Indie rock and game dev - subcultural statements

Why are millions of people drawn to a mysterious world of mobile gaming?

The reason could lie outside the gaming industry.

It is based on reshaping our personal experiences and bringing us to the best moments of our lives.

Both indie music production and gaming thrive on knowing (or pretending to know)
the tiniest details about us.

This is how these aesthetic paradigms try to gain our trust.

For instance, you are 20 and your love has been rejected once again. Since you tend to be immature at this age (as a rule), you can do something else - and this usually includes  having fun or hanging out with friends.

What might they do?
They will probably do their best to reassure you of your attractiveness.
They might do it nonspecifically and in a tactful, abstract manner.

This might be a temporary remedy.

So this is nearly exactly how Android-based mobile games work.
They bring seemingly random people together and in this way new types of online communities are built.

You entrust an overseas mobile game developer with a tiny bit of your personal data and some of your time you spend testing,

But if you do enjoy the game you will either buy it or tell a friend it's worth purchasing.

It's only in about 5 to 17% percent you would choose to keep it up for more than 180 days.

If you've been doing a similar seemingly monotonous task for more than 500 days, this might turn you into a small town legend with a huge talent.

I've never made more habitual, spontaneous foes than while journaling.

I hope later on, after I have switched the topic, their attitude might change for better since creative writing is not the hardest thing in the world.

Accepting destuctive criticism might be worse.

Losing a teacher, an icon in the academic world is far more painful.

Losing temper is even more ruinous to people's life outcomes.

There's something, however,

I hope I will stay loyal to and keep on feeling.

This is my faith in progress.
