life in different countries may be quite peculiar, but it is more related to national, religious and everyday characteristics than productive forces. That is, the development of technology does not replace these features and for the most part does not correlate with them.
The actual equating of personal features of public figures with accidents, thanks to which events get their individual physiognomy, satisfying the needs of their time or countering them, would be more adequate if Plekhanov explained what he understands by personality, as well as individuality, and on the basis of which this random personality sometimes so fatally counteracts necessity, that it turns whole nations are in the dust, although it doesn't wish this at all, which there are plenty of examples in history on different continents at different times.
n particular, advocate A. F. Kerensky, who became the head of the Russian government after the February Revolution of 1917, clearly understood the need for democratic changes in Russia, but his actions, on the contrary, stopped these changes for Russia for almost a century, leading Russia to collapse with numerous victims.
In addition, Plekhanov's expression "the course of things" is extremely unfortunate, since in history events occur, and things can remain in place at the same time.
In general, significant figures of history, as a rule, are not theorists following one scheme or another. There are very few of them, and their actions are rarely adequate.
For example, V. I. Lenin tried to put into Marx's theories into practice, somewhat modernizing them, but this false representation of the historical motion failed, and this quasi-socialism, which quickly degenerated into a bureaucratic distribution machine, was struck after a historically short period of time in competition with more proactive and efficient capitalism.
All these supposedly great personalities at the head of states, as a rule, are looking for their own benefit, often imagining God knows what, but, in fact, they seek to seize power first, and then keep it for the sake of what it gives, and not for the benefit of the peoples who have fallen under their wing.
Nevertheless, their actions may or may not coincide with the natural course of events, respectively accelerating or slowing down the development of the entire civilization or local community until its disappearance, which is their impact on this course, which they usually do not try to comprehend, but sometimes smart guys like Lenin or Mao Zedong come across. They fit under it various hypotheses that are plausible for themselves, and bring their peoples to a miserable state, although, in general, all their efforts, extremely rarely justified by the true state of affairs, could not stop both the development of their countries and the development of civilization as a whole.
The fact is that the development of civilization, despite kickbacks and inhibition, is not able to stop due to the increase in information flows produced by the expanding conscious activity of the entire population, up to an information collapse, which represents the limit beyond which the capabilities of the human brain and computer networks that complement it are already unable to cope with the growing flow of incoming information.
Be that as it may, these "great" personalities, being in power, are willy-nilly forced to solve not only their own, but also urgent social problems, introducing new laws and rebuilding state institutions, as Napoleon had to do, who introduced a new Code, which is a fundamental codification of civil law. At that moment, he turned into the personality who became the leading force in the historical development of society, but he himself believed that he was doing this manipulation only so that his state would remain at the forefront and not lose in wars.
Similar fundamental impact on the course of world history, unless, of course, one does not mean the backyards of the world, is due to the end of the corresponding stage of world civilization.
Napoleon became the banner of the collapse of the era of feudalism, but the completion of this era did not happen by itself as a natural process of the evolutionary development, and not by virtue of some general laws of social development, of which quite a lot have been proposed, but was prepared by educators and technologies developed by that time that required expanded application, which gave high profits, and also, the rottenness of the power elite of France at that time, mired in debt, debauchery and lost a sense of reality.
But all this, definitely, had a basis in a significant rise in self-awareness not only of the opposition to the government, but also of a significant part of the population, already sufficiently enlightened to understand and accept the change in the state of affairs in favor of the abolition of estates for the sake of free enterprise.
Therefore, at great fractures of public life, fundamental changes in its way of life, "the great personalities" embody a vector of change, and in years of stability, such personalities, acting quite reasonably for themselves, are able to lead their countries into traps of their own or others' false ideas, which, for example, has been happening for a long time in North Korea, Venezuela or in Cuba.
That is, "the great personalities" in power put the solution of their own problems in the foreground, using the resources of the state and clinging to power precisely for the sake of power, with the rarest exceptions.
Therefore, behind any personality in power, whether she has talents or not, there is something that dictates certain actions to her initially. And this something, of course, can be neither productive forces, nor relations in society, nor the historical situation, nor the considerations of the individual himself, often quite stupid.
In order to find out what kind of forces are forcing each person, and not just great personalities, to act this way and not otherwise, it is necessary to put the problem of the actor of history, whether it is a personality, a people or providence, for consideration from a different angle, since all of them arel in plain sight and accepted as truth, depending on the preferences of the public, as if performing a role, the true author of which is hidden from this public.
