Безумный Альянс

Первоначально этот текст был опубликован в 2019 году. потом его удалили. Я снова отредактировала и ещё раз выложила его, добавив кое-какие новости...  Потом его сделали текстом-невидимкой. Либо он не открывается по ссылке, либо открывается, о не отображается в списке прочтений. Кто-то всё время на эту публикацию пишет жалобы. Посмотрим, как долго он продержится сейчас.
Эта книга была издана в Нью-Йорке в 1991. Она есть во всех крупных библиотеках мира, и только в нашей стране ни в одной библиотеке нет ни единого экземпляра.
 Хотя, казалось бы, это касается нас более всего. И вот здесь и сейчас тоже присутствует некая попытка скрыть даже этот укороченный текст,
он не показывается с списке прочтений.

Однако правду не скроешь надолго, в конце концов, она выйдет наружу.

Я уже писала об этом в 2006-2007 гг., попробую ещё раз пробить эту стену незнания и непонимания.

Причины Второй мировой войны так и не поняты, как и многое другое в нашей и мировой истории,  отсюда весь хаос современного мира.

Первыми жертвами фашизма (или одними из первых, наряду с коммунистами и нетрудоспособными) набирающего мощь при помощи всех мировых бизнесов, откуда деньги потекли буквально рекой, гитлеровского режима, стали отец фюрера - Исаак М. Гитлер и родной брат Адольфа - Мозес. Их убили в один день, каждого у входа в свой дом, конкретно спецслужбы, как только стало известно, что они являются близкими родственниками фюрера Адольфа Гитлера, у которого никто не спрашивал разрешения на подобные действия, что лишний раз доказывает, что первое лицо государства, в современном мире особенно, чаще всего - главный ритор, то есть его задача - убаюкивать или зажигать население, в зависимости от поставленных большими финансами и большим бизнесом глобальных задач... Болтуны в политике входят в моду, в помощь им - правильная картинка на ТВ. Война по телевизору становится рутиной. А что происходит на самом деле, понять простому человеку всё труднее, а значит, его стало ещё легче обманывать.

 Итак, никто не должен знать, что фюрер - еврей. Ещё не было массовых убийств и гонений на евреев, их просто (пока что) активно подталкивали к скорейшему отъезду из Германии, как неблагонадёжных, но ни одна страна Европы не дала согласия принять у себя в таком количестве депортированных из Германии евреев. А вот легенду о людях второго сорта и расизм придумали сами же евреи, для своих целей, для того, чтобы склонить общественное мнение на свою сторону, вызвать с себе сочувствие, сделать так, чтобы нелюбовь к евреям трансформировалась в жалость и сочувствие, а дальше уже можно будет и закон протащить с помощью своих лоббистов в различных парламентах мира - о неприкосновенности евреев как жертв геноцида и закрытости их от всякой критики. Такова была стратегия в еврейском вопросе, но сначала надо было избавиться от самых неблагонадежных - еврейской бедноты. НА оккупированной территории Беларуси евреи вообще могли получить свободу от преследования, если могли выплатить стоимость такого документа - 5 граммов золота высокой пробы.

Евреев повсеместно держали за неблагонадежных, склонных в острой ситуации к коллаборационизму с врагами. Это главная причина. Сделать так, чтобы евреи перестали быть крайними в любой острой ситуации, а всякий, кто решится на критику евреев по любому вопросу, подвергался наказанию - стало первоочередной задачей сразу после окончания второй мировой войны. Евреи всего мира получили из рук Сталина новое государство - но уже не на крайнем Западе Европы, или на Дальнем Востоке, а на Ближнем Востоке - как часть территории Палестины. Для этого было придумано немало псевдоисторических мифов, игра была рискованной, но  стоила свеч. Евреям предстояло сыграть важнейшую роль в будущем, когда с приходом новых технологий придёт также и время очередной политической модернизации устаревшего миропорядка.

Кроме того, завистливый и недружелюбный характер бывших тогда на виду персонажей из еврейской среды, привычка лицемерить и брюзжать по любому поводу, многих немецких граждан настраивали против таких соотечественников даже в мирное время, не говоря уже о военном времени.

Однако именно эти качества этнических евреев, которые спешно переобувались на ходу и открещивались от еврейства, принимая типичные для местных фамилии или даже крестясь в христианство (т.н. выкресты,)и пригодились в дальнейшем: именно из тех, кто был наиболее  склонен в коллаборационизму, и сформировалась мощная прослойка разрушителей старого мира в конце 20 века, которые сначала назывались демократами, а потом уже стали чистыми либералами в самом дурном смысле, то есть сторонниками жестких действий и противниками всяких свобод для тех, кто не разделял их взгляды.

 Они же на заказ разработали теорию "малых дел", с помощью которой можно было подтачивать любой режим, медленно и незаметно разрушая его изнутри и при этом работая на государственных постах, да ещё получая за это деньги от государства. Потом они стали официальной оппозицией на содержании у государства. Так незаметно шла подмена сущности, начавшаяся с подспудной подмены понятий.

Технология простая: главное, не пугать обывателя очередными переменами.

Начиналось со вбросов одиозной информации, после чего шла яростная критика этой информации, но постепенно накал её снижался, по мере того, как ухо обывателя привыкало к звучанию новых слов и понятий. После чего уже можно было начинать понемногу менять окрас этой информации и постепенно давать её уже в положительном контексте. И главное, уже можно практически  что-то делать в нужном направлении. ЛЮди в массе своей всё ещё верят в святость институтов  государства, а раз главный персонаж отрицательно отозвался о б этих иннновациях, значит им не бывать на нашей земле. Беспокоиться простым людям незачем. А когда  скрывать новшества, опасные для страны и народы будет уже невозможно, отменять их никто не станет. Проморгали, проспали, сами виноваты... Да и надоело уже спорить...

Именно так создавался поначалу ненавистный всем странам Европы Евросоюз, люди хотели в своей массе только экономического объедения, и только там, где это было всем выгодно. В три захода голосовалась конституция ЕС, в промежутках велась активная работа а недовольными в индивидуальном порядке. В конце концом, дожали, получив нужные цифры, или сфальсифицировав их, теперь уже никто не сможет проверить. В результате страны Европы лишились  своего суверенитета,  своей валюты и, в целом, стали беднее, в вот м\н корпорации, наоборот, укрупнились и усилились. В ЕС сегодня рвутся разве что "малыши", надеясь на выгоды, а вот сильные страны уже давно готовы на выход.

Однако вернёмся к евреям времен второй мировой войны, ибо именно тогда и там заваривалась сегодняшняя политическая каша.

В целом, это была мировая практика - депортировать неблагонадежных из страны; в больших странах их просто переселяли в глубинку.

Итак, массово убивать евреев никто не планировал, и это ни в коем случае не было задачей начавшейся в Европе войны. Как же так получилось, что цели войны и её практика поменялись по ходу дела? Или всё было не совсем так, как это пишут в современных книгах о второй мировой войне?

Но вот то, что произошло в Тремблинке (Польша) 3 июля 1941 года, стало переломным моментом в решении этого вопроса. С утра на одной из улиц этого маленького польского городка собралась небольшая группа евреев, челок 20-22, которые о чем-то возбужденно переговаривались, и было что обсуждать: евреев отовсюду побуждают к отъезду из страны, но куда бедному еврею податься, если весь запад уже захвачен гитлеровцами, а восток (СССР) тоже уже две недели как подвергается вторжению гитлеровских войск. Уже есть военнопленные оттуда, и в Тремблинке быстро заполняются заранее построенные для этой цели бараки.
И вот вдруг к этой толпе озабоченных евреев приближается отряд вооруженных бандеровцев и начинает ох окружать и теснить в плотную группу. Затем их принуждают строем отправиться в лагерь для военнопленных, якобы для того, чтобы провести в одном из бараков кошерную уборку. Евреи, видя, что сопротивление бесполезно, идут, делают уборку, а по окончании работ, вместо дороги домой, они под конвоем выводятся на улицу городка и там из силой принуждают взять в руки металлические бруски и лопаты и начать этим орудием убивать друг друга. Часть евреев под натиском охраны начинает это делать, а когда были убиты все безоружные, т.е. те, кто отказался брать орудие убийства в руки, им, этим убийцам, было приказано убивать друг друга - уже вооруженных - брусками и лопатами. И они послушно, под натиском бандеровцев. которые всё это время держат их на мушке, послушно и жестоко убивают друг друга. После того, как все евреи уже лежали на земли, кто мертвый, а кто тяжело раненый, умирающий, бандервцы эти тела разбросали по ближайшим улицам и там они лежали три дня. Было запрещено к ним прикасаться кому бы то ни было. Это был сигнал остальным евреям - уносите ноги да побыстрее, иначе с вами будет то же самое. И только один из группы, совсем юный мальчик, умудрился в общей свалке выжить - он притворился мертвым, а под покровом ночи уполз, весь истекающий кровью в укромное место и как-то добрался домой.
Потом он и рассказал все эти подробности.

Проблема заключалась в том, что ни сами немцы, ни бандеровцы, при всей своей брутальности, не очень хотели заниматься этой грязной работой - убийством безоружных людей. Если такое приходилось делать, потом, после подобных акций, немцы предавались дикому пьянству, чтобы снять  стресс, и выходили из строя на несколько дней. Поэтому они и искали способ избавляться от ненужных людей чужими руками. (В гестапо набирали уголовников, судимых за жестокие убийства, обычные немцы туда не шли на за какую зарплату.)  Практика показала, что люди разных этносов в подобной ситуации вели себя по-разному: если и находились желающие, ценой спасения своей жизни, убивать безоружных, то их было немного.

Но была одна категория людей, которые ни под какими пытками не соглашались это делать: это были советские военнопленные разных национальностей. Легко шли на коллаборационизм с фашистами евреи, почти 60% из случайно собранной группы евреев были готовы это делать. Только однажды один русский согласился пойти в такой отряд, но не успели фашисты отпраздновать свою духовную победу над русскими, как под его руководством в лагере уже был поднят бунт, точнее - целое восстание. Оно было подавлено. И всё же некоторым удалось бежать.

