Lenya Bobrov feels interest in the history of turb

Lenya Bobrov feels interest in the history of turbines. A story.

Lenya Bobrov constantly sees information on turbines.

At last, he opens the encyclopedia and discovers that the description of a primitive steam turbine was made by Hero of Alexandria (1st century AD).

Several turbine mills, built in the era of Ancient Rome, are known.

(It's a little annoying! It's a latinization of a turbine production  is obtained ...).

Turbines also appeared in the USSR.

For example, turbines were installed at DniproHES.

During the construction of the DniproHES consultations were carried out by representatives of the US company of Hugh Lincoln Cooper [Hugh Cooper, William V. Murphy, and G. Thompson, engineers of General Electric)], also engineers of the German company Siemens.

Taking this opportunity, Lenya gets acquainted with the history of Siemens. Very interesting.

There is even a separate material about Siemens in Russia.

Naturally, there is a turbine here.

The rotors are spinning!

And what is the subtlety here?

Industrially suitable steam turbines were independently developed by Swedish engineer Gustaf de Laval (1845–1913) and Anglo-Irish engineer Sir Charles Parsons (1854–1931).

Lenya draws attention to such phrases characterizing the invention of Gustaf de Laval: “It is enough to imagine the loads that the impeller experienced to understand how difficult it was for the inventor to achieve stable operation of the turbine. At huge turbine wheel speeds, even a slight shift in the center of gravity caused severe vibration and overload of the bearings." [unofficial translation]

Here, it turns out, what's the matter!

The highest level of technical culture is required for the manufacture of a turbine!

(Not to recall before night time, for some reason the “aviators’ case” ["Aviation case of 1946"] comes to mind with vague references to the predicted defects of aircraft engines and mass accidents ... However, how did it end? Somehow it dissipated ...).

Trying to avoid the slightest hint of latinization, Lenya posts a photo of a turbine on the Internet with the caption: “Turbines - it's a modern technologies !!!”

What if he manage to visit Sweden?... With a team of patriotic bloggers?...

August 13, 2022 22:23

Translation from Russian into English: August 13, 2022 23:07.
Владимир Владимирович Залесский “Лёня Бобров интересуется историей турбин. Рассказ”.

{ 3130. Лёня Бобров интересуется историей турбин. Рассказ.
MMMCI. Lenya Bobrov feels interest in the history of turbines. A story.

Vladimir Zalessky Internet-bibliotheca. Интернет-библиотека Владимира Залесского}
