Soul makeover utopia

In case YOU are reading.

I can't call my writings direct flattery - in that case they should have been based on facts about you.

I still don't know YOU in person.

On that particular day I simply nearly bumped into you (before, I only saw you on covers of magazines and in that period I didn 't watch the TV at all).

Surprisingly, you were the first to greet me. I was so surprised I nearly freaked out - that looked courteous and promising.

So I really don't know (even I don't know, being a professional linguist) what in my works devoted to you is pure and sincere admiration and what is flattery,

Changes within me since that day in 2016 were so fundamental I don't recongize myself internally anymore.

The moment I met you by chance was so significant to me I can compare it only to the moment when Dante Alighieri first met his Beatrice.

83 poems. 2 plays in progress. 1 concept album in progress. Another concept album in progress.

A bunch of typological theories.

Finally, now I'm working on some significant pieces of writing which unite philosophy, political science, occult theories, aesthetics, sociology and futurology and is a project of the intellect-centric society of the future.

There's only less than 1% possibility you will visit this page and see this sort of an 'open letter' which I send to you on a Brain Day (hope it's not another fake) ... Ironically, now I write so much of my own content I don't always have enough time to fact-check the information sent by the others...

I hope you're doing fine where you are.
It's not the 1st time I stand for you when you get criticized by the society heavily. Your bravery's worth respect. Your clarity of mind and determination are impressive. I understand myself more now when I have a glance at your life events.

Hope my presence on planet doesn't bother you too much. Hope we'll be able to see the glory of our nation and the humanity in the future.

Who knows, maybe I will go down in history as the 1st human being who received a significant 'soul makeover' by chance and changed their personality type. Anyway, thank you and hope to engage in a meaningful discussion sometime later, when I have obtained the necessary scientific status.
