About freedom of creativity

I strongly believe we can name several types and aspects of creative freedom.

Starting from the Montessori tradition, even earlier, there would be several types of intelligence and creativity which were to be mentioned.

Some scientists state that intelligence and creativity correlate closely.

The others predict that empathy and creativity might even become more important than logic.

Several types of logic and thinking and several more are about to become predominant.

Even if your formal logic is strong enough, try to do your best to communicate your needs. Ask questions and try to focus on what is behind a message.

Sometimes  you might want to reconcile with the people you seem to have lost, and at times you might feel embarrassed by what you have been doing or planning to do.

All these things are vital for your development, and the more you understand yourself, the better your life outcomes become.

Freedom of creativity also means a state of high reflexiveness and attention to detail.

Each time you make a step towards a wonderful future of the mankind, you might become more and more aware of your true inner genius.

This genius, including the depth of sealf-awareness and self-reflection, will help you through thick and thin in each field of creative activity.