Почему именно евреи соглашались на эту грязную работу? Какова причина?
Это природа компромиссного характера, который сложился у еврейского этноса в ходе борьбы за выживание, пока они на протяжении нескольких веков кочевали по Европе - от Гибралтара, где была их древняя Родина, до востока (черты оседлости в  России) - ведь никому не нужны огромные толпы нищих беженцев, а организаций, оказывающих помощь потерпевшим в таких количествах, тогда ещё не было.

Никакого расизма, одна только история с географией.

Вот начало этой книги - "Альянс ради убийства".

(Источник - мой личный экземпляр, нашёл меня в Нью-Йорке сам - в 1997 году). Как говорится, на ловца и зверь бежит... В квартире, которую я снимала. )

In July 1919, the short-lived Ukrainian Nationalist regime which
had formed a government in the wake of the Russian Civil War
‘was forced out of Galizia and Western Ukraine and the territories
were incorporated into the newly reconstituted nation of Poland.
The following chronology of events are the concern of this book:

September 1, 1939.  Germany invades Poland from the West
September 17, 1939... The Soviet Union, in cooperation with
Germany, invades Poland from the East,
re-annexing Western Ukraine
July 22, 1941  Germany invades the Soviet Union
July 2, 1941 German troops enter Tarnopol

In Trembowla, Tarnopol Region:
October 5, 1942. The First “Action”
April 7, 1943 The Second “Action”
June 3-5, 1943 The Third “Action”
November 6, 1943 The Red Army reoccupies Kiev
March 22, 1944 The Red Army reoccupies Trembowla
July 27, 1944 The Red Army reoccupies Lvov
May 11, 1945 The final surrender of German forces to
the Allies

B. F. Sabrin

Alliance for Murder: The Nazi-Ukrainian Nationalist Partnership in Genocide
contains, among its eyewitness accounts, selections from the Tarnopol
Memorial Book and the Trembowla Memorial Book, both of which were
published many years ago in Israel.
‘The tragic stories recounted here are the survivor's own, and
nobody has a right to alter them. This rule has been faithfully observed
throughout, with the exception that some stories have been rendered
slightly abridged.
During my post-war visits to Tarnopol and Trembowla, Ukraine
SSR, I had a chance to meet some elderly Gentile residents, I was
astounded at how well they remembered the bloody events of the Nazi
occupation. Also, I was given documentary evidence that described
in detail the Holocaust tragedy in the area. Some of the material is
included in this book
Mr, Z. Turevich, a resident of the outskirts of Trembowla, was
able to describe with amazing accuracy the different Nazi “Actions”
committed against the Jewish residents. He mentioned the loaded train
transports to the Extermination Camp Belzec* (located between the
cities of Rawa Russka and Tomaszow Lubelski), the cold-blooded
murders and subsequent mass burials of the Jews in the mountain
village Plebanovka, another Trembowla outskirt. All this was done
with the help of the Ukrainian Nationalist Police. Mr. Turevich also
described the liquidation of the Jewish Ghetto in 1943. After the final
“Action,” the Nazis declared Trembowla Judenfrei, (free from Jews),
This important event was published in the Nazi newspaper.

According to Adolf David Hitler, a survivor of the Holocaust, a 1944 Allied International Commission investigated the Nazi
atrocities in the village Plebanovka, counting and photographing the
excavated bodies from the mass graves. The findings of this
investigation are preserved in the Soviet State Archives.
During my recent Tarnopol and Trembowla visits, I was given
Documentary evidence that described in detail the Holocaust tragedy
in the area. The material is included in this book.

Contributing Holocaust Survivors

Some of the Holocaust survivors in the U.S. agreed to contribute their
stories. The others did not respond to my request for various reasons,
be it their old age, or unwillingness to relive the bitter wartime
experience they suffered during the Nazi era.
‘The following remarks about the contents of this book are not
intended to offend any contributing Holocaust survivor. I do
remember most of the survivors (and victims), and realize that some
are no longer alive. In any event, all have my full respect for making
their contribution to keep alive the memory of those who perished
during the reign of the bloody fascist “New Order” in Nazi-occupied
Only a broader view of events can give us a clear, objective
picture. This precisely explains the reason for the diversity of voices
and opinions presented in this book. If a reader finds an event
described differently by different authors, itis because this book stands
behind the memories of the actual participants in the events, and not
the generalizations later bestowed by observers who were farther
removed. What is truly remarkable is the consistency of the accounts
in imparting the horrors that are also documented facts.

‘The tragic events in Western Ukraine during the Nazi era are
little known to the American and Canadian public. To blame the
German Nazis for everything that happened there, and leave out the
Nazi henchmen and collaborators of all shades, would be a distortion
of historical truth, It would be a disservice to the memory of the victims
of Nazism and Fascism.
‘A more complete picture of events in Nazi-occupied Ukraine (and
the Baltic states) during World War II will be a job for future
historians. Microfilmed archival documentary evidence is already
available in the United States. Let’s hope it will see daylight in the
early 1990s. The time is long overdue.

B. F. Sabrin

‘The bloody collaboration between German Fascists and Ukrainian
Nationalists in the Nazi-occupied territories during World War II was
‘on an unbelievably wide scale. In every city, every town, and every
village under Nazi rule in the Ukraine, Ukrainian Nationalist civil
administrations, police, and committees coexisted side by side with
the German Nazis. Theirs was not a collaboration at gunpoint, with
one side bruised and suffering under the other's iron heel, but rather
a partnership, in which the Ukrainian Nationalists saw in the Nazis
the means to achieve their own ends.

As is now well known due to recent trials in the United States
and Israel, many Ukrainian Nationalists served as guards in slave
labor camps, extermination camps, and Jewish Ghettos. Tens of
thousands of Ukrainian Nationalists also served as Hiwvis (helpers)
in the Nazi army, while others accepted arms and fought alongside
the Nazis in numerous special action and anti-partisan battalions, as,
well as in the larger formation, SS Division Galicia.

Ins short and murderous history, the Third Reich did not enjoy
the advantage of more devoted hirelings and henchmen than it found
within the Nationalist movement in the Ukraine.

History of Ukrainian Nationalism

In view of the fact that almost all survivor stories in this book mention
the role in the Nazi Holocaust tragedy played by Ukrainian Nation-
alism, it is appropriate first to explain this movement's brief and
inglorious history.
‘One of the most extremist Ukrainian Nationalist organizations
which emerged after World War I was the “Ukrainian Military
Organization” (UVO), headed by Yevhen Konovalets. It was created in September 1920 and had its headquarters in Berlin, Germany.

‘The UVO had its branches in Western Ukraine, then under
Polish rule, with the city of Lvov its territorial center. During the
1930's, the UVO was remodeled and changed to the “Organization
of Ukrainian Nationalists” (QUN), headed by Yevhen Konovalets
and A. Melnyk (Konovalets was assassinated in 1938).

The OUN “patriots” had started to evolve their own model of
Fascism before Hitler came to power in Germany. In the “Resolution
of the First Congress of the OUN” (held in 1929, in Vienna, Austria),
we can read the following: “Only national dictatorship will be able
to preserve the internal strength of the Ukrainian Nation.”

Ukrainian Nationalist “patriots” served their Nazi masters long
before the outbreak of World War II. In the 1930's (and earlier), OUN
had close connections with the Nazi Abwehr (intelligence service) in
Berlin. Many members of UN were Nazi agents, involved in subver-
sion, espionage, sabotage, terrorism, and outright murder. In 1934,
the OUN assassinated Bronislav Pieracki, Poland's Interior Minister,
in Warsaw. (The OUN-UPA also boasted about the murder of Soviet
Marshal M. Vatutin and Polish General W. Swierczewski—after the
war.) Espionage information provided by the OUN network in the
Western Ukraine before World War II was utilized by the Third Reich
to its best advantage when it invaded the Soviet Union

In April 1941, the OUN held its second Congress in the city of
Cracow, which by then was already under Nazi occupation. One of
the Congresses’ resolutions concerned Jews: “.. In the USSR the Jews
are the most faithful supporters of the ruling Bolshevik regime.
‘The OUN combats the Jews.” Stepan Bandera, Yarostav Stetsko, and
other OUN members, took an active part in organizing this “Second
Great Congress” of the “Revolutionary OUN.”

Blinded by its pathological hatred of the Soviet rule of the
Ukraine, and infected with the racist virus, the OUN considered the
‘Third Reich as its natural ally, seeing in the Nazi “Drang nach Osten”
(Eastward Drive) its only hope of achieving an independent Ukraine.
(On the bloody path of treason and collaboration with German Nazism,
no crime was too small or too big for the OUN “freedom fighters,”
seizing what they viewed as their historical opportunity.

‘The Third Reich, among other sources, gave financial backing
to the OUN, which split into two camps in 1940: OUN-B (Bandera)
and OUN-M (Melnyk). They even killed each other in rivalry. On
August 30, 1941, two leaders of the Melnyk branch of the OUN were
shot in the back and killed. Their assassin was immediately killed by Ukrainian and German police, thus excluding the possibility of
learning his true motives. Considerable evidence exists, however, that
the Bandera group had ordered the assassinations.

‘On June 30, 1941, OUN-B proclaimed *Ukrainian Statehood”
in Lvov, with Yaroslav Stetsko declared the “Premier.” Stetsko was
the son of a priest and an ideologue of modern Ukrainian Nationalism,
an ardent believer in both “God and Ukraine.” In the Lvov Cathedral
of St. George (July 1, 1941), Metropolitan Andrey Sheptystsky, the
head of the Ukrainian Greek Catholic Church, gave his blessing: “We
recognize Yaroslav Stetsko as the Prime Minister of the State Gov-
ernment of the Ukraine. May God bless your deeds.”

