
Be guided by an illustration on page NN 61..
This letter, proves to be true by excavation on an Ancient Empire, already there were 4000 years up to Р. Х! In those parts of a narration, when I resulted photos of panels from tomb Хеси- Ра from 3 Dynasties. There all SAME hieroglyphs, that in tombs Kv/. 55 empresses Тии, and in tombs Амарны, as were dug out in 1900 - 1910. My attempts to read hieroglyphs, that I have mastered independently, it is possible to apply to a perusal of the text on a monument for проведшие 6000 years!
But at first about main - for what  letter of  Egyptians serves! It is a General History. All events of  Ancient world, and in USSR this subject was studied more deeply, than life of the slavs, all had a beginning in Egypt, as Дарий, Ксеркс, and Алексадр Македонский, hardly it is displayed in the tutorial for High school USSR - were still, and фараонами. Also had картуши = names. Practically on some events on Библии are not present the links, as event of the first 4000 years of our civilization Библия does not cover, and as a matter of fact annals of the Israeli people, for example about the prophet Моисея, it is rather close to our time.
Egypt has made a unique Temporary scale, integrally having entered in it( Real фараонов! Is thus a certain difficulty connected to definition of year, in which there was that, or other event! The construction of a building, temple, as well as flood of Nile, was reflected such an inscription:
- "  one year NN " " and, it is necessary still to find a monument, for example inscription on a wall of a temple, or стеле at his entrance), that let Эхнатон per 10 years To correct by Egypt has put this stelae. In it and difficulty, exact binding of date, by one year! I simply for fun write Approximately in 1453 / Эхнатон of rules per 1500 up to Р.Х/ it(he), that that there has constructed.
I have found, both on foto, and on a portrayal boundary stelae-S, that under  order Эхнатона have put on border of his new capital Ахет- Атона, that it has put this стелу for 13 years of  government! But for exact date it is necessary to know time, when corrected(ruled) all up to him(it) фараоны! That is, Смензхакр, that corrected year two after Эхнатона, began to correct then on 36 + 14 = 41, or 40, or =39 years after death Тутмоса 4, that of rules 36 years, and Эхнатон of rules 14 years. But as, фараонами there were All Roman emperors Цезарь, Константин, and me unknown Каракалла = all almost 400 Historical persons!
 It is  same annals, as on Руси, and them wrote priests on a grade of an ancient paper - папирусе. These lists, for example, Greek Манефона, that was and priest of Egypt, as has made the List фараонов. And in 7 century up to Р, Х. the List has written жрец Манефон. But there are, and others папирусы, for example - Turin, and some more pieces five. There there is a lot of  Discrepancies. Or фараоны go not in that order, or are absent. Then a question?
As a matter of fact, it is the ideal coding of a name фараона, for example: networks, Network First, Рамсесы up to 12 seem. As they did it, and in a name is not present habitual to us, for example, Аменхотеп 2, or Аменхотеп 4. That is the Figures were (given) by him ambassador already by(with) the ancient Greeks. As an example: Аменхотеп Third, and Fourth, accordingly also pass in our narration had a difference in one hieroglyph in name, framework, where only names of empresses and фараонов were written. And numbers by him were (given) by late researchers, having spread out their government under  order, and under the mentioned lists. And the links on real фараона concern, it seems, by the end 1 1000 up to Р.Х, or even it nobody our time on invasion on Egypt of the sultan.
Some hieroglyphs, and them some hundreds, and at what they Se rush in eyes, and you understand, at experience From the FIRST sight on картуш, about what фараоне, or empress there is a speech! Particularly I SEARCHED for three books картуши, and has found at all one, and two, and are two UNKNOWN in Истроии of Egypt of  person. About them not mentions, at USSR scientific, and Western археологов, and first of all - that order excavation!
In what secret! Пред  history is those. There was a scientist and археолог on a surname Теодор Девис, and are very successful! It has dug out up to 21 tombs, more than two for one year! For comparison, Говард Картер has spent 6 years, for searches tomb Тутанхамона, and her actually one, and has dug out! And to secret tomb Девис was adhered on strong, and as he) is consecutive up to tomb Kv.. 55 in 1907 has dug out гробницу = tomb, and two mummies, that were naturally muther and father empress Тии. Their names Ойю and Тйи. Туйи- mother empress. From what followed, that in Tomb Kv. 55 their daughters, at what its parents not of an imperial sort, and not high mans, as though officials! It is considered,  father empress Тии - priest, and not of a high rank in a temple nobody of the god, and mother probably governer гарема at Тутмосе 4. That is interesting, and here there can be a mess. The tomb Ойю and Туйи it is considered as tomb Тутмоса Fourth! There it is a lot of it, фараона, things, and is for example, it фараона колесница = chariot, and from it we have! Similar chariot perfectly decorated is and in tomb Тутанхамона. But as, whether I do not know correctly it, but Ойю, father empress almost not manager by a farm at a temple, and for himnot фараона, there two or three device for ношения of water by an animal in a shed..
P/s. Некоторые данные про раскопки и жизнь в Египте 3500 лет назад!........ 64
