How could he? -Human Factor

I’m not trying to defend myself in that situation
What makes me bewildered that everybody involved asked only “How could you?” and nobody ever said “How could he?”, as if it’s OK and acceptable and nothing is special there. For me its stealing and killing at the same time, even if I did what I did


That is how
Working for many years with autistic children in non-professional position, being free from following certain methods and techniques, suggested by official System  I developed my own system, which could improve mental ability of disable kids, supported it by theoretical work of Soviet psychologists and wanted very much to use it with kids, organizing  self-learning stimulated and motivated environment, so parents could use it for their kids to reach independency, developing their ability at the same time.

I looked for any possibilities to fulfil that goal. Probably that needs made me to believe that real estate person was sincere in his desire to support me on my goal. Another reason is that getting into that space where I spend so many years things seems different-people are sincere and kind, trying to do their best
Carl Jung words “Any kind of addiction is bad-whether its for alcohol, drugs or idealism", explain that condition
I wanted to be at the place where I feel good. I do not like real life of normal mentality with its Lying, manipulations and so on. In Balkan words for the most part mean nothing. People just do not keep their words giving to others. it has its pluses and minuses

At the same time my previous experience where money, medication where business System rules things pushed me to that idealistic direction

Anyway when I saw a place I wanted to run away, but then Alvaro started his talk about  transforming  the place into something I dreamed about-a suitable place for work. He talked about different changes which could be done with help of  his contacts and for very little money and in my mind instead of old ugly place I already saw something beautiful and nice

Still prudence made me to ask Alvaro to find a specialist to inspect the condition of the house and asking him to see house the second time.

Here the great work of real estate agent and lawyer's skills was done on Alvaro’s part. He made a reason to rash me with payment, convincing me as a lawyer that everything which needs to be fixed would be fixed before. At the same time he worked on inspiring me more, introducing to special education people, who seemed thought as me and was ready to support my Projects for work. We met orphans home directors, school specialists. We discussed plans of working together, where Alvaro with his outstanding people's skills could be the boss (something I desperately need) we'd invite tourists with special needs, where I'd inspire parents to take kids well-being in their own hands. My mind was put in that direction and completely trusting Alvaro I signed contract in Albanian language,  believing to his words that everything is OK with the house, including the roof. Alvaro made it the way, so I'd not saw inside of the house for the second time.

Lawyers are good psychologists and Alvaro used his outstanding ability in fact making money by putting a person in dead situation. He knew that money I paid for that house was earned by years and years of hard work, taking care for disable kids. He knew that it was my only money and I was a pensioner. He knew that situation I got into is unsolvable in my condition-without knowing how things work, without language or people to help in a place, where the citizen call themselves an evil people.

Specialists found a place dangerous and harmless and not reparable. Alvaro as well as the owners-parents of 4 children knew that.
In fact they put me for quick death
I spent so much efforts telling Alvaro my sad working experience in the System  and why I wanted so much to do what I wanted to do. he showed so much empathy to the issue. And after the deal was over he changed his image as chameleon changes his color. That is why his actions for me is as blasphemy
Nobody else sees that nobody (except one person) ever asked a question I’d hope to hear
“How could he? ”