In many ways, Ukrainian Nationalist murderers surpassed their
Nazi partners in perpetrating atrocities (Pogroms) against innocent
people. On Bandera’s order, thousands of Western Ukrainians,
suspected of affiliation with Soviet power, had been slaughtered. Both
groups, OUN-B and OUN-M, readied the so-called Pokhidni Hrupy
(expeditionary groups) trailing behind the Nazi invaders into the

Here is what Holocaust survivor Adolf David Hitler remembers:

«One day, before the Nazi army entered the town of Trembowla,
‘Tarnopol Region (Western Ukraine), on July 4, 1941, Ukrainian
‘Nationalists rounded up a group of around 20 Jews (secular and
religious) and ordered them to go to the “Koshery” (military
barracks), located outside the town, The reason for taking them
there was probably the desire of the Ukrainian Nationalists to
clean up the barracks before the Germans came in,
With the exception of one, the rounded-up Jews never
returned home. After they finished the job, they were brutally
massacred on the spot. Their cries could be heard miles away,
It was a real Pogrom. No Ukrainian Nationalist prisoners were
shot by the NKVD (Soviet Security Police) in the town's prison.
‘There was no excuse and no ‘outburst of anger’ by the local
population at that time. So why were innocent people massacred?
Simply because they were Jews. No excuse was needed.
Ukrainian Nationalists ran amok»

In testimony before the Nuremberg tribunal, German Lieutenant
Erwin Bingel describes how Ukrainian militiamen (QUN mem-
bers) participated in an action at the Vinnitsa airport in Western
Ukraine, The Jews of Vinnitsa had been assembled at the airport
and then:
“One row of Jews was ordered to move forward and was then
allocated to the different tables where they had to undress
completely and hand over everything that they wore and
carried. ...Then, having taken off all their clothes, they were made
to stand in line in front of the ditches, irrespective of their sex.
‘The commandos then marched in behind the line and began to
perform the inhuman acts..,With automatic pistols and 0.8
pistols these men mowed down the line...Even women carrying
children a fortnight to three weeks old, sucking at their breasts,
‘were not spared this horrible ordeal. Nor were mothers spared
the terrible sight of their children being gripped by their little legs
and put to death with one stroke of the pistol-butt or club,
thereafter to be thrown on the heap of human bodies in the ditch,
some of which were not quite dead."

In 1946 I had a chance to meet a group of Jews who had been
partisan fighters during the war. During the course of our conver-
sations, one of them described in vivid terms a revealing event: “We
fought the Nazis from the forests. One day our order was to eliminate
a German outpost. After the job was finished, we were surrounded
by a large group of enemies who pursued us without a stop. The only
road left to retreat was back to the forest. The bloody battle lasted
a few hours, until we started to run out of ammunition... .our losses
were very heavy. The enemy had the advantage in manpower and
ammunition. They continued to pursue us into the forest. Some of
‘our comrades managed to evade them, running faster than the rest

“When it started to get dark in the forest, some others crawled
‘on top of tall, thick trees. The enemy did not like to stay in the dark
forest. They left the area. When I came down from the tree, I started
to look for my brother. I found him dead. What could I do? I took
off his shoes, took a piece of his bread (partly soaked with blood),
gave him a last kiss on the forehead, and left the area, joining the
‘other comrades.”

Who were the enemies fighting against the partisans? Were they
German Nazis? I asked. “No,” was his clear answer. “They were
‘Ukrainian Nationalists.” This individual later emigrated to Israel with
a group of people.
‘Ukrainian Nationalists in Western Ukraine viewed the Nazi
invasion of the Soviet Union as a liberation, and welcomed the
creation of a “free” Ukraine within the Fascist “New Order” in Europe.
‘To them, partnership with German Fascism was their only means
of achieving Ukrainian statehood; what is also true, however,
is the enormous degree to which they shared with the Nazis murderous
intentions toward whoever stood in their way, including the innocent.
Thave a personal recollection of a broadcast, dating back to the
year 1941, which I have never found mentioned in any book, news-
Paper, or magazine, Despite this, I don’t think that I was the only
person who heard it.
The first day (June 22, 1941), or the first few days, after Nazi
Germany attacked the Soviet Union, I invited myself into the house
of my friend, Moynio Pfefferblith (a famous football player), who
resided in the town of Trembowla, Tarnopol Region. I had a reason
for doing so: My friend had a powerful SW-AM radio, on which one
could listen to the news about the war directly from Berlin in Nazi

During the visit I asked Moynio to tune in Berlin, It took a few
‘turns of the radio knob, and then the deafening sound of marching
music was blaring. The marching songs and cries of “Sieg Heil”
continued for 15 minutes or so, and then a brief pause followed. Right
thereafter, an announcement came: “Radio Berlin, here is Berlin. An
important speech will follow soon.”

We didn't have to wait long: *. . .Howoryt Beryn” in the Ukrainian
language). “Here is Berlin. Dear fellow Ukrainians, the long-awaited
hour of liberation of our Motherland from Moscow Bolshevism has
arrived. The dream of Ukrainian Independence will soon be realized.
‘With the help of the glorious invincible German Army, we will destroy
Bolshevism and reestablish a free Ukrainian State.” What followed
was a vicious tirade of slander and hatred against the Soviet Union,
an open call for subversion, sabotage, and terrorism in the rear of
the Red Army.
‘The tirade continued: “Greet the victorious German Army as
liberators of the Ukraine, friends of the Ukrainian people. Help to
destroy the hated enemy—Moscow, Russia. Hasten the day of our
final liberation.”
Despite the fast pace of the speech, I was able to understand its
content (in Ukrainian) very well. The entire speech lasted around
25 to 30 minutes. The speaker's radio time was limited. He concluded
his radio appeal with the following call to the Ukrainian people: ‘Smer;
Zydam, Smert Kommunistam, Smert Kommissaram.” Translated into plain
English, it reads: “Death to Jews, Death to Communists, Death to
‘Commissars.” Exactly in that sequence.

‘The open call to kill was made before the Holocaust started. It
‘came directly from Berlin, Germany, and was made by an important
 member of the Organization of Ukrainian Nationalists, which had
its headquarters in Berlin. OUN was, therefore, fully responsible,
along with the Nazis, for the open call to kill."

Death Battalions Before the Invasion of Russia

It is estimated that around 25,000 young Ukrainian Nationalists
escaped from Western Ukraine (under Soviet rule) to the Nazi-
occupied part of Poland after September 1939. It was from those
‘Ukrainians that the Nazis trained and formed the two notorious death
battalions—“Nachtigal” and “Roland.”
Both Ukrainian volunteer battalions participated, along with
German “Brandenburg” commando units, in the Pogroms of the early
stages of the Nazi invasion of the Soviet Union. The *Nachtigal” and
“Roland” death battalions committed bloody atrocities in Lvov,
‘Tarnopol, and other cities and towns in Western Ukraine, in which
thousands of Jews were massacred.
‘The two murder battalions were disbanded in 1942, and their
‘men were merged into the volunteer SS-102 Punitive Battalion, which
became known for its orgies and bestiality in its career behind the
actual fighting front.
On July 15, 1943, the local newspaper, Kremenctsky Visnik
(Kremenets Herald), in the Tarnopol region wrote with jubiliation:
Ukrainian Nationalists, are fighting the Jewish clique. Forthcoming
generations will be glad that the Jews were exterminated.”
During the middle of 1943, Banderite Armed Bands, known as
the UPA (Ukrainian Insurgent Army), were formed. Their main
activity was terrorism, violence, sabotage and suppression of Soviet
partisan activity in the rear areas.
Side by side with the German Wehrmacht, helping to “build a
better Europe,” was the Ukrainian Volunteer Division of the Waffen-
SS ‘Galizien” (14th SS Division), which numbered 12,000 to 15,000
men, This division was decimated by the Red Army during the battle
of Brody (July 1944) and, just before the collapse of the Third Reich
in April 1945, its beaten remnants were transformed into a new unit,
called the Ukrainian National Army (UNA).

*The name of the Ukrainian Nationalist speaker was mentioned, but 1 fail 0
remember it. Since my archival research of recent years I  have managed to narrow
the suspects, however, and there isa strong indication
that it was one of the following
OUN leading members: V. Kubiyovych, S, Lenkavsky (OUN Propaganda Depart-
ment), M. Lebed, or Y. Stetsko*

The opinion exists that, in comparison with the Eastern Ukraine,
the "Galicia District” (Western Ukraine) was somewhat more fortunate
in terms of people's suffering, because it was incorporated into Poland
under Nazi administration in what the Germans called the “General
In Ukraine: A Concise Encyclopedia, by Voldymyr Kubijovych,
Ukrainian Nationalist collaborator, we read: “. ..in the middle of
1943, Galicia (Western Ukraine) was the only relatively peaceful island
in the great expanse of Eastern Europe conquered by the Germans,
and the only place where conditions were close to normal.”
How “close to normal” and “peaceful” the Galicia district was
during the bloody Nazi occupation in 1943 has been well known for
some time, and will be elucidated in the chapters of this book. By
1943, the bloody, anti-Jewish Progroms were almost over, and the
‘mass pits, containing the murdered victims of multinational Fascism,
had already begun to be covered with green grass.

Partners Despite Disappointment

Despite the OUN’s initial disappointment with the broken German
promise of an independent Ukraine (Lvov, June 30, 1941), Ukrainian
Nationalists swallowed the bitter pill. The Soviet Union was proving
to be more than a match for Germany on the field of battle and the
‘Nazis’ attention had necessarily to focus on defeating the Red Army,
with post-war arrangments to be settled later.
Tt was not until after their defeat at Stalingrad, in early 1943,
that the Germans formed the Ukrainian-manned Galizien SS Division,
with the head of the Ukrainian Central Committee, V. Kubiyovych,
exhorting his countrymen to “destroy the Bolshevik monster.” As their
fortunes waned on the battlefield, in fact, the ties that bound the Nazis
with the Ukrainian Nationalist movement actually grew stronger. The
Ukrainians reasoned, “Now, the Germans will need us more than
ever.” It became in both sides' interest not to let their crimes and abuses
of power come to light. And both sides feared equally the retribution
of the Red Army.
‘The OUN leadership, however, was not blind to the turn of
events, and, like a chameleon, began to change its colors to adapt
to a changed environment should the need arise
In August 1943, the third OUN-B Congress (the Bandera faction)
modified the organization's platform. Nazi henchmen, agents and
collaborators, spies and terrorists, turned overnight into “freedom-
loving patriots,” fighting for “human rights and democracy.” In one
“Political Resolution” of the modified platform, it is stated in black
and white: “We are for the full right of national minorities to cultivate
their own national culture, . .” in a “free, independent Ukraine.” The
hope to achieve this aim (with the help of Nazi Germany) was
still alive.

