A Revolution of monetization from U-Turbo. On Kost

A Revolution of monetization (from U-Turbo). On Kosti-NF. A story.

Mr. Wintertund was making a round of his native radio station when two professional radio talkers approached him - Morning Cardan and Evening Iron.

- We visited the Pyzhikov's channal a hundred times and at each visit we said the word "Kurussian" three hundred and thirty-three times. And he did not give us anything, only praised. And that's it. And there is no monetization of our content for us.

Mr. Wintertund wagged his finger, jokingly:

- Just, without karmaphobia and without anti-Shintoism. Especially on the air.

The radio talkers nodded obediently.

- So what do you suggest? - Mr. Wintertund gave concreteness to the conversation.

- I'm going to organize a fund. I will direct those who come to me in the program to a persons with money ...

- And I will lick the ex-Minister of Museums, below his back. He will include me in the cultural team, which is regularly financially supported. To the sound of musical instruments...

Mr. Wintertund barely perceptibly grimaced:

- Well ... Do attempts ... Inform me about the results ...

Morning Cardan went to lick the ex-Minister of Museums, below his back.

Evening Iron headed to organize a fund.

Mr. Wintertund walked sadly down the corridor:

“How, after all, this U-Turbo monetizes everyone. Well, it's just ruthless. Our generation - the generation of people with remnants of principles - is gradually leaving the stage. There remains the U-Turbo generation ... Soon there will not be a single one that has not been monetized ... ”.

August 10, 2022 23:14

Translation from Russian into English: August 10, 2022 23:49.
Владимир Владимирович Залесский “Революция монетизации (от У-Тюрбо). На Кости-NF. Рассказ”.

{ 3127. Революция монетизации (от У-Тюрбо). На Кости-NF. Рассказ.
MMMXCVIII. A Revolution of monetization (from U-Turbo). On Kosti-NF. A story.

Vladimir Zalessky Internet-bibliotheca. Интернет-библиотека Владимира Залесского}