In particular, a personality in a history, as well as an actor on stage, can play in different ways, slowing down or speeding up the course of history for a particular community, but only according to a scenario that has some peculiarities of action depending, of course, not on the productive forces directly, but to much greater extent on the national-religious, cultural characteristics of specific communities, on their own considerations about the realities of life, as well as on an incredible number of some minor or particular situations that may at the moment the moment is crucial, although these reasons for actions are not the last and determining ones.
For example, the appearance of Christ accelerated the course of history for countries that adopted Christianity due to the fact that it provided most of all freedom of the expression of will for every person – and where are the productive forces here? - and the appearance of Buddha and Mahomed slowed down the course of history for regions that adopted Buddhism or Islam, as they put people respectively either in a passive position, or suggested that they were completely at the mercy of an otherworldly force.
Nevertheless, the countries that have lagged behind in their development can eventually become involved in the information flow created by advanced states, and even at some point they are able to outrun them, as China has recently done.
As for a people, it, consisting mainly of the mass of the philistines, do not show significant activity in their actions due to being crushed by circumstances that dictate a desire for survival rather than knowledge and achievements in any field.
Relatively few members of the population are capable of these accomplishments, who are trying by all means available to them to change the miserable situation of the working people in comparison with the position of the elite part of society - and their efforts are not in vain, since the situation of those exploited from a state a slave has undergone significant changes by now.
A significant number of people now not only acquired more degrees of freedom of action and significantly improved their financial situation, but it became quite possible for them to receive a good education, and they also got the opportunity to elect their own kind to government organs at its various levels and withdraw them from these organs.
In given problems, it is important that the impact of single personalities or some groups of the population on the course of history is only external in any respect and depends no longer on the merits of the personality the effectiveness of groups, but from the place, time and state of a particular community, which, in turn, are determined by nothing other than the actions of those strata of the population who have the opportunity to manifest themselves in the creation of the historical process, and by themselves the actions of both the personalities and groups have only one original reason – the interaction of natural consciousness and self-consciousness. Exactly from the levels of these form consciousness everything else depends on, moreover, at this, the basis of the action of these forms of each human consciousness is one or another degree of their dissatisfaction with the existing.
For example, the slave-owning ancient world, represented by its most prominent representatives, managed to develop both the foundations of legislation and a democratic system of government, as well as unsurpassed examples of culture and art, but remained fruitless with regard to the development of technologies that turned out to be unnecessary due to the cheapness of the slave labor.
Accordingly, in this case, the time, place and conditions did not correspond to the manifestation of scientific and engineering thought, and the root cause of this circumstance was the low level of self-consciousness even of the leading and free part of society in its altruistic component, which has not yet reached the position of denial of the slave state.
That is, a personality is able to appear and manifest himself only in certain conditions that are not created directly by it.
But who or what creates the conditions for the manifestation of personality and writes a general scenario for it?
It must be assumed that they are by no means some otherworldly forces. On the contrary, these forces are entirely dependent on the actions of living beings, who, over time, create more and more expanding information flows with their actions, which are dictated by their dissatisfaction with the existing ones, provoking the aspiration for new, possibly more favorable conditions of existence, and thereby giving "food" to these otherworldly forces, that is, imparting them a certain meaning.
For a person, this dissatisfaction is manifested, as a rule, in the search for new interests, which allows both practical use of the found interesting, changing one's own environment, and learning an immense world with its help.
These interests divide society according to the direction of their actions, advancing both each person and society forward in their interaction and mutual influence, thereby developing their self-consciousness, which, in turn, expands the human horizon, revealing new objects of interest.
That is, the world of nature developed so slowly precisely because its representatives lack the ability to be aware of themselves and their surroundings, and to show not just curiosity about it, but interest, without which neither cognition of the surrounding world nor its purposeful change is impossible.
Therefore, nothing else but self-consciousness in its development up to a certain limit in interaction with the natural consciousness is the original cause of the development of civilization, and the basis of this historical process can only be the ever-present dissatisfaction with the present of both forms of consciousness, despite the fact that this historical process itself may outwardly look like a result produced by the personalities, individual groups of the population, productive forces. or providence.
The unequal level of self-consciousness, natural consciousness in their interaction automatically identifies three main external social forces within the state, the interests of which differ significantly.
