Fratricidal War And what is so much fun in it

This time, I’d like to put aside any of fictional stories and write something more like a review or an article. Once again, reality proves to be much more talented writer then anyone could ever try to be. Well, it’s been a long time since beginning of that war. War in Ukraine. And I feel a need to analyze it, to explain it, to do a forensic examination of it.

Well, with a cadaver on a table and with the gloves tight on, shall we start.

First things first. Any investigation should establish motives of a crime. And we should find a reasoning behind a scene. Why the heck did it happen? At first, we need to take a look at people minds. Here, we can see a couple of constructs, which are not that special for Russians or any other nation. More of that – it lays deep in the basic principles of life. Don’t you ever hear about interspecies fight for resources? I bet you’ve heard of it. And the more limited such resources are – the more prevalent and violent it will be. Humans here are not an exception. Due to SARS COVID-19 induced pandemic, many countries become low on its resources. So, there should be no surprise in a war as a result of it. But this is only one of the reasons; more of that – this is not the main one. But we’ll cross that bridge later. For now, we should establish that pandemic was as bad for Russian economic as you can imagine it should be for a country with highly inefficient management. Sufficient to say – people in Russia wasn’t living great before pandemic.

But this is from one hand, from another one – we have to understand that Putin knows well that his management can’t fix any of these issues inside his country. The only good trick he can pool off – to shift people’s attention from inner problems to outside world. He already done that before.

Additionally – there’s already a hot spot on a map after events of 2014. And the war is good medicine from depression and bad thoughts. I think, every nation should know it. If your leaders look for a war – you really should be against it. Once more – if a man has a bad feelings about other nation, their leader or anything like that – why should you die for that? If I don’t like my neighbor – won’t it be strange if I’ll you’ll give him a punch for me? Well, sure, hitman is always an option – but why in the world should you give me your money for me to hire him? And, nether less, this is what happens every time your leader declares a war. I assume that such decisions should be a matter of nationwide voting. Of course, I’m talking about offensive war.

Anyway, and here’s a catch, in case of Russian-Ukraine War, such voting might be in favor of war. And now we’ve come to the trickiest point of our journey.

In short, the main problem here is that Russian and Ukraine are two fraternal countries. Let me ask you, why a fratricidal war is so much fun that it’s hard to find a nation that never-ever did it? For the first glimpse – it should be quite the opposite. But history tells us that the most cruel and violent wars happened between fraternal countries.

And this indeed lays deep in a human nature – you can ask families with more then two kids. Brothers and sisters tend to confront during certain period of life. Nations are mostly the same. The more two of them are similar – the more one tries to separate from another. If they split into two different countries, rarely they have a tendency to love each other. Japan shares its roots with China. USA separated from UK. And more of that could be discovered through world history. And it requires a lot of efforts for a nation to overcome and pass its puberty and consequential violent tendencies towards its frater. None of these efforts were made by Russia. For Russians, Ukraine is nothing more than a rebellion state. What’s more – this state lives better. So, we have here a mix of envy and puberty aggression from middle-old aged Russians (the ones they call “Boomers”), who are carrying USSR legacy in a modern Russia which is coupled with Putin’s fear of too westerly-free Ukraine and with his tendency to distract people from inner issues with extraterritorial conquers. This is a truly nasty mix, that resulted in this horrible war.

So, now we have motive. We also know that this isn’t something new for Putin – it’s completely fit his modus operandi and deeply resonate with dark corners of Russian boomers’ souls, who deny such countries as Ukraine and Belorussia from the rights for emancipation and independence. But Russians are not that special – other nations had or still have such problems.

We can go even further and come up with some historical parallels – like an American War of Independence. From that point of view, formally announced in 1991 Ukrainian independence from USSR, changed nothing in minds of many Russians. Basically, this conflict was simply postponed for 31 years. And it should prove for these Russians that Ukraine has a right to be independent. If, of course, their leaders won’t prevent them from growing up.

But here we come to a certain duality in Russia reality. This is all about Russian people. Russian leaders, of course, have their own agenda, have their own tasks and motives. Here I can only come up with pinpointing similarity to Hitler’s invasion of Poland. Of course, Putin’s Russia is far cry from Hitler’s Germany in terms of war capabilities. But their intentions, their goals and their speeches are so similar that I even made a test with Putin and Hitler’s phrases mixed together – and a task to pin point who's each phrase is. Believe me – you won’t beat this riddle!

So, today we’ve covered up reasons, motives and acknowledged what makes tik this war. As always we can see that the most despicable events – are nothing more than a result of natural and inevitable processes, deeply embedded in a life itself.
