The defeat of Putin s Russia

The defeat of Putin’s Russia is inevitable. Unprecedented sanctions against Russia and massive weaponry for Ukraine have become game changers, Putin is doomed to failure, there is no doubt about it. This is the issue of several months, maybe weeks, the final countdown has begun, the timer is on.

The big question now is simple as ever, just as the world we live in: What’s next? The World is on the verge of the global geopolitical and security transformations, new economic issues, the global energetic paradigm restructure, and one of the biggest challenges is what is the part which post-putin’s Russia is going to play in the new emerging world order?

The current policy of the United States and their allies is cutting off Russia from the civilization: deprivation of technological access, world banking, educational programmes, reduced access to medicine, information and the international justice system. Total emasculation and desexualisation. The «sealing off policy» which is turning Russia into a «plague barracks country», a «scorched earth» territory. This policy is absolutely unacceptable, stupid, short-sighted and has no long term future.

All we hear now is more ammo and more arms, tightening sanction bolts and nuts, reinforcing flanks and tugging doubters. What we don’t hear at all is what the Western world is going to do with Russia after? What is the «Day after» policy exactly? It seems that it’s high time for the West’s leaders to sit at the desks again and learn some history. Putin is called «Hitler of the 21st century», german nazism is a 20th century plague (comparing a possessed mad maniac and a complexed little prick is incorrect, though…) so let’s get back to world history which tends to repeat itself. About a hundred years ago Germany lost WWI, and it was exactly the same «sealing off» policy, the strategy of weakening and isolation implemented by the alliance of European countries, which forced destituted and stupefied Germans voted for nazis eventually. There is no need to remind the consequences of that. Twenty years later the same alliance led by the US was much more wise and consistent: Germany (FRG, the western part of the country, existed in 1949-1990) was denazified, demilitarized, financially supported according to Marshall plan and fully reintegrated into the Western world. What are the US and Europe going to expect in the near future by boarding up and stoppling Russia and unplugging it from the global civilization? Will Putin resign? Will he renounce the power? If he commits suicide like Hitler did in 1945? A military coup is going to happen? Maybe the great Russian revolution is under way which is demolishing Putin’s regime overnight? All these wishful scenarios are good enough for Hollywood blockbusters but the reality is way too different. Putin is too cowardly and pathetic to kill himself, his lousy camarilla has no guts to undertake anything, his inner circle is just a bunch of nonsensical morons and imbecils, there is no political opposition in Russia (all the leaders are abroad or imprisoned now) to get people to fight, as for people, they are so tired of crisisess, epidemics,lawlessness, inequity; debrained by the state propaganda machine, divided and disunited, that they have nothing but malice and vengeance. The real possible scenario is a riot. Revolution has leaders and goals, riot has rage and violence. What kind of forces are going to take power in this case is impossible to predict. New Russian fascists, national-communists, political charlatans whose aim is just to plunder and to sell out all the possible including nuclear weapons. Whoever it is, the territory which is still called the Russian Federation can plunge into chaos, devastation and a civil war for long years. Instead of a great victory celebration Ukraine and its allies, Baltic countries especially are going to face a flood of refugees which exceeds their population altogether.

Were Germans capable to rise in rebellion against "the fuhrer" in 1944-45? No. They were so exhausted by hardships and losses, poisoned by nazi propaganda, intimidated by nazi secret police so they just couldn’t fight. But they were capable to rise their country up from ruins despite all of that and they did. Germans were disarmed, up to half million people went through denazification and internment camps but they were liberated. All nazi institutions, all Hitler’s power base were completely destroyed: SS (special forces), Gestapo (security police), NSDAP (the ruling party), RVP (the ministry of mass-media and state propaganda), etc. In 1949 the first democratic elections were held, new democratic institutions were established, a new constitution entered into force. Economic aid from the US according to Marshall plan, a monetary reform, and a socially oriented economy provided the German economic miracle which transformed West Germany (FRG) into one of the most prosperous countries in the World within 10-15 years.

Defeat in Ukrainian war means a definite collapse of Putin’s regime, Putin will be assasinated, nobody will care how and by whom. The Russian Federation will be over. After that, a total economic breakdown is going to happen but the most feared and globally dangerous is a political lacuna. This is a country run by one person for more than 20 years, the country with no real constitution, political system and judiciary. The biggest country risks turning into a lawless territory which still has millions tons of arms and nuclear weapons.

After the defeat of Putin’s army in Ukraine, NATO forces must enter Russia to take control of the capital (Moscow), the largest cities (St Petersburg, Nizhny Novgorod, Kazan, Ekaterinburg etc.), crucial sea ports (Murmansk, Vladivostok, Kaliningrad), essential military bases and nuclear objects (missile bases, power plants, storage facilities). The participation of Ukrainian forces is undesirable to avoid violence, revenge and provocations. All Putin’s institutions both political and security ones have to be destroyed or cancelled: Ministry of defence, FSB (secret service and security police in one), Rosgvardiya (special military police, gendarmerie), United Russia (the ruling party), state propaganda (Channel One, Russia 24, Russia today) etc. Russia has to be demilitarized and denazified, possibly denuclearized. All persons involved in war crimes, repressions, human rights violations have to be detained and escorted to the International tribunal. All the others related to the regime (corruption, state propaganda, sentencing based on false accusations) have to be sentenced in accordance with the international law or the transitional constitution. All the political prisoners have to be released.The next step is establishing a new democratic political system and holding of elections under international supervision. Along with this, a new economic plan has to be put into action: lifting on sanctions, a partial unfreezing of assets, financial assistance to Russia according to a new «Marshall plan» which can be called Biden’s plan for example. All these measures are designed to provide sustainability of both political and economic systems. Russia has to be taken under external control for a period of one to three years.

Russia, Ukraine, Belarus, and Europe should live together in the same geopolitical, economic, and cultural community, no matter what it is going to be called: Euroasian Union, EuroRussian association, let’s call it «civilization» for a while. The vast majority of Russians are europeans, christians with the same values: wellbeing, prosperity, career success, healthy family, and peaceful sky above their heads. Russians are not «banderlogs», «orks», they are not «a negative selection material». All such kind of «nicknames» are a matter of serious concern and smell like nazism.

Russia must have a chance for civilization and will prove it in the near future.