This - the struggle of the power elite with the intellectual opposition that opposes it; the actions of creative personalities representing science, engineering and other technology; activities of representatives of all areas of culture, including art and folk art.
The decisive influence on the course of civilization is the struggle of the ruling elite with the opposing to it covertly or openly intellectual opposition.
The power elite is guided for the most part by selfish interests of their own benefit, the basis of which is in the animal (natural) component of the consciousness of this elite.
Intellectuals oppose it because of their interest in improving society, which is based on the altruism of their self-consciousness, which prevails over the egoism of self-consciousness and the egocentrism of the animal component of their consciousness.
The struggle of these strata of society, hating each other, due to the fundamental divergence of their interests and intentions, leads to a gradual change in social relations, since the rest of the masses of the people cannot help but get involved in this struggle one way or another, gradually benefiting from it for themselves in the form of improving their own living conditions, despite the cruel forms of resolving contradictions between by various groups of the population in the form of wars, uprisings, coups and even genocide, which are the invariable companions of any antagonistic public education, nevertheless, avoiding a state of stagnation precisely due to its own contradictoriness in the form of the struggle of the power elite with the intellectual opposition to it.
As an example of the role of personality in history, which acted purely under the dictation of its own forms of consciousness - animal consciousness and self-consciousness through, respectively, own individuality and personality with their corresponding aspirations and interests, we will give a description of such odious person in history as Hitler.
Whatever it was, but he showed himself quite impressively as the agent of the true expression of the aggressive essence of the power elites, but he still has been defeated in the battle for world domination with more powerful rivals.
However, his actions significantly changed the balance of power in the world, accelerating the course of the development of civilization as a whole, and, as a result, greatly influenced the level of self-consciousness of even wider segments of the world's population than this was before.
The actions of this rather vulgar figure with a silly appearance and a native of the plebeians can be represented as the behavior of an individual reflecting such attributes of animal consciousness in the aggregate as dominance, quick-wittedness, decisiveness, perseverance and the ability to organize coherence in the work of associates, ensuring the increased effectiveness of his actions achieved due to the high level of the natural (animal) component of his consciousness.
That is, all these properties of his individuality reflected the level of the natural (animal) component of his consciousness, which could well belong to the leader of a wolf pack.
It was they, backed up by such personality traits as high willpower, excellent memory and a calculating mind, that gave him an advantage in the struggle for power, which expressed Hitler's main interest.
To these properties of his personality, we must also add his curiosity, conscious diligence, a high degree of self-confidence, responsibility and complete unscrupulousness.
In addition, he was characterized by a high degree of creativity, especially in politics, resourcefulness and altruism, which was curtailed in a certain respect.
More details about personality and individuality can be found in the article "Why and how do individuality and personality compete in a person?" [6].
That is, Hitler's altruism was very selective, extending only to the inner circle of comrades-in-arms, animals, as well as exclusively to the German nation, each representative of which, due to lack of education and own stupidity, he considered by Aryan and determined on the role of a superman, which some part of the subhuman should serve, and the rest should be destroyed in order to avoid spoiling the Aryan race. Such were his sincere thoughts about the best reorganization of society for the benefit of the same society by such "purification".
In he, also, because of resentment at past harassment and humiliation, hatred of Jews received hypertrophied expression – an indispensable property of any animal consciousness that does not allow the predominance of any kind of competitors, - expressed in him in the form of a high degree of distrust of other competitive communities, and Hitler considered his ideological opponents – communists as well as cunning Jews to be the most dangerous of them. which, as he believed, quietly almost achieved world domination through the most economically developed country - the United States, where they have already taken the leading positions.
But this was completely intolerant for him, since such positions should be taken by the best, that is, the Aryans led by him, and not some lousy Jews.
In comparison with the other leaders of the power elites of other leading countries of the world, Hitler, possessing these properties of individuality and personality, as well as using the capabilities of a giant and perfectly organized state machine obedient to him in all respects, had a clear advantage, despite his folksy origin, a lot of prejudices, lack of education and, as a result, a number of completely utopian, if not stupid ideas, which, nevertheless, were very attractive to the German inhabitants because they put them above all others.
Hitler has played on this in many ways, having fooled during several years the weak on the head of the philistines of his country with racist propaganda, compared to whom, as his propagandists shouted at all corners, all others, with a few exceptions, were just manure.
