Official statement dated 01. 12. 2020, V. Y. Miron

IMPORTANT!I haven't received the permission from the author -Valentina Yurievna Mironova to post this translation yet, however, I had to post it here for now, so the author could also get the link from me to look through for further approval or disapproval.

Ayna Voznesenkskaya

OFFICIAL STATEMENT dated 01/12/2020, Valentina Yurievna Mironova

        Compiled on the basis of scientific observations of space artifacts.
Links are given at the bottom of the text.

        ON JANUARY 6, 2020, Norwegian scientists from the Polarlightcenter geophysical observatory noticed strange aurora activity over Norway, Finland and Iceland. They recorded a SUDDEN change in the currents of the earth and the magnetic field. Local media reported that 15 minutes before "this shock wave", a NASA space satellite reported how the density of the solar wind jumped more than 5 times, and the interplanetary magnetic field near the Earth REVOLVED 180 degrees SHARPLY. Scientists said that in the Earth's magnetic field a CRACK OPENED for many hours, through which the solar wind flowed to the earth.

        The reversal of the interplanetary magnetic field by 180 degrees and the formation of a local rupture in the polar ionosphere did not happen by itself.

 On JANUARY 7, 2020, it was recorded that the supermassive black hole M87 threw powerful jets (jets) towards the Earth. As a result of observations that were made by astronomers for four years with the help of the Chandra observatory, powerful jets emitted by a black hole EXACTLY IN THE DIRECTION of the Earth were discovered.

We are talking about the object M87 (in the center of the elliptical galaxy M87, the constellation Virgo), with a mass of about 6.5 billion times the mass of the Sun, at a distance of about 55 million light years from Earth. Its core is very active, generating powerful radiation of various frequencies, including gamma radiation.

        On March 18, 1771, French navy astronomer Charles Messier discovered this black hole and listed it as number 87 in his famous catalog of nebulae and star clusters published ten years later. Hence the name Messier 87 - or, for short, M87.

From the core of M87 comes a gigantic jet with a length of about five thousand light years. This jet contains several bunches whose optical radiation is strongly polarized. The emission color is blue, the emission spectrum does not contain lines.
This radiation was noticed in 1918 by Heber Curtis of the Lick Observatory, owned by the University of California. By the way, the term "jet" did not exist in those days, it was coined by American astronomers Walter Baade and Rudolph Minkowski in 1954. In general, this is by no means an ordinary inhabitant of the immediate vicinity of our Galaxy.

The ejection of gas from the core of the galaxy M 87 continues, as the nature of its spectrum shows, at the present time. In the spectrum of regions close to the center of the galaxy, there are shifted emission lines belonging mainly to IONIZED OXYGEN ATOMS.

        Radio emission comes from both the core of the galaxy and the extended region surrounding it, about a hundred thousand light-years in size. The M 87 galaxy is a powerful X-ray source.
By the way, the high-energy gamma radiation of M87 was discovered back in 1998. Gamma radiation has a high penetrating power.
It also turned out that M87 is a rotating black hole. The nature of M87 radiation is changing all the time.This was determined in April 2017.

        IMPORTANT - from the M87 source, particles with an energy exceeding the value of 10 to the 19th power of electron volts came to us. This energy is SO POWERFUL that the particles came to us WITHOUT deviations in the galactic magnetic fields, that is, in a STRAIGHT LINE.

Powerful gamma-ray bursts have a long-wavelength continuation - the so-called afterglow. Following the initial gamma-pulse, an X-ray flux with a typical length of several days follows ALWAYS. It goes into ultraviolet, then into visible light, into infrared radiation, and finally into radio waves, which are recorded for weeks and months.

Another important aspect of what happened. During those “many hours” when our planet was open to space, there was a forced reconnection of the magnetic lines of magnetic fields, of which there were at least two.
Earth's magnetic field and magnetic field M87.
For a while we became a tiny CONTINUATION of this cosmic giant, which included us in its magnetic field.

Reconnection of field lines is a fundamental physical process in plasma, responsible for all phenomena of plasma activity. There are two types of reconnection - forced and spontaneous. In our case, there was precisely a FORCED reconnection of the Earth's magnetic field lines, in which the magnetic configuration is rearranged under the influence of the plasma flow from the outside.

The participant of this cosmic action is the SUN, it also contributed to the surgical operation for the Earth. And it has been updated.
On December 21, 2019, a powerful magnetic explosion was recorded on the Sun
        Despite the fact that experts assumed the existence of such explosions 15 years ago, observation of one of them took place only at the end of 2019.

As a result of the eruption, the magnetic fields of the star were torn apart, and then connected again, which led to an unprecedented magnetic explosion. The ejection of matter occurred in the form of a prominence. Previously, researchers have observed a spontaneous reconnection of the solar magnetic lines of force, now they have seen a FORCED reconnection.
        The work was published in The Astrophysical Journal.




On DECEMBER 27, 2004, the magnetar SGR 1806-20 (which was also aimed at Earth) emitted an incredible amount of gamma radiation, and on December 26 of the same year, an M 9.0 + earthquake occurred in the Indian Ocean, as a result of which a tsunami formed and killed at least , 300,000 people. SGR 1806-20 is located at a distance of 50,000 light years from Earth, but if it were closer - at a distance of about 10 light years, then the outbreak would kill all life.

That is, the correlation of an earthquake and a gamma-ray burst is obvious.
And it has been obvious since 1983, when Dr. Paul LaViolette wrote a paper in which he called Gamma-ray bursts in near-Earth space THE MAIN MARKER of strong earthquakes.