During 1941-44, Ukrainian Nationalists helped the German
Nazis to exterminate Jews in the millions, and later they offered (the
dead Jews) the full right to “cultivate their National culture” in a Nazi-
rated Ukraine. In July 1944, the Ukrainian Nationalist “Supreme
Liberation Council” went even further in its verbal generosity to
“Guarantee citizenship rights to all national minorities in the Ukraine.”
In the resurrected Ukrainian state they were prepared to “guarantee
genuine rule of law” and “equality of all citizens before the law.”

During the Nazi occupation of the Ukraine, millions of Jews,
Russians, Poles, Ukrainians, and others found “equality” in the Nazi
extermination camps and slave-labor camps, as well as in the open
pits of unnamed forests. The Ukrainian Nationalist collaborators never
received the chance to govern independently or put into practice their
“ideals.” What remains today is the evidence of their partnership in

For the Record

After a brief struggle, the Nazi Army marched into Tarnopol,
SSR, on July 2, 1941. On Saturday, July 5, 1941, they
arrived in Trembowla, Tamnopol region. Some Jews and non-Jews
were killed the same day. The Ukrainian Nationalists (OUN) came
‘out from the underground even before the Nazis entered, killing
retreating Soviet soldiers, Jews and Polish citizens,
‘The first Nazi “Action” —the first mass round-up of Trembowla
Jews—took place on October 5, 1942. Hundreds of people were loaded
‘onto cattle cars and transported by train to the Extermination Camp

 *Belzec lies on the fine: Lublin, Zamoi;, Tomashow, Rawa-Russka, Lvov. It is
located 15 km. from Rawa-Russka in Poland, near the border of the Ukr SSR.
‘The construction of the camp started in the early part of 1942. The Jewish slave- labor brigade that built the camp was exterminated directly upon the camp's‘completion; subsequent death transports began to arrive in March 1942. Outside the gas chamber was a machine, with # motor running on gasoline. Through a pipe, the exhaust was pumped inside the chamber, It took around 20 minutes until the victims suffocated. A detailed description of the human tragedy in Extermination Camp Belzec can be found in the booklet: “Belzec,” by Rudolf Reder, Krakow, 1946. Its unfortunate that this small (65 pp.) booklet in Polish language has never been translated and published in English. — I Garter*

‘The second “Action” took place on April 7, 1943, The Jewish
people were forced to walk in their underwear (3-5 miles) to the village
of Plebanovka, where they were gunned down with machine guns.
‘The disabled, the young, the sick, and the old, all unable to walk,
‘were loaded onto horse-wagons (provided by local Gentiles on order)
and delivered to the execution place.
‘The third “Action” took place on June 3-5, 1943. The round-
up method was similar to that of the second “Action.” Most of the
‘Trembowla Jews (and nearby smaller localities) found their end in
the mass graves, high up in the village of Plebanovka. Some other
graves were found later behind the military barracks near the forest.
‘The Trembowla Jewish Ghetto was created in 1942, and
liquidated in 1943. It was located in the old part of the town, starting
from the military barracks (called Keplovka), and stretching all the way
to the Jewish Synagogues and the old bathhouse. The vietims were
squeezed into a long, narrow strip of the town. From the smaller towns
and the surrounding villages, the Jews were driven to the Trembowla
Ghetto. Most of them perished in Plebanovka and other places. Some
were betrayed by local scoundrels. There were cases where some
Gentiles agreed to hide Jews at the beginning of the occupation, and
then later murdered them, or handed them over to the Nazis, thus
inheriting the Jews’ possessions. Some Jews committed suicide, not
being able to take it any longer. Others gave themselves up to the
German or Ukrainian police.

The town of Trembowla was liberated by the Soviet Army on
March 22, 1944. At the time of the liberation, only a handful of Jews
(around two dozen) had managed to survive. From a small, vibrant
Jewish community (approximately 1,500-2,000), only a tiny remnant
remained alive. It is estimated that around 10 percent of the total
escaped in time to the Soviet Union, before the Nazis arrived.
Were there any Jews collaborating with German Nazis in
Trembowla? Sadly, there were some isolated cases.

Adolph David Hitler, a Holocaust survivor, relates the story of
a former student classmate of his named Rudolf, who went hunting
with some German Nazis to find hiding Jews.
Passing his own house, he pointed his finger to the camouflaged
hideout where his entire family was sheltered. After the frightened
group of unlucky people were forced to come out, the parents were
astounded to see their own son standing together with the Nazi
executioners outside, They took a sharp look into his eyes, not
believing what they saw. The Nazi officer noticed it, sensing some-
thing. “Who are these people?” he asked the Jewish student,

“They are my parents, my family,” he replied.
“If you could do this. . you'll join them,” said the Nazi officer,
concluding the brief conversation. The Jewish group was led away
to the nearby Nazi S.D. (Security Service). The entire family,
including the student, perished.
In Trembowla, only a handful of Jews collaborated briefly with
the Nazis, thinking that they'd save their own lives. In the end, they
‘wound up in the pits, together with all the other Jewish victims of
the time. From the very beginning of World War IT to its very end,
the Ukrainian Nationalists were a voluntary partner in crime with
German Fascism.
Without the close collaboration of the OUN, especially in the
‘occupied parts of the Ukraine, the Nazi killing machine could not
have succeeded in annihilating so many victims. The Ukrainian
Nationalist police were established in cities, towns and villages in the
Ukraine from the beginning of the Nazi occupation, The Ukrainian
Nationalist police were the last to leave the Nazi-occupied Ukrainian

German Plans for the Soviet Union

Had the Soviet Union lost the war against Nazi Germany, the Ukraine
would have become an enslaved colony. After the Jews and the
Gypsies, the Slav people were next in line to be enslaved and
‘The Nazi “General Plan East” outlined the gradual extermination
of tens of millions of Slavic people.
‘The first version of the “General Plan Ost” was prepared by SS
leaders before the invasion of the USSR, It provided the guideline
for colonization of the conquered lands to the east of Germany. This
plan envisaged the “eviction” (read: extermination) of 31 million people
in Poland and the western part of the Soviet Union within 30 years.

After the invasion, the Nazi leaders considered the first version
of the plan to be inadequate. An Imperial Ministry
for affairs of the occupied eastern regions,
headed by Alfred Rosenberg, was set up
Germany, The Nazi ministry found it necessary to “evict” 45-50
million people, because “it is not so much a matter of defeating the
center in Moscow, as of destroying the Russians (the
sub-human Slavs) as a nation.”

It is known that SS leaders, and their “specialists,” worked hard
on every detail of the “General Plan Ost” right till the end of 1943.
‘Their final conclusion was that in this future colony of the “Great
German World Reich” (stretching as far as the Urals) there should
be 80 percent “Germanization.” Therefore, a minimum of 120-140
million Slavic people were to be physically destroyed

In one of his speeches in 1936, the Nazi Fahrer, Adolf Hitler,
said: “If we had the corn-chamber of the Ukraine, what a paradise
the German Reich would be.” The Nazi drive for Lebensraun (living
space) in the East, never included the Ukrainian Nationalist (OUN-
UPA) grand illusions of an independent Ukraine.

Did Ukrainian Nationalist ideologues and “patriots” understand
the naked truth outlined clearly in Hitler's Mein Kampf in the 1920s?
Just as they had collaborated to enact a tragic fate upon the Jews of
the Ukraine, so too would they have fallen victim to an equally
murderous fate, had their fondest dreams been realized.

111e Potisit covenncent worked out a law according to which
all those residing for long periods of time in foreign countries, or whose
ties to the country were weak, would lose Polish citizenship, The law
was directed primarily against Jews residing temporarily in other
countries. ‘The Nazi government found this to be a good excuse to get rid
of Polish Jews residing in Germany. Despite the existing friendship
treaty with Poland, the relations between the two countries took a
turn for the worse. During the same year, 1938, the Nazi regime expelled tens of
thousands of Jews, and drove them to the Polish Frontier at Zbonszyn,
where a large refugee camp was established, supported and supervised
by the “Joint.” When the camp was closed down, a number of these
refugees were sent to Tarnopol. The public-spirited Jewish leaders of Tarnopol showed great compassion and did everything to help their
unfortunate brethren, who had arrived in complete destitution. A
special committee was created, of which the leading members were
Dr. Parnes, Dr. Nusbaum, Dr. Horowitz, Dr. Seret, and Mr
Exelbirt. The job wasn't an easy one, There was a problem with the
supply of food, clothing, and housing. Most refugees had neither
shelter nor personal documents to prove their Polish citizenship,
The swelling of the population figure caused a price increase of
many food products, rent, and other necessities. The Gentile people,
many of whom were infected in those years with anti:
showed their discontent with the “invasion of the uninvited guests.”
Even a certain segment of the local Jewish population started to lose
patience, especially as German Jews were revealed to consider their
Polish brethren as “culturally backward." The tension grew even more
when a story came out about a refugee who, wanting to cross the Soviet Border, was caught by the Polish Border police for alleged
espionage. Anti-Jewish elements used this episode to accuse Jewish
leaders of helping the Communists. However, this familiar trick did
not work. Such was the situation when World War IT started. Not long
after, a new wave of Jewish refugees started to arrive from the western
part of Poland —Bielsko-Biala, Katowice, Krakow —escaping eastward
from the Nazi onslaught. ‘The outbreak of World War II found Polish Jewry in a state of extreme anxiety. Tarnopol was again flooded with refugees, and the
Jewish community once again rushed to their rescue. Many refugees
‘were provided with living quarters. A special folks-kitchen was created,
supplying a warm meal for a small donation. In a few days, the
‘Tarnopol population almost doubled. The refugee flow continued from.
everywhere. High Polish Government Officials, former Ministers,
and Foreign Diplomats passed through Tarnopol, toward the
Rumanian Border. The tension grew constantly. The defeats of the
Polish Army on the front left no doubt as to the end of the Polish
Government. The fear about the future was on everybody's mind,