Therefore, it was difficult for the German philistines not to succumb to the prospects of a wonderful future, where they would live in a kind of paradise, for which, however, they would have to fight a little and endure a little.
In addition, fanatical Hitler skillfully used his origin and courage in the battles of the last war to seduce the people with his own person, who, despite all the obstacles, got out of mud into princes, promising all Germans in view of the already demonstrated dexterity of quick achievement his goals, earlier seemed inaccessible, quick achievement of power over all world.
Hitler's cunning also consisted in the fact that he skillfully used the contradictions in the camp of his opponents, but his short-sightedness and stupidity consisted in the inability of his strategically shallow mind to calculate the resources of his opponents in the event of a protracted hostilities. In addition, he aroused their hatred by fanatical adherence to his unscientific ideas about the racial superiority of the Germans over other peoples and the desire to destroy Jews, Gypsies and Slavs.
As a result, he was doomed to defeat, although he caused significant damage to a number of countries and peoples.
Paradoxically, this example shows that Hitler, having unleashed a war for world domination, did not change the progressive course of human development: after the war, the UN emerged to coordinate the actions of various states, the world from the unipolar, dominated by Great Britain, has already acquired two poles balancing each other - the USA and the USSR, eliminating for a long time is the danger of a global war due to the appearance of nuclear weapons; the military arms race, due to the dual-use of a number of types of weapons, has significantly changed the technological equipment of civilization, giving it, in particular, jet aircraft, nuclear power plants and powerful rockets that allowed humanity to go into cosmos.
Of course, Hitler himself could not imagine all this - he had different plans and aspirations that could only throw humanity into wildness, but everything went not as he wanted, but according to a different scenario, since this scenario is not created by individuals, peoples, and not even providence, but it depends on the information flows created by the conscious activity of the same personalities and peoples.
Those countries and peoples that form these flows most effectively occupy a leading position in the world, using it to parasitize on other peoples and countries that are less active, and these leaders change periodically in this role.
For example, the dominance of Romans was replaced by the dominion of Spain over almost the entire world, which, in turn, was taken from it by British, and over time they were forced to give way to the leading place in the world to Americans.
The ever-accelerating time of the historical motion of civilization itself is directly created by the interaction of the collective consciousness of the power elites and the collective consciousness of the intellectual opposition to them, fueled by these information flows, who are the most advanced layers of the population,
The opposition of the interests of these layers of population creates that tension in society, without which the historical motion itself would not be possible.
An example of such stagnation are the archaic communities that exist on the outskirts of the current civilization.
All of the above, apparently, can lead to some essential, in our opinion, considerations.
1. The root cause of the actions of any personality in history is the interaction of the animal form of consciousness and self-consciousness, at this, in their base is the inescapable dissatisfaction with the present.
It is the level of these forms of consciousness, the priority and intensity of their interaction through their external expression in the form of individuality and personality that ensure the direction of ideas and desires visible to all, as well as the effectiveness of the actions of this personality in history, but not their results, which are not amenable to accurate predictions, since the biological essence of the animal form of the human consciousness in its aspirations is mainly it is at odds with the assessments and intentions of a person's self-consciousness, giving mostly the unpredictable results when they interact. The same applies to the collective consciousness of the certain layers of the population.
All factors of the socio-cultural life of society, the animal consciousness of a person takes into account only for attempts to implement within the framework of a well–known triad - nutrition, reproduction, dominance, since this form of consciousness is given to a person by nature in accordance with her requests and does not change during a person's life.
But the ability to manifest one or another degree of awareness of the environment, that is, a person’s self-consciousness, which has nothing to do with the animal world, depends primarily on the education and subsequent direct communication withown surrounding based on its cultural characteristics, into which, as a rule, a person falls at birth, regardless of his will, and only then can try to change it, moreover, the degree and characteristics of a person's altruistic inclinations in his self-consciousness depend on upbringing in him of one spirit or another, as well as on self-upbringing and self-education.
Therefore, the innate high level of the animal consciousness with its egocentricity, as well as shortcomings or omissions in a person's awareness of the surrounding, provoking the predominance of the selfish component of self-consciousness with its self-confidence, uncriticism and unscrupulousness, make a person, no matter how he hides it from himself, by a purely immoral being, which is characterized by treachery, irresponsibility, a tendency to cunning and lies.
