
Here, what I wrote to a son and doter of my friend who left Earth now:


Dear friend G2, we both decided to ask you, as a close friend of our father, what can we do in such a difficult circumstances, as you know.

Our father loved the See, Ocean, Rivers and every Summer travelled with you and some other friends to a big water.
He was PARTIALLY religious person, sometimes visiting church, but not really fallowing all ceremonies.
His God of Freedom was always in his heart.
Now, he is in Heaven and we must decide, what would he prefer: to be cremated and to be a part of the Big Water  of the Universe, or to have a spiritual ceremony in Church by the priest and put in a coffin and barried in the ground?”.
“I discussed with him few times about this subject and he expressed his wish to be cremated and ashes to be spread in the waters of the Universe”.

@ Germany doesn’t permit to have religious service above cremated ashes. I prefer to order coffin, to have a ceremony in Church and to have some tomb in a cemetery”.

“We have a conflict and we do not know how to resolve it!”.

2G, You have a very difficult situation and you do not have too much time, but you must to find a compromise in order to take an action.
As an alder brother, perhaps, you, being a Buddhist, understand, that action both of you take now, is only physical process with practical elements in it, but the spiritual will always be in your imagination.
Now, imagine, how you will remember today’s difficulties, twenty years from now!
If you will become a Amir’s “today@, bitterness will stay with you through all your life, but if you will compromise and stay as a dear friends, it will benefit you tremendously through all life. Time will heal if you smile and time can separate you as bitter people and what will you prefer?
What do you think I’m doing right now, as an artist, while I’m talking to both of you?
I’m stretching watercolor paper in order to paint on it.
Can you make a connection between this process and your problem?
It looks, like one, has nothing to do with the other!
But in UNIVERSE all is interconnected!!
I will make this paper wet and it will be wrinkled. After I will glue sides to a foundation, water evaporates and paper will be stretched and ready for painting on it.
This what “TIME” makes for all of us.
Planet Earth is full of friendly people as well as enemies or indifferent and ignorant people. You are brother and sister, even from different mothers, but you carry mutual blood from a father.
You have a choice now: to become enemies for life, to become ignorant for life, or to start loving each other and become great friends for life.
Time will help you in this case”.
Now, it is your choice.
Grigory Gurevich, copyright, August 30, 2022, Jersey City, USA.