On MAY 26, 2019, the correlation was confirmed again. So, on May 13, Hawaiian astronomers saw that the radiation of Sagittarius A * (the center of the Milky Way galaxy) increased 75 times - and on MAY 26 an earthquake M8.0 + occurred in Peru.

It should be immediately noted that Sagittarius A * is located at a huge distance of light years from us (like other sources), so it is incorrect to talk about it in the present tense. Now astronomers simply register the processes that took place there long before our days, but this does not change the essence of the matter: the wave continues to go.

By the way, Sagittarius A * continues to be aimed at the Earth, the radiation from it comes in an extremely narrow stream. The flow is on the order of a hundred-millionth of a degree across; in fact, the beam is directed directly at us.

The next confirmation of the impact force of cosmic gamma radiation was the earthquake on January 6-7, 2020. A series of shocks of magnitude 6.4 hit the island of Puerto Rico, which is east of the tourist Dominican Republic. The epicenter was in the ocean at a depth of 7-10 kilometers. A state of emergency was declared, and the National Guard was brought in to deal with the consequences. There are dead.


        We all - together with the planet - are a single whole. Of course, the event of cutting the polar ionosphere of the Earth has already entered our flesh and blood. I would like to know how and where all this will lead.

        If you think about it, then this whole picture turns out to be so verified, calculated and duplicated as much as possible that there is no doubt about the global scenario of the HIGHER MIND and Its Highest goal.

The transitional stage is a comprehensive and global cleansing of the former energy plan. This conclusion comes first. Because this PHENOMENON is infinitely multifaceted and involves absolutely all levels of being. Birkeland currents alone are worth something - the very reconnection of magnetic field lines, after which a new magnetic flow is established with all new properties and field gradients. Including in the human body (brain).

MUTAGENIC EFFECT OF GAMMA RADIATION - or a new mechanism of DNA mutation

        Under the influence of the flow of elementary particles coming from outer space, the molecular composition of DNA changes. The nucleotide forms a fast-living temporary compound, which plays the role of a dynamic resector (dissector). Under the influence of an elementary particle, a "microexplosion" of the pentarhythmic ring occurs.

A fast-living resector compound is a nucleotide with the sixth "H" (hydrogen) member attracted to the ring gap. With the introduction of new members, the DNA system loses its stability. But it does gain mobility. This state lasts an instant fraction of a second (femto-, atto-ranges and deeper). This is quite enough to remember the possibility of change and subsequent change.
The beginning of transmutation is always a loss of stability. The birth of 6, 7 component nucleotides marks the beginning of the process of mutations, where blood is a reflection of all mutations in the decompression of the matter of the human body.

Actually, this construction is already gaining volatility and losing density. The principle of interaction between a chemical substance and a physical elementary particle provides unique opportunities for obtaining a new type of substances. And as a result - the birth of a new biochemistry (evolution and development) of a person instead of the past biochemistry (mandatory cellular stress).

In fact, this is already happening - the appearance of the "nodular" type of DNA is an example of this; what used to be unknowingly called "junk" DNA.

        And then we can only speculate.

        The global impact of the PHENOMENON presupposes a corresponding large-scale action - energy. This means that the time has come for us to be witnesses and at the same time PARTICIPANTS of the further destruction of old energy matrices (thoughts, habits, patterns, egregors). Large and small, in a variety of options. In all manifestations - from the global plan to the personal, individual plan.

But one thing you can STOP DOUBTING - the old world ... no, it is not doomed ... THE OLD WORLD SIMPLY DOES NO LONGER EXISTS.

        Formally, of course, it exists for individual people, existing in their thoughts, assumptions, character and affections. Globally, the old world ceased to exist when the crack opened.
When it closed, the WORLD BECAME DIFFERENT.
        However, the first symptoms have already been recorded (unofficially, by asking friends and acquaintances of their friends) - problems with sleep in adults and children. For example, wanting to sleep and being unable to sleep. Sleeping pills help little or no help. Or fall asleep ("fall asleep") outside of school hours.
The restructuring of the body has its own nuances. We really began to live in ANOTHER world. The body adapts to new energy conditions, this is a fact.
What helps is an attentive and careful attitude towards oneself, without overloading. We can only accept this situation, resistance is useless.
        And energy balance.
        At least the minimum.

        AMBULANCE - how to fall asleep, a minimum of effort and handy tools.
The first method (from Dr. Neumyvakin) is to press a plastic bag tightly to your mouth and breathe (2 minutes is the extreme limit).

The second way is to find the point of the "third eye" on the forehead (in India, a colored circle is placed at this place). Pressing on this place (determined by painful pressure), at the same time take a deep breath three times.

        The methods can be combined.

        The third method is to hug your head with your palms (fingers "look" at the crown). The entire hairline is closed. Fingers can be clenched or spread apart.
You can only use one palm, no matter which one.

And what will happen next - wait and see ....
Links (might be of Russian portals,so bear in mind the language, and if not opens use Bear tunnel/other 'going around' ways)

"Cosmic rays of the highest energies"

"River of Gamma Rays from M87"

"Sun Gamma Rays Surprise Astronomers"

“Leap year 2020 started with miracles and earthquakes”
Environmental monitoring system

Global Coherence Initiative. live data
Here you can also see about the Schumann resonance, very visual photographs in real time, especially when instead of a color picture there is a black void.