But it is this kind of person, as a rule, that is present in power and other structures close to it precisely because they do not shun any meanness in combination with servility for the sake of career considerations. Hence, it should not be surprising that our world is mired in squabbles, wars, widespread hunger and inescapable inequality.
2. Since the actions of any person are directed by his consciousness in both its forms in accordance with their interaction, which he, as a rule, is able to control through self-consciousness only partially, in so far it is not necessary to talk about the decisive conscious role of the actions of the individual in the history of mankind, which actually manifest themselves as the interaction of a set of innate properties of individuality, indicated above, and reflecting the quality of his animal form of consciousness, and a set of acquired personality traits that reflect the quality of his self-consciousness.
These properties and features of consciousness, in principle, can be recognized and partly judged by them about the possible intentions of the individual, which psychology is trying to do, but, nevertheless, all these attributes of consciousness remain external and do not fully reveal the continuously changing and influencing at each other the forms of consciousness, as a result of which the results of personality actions often remain unforeseen even for this personality oneself.
Thus, any personality can only perform the role temporarily given to her, proceeding, as it seems to her, from her own considerations and the cumulative aspirations of the people and phenomena around her, known to her, not really knowing as a result of what complex work, the variable successes and the interaction of both forms of consciousness all these considerations and knowledge appear.
Therefore, it is quite natural that the temporary preponderance of the considerations of one of the forms of consciousness, adequate for it, but completely unacceptable in reality, what often happens, for example, when a person acts for "ideological" reasons, leads to the fact that the result of these actions turns out to be the opposite of the expected, that is - quite often - as the pure stupidity.
If the collective consciousness of some local community, for good reasons, requires the resolution of an urgent problem, then there are a lot of applicants for this role, singling out in the competitive struggle one who tries to solve this problem with varying degrees of success or failure. Therefore, it seems that it is he who is the hero or the culprit, but in fact he is just an actor on the podium.
In particular, the same Hitler sincerely reflected in himself the national humiliation of the Germans for the lost war, and also quite seriously tried to humiliate all other peoples, but it did not work out, because it was not even wrong, but stupid to transfer own personal ambitions and aspirations to the stage of the world.
In general, the Second World War, as it was shown above, only accelerated the process of civilization development, although locally Hitler led post-war Germany to the position of a semi-colony of the victorious countries, currently a semi-colony of the United States.
Similarly, Napoleon, who, according to the results of his wars, actually gave a significant acceleration to the collapse of the feudal system in Europe, that is, rendered considerable assistance to the historical progress, locally destroyed the importance of France as a contender for the rank of a world power, which he certainly did not want.
Churchill, on the contrary, having won locally in the Second World War with Germany, stopped the existence of the world British Empire, which, however, for economic reasons, it was time to hand over the reins of government to the world leader in the economy – the United States.
At the same time, such incomparably more significant and talented managers and commanders as Alexander Macedonian and Tamerlan had no effect on the acceleration or slowdown of the world historical process in comparison, for example, with the rather mediocre, albeit stubborn Churchill.
They have seized significant territories and created huge empires, which immediately after their death fell apart, which illustrates the lack of strength, making communities sustainable at that time and in that place, since the level of self-awareness of the population of that time was too low for moving forward, unlike, for example, the Roman Empire, prepared by its cultural traditions for such motion for several centuries.
In addition to such an external force as the struggle of the ruling elite with the intellectual opposition that opposes it, in any civilized society two more forces arise and operate, represented by two groups that are characteristic of their creativity, but divided by interests, since the interests of one are focused on scientific research and the development of technologies of different kind, and the interests of the other are in the sphere of culture.
Let us first turn to the first creative force aimed at the development of civilization in line with technology.
This force, operating mainly in the field of technology, is most interested in the knowledge of the surrounding world, applying the knowledge gained both to expand the scope of knowledge and for applied purposes of changing the surrounding reality - these are scientists and inventors, whose activities lead to the development of technologies and, as a result, to the constant re-equipment of technical means of production, trade, arms and everyday life. Most effectively, such a transformation of the environment in which the rest of the natives are found is carried out by applying a creative approach to changing reality.
Therefore, along with the improvement of the social order, one way or another, at one speed or another, take place a change in the technological equipment of society and, consequently, its economy, including the growth of labor productivity as well as the emergence of its lighter forms.
In other words, these creative persons make the maximum contribution to the technological development of civilization.