On September 17, 1939, the first Soviet tanks entered Tarnopol.
‘The town was spared from any destruction and war action. But who
knew what the New Order would bring. At the beginning of Soviet rule, various forms of social help, such as soup kitchens and handicraft cooperatives were quickly organized. But this was the “Swan Song” of Tarnopol Jewry. After a few days of chaos, a cooling-down came. A special Jewish refugee delegation went to the City Commander, Major Zhukov, to bring up the refugee problem. Major Zhukov declared that there was no place for such activity under Soviet law, and he further added that it was the Soviet Government and not some other agency that would provide jobs for its citizens. But he allowed the committee to continue its work until a civilian authority was established in the city. He also assured the Refugee Committee that food rationing would include the folks-kitchen. It was important to find work for the refugees. A start was made with organizing the shoemakers. It was a step in the right direction. City cobblers and other trades were next. After a short time, the small cobbler cooperative developed into a factory, which employed hundreds of people. The cooperative enjoyed the help also of the
“Joint.” After a comparatively short time, the cooperatives prospered and developed successfully. During a visit to Tarnopol, the head of the Ukrainian Cooperatives was not able to conceal his amazement.
With the creation of the cooperatives and the employment of the refugees, the role of the Elected Committee came to an end, The Jewish community leadership successfully fulfilled its mission, solving the difficult problem and overcoming many obstacles on the way.
‘The Soviet rule brought about a complete disappearance of all existing Jewish institutions and, with it, the liquidation of sources of livelihood for many others. The community was compelled to change its way of living, and at the same time, it was overwhelmed by new decrees.
‘The cruellest was the “Passportization” ordinance, Many Jews received passports which included Paragraph 17, prohibiting the right to live in large cities. By these means, masses of Jews were compelled to leave their homes and work. The real nightmare, however, was the exiling of Jews to Russia. Mass deportations took place in June 1940, when hundreds of refugees from western Poland who had escaped from the Nazis were deported to the eastern and northern USSR.
By the time the Soviet Army re-entered Tarnopol, in 1944, only 139 Jews remained alive. These had saved themselves by means of “Aryan” passports or by hiding with Gentiles. About 200 Jews had managed to escape to the Soviet Union before the Nazi onslaught. This pitiful number was all that remained from a community of 18,000 Jews who were living in Tarnopol when the Germans occupied the town.

Who were “blessed” with a non-Jewish look, traded them for Aryan papers and falsified documents. But only a small minority of the newly baked “Aryans” managed to save themselves. Whoever aroused suspicions because of his dialect or insufficient knowledge of the Christian tradition was handed over to the Gestapo.
The silence of World Jewry destroyed the last remaining hope and completely paralyzed their belief. The victims were standing on the brink of destruction, and the world did not react—nobody rushed to help the Jews.
‘On April 9, 1943, the Gestapo surrounded the Ghetto, pulling
out 1,000 men, who were later transferred to a camp. The younger
‘ones were selected and handed over to Rokita. The remaining were
driven through the Bridge of Blonie, toward the Petrikowe Brick
Factory, and brutally shot.

However, what happened during the massacre was unexpected.
‘The respected Professor Hirshberg got up and in sharp words
‘condemned Nazi barbarism, predicting their bitter end. The Germans
stood perplexed and silent.

‘The Mezbozer (Rabbi), behaved with great courage and dignity,
refusing to remain in the camp, while his family and co-religionists
were led to their death, Lev Pohl refused the Gestapo order to form
four people in a marching line, protesting against this degrading task.
The policeman, Katz, seeing his family being led to their death, tore
up his decorations and joined the marching group.

From the 9th to the 20th of July 1943, there was almost no pause
in hunting for victims. Not one family wanted to wait for death at
German hands; many committed suicide. Poison caps went up in price
sharply. The noose around the Jewish necks was tightening. All hope
of being saved disappeared. The Nazi attempt to find the hiding places
in bunkers continued at a feverish pace. Due to the great pain, some
Jewish scoundrels, in moments of weakness, revealed the hidden
‘entrances of underground bunkers. The Judenrat and the police lost
complete control over the situation, the result of which was a hastening
of their end, Next the Jews grabbed the only existing “life-saving”
belt—Rokita’s labor camp, from which they had wanted to escape
‘a few months before. They tried to get back inside.

‘The “lucky” inmates in Rokita's camp looked with fear at those
the Gestapo brought in from the outside. All of them were searching
for relatives among the newcomers. Some chose not to separate again and shared their fate together.
A strong sensation occurred when Engineer Winter, who worked in Rokita’s bakery, saw his wife and child being led to death. He joined
them, Rokita, who respected Winter's technical know-how and
organizational wanted to leave him in the Ghetto, but Winter
refused to accept Rokita’s offer and, together with his family, went
to the execution place

Not only humans were destroyed. On the orders of the Gestapo,
all Jewish documents, especially birth certificates, were brought to
‘Tarnopol and burned. ‘The Nazis not only wanted to destroy the Jews,
but also all their traces.

‘At the end of June, 1943, the news about the destruction at the
labor camp reached Tarnopol. The remaining Jews in the Ghetto
started to hide in the bunkers once more, some of which were con-
structed like real fortresses.

During the night of July 21, 1943, the Gestapo surrounded the
Ghetto and took out around 2,500 Jews. The remaining victims were
eliminated two weeks later. Thereafter, the Germans liquidated the
bunkers and hiding places they had not found before.

In some of the discovered bunkers, the Germans met with
resistance. On Baron Hirsch Street, the Nazis were attacked with
weapons and hand-grenades.

‘There are no details at hand about such heroic deeds because
no one survived. The resistance lasted a few days, according to our
information, and some Gestapo men were injured. The bakery
worker, Zelinger, took part in this uneven struggle.

‘Only a few individuals managed to escape, thanks to their
Christian friends who risked their lives. Some did it for money. Others
were guided by human conscience. It is in this way that the writer
of this memoir saved his life and the lives of his family.

‘A few Jewish doctors working in the hospitals joined the
Ukrainian partisan groups. Among the partisans were the Bandera
Bands. They were open anti-Semites, but there was a need for Jewish
doctors. However, when they thought that they could make it without
Jewish doctors, they liquidated them brutally, without any hesitation.
‘Many individuals and families who succeeded in hiding in the forests
were murdered by Nationalist Ukrainian and Polish partisans.

From a figure of 18,000 Jews residing in Tarnopol at the
beginning of the Nazi occupation, only 139 remained alive. This figure
was registered by the Tarnopol Jewish Committee in the months of
May-July 1944 (after the liberation of the city by the Soviet Army).
Around two hundred Jews, deported to the Soviet Union, or mobilized
in the Soviet Army, also survived. After the end of the war, a few Gestapo men who had served in Tarnopol fell into the hands of the Polish authorities. Among them  were the former commander of the Zaglembia Camp, Korof; the
referent of the “Action” in the Lvov region, Engels; and the referent
for Jewish affairs in the Tarnopol region, Rieman.

During the December 1948 trial against Rieman, some Jewish
survivors from Tarnopol testified; among them was Dr. Pohoriles.
Rieman threw back his terrible accusations: “You yourself collaborated
with the Gestapo.” All arrested Gestapo men were sentenced to
death—a small satisfaction for the survivors.
The Tarnopol Jewish community was destroyed in the most
inhuman, brutal way. A community that had produced people of
science and wisdom, devoted social servants, successful businessmen,
and skilled professionals ceased to exist. The fruits produced by
generations were transformed into a mountain of ruins.
Tris. tamenren act rar Eastern Poland's Jews failed to join the
general evacuation of Soviet citizens upon the outbreak of the
German-Russian War. I can recall that upon the German invasion
of our town a total of one hundred and fifty people voluntarily
retreated with the Soviets. This figure does not include people who
came to live in our town during the Soviet administration, which had
by then lasted for two years. I did not even know many of them at
all. The list of evacuees is, indeed, quite short, but it represents more
than 10% of the total pre-war Jewish population of the town. If the
same percentage of Jews would have fled other cities in the Soviet
Zone, another half a million Jews would have remained alive and been
with us here today.
I must emphasize that we are dealing with those local residents
who voluntarily fled, but not with draftees or refugees from the
German Zone. People who refused to receive Soviet passports and
declared that they wished to return to their former homes were picked
up by the Soviets, and suddenly transported to Siberia in 1940. Not
all of those exiled were able to endure the difficult conditions and the
harsh life they faced in their wanderings across Soviet Russia. Many
died there. I have stressed this fact in order to account for the refusal
of Jews to join the Soviets as the Nazi army advanced. This refusal
resulted in the destruction of a large part of Polish and Ukrainian Jewry.

The Soviets Enter Our Town

With the entry of the Soviet army into our town on September 17, 1939, relative calm ensued. We briefly thought that, safe from the German occupation, we were free people. The Ribbentrop-Molotov agreement had saved us; the war, at least for the time being, was far from us, We were made aware of this several days after the war broke out. On Tuesday, Trembowla’s market day, German planes attacked the town. They came in low and, firing machine guns, sowed
death among the population. Several people were killed in the
bombing. Panic set in. Whoever had relatives in a village left town
after this bombing. We, too, fled to our Aunt Sheyna, who lived in
Malow, a village close to our town, We spent several days there.

