The legend

Another good day, my dear traveler! You want to listen to my story, don’t you? Let me see… It was a nice sunny day in one cozy sleepy town. The grass was green, the sky was blue, the sun was yellow, people shared their ideal smiles… There was no place for tears, no place for anger. You couldn’t see anybody there who was rude.

It was the ideal place, the only one in the world that didn’t have anything bad. But do you know what secrets were hidden by this town?

It was surrounded by the forest on one side and the big mountain on the other side. There was only one narrow path between them. But as I remember, nobody tried to return from this town.

You will ask me, why would they try to return if everything has been good, won’t you? So it is the main secret! There was a dark cave in that mountain. It was really unusual because everything was so light and clear. The strangest thing was that you couldn’t hear anything about this cave from citizens. Why? I can’t give you the right answer…

Anyway, there was one legend that the family of Trustwooders* (surname) passed from generation to generation. I will tell you about it.

In that cave, the main Evil was living. Nobody knows how it looks, so you can imagine a big dragon or a dark creepy creature. It was really wicked and vicious, and it wanted all the power of evil to be his.

Every theft, every mischief, every offense- all was seen by the Evil. Every liar, villain and kidnapper was seen by a monster.  As I already said, the main Evil wanted to be more wicked. But how could he? All the bad people who were walking near the mountain disappeared in the monster’s stomach.

When most bad people have been eaten, the Evil started to eat people with bad emotions or bad temper. After that citizens began to put smiles on their faces even when they were in a bad mood.

My dear traveler, you don't believe me, do you? But as I say, it is only a legend.