They are characterized by such personal qualities as good mental abilities, curiosity, hard work, confidence in their abilities, conviction and a considerable amount of altruism, which ensure from the side of personal properties their creativity.
However, at the same time, such high-level individuality traits as the aspiration to pry, dominance, perseverance and decisiveness are still predominant for them, forcing the person to strive, in spite of everything, to achieve something new and unusual in order to stand out from the general mass of the population and improve their social status, that is, for the sake of dominating others in a certain respectbut with an understanding of the social benefits of his work due to the rather high level of altruism of own personality.
In other words, in society, due to the indicated combination of traits of individuality and personality, there are the persons who are always overwhelmed with a deep sense of dissatisfaction in relation to their environment, which comes to them from the animal (lower) consciousness in its desire to create greater conveniences for its own existence due to the initial egocentrism animal consciousness. However, this feeling is combined with the altruism of their self-consciousness, the dissatisfaction of which with insufficient social comfort, the development of science and culture, reaching a high degree, requires that the achievements of civilization and culture be extended to everyone.
But herewith, the properties of individuality dominate, determined by the animal form of the human consciousness, since the activity of these persons manifests itself mostly instinctively, without much thought, giving, nevertheless, the most creatively active person of all living.
That is, the marked combination of traits of individuality and personality of individual persons, regardless of the presence of talents or simply abilities, invariably attracts them to the creative activity, although it does not always give a positive result, that is leads to the development of new effective devices and systems, the discovery of new patterns, the invention of convenient life support systems and the creation of high standards of culture, but creative individuals are precisely that relatively small group of the population that ensures the accelerated development of technological civilization in conditions of private property relations.
You can read more about personality and individuality, as well as about the confrontation between power elites and the informal intellectual stratum in my article "Why and how do individuality and personality compete in a person?" [6].
Thus, the process of the technological development of civilization is provided by this group of personalities, and not by any other groups or relationships. Therefore, the creative people act as the mover of technology, but, again, their creative properties are based on the peculiarities of their consciousness, and not some other forces.
Both of these forces, the first of which expresses itself in the struggle of the power elite with the intellectual opposition opposing it, and the second in the development of technology, ensure the process of creation both in public relations and in technology, significantly influencing each other, so that when they intersect, turns can occur that replace one way of life of a community or state with another – more perfect and convenient for the population in its ever-increasing coverage, which, in fact, is the process the development of civilization within the framework of proprietary relations - from the slave-owning system to capitalism.
However, the action of the first force has not yet been noticed by the social sciences, replacing it in the eyes of the public with the struggle or the interaction between the working people and exploiters, although in a number of countries it is already difficult to separate the working people and exploiters. In addition, if an exploited worker suddenly becomes rich or becomes an entrepreneur, he in the same way begins to take care of himself first of all, and not of the offended and oppressed, without experiencing strong moral problems. The explanation of this phenomenon is again in the sphere of consciousness, since the vast majority of the exploited and exploiters have quite low level of self-consciousness in its altruistic component, and the level of animal consciousness with its egocentrism is high enough [6].
Therefore, the action of both of these forces with their interests can manifest itself intensively only with comparatively high level of culture in society, including the appropriate level of education, thanks to which the development of the altruistic component of self-consciousness of at least part of the population is ensured to the level of respect not only for themselves. This is confirmed by the practical lack of development of archaic societies that still exist in certain parts of the planet, although there are certain productive forces based on the use of sometimes not so primitive tools.
That is, any movement in society, including turns and upheavals in the social order, especially cardinal ones, occurs only at sufficiently high level of culture, if not of the entire population, then of its leading strata, the main contribution to the achievement of which is made by the third group of the creative intellectuals, manifesting itself in that sphere of development of society, which is closest to the inner world of a person, that is, to his self-consciousness.
This group of intellectuals, more interested in the inner world of man and his communities, tries to penetrate it in different ways, correlating some people with others, comparing man with nature and society, and also finding out the ability of man to reflect these relationships in artificial forms.
It is these creative people, to varying degrees, but still, that produce cultural values in various forms, and directly affect the minds and feelings of the population, touching the most sensitive strings of the self-consciousness of each person, due to which both individual and collective self-consciousness is gradually changing: mores are softened, the population's craving for knowledge is growing, the number of intellectually and emotionally developed people is increasing.
Such cultural development affects the growth of the altruistic component of the self-consciousness of the population, thereby expanding the layer of intellectual opposition to the authorities, who want to harmonize social relations.
