Little poison seller

 Lush tree crowns provide pleasant shade. And morning dew is still visible on the green grass. Small sweet clouds are following the high sky of the lovely village. It is the only place now that doesn't depend on The City, all other territories should agree with everything The City says. No matter what you want you should agree with certain rules. Likely, they aren't so hard: working the job that City gives you, living the place that City shows you, having a life that City asks you to have.

But the small beautiful village near the end of the world won back its rights. In reality, it didn't have a really big fight. The City just let it stay, because it didn't have a lot of resources. Villagers that were amused by this luck made a big celebration and lost their last money. People started to look for any money that they could get.

Petty theft became the norm, large profits could be made for food prohibited by the City. Especially were popular some light poisons. Some people even start to understand poisonous production as a form of art.

There was a big variety of poisons. Some give you small failures, others could kill you or put you in inadequate condition. Creating poisons is also a dangerous and at the same time amazing process. To get some ingredients you should go to other towns and villages or ,which is harder, to the City. Maybe that's why it is an activity of adults, children can steal coins from cloth, but making poisons is too hard for them. This is the way it is.

The family of Milly was in a bad situation. When her father didn't come from the city she stayed alone. A normal human would give up in such a situation, but she wasn't a normal human. She was a teenager of 13 years old.

Orders appeared quickly. There has always been a demand for poisons and making them wasn't such a hard process to someone who had been looking at it during her whole childhood. Milly was lucky, her orders weren't dangerous.

But one day she got one unusual request to make the greatest poison that could put the victim to sleep. Indeed it wasn't hard in the creating process, but the main component could be taken only from the City.

Milly didn't know her customer, instead she knew the price of this special poison, so she decided to try.
The road to the City was risky. Often there were law enforcement officers who were completely subordinate to the city.  If you get caught, consider it the end.

Nevertheless, the little saleswoman easily got to her destination.  Here was the City and the grass of peace for which she had come here. Here she was caught.  In the police station, she suddenly recognized her father.

-Why?- She asked in a choked voice.

-Shouldn't it be me to ask you why are you stealing this?- he wasn't embarrassed.

-I do this to prepare poison, and you know it, because you yourself have done it before… but, as I see, not now.

-Not now- repeated her father.- And I want to give you advice to stop doing this. Life here is better. Won't it be better, if you come to live here with me.

-You sold out to the city - the girl shook her head.

Suddenly two officers jumped out of the bushes. They didn't understand the situation, they just grabbed both of them.  Her for theft, her father for aiding.  No one even noticed that he was also an officer.  Her father also did not say anything, he probably believed that everything that the city was doing was right.

They were taken to trial.  The process itself was kind of funny, and only the judge looked at the girl with pity.  What exactly he regretted in this situation was not clear. Maybe he was the customer of that great poison, and now worried that he wouldn't get it.

Less than an hour later they were sentenced.  Imprisonment in dungeons was futile, usually the prisoners die there.  Milly dug into her pockets.  The deadly poison was still there, maybe she wouldn't have to suffer.
Their guide, a young guy of about 20 years old, suddenly stopped.

-Run! Please run as fast as you can!- cried he at them.

-And what will be with you then? They will kill you!- the girl was indignant.

-They will, I know this. That's why I ask you to give me your deadly poison.

-But you can run with us!- Milly didn't want to give up.

-No!  This is my end, and you can still change something!  Go back to the place where you live, start a riot!- he said with a loud whisper.

- I will! I swear!- she gave him poison and ran away with her father.
Near the gates from the City her father stopped.

-I will stay.- he said stupidly, looking nowhere.

-But they will catch you!- she looked at him and understood that it was useless.

The City had already killed her father. She lightly smiled and ran away to her own village.

"It looks like I forgot something...wait! I lost the grass of peace in the City!"- she remembered and began to prepare for a new adventure. She forgot her swear words.

Lush tree crowns provide pleasant shade. And morning dew is still visible on the green grass. Small sweet clouds are following the high sky of the lovely village. It is the only place now that doesn't depend on The City. And the little poison seller hits the road again.

The End.
