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Benito Ram

   Meyer) Pa;agon, originally from Calatayud, where he would have first practiced the profession of ragpicker” (J.Lacouture. Montaigne on horseback).
Subsequently the family emigrated to Zaragoza where, in the space of two generations, it had become considerably richer and whose members had attained the status of notables. 
Zaragoza being however one of the places where the Inquisition raged with the most ferocity, we understand that Meyer Pa;agon "chosen", during the 15th century, like many Jews, to "convert" to Catholicism and adopt the name of Lopez, then as long as possible, to lengthen it so as to evoke an aristocratic lineage: Lopez de Villanuova.
No doubt feeling threatened in the climate of anti-Jewish and "anti-converso" hysteria at the time (repeated looting and massacres of the "juderias", terrible riots of 1467 and 1473 in Toledo and Cordoba against the conversos, place of courts and auto da fe (pyres) in all the states of Castile and Aragon), the family emigrated at the end of the 15th century to Toulouse where there was already a Jewish community with which they probably had commercial relations.