The result of this cultural development of society, seemingly far from the political struggle, is, however, the growing confrontation of informal intellectual opposition to the ruling elite due to the spread of altruism among the masses. In addition, the growth of culture and education of the population makes it possible to increase the percentage of creative people who are, in fact, the only effective lever for accelerating the technological and cultural development of society.
Thereby, the actions of the intellectuals of the sphere of culture have a decisive influence on the growth of the altruistic component of the self-consciousness of the population, creating conditions for the development of the social way of life.
Therefore, cardinal revolutions in the life of society occur against this cultural and educational background in the case of dissatisfaction with a significant part of society with the existing system of life in the presence of a certain level of technological development that allows to change the economic management.
The most characteristic and well-known example of such a coup is the resonant explosive effect in the form of the revolutionary abolition of feudal relations in French society in 1789.
These, in our opinion, are the main forces – hidden and external, contributing to the manifestation of both personalities in history and the layers of the population highlighted above, who play roles determined by the level of both components of consciousness – natural consciousness, expressed in the individuality of each person, and self-consciousness, externally represented by his personality [6].
Therefore, the absence or weak manifestation of all three of these external forces in society, the cause of the occurrence and actions of which are both components of consciousness - natural (animal) and self-consciousness - makes it accordingly archaic or stagnating, an example of which is currently a number of third world countries where nothing happens, and no active personalities or groups are manifested.
When considering the entire period of existence of the current civilization, you can find an interesting fact.
After tens of thousands of years of existence of homo sapiens in the conditions of primitive communal cells, competing with each other for the sake of survival in the wild, having practically nothing to transform it, except for their own hands and their own quick-wittedness and, therefore, not having an excess of prey for subsistence, in these archaic communities, naturally, not even a hint of the private property could arise.
However, everything is changing, and the set of archaic communities has been replaced by a set of more ordered and larger entities with a certain hierarchy based on the emergence of private property. This is how civilization arose.
For more information about the appearance of property and its role may find in my article "Property as the basis for the accelerated development of civilization" [7].
The slave-owning society in the form of a number of states, mainly in places with a favorable climate and soil, existed for at least 5 thousand years.
The Middle Ages, when feudalism prevailed, lasted about 1300 years.
The era of capitalism lasted a little more than 300 years, and now it is clearly coming to an end.
Thus, in this case, we can state the acceleration (densification) of time, which, of course, should have a limit in the form of a singularity point, that is, a limiting point on the time axis, where the decreasing historical cycles converge.
The question is only in the interpretation of this process, that is, what will happen at the point of singularity with the world civilization?
The forthcoming information collapse is a confirmation of the fact that with the approach of the point of singularity an era of fundamental changes in the development of civilization is coming.
Information collapse is defined as a state of the network information space that threatens its stability and normal functioning. The information collapse is characterized by a sharp decrease in the bandwidth of communication channels and occurs when existing technologies are unable to transmit increasing amounts of traffic.
The appearance of the beginning of the information collapse is reflected in the constant increase in the rate of emergence of new information and the accumulation of this information on the Internet. Familiarization with the avalanche flow of information is becoming more and more difficult and, as a result, its adequate use becomes even more difficult, since in fact the only method of ordering information is its filtering, as a rule, according to dubious criteria.
This leads to a rapid loss of promising development guidelines by society, the replacement of true goals with corporate goals, the stupefaction of the vast majority of Internet users,
The acceleration of the proper time of the current civilization, which until recently brought wonderful fruits of culture, science and technology almost every year, which everyone is well aware of, clearly produces the opposite product in recent decades and years.
In particular, not only in the Western world, but also in countries strictly following traditions like China, the cultural foundations of society began to collapse. Drug addiction has become widespread, meaningless pop music, sexual freedom, homosexuality that undermines the foundations of the family, the level of education has fallen, mystical moods have expanded, wars are continuously provoked and fanned in different regions of the planet, etc. That is, chaos and degradation in the world are growing.
On this decadent cultural basis, the achievements and the direction of action of science also acquire an increasingly negative connotation.
In particular, from the building of a technological civilization leading to an increasingly convenient form of human life, science has become a threat to the existence of mankind, moreover, it is almost completely dependent on those in power who finance it, and these subjects, considering themselves capable of controlling world processes, do nothing but commit various stupidities that can become fatal at any moment.