‘The night before the Soviets entered we heard incessant shooting.
‘We didn’t know what was happening. No one approached our aunt's
home despite the fact that the Ukrainian peasants knew that our whole
family and our Uncle Leib's family, and our aunt Chana were all
there, Tt was remarkable. We didn't sleep all night for we were
recognizant of the open anti-Semitism about us. The Gentiles had
business dealings with my father, who was a supplier and road builder.
‘Their conversations were quite frank

‘The village of Malow had a Ukrainian majority with a Polish
minority of about fifteen to twenty families, and this was to our good
fortune. The Ukrainians were settling accounts with the Poles in their
village. Their underground informed them that the Polish regime had
collapsed, and this night was their opportunity to wipe out Polish
citizens, particularly adult males. They went from house to house
searching for Poles, and they killed the men whom they found. Some
were shot and died immediately, and many others were mortally
‘wounded. Clearly, the Soviet authorities who arrived the next day
knew nothing about all this. So the killers moved about freely even
though everyone knew who they were. But with the Soviets, as we
shall see later, everything proceeds slowly.

‘Only a year later did the wounded, some of whom were ampu-
tees, come to claim compensation and rehabilitation. The truth finally
came to light, and the authorities learned of the events that had
occurred in the interim between Polish and Soviet rule. Poles came
forth to provide detailed accounts. Suddenly one night, all the suspects
were arrested, and a trial was staged. The Soviets were good at this.
‘The trial lasted several days, and I attended one session. It was held
in the hall of the Polish sports association, “Sokol,” rather than in the
courthouse. All the accused received severe punishments—
imprisonment and exile. This incident will help explain the fact that
Ukrainian Nationalists later collaborated with the Germans, who
promised them an independent Ukraine.

‘The destruction of the Jews was the responsibility of the ‘Germans. If the Ukrainian Nationalists acted on their own, they were
called to account on more than one occasion during the beginning
of German rule. At any rate, if the Ukrainian Nationalists had that
night suspected that the Germans would enter our district, they would
surely have slaughtered us as well. So we miraculously survived that
bloody affair. It was therefore understandable that the Jews welcomed
the arrival of the Soviets enthusiastically, although in the course of
time many were to be disappointed.

Changes Wrought by the Soviet Regime

When the Soviet army arrived initially, young leftist Jews came out
of hiding; those who had left Hashomer Hatzair and those who
belonged to the Communist underground movement which had been
banned in Poland. Some of them had been sentenced to imprisonment
with hard labor in Bereza Kartuzka, a Polish concentration camp.
‘Now they sprang into action. They enlisted in the Red Militia and
wanted to help the new regime set up an administration in the towns
and cities. Chaos reigned everywhere as attempts were made to
organize the government, And the soldiers and civilians who followed
in the wake of the new regime were eager to obtain commodities
available in the relative prosperity of independent Poland. Their
behavior pointed to the sorry state of the economy and to the shortage
of consumer goods in the Soviet Union.

In stores selling clothes, shoes, fabrics, watches, and jewelry,
everything in sight was snatched up without bargaining over prices.
‘This buying panic gave rise to numerous stories and jokes.

Store owners, who had stood idle in front of their stores in the
summer of 1939 and feared bankruptcy, were suddenly flooded with
buyers. (In Poland the peak of the business year occurred after the
harvest.) Now all the suppliers from western Poland were on the other
side of the new border or had fled eastward, abandoning their factories
in the process, and it was impossible to obtain new goods. The
merchants were indeed flooded with shiny new hundred-ruble notes
(this was the highest valued note issued by the Soviets). The authorities
declared the value of the ruble equivalent to that of the Polish zloty,
but the storeowners had no way to assess the purchasing power of
these rubles, which they got from their energetic customers. Before
the store owners managed to hide their goods, the hungry buyers
pounced on whatever they found. The stores were empty again, and
the store owners again were idle.
Rumors circulated that the old border with Soviet Russia had
been closed. Jews who were able to smuggle themselves out brought
back reports of dispossessed merchants, many of whom were in exile,
far from home, These rumors and the actions ensuing from the Soviet
takeover did not implant sympathy for the regime among Jews. The
lack of sympathy intensified after several businessmen were put in
jail. It is worth mentioning that Chaim, the son of Avranchi Briller,
‘was imprisoned. Only with great effort and much bribery was his
release obtained. I also remember the case of Moshe Landau, my
friend and the son of Lajkis the teacher, who brought several pairs
of socks and other items of haberdashery from Tarnopol. Apparently
someone informed on him, and he, too, was jailed. His entire family,
his father and sisters, for whom he was the sole provider, almost
starved to death. He disappeared without leaving a trace. Every time
think of him I suffer pangs of remorse. Who knows how the poor
fellow perished at the hands of the Soviets?
Understandably, these incidents did not enhance the Soviets’
prestige. There were many jokes about the exaggerations of Soviet
propaganda and the enormous gap between propaganda and reality
in Russia, Afterwards, Russian Jewish soldiers added their own
observations — at first no civilians were allowed to cross the former
Polish border into the new territories. In a word, this is what they
had to say: “Alas! We who looked to the West for salvation, must
now be the saviors of Jews and Judaism in the West. Everything is
topsy-turvy!” It seems to me that this quip reflected precisely the
achievements of Jewry between the Russian Revolution and the
outbreak of the Second World War, namely: minimal achievements
in all facets of life.
Meanwhile, despite the setbacks suffered by the Soviets in the
war with Finland that broke out several months after the occupation
(which displayed Soviet incompetence on the battlefield as well), they
slowly began to install their order in the Western Ukraine: the system,
in my opinion, had not been functioning well there, or for that matter
in their pre-war territories. This was particularly true with respect
to the collectivization of farming.
‘The imposition of their system was aimed primarily at the
residents of towns and cities who had, for the most part, been middle~
class merchants and independent artisans. Since private shops were
closed in our town too, government stores had to be opened, but they
contained no goods. The shelves were empty. Whenever an item did
arrive, it was snatched up before lines began to form. Of course, the lion's share of the arriving goods was divided up between the senior
staff and the suppliers. Some of the goods ended up on the black

So we, by force of circumstances, returned to the barter economy
that had flourished in the Middle Ages. ‘The farmers didn't want rubles
for their goods; the Russian currency had little purchasing power,
Government officials whose salary consisted solely of rubles were
forced to wait in line or to turn to the black market for essential
‘commodities. Artisans began to organize along cooperative lines, while
farmers with small holdings, who mostly lived in villages, retained,
for the time being, their previous status.

‘The authorities did not manage to bring about quick changes
in the status of farmers until the outbreak of the German-Russian
War. Only limited quantities of their crop had to be supplied to the
government at the official rate, The rest was available to them for
their own needs and for barter trade. Large landholders, retail
merchants, and people with capital were divested of their property
immediately and without compensation. Many of them managed to
sell most of their goods and moved to places where they could live
under assumed names.

After the outbreak of war, numerous refugees arrived from the
German side. They were for the most part Jews evicted by the
Germans from the new border area between the German and Russian
lines. Those who did not manage to adjust on their own, and simply
stayed wherever they were, received passports with special restrictions,
detailed in Paragraph 11, when the Soviets granted citizenship to all
residents of the conquered territories. Holders of passports with this
restrictive paragraph were unable to reside in regional capitals, and
faced other limitations on their movements. These people were
ineligible for government work, which they had been seeking because
it provided them with a means of concealing their former identity.

Another important characteristic of the period was the nature
of daily discussions. Under the pre-war Polish regime conversations
ranged over a variety of current issues: employment, the situation
of Eretz Yisrael (Palestine) and in Poland, anti-Semitism, and a host
of other material and spiritual interests. But under the hermetically
sealed Soviet regime everything was centered around the problems
of acquiring food, clothing, heating, and other necessities. One's life
style and even one’s manner of thinking changed radically. The Soviets
were intent on implementing the slogan they brought with them: "Kioye rabolayel, ot nye kushayet" (“Whoever doesn't work, doesn't eat”). This, along with all the other changes I mentioned, turned out to be the case:
‘The plight of those who could not work grew worse, economically
and socially. Many managed to survive by selling fabrics, skins, furs
and other things which had been put away during the supposedly good
times of the decrepit Polish regime. These items were largely worthless,
but during the Soviet period their value rose considerably. A trivial
item might be worth more than the average monthly wage of an office
worker, What is more, work became a test of one’s loyalty to the
regime. No matter that the average salary of most workers barely
sufficed to meet their food and clothing costs, while for several meters
of cloth one might receive more than twice the average monthly salary
of an office worker. A person not working before retirement age
aroused the suspicion of the secret police, the N.K.V.D., as it was
then known. He was considered a parasite, and an enemy of the people
(vrag naroda).

‘Once I witnessed an interesting incident. Gentile workers
received their salary and went (o a bar near their place of work. In
the course of several hours they managed to spend their entire salary.
After such heavy drinking came the inevitable fist fight. The bar
manager intervened and called the police to calm things down. The
police came, but they did not dig deeply into the background of the
participants in the brawl. They merely tried to restore order. They
didn't even ask for the names of those involved. That surprised me.
Treached the conclusion that almost everyone in Russia was under
surveillance. This, clearly, was not the only such case.

People were afraid to loiter without working. Members of the
pre-war communist organization came out of hiding in the initial stage
of Soviet rule and vied for important positions. But later, fearing for
their lives, they kept a low profile. Many of them were suspected of
being Trotskyites. The latter were taken away from their homes in
the middle of the night without leaving a trace. Their friends and
relatives were afraid to make inquiries about them lest they, too,
become vietims of police arrest, Such was the fate of Samuel Pohorilis,
an acquaintance of mine from the town of Yanow, near Trembowla.
His brothers, whom I met after the liberation in 1944, knew nothing
of his whereabouts, despite their having spent the entire war in Russia.
‘They were always in constant fear of meeting their brother's fate

For the two-year duration of the Soviet Rule, everyone looked
for work. Professionals had less to fear from the changes wrought by
the Soviets, and they, in fact, did suffer less. The truth of the matter
is: everyone could manage to find work, even those with Paragraph 11 in their passports, or people who changed their identities, or the
‘ones who moved from place to place and succeeded in infiltrating the
ranks of those refugees from the German side of the line who had
received passports without special paragraphs. Members of the pre-
war Polish health insurance plan encountered no difficulties. They
‘were not interrogated, and no inquiries were made abut their previous
employment. I, too, was one of the recipients of a good passport
because I had a membership card in the health plan, which I had
joined while working in a school in Gzortkow. The Hebrew and
Zionist orientation of the school did me no harm when I had to obt
my passport. During Soviet rule, I, as a Sabbath observer, didn't work
at all. Different was the fate of the refugees from the German
‘occupation zone who were unwilling to acquire Soviet citizenship and
passports. As I have previously mentioned, they were exiled one
Friday night in 1940 into the depths of Russia.

