1. My ironic passage about benefits

1. My ironic passage about benefits.

Scratching the heels suggests that benefits can be found even there.

What should be done about the hackers?
It is necessary to transfer them to other useful work.

How many hours do you need to sleep?
How many will fit until it gets out.

Is jogging in the fresh air useful?
If the air is fresh, then it is useful, for example, to run for a beer.

The madness of the braves is useful only outside the madhouse.

Enmity and friendship strengthen relations from different sides.

Gray hair makes blondes even more silvery.

Impotents are best able not to be distracted by trifles.

People started thinking about clothes not from shame but from a cold snap.

How to become a real man?
To beat oneself in the chest every day until the neighbors complain about the noise in the house.

Why did the world begin to change for the worse for us?
This is the best for the world.

Death always brings the basis for a new life, at least, making fertilizer.