Science, under the strict guidance of power elites, has created the computer networks and artificial intelligence that destroy the creative efforts of the population and steal its working time; the introduction of science into the study of the genome eventually led to the construction of viruses that can destroy the entire population of the planet. In addition, extensive research is being carried out to study the spread of the most terrible diseases, apparently to reduce the population of the planet. Science is at the forefront of inventing and using the most inhumane weapons.
More details about the role of science in society can be found in my article "Science as a factor in the development and destruction of civilization" [8].
And, finally, the third in the number of forces noted above, as noted above, began to act not in favor of the development of culture, but in the direction of destroying its foundations.
Power structures, representing mainly supranational elites and the elites of the states of the Western world, seeing the collapse of capitalism, but not wanting to lose their political and economic superiority, believe to preserve it by eliminating private property relations.
Indeed, the capitalist mode of production, which is automatically tuned to the growth of sales of products, when it reaches the limit of this sales, collapses, because it loses the incentive for development.
The resulting stagnation leads the power elite to the idea of transforming society into a form convenient for maintaining the power of this elite and all the benefits associated with it.
The current, in essence, supranational power elite, imagining itself intellectual, wants to forcibly put the population under its control by digitizing the population, discredit the family, gradually liquidating it, and deprive the population of property. It proposes to give him certain benefits depending on the behavior of specific individuals, which this elite considers correct, up to the selection of this population, the number of which should be reduced to several hundred million.
That is, this "elite" quite naturally for itself intends to reduce the population many times over in order to reduce the consumption of the remaining resources of the planet by the population, and the main way of this reduction can be, for example, the sterilization of the population with the help of medicines under the pretext of saving it from supposedly fatal diseases, and the rest of the population can be digitized with the help of modern computer technologies, putting each person under control to dictate to him the behavior suitable for the control structures, especially since the main work, as expected, will be performed not by the population, but by artificial intelligence.
And all possible assistance in this project of the actual genocide of the population with the transformation of its remnants into voiceless and thoughtless slaves to satisfy the unworthy needs of ghouls for power, who believe that they will retain their power by introducing such stupidity, reducing all achievements of mankind and its culture to zero, is provided by science providing specialists and equipment to destroy the bulk of the population and bring the rest into obedient blockheads, divided into a kind of caste, depending on the degree of obedience.
This idiotic project, focused on the preservation of power for worthless persons, is a typical utopia, because in it, as in capitalism, which has lost its incentive for development, this very development, which is always built on contradictions, is missing, and they are absent here.
In this case, beneficial, as it seems at first glance, for the power elite, people turn into a herd that this elite grazes for the sake of obtaining certain products from this herd for themselves, without giving it the will to avoid its own destruction.
Naturally, such artificial education will degrade extremely quickly in all its parts, since it loses the ability to receive updates in the form of certain innovations in both technological and cultural spheres, especially since this post-capitalist society assumes to parasitize the artificial intelligence, which, according to supranational elites, will replace human intelligence without suspecting that thereby the creative potential of a person will be eliminated, depriving society of progress.
As for the informal-intellectual opposition that opposes the power elite, it, while calling, as always, the population to establish a just people's state, which in itself is a pure utopia, was  late due to the already practically happened degradation of the majority of the population, as it was shown above, as well as initiated mainly by supranational elites to the transformation of the capitalist society into a society from a set of the programmed beings devoid of property and, therefore, any sense of justice, whatever it may be, all the more so since such society will inevitably turn out to be the final one in the current civilization, since it will be quickly absorbed by semi-savage peoples, having neither the desire nor the strength to resist them.
The instability of the current situation, as was shown above, means that any dumbass in power who, for own or group purposes, is trying to achieve what he wants with the means at his disposal, for example, to maintain power, is quite capable of using these means, in general, at all not wishing to destroy civilization, for its actual elimination.
Such may turn out to be the role of personality in history at the final -unstable -stage of civilization.

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Why and how do individuality and personality compete in a person? Part 9. 22.03.2022. Amazon
7. Nizovtsev Yu. The vicissitudes of beingness (collection of articles and essays).
Property as the basis for the accelerated development of civilization.
Part 8. 22.03.2022. Amazon
8. Nizovtsev Yu. The vicissitudes of beingness (collection of articles and essays).
Science as a factor in the development and destruction of civilization. Part 7. 22.03.2022. Amazon