‘The number of Jews exiled in this way has been estimated at
three hundred thousand. These are the Polish refugees who came to
Israel or immigrated to other Jewish centers after the end of World
War II. The end result of their evacuation proved beneficial to them!
‘They were saved from destruction in the Holocaust. Although many
of them didn't survive the hardships of Russian exile, most did manage
to return after the war and to reach havens of rest. The Polish Jewish
immigration to Israel after the war consisted mainly of these people
because only a fortunate few escaped from the jaws of the Nazi

‘And finally I must deal with one critical truth: “The future, who
can foretell it2” No one was able to guess how the war would unfold.
‘After the entry of the Soviets, a person T knew well said, as they were
evicting him from his store and his livelihood, that he would prefer
to live under a German occupation, He got his wish, and his only
son was among the first victims killed, in an attack on an army
barracks during the 1941 invasion. Within months, my friend and
his wife was murdered by Ukrainian Nationalists
Acccorpinc to starisricat ara, there are around three million
Ukrainians on the North American continent. As a person who was
at one time close to the events of the Holocaust in the Ukraine, I was
naturally interested in learning more about the activity of Ukrainian
Nationalism in the U.S. and Canad:
‘The Ukrainian Nationalist community in both countries seems
to be a lively one. There is an array of many “patriotic” Nationalist
newspapers and periodicals in the Ukrainian language. There are also
4 few in English, while others contain a mixture of both languages
As before and during the war, Ukrainian Nationalist groups have
claimed the right to speak in the name of the Ukrainian people,
propounding a monopoly on patriotism and truth as related to the
aspirations of all Ukrainians. I think there can be no doubt, in view
of the documented crimes that have been committed in the name of
Ukrainian “Nationalism,” that theirs is a questionable claim,
The main Ukrainian Nationalist organizations are: UCCA—
"Ukrainian Congress Committee of America,” UACC —"Ukrainian
American Coordinating Council,” UCC—"Ukrainian Canadian
Committee,” and WCFU—"World Congress of Free Ukrainians.”
‘The old Bandera faction of the ‘Organization of Ukrainian
Nationalists’ OUN —maintains its world headquarters in Munich,
West Germany, and its U.S. headquarters in New York City
In the US., the National Tribune (published in New York) isthe
mouthpiece of the die-hard, Nationalist OUN “patriots with European
experience. Their counterpart in Canada, is called Homin Ukrainy,
or Ukrainian Echo. Both are weeklies. Other publications available are
‘America, Svoboda (Liberty), Ubrainian News, Ukrainian Voice, Ukrainian
Waly, Ukrapress, and Lemko Voice.

‘After the defeat of German Fascism in Europe, and the changed post-World War I situation, Ukrainian Nationalism transformed itself
into a movement of “freedom-loving” liberals and democrats, defending
human rights and liberties. On the first page of the above-mentioned
OUN weekly, National Tribune, one can read the slogan: “Freedom
for Individuals—Freedom for Nations.” Yesteryear’s Nazi allies have
become today’s Jeffersonian ideologues.
In my research work on the Holocaust, I was naturally interested
to find out how the Ukrainian Nationalist leadership in the U.S, and
Canada interprets the events in Nazi-occupied Ukraine almost five
decades later. What does Ukrainian Nationalism today have to say
about the subject? Here is a typical explanation:
“The enemy of my enemies. . .was considered our friend. Nazi
Germany was the enemy of Poland, and Soviet Russia. She was also
against the Bolsheviks and the Jews. . .England and France helped
Poland—our enemy. On the yellow-blue horizon, Germany was
viewed as the most likely country to go to war against Poland and
Russia, our hated enemies. War presented an opportunity to win
Ukrainian Independence. So it seemed to be a natural alliance, a good
opportunity, not to be missed...”

Why, one might ask, should Nazi Germany agree to give the
Ukrainians, the “subhuman” Slavs, an “Independent Ukraine?” To
this question, the Ukrainian Nationalists have a shrewd answer:
“For German recognition to establish an independent Ukraine,
the OUN, and the Ukrainian Nationalist Movement, would mobilize
Ukrainian support (in the liberated Ukraine) for the Nazi Wehrmacht
in case of war against Russia,” The Nazi blitz attack against Russia
generated high hopes in the Ukrainian Nationalist community.

‘The Nazi-Ukrainian Nationalist Alliance came into being and
proceeded to give birth to its bloody offspring, The Ukrainian
Nationalist “Nachtigal” and “Roland” battalions, under German
command, marched together with the Nazi army, “liberating” the
Ukraine, Other elements within the Ukrainian Nationalist movement
provided the Germans with energetic assistance in executing t
racial policies, all of this is documented history. Ukrainian Nation-
alism today, however, still persists in denying itself an accurate account
of its own background.

Ukraine and the Ukrainians

In his book Ukraine and Ukrainians, Dr. Iwan Qwechko, a “patriotic”
Ukrainian of European origin, concedes that the World War II alliance (U.S., England, and the U.S.S.R.) fought for the “noble”
cause of destroying the Fascist beast—the “Thousand Year Reich.”
But what were the enthusiastic expectations of the Ukrainian
Nationalist patriots on the eve of the war? Dr. Owechko provides his

‘There were three categories of Ukrainian Nationalists. The first
group was politically iliterate and didn't understand the true intentions
of the German “liberators.” The second, “less than knowledgeable”
group, met the Nazi invasion with high hopes that, with Germany's
assistance, an Independent Ukraine would be established.

‘The third, “literate” group, was fully aware of the nature of the
‘Nazi political state, they had read Adolf Hitler’s Mein Kampf. They
realized the Filhrer’s intention to colonize and enslave the Ukraine,
And they agreed with the Nazi attitude toward “impure” races, and
hheld the same view towards the disparate ethnic groups of their
homeland. If they could assist in ridding their beloved Ukraine of
its human blemishes, then surely it would become evident to the
Germans that the Ukrainians were worthy partners and allies for
future struggles. If one examines the pre-war history of the Ukrainian
Nationalist movement, it is apparent that its adherents did indeed
have much in common with the Nazi mentality.

The bloody anti-Jewish Pogroms during the Khmelnytsky era
(1648-1657) in the Ukraine are not forgotten. “Jewish merchants,”
Dr. Owechko explains, “were selling weapons to Ukraine's enemy,
the Poles... Profiteering adventures perpetrated by Jews. . led
occasionally to anti-Jewish Pogroms.”

‘The Petlura Nationalist Pogroms (1917-20), under the Yellow-
Blue flags with the Trident, continued the tradition of anti-Semitism
when some 200,000 Jews were bludgeoned to death by Ukrainian
Nationalists. From the testimony of Charles Jacobowitz, Secretary to the
Consulate in Kiev and a witness to Petlura's Pogroms in 1919)

In one of the rooms, a whole family, father, mother and a
little girl, were lying in a pool of blood, their bodies terribly
‘mutilated, their hands torn and cut away from the bodies by
sword cuts, the faces of those martyrs were covered with wounds.
Is it necessary to add that the poor little girl had been violated
before she was killed?”

After the Bolshevik Revolution in 1917, the hopes of all
nationalists within the Tsar's polyglot empire soared, and within the period of the Civil War against the White armies, the breakdown of
national order unleashed sentiments which until then had just barely
been suppressed. A participant in the struggle against the nationalist
gangs of Otaman Halaka in Chernihiv region in 1922 recollects:

“From Jewish homes, village cabins, cellars and barns one could
hear desperate shrieks and pitiful shouts for help. No one was
spared, neither the old nor young. Infants were smashed against
walls, mothers were raped and killed. Young girls were violated
and crippled. Communists were tortured with special gusto. This
picture shall never fade from the memory of those that saw it.”

Ukrainian Nationalists today who claim they were coerced, or,
in an even further stretch of the imagination, forced to cooperate with
the Nazis, against their better nature, must not only deny their
behavior in World War II, but also much of their pre-war history.
Still, with very few exceptions, the Ukrainian Nationalist
leadership (and their apologists) in the United States and Canada deny
Nazi-Ukrainian Nationalist collaboration in Western Ukraine during
the Nazi era, Documentary evidence of wrongdoing is explained away
as the invention of Soviet propaganda or the KGB. They are helped
by the fact that Jewish witnesses to the crimes are obviously not in
abundance, most of them having been hastily buried in mass graves,
and those who did survive are now becoming aged.
‘The leaders of the United States have contributed their share
toward enhancing the self-esteem of the Ukrainian Nationalists. In
the bimonthly magazine “ABN (Anti-Bolshevik Bloc of Nations)
Correspondence,” there is a picture of former Ukrainian Premier
(during the Nazi era) Yaroslav Stetsko, posing with (former) President
Ronald Reagan. When Stetsko died, on July 5, 1986, President
Reagan sent a saddened condolence to his widow, in which he
mentioned the “courageous struggle” the late Ukrainian Premier
waged for “human rights.” “Your cause is our cause, God bless you,”
Reagan wrote.

‘The same issue of the magazine features pictures of (then) Vice
President George Bush, and (then) United Nations Ambassador
Jeanne Kirkpatrick also posing obliviously with Stetsko.
Senator Alphonse D’Amato (D-NY) sent a particularly touching
condolence message to Stetsko’s widow, terming Stetsko a “towering
figure” and “patriot” who “cherished freedom.”
Did all those who shook hands with the Hon. Yaroslav Stetsko,
the former Premier of the Nazi-controlled puppet state of the Ukraine, realize the nature and extent of his wartime actions? Did they know
that the Ukrainian Nationalist movement he represented, and the Nazi
state that the western allies fought to destroy, were melded together
in a Fascist partnership?

Ukraine and the Ukrainian Nationalist “Patriots”

Every survivor of that evil time, whose story can still be told,
‘must continue to come forth with testimony to the true nature of what
transpired in the Ukraine during World War Il. If the leaders of the
“Free World” cannot see danger where it still exists, itis the survivors
who must continue to educate them.

“Ukrainian Nationalism must be prepared to employ every
means in the struggle . . . not excluding mass physical
extermination, even if millions of human beings, physical
entities, are its victims.”

‘Ukrainian newspaper, Meta,(!!!)
 April 17, 1932

(Обратите внимание: в конце 2021 года Фейсбук переименовал себя в МЕТА!!!
Случайное ли это совпадение?

И очень жаль, что власти РФ около года назад запретили гражданам России присутствовать в этом пространстве, якобы заботясь о психическом и моральном здоровье своих граждан. Однако всё вышло наоборот: после запрета русским пользователям оппонировать негодяям на этом важном Интернет-ресурсе, там возобладали исключительно комфортно именно «нацики», которые без всякой кнутики морочили голову всем остальным пользователям. Здравых же голосов русских пользователей и других граждан РФ, ещё не утративших свой рассудок, просто не стало слышно. Русским людям собственное правительство повелело молчать в тряпочку (пардон, в маску), мол наша официальная пропаганда сама скажет, что надо и как надо.
И проиграло, во всяком случае, этот раунд.

Общество, вынесенное за скобки, становится отрицательной силой (или отрицательным активом). Мы всё время слышим о каких-то либералах, мол, это и есть общество, оппозиция и свет в конце туннеля. Но само-то общество - где? парочка десятков официально одобренных представителей власти, толмачей, которые всё время призывают верить и слушаться главнокомандующего, это не есть само общество, это служащие при власти люди на очень неплохих зарплатах. Ничего плохого не хочу сказать о них, но не они формируют общественное мнение, хотя им очень бы хотелось этого. Полгода-год назад они топили за ковид, прививки от ковида, сейчас с тем же энтузиазмом топят за тактический ядерный взрыл.

Фашизм - это совсем даже не те, кто выступает за "семью, религию и бога", как считают либерал-демократы, а те, кто навязывает тоталитарный строй, продвигает диктатуру грубой силы и власть капитала, на фоне полного презрения к людям, не спешащим встать под их знамена.

Сейчас современный фашизм научился гибко принимать весьма толерантные формы, продвигает свои идеалы аккуратно, через прельщение, наивный человек не сразу сориентируется, с кем или чем он имеет дело. Так, незаметно на наших глазах из невзрачного, однако успешно введшего всех в заблуждение симпатяги, ловко бренчавшего на фортепиано своим детородным членом перед ликующей честной публикой, актёра Зеленского вдруг вылупился махровый бандюга и палач, который посылает толпами без всякой жалости несчастный украинский народ, его жалкие остатки, на убой.

Он уже получил гарантии от хозяев, которые его вооружают и которому они регулярно платят, спецзадание: максимально очистить благодатную землю Украины от населения. Богатые давно уехали - кто в Европу, кто в Москву, а ничтожная беднота осталась на своих хуторах, вот они-то и должны неизбежно быть посланы на передовую, быть там убитыми или ранеными, чтобы отдать последнее этому ненасытному кадавру: свои органы на трансплантацию.

С февраля 2022-го года трансплантологи всех ведущих клиник мира получили миллиарды денег прибыли - никогда ещё не было в их распоряжении такого количества молодой и здоровой свежатины. Именно потому так много воинов ВСУ числятся пропавшими без вести, ведь от них после расчленения тела разве что груда потрохов остаётся. Ведь кроме органов, с них даже кожу снимают, не говоря уже о костях, связках и сухожилиях. Тогда чему мы удивляемся? Общество прагматиков будет стоять за эту нелепую войну до последнего живого человека на планете.

Такая же история, хотя и мельче по масштабу, имела место во время войны между боснийцами и сербами. Боснийские торгаши нажили тогда себе миллиарды долларов, а обвинили в зверских убийствах, показывая захоронения останков изувеченных и растерзанных трупов боснийцев, Милошевича, то есть сербов, а это были останки жертв именно после изъятия у этих людей органов и разных частей тела.

Этого кошмара, который уже девятый год творится на Украине, могло бы и не быть, если бы вовремя последовали моему совету - ещё в 2008, а затем повторно в декабре 2013 года. Если в 2008 я предупреждала о назревающей уже много лет проблеме возрождения на Украине бандеровщины, то в 2013 году, когда начались митинги на Майдане, я сразу предложила радикальные меры - в виде проведения специальной операции спецслужбами РФ, по просьбе Януковича, который каждый свой шаг в ту пору согласовывал с Путиным, - в ходе которой в течение краткого времени, в несколько дней, если не получится сделать это в считанные часы,  следовало провести арест всех закоперщиков готовящегося на Украине государственного переворота. Тогда достаточно было арестовать всего 30-35 человек (Авакова, Турчинова и др.), и всё сразу бы стихло. Затем прямые выборы новой власти под контролем русских спецслужб. Но у крупного капитала свои задачи. А болтливые политики всё при кроют своими льстивыми речами.

Народ Украины в то время в большинстве своём был против союза с НАТО, почти все были за хорошие отношения с Россией, а многие выступали даже за воссоединение или за самые тесные контакты с Россией. В том числе, ставший потом костью поперёк горла Андрей Белецкий, открыто выступал за союз с русским патриотами в борьбе с коррупцией и засильем олигархов.

 (Майдан в целом в декабре 2013 начинался как массовый протест против коррупции и беспредела олигархов.)

 Однако уже в январе события на улице Грушницкого стали развиваться совсем по другому сценарию. Вскоре идеалы Майдана - "Долой коррупцию", "Долой олигархов! - были "за несвоевременностью" торопливо отброшены, Янукович прятался в Ростовое на конспиративной квартире, а большая часть Майдана, выступавшая за очищение общества от взяточников, разошлась по домам. Так в несколько дней рассеялся по селам и малым городам весь Правый сектор, который тут же сформировали заново, набрав туда уголовников, осужденных за особо тяжкие преступления, и он отныне стал называться нацистским оплотом, запрещенным в России, как террористическая организация, их, этих вчерашних бандюков, спешно снабдили специальной литературой и прочими нацистскими причиндалами, поименовали их наследниками Бандеры, и понеслось... Про коррупцию и олигархов быстро забыли, более того, эти самые олигархи (Порошенко, Коломойский и др. ) активно спонсировали начавшийся на быстро сатанеющей Украине анархический беспредел.

Так те, кто с самого начала стремился к очищению общества, были объявлены в результате этой подлой подмены, нацистами или неонацистами, бандеровцами, антисемитами и врагами русских. А в конце января - с начала февраля 2014 (как раз начались студенческие каникулы, из Москвы на Майдван прибыл либеральный десант - молодняк с рюкзачками и зажигательными лозунгами - "москаляку на гиляку"; этот нюанс быстро сориентировал весь Майдан на иные цели, разрушительная энергия потекла в другое русло - начался открытый бандитизм в отношении Беркута, разгорелась русофобия, до странного быстро подхваченная и размноженная в других городах и весях Украины. Проснулись спящие...

Однако слишком успешное наступление (весной и летом 2014) года силами народной милиции после проведения референдума за присоединение к России ДНР и ЛНР кого-то в Москве сильно испугало, их остановили приказом, Стрелков был возвращён в Москву, сдав Славянск бандеровцам, и дальнейшие события по воссоединяю с большой Родиной были заморожены - при полном  согласии Москвы и большом разочаровании всего народа России, лучшей его части.

И всё это после того, как в ЛНР и ДНР прошли референдумы за воссоединение с Россией, когда 98% проголосовали "за", и в чем им было отказано нашей властью. На Донбасс регулярно возили гуманитарную помощь, и не более того.
В итоге 8 лет жизни под обстрелами, русские люди, протянувшие руку навстречу своей большой Родине, были оставлены на милость всё более свирепеющей украинской власти, сформированной из бандитов, на деньги бандитов же от бизнеса, хоронили и хоронили ни в чем не повинных мирных жителей, убитых радетелями единой Украины.

Так длилось до конца сентября 2022, когда народ ДНР, ЛНР, а также Херсонской и Запорожской областей снова провели свои референдумы за воссоединение с Россией и на этот раз были приняты в состав РФ. Но не только обстрелы, а и захваты ВСУ Зеленского теперь уже российских территорий (Красный Лиман, ранее - Буча, ещё город Изюм) продолжаются, а в начале октября 2022 взмах лисьего хвоста сменился оскалом волчьей пасти - началась частичная мобилизация российских запасников.
Праздник воссоединения длился недолго - на завтра уже снова обстреливали Донецк и другие населенные пункты теперь уже российских территорий.

300 тысяч воинов запаса уже набрали - а на передовой по-прежнему не хватало броников, орудия в малочисленных русских отрядах старые, 40-х гг. и ничто не говорит о том, что здесь завтра будет победа... На фоне всего этого безумия коллективный Запад в лице НАТО наращивает в этих краях своё смертоносное присутствие. Зеленский, хозяин круглосуточно работающего конвейера смерти, обнаглевший и торгующийся, как завзятой торговец пушечным мясом, наращивает ряды ВСУ, укрепляя их иностранцами из профи. Ведь ему надо довоеваться до убийства последнего украинца. Потом на эти опустошенные территории придут другие люди, к Украине не имеющие никакого отношения. Земли уже давно распроданы иностранцам.

Так вот, последнее китайское предупреждение:
снова выдвигаю предложение о спецоперации по аресту (теперь уже Зеленского и всей его свиты из СБУ) - пока оно остаётся в силе. Арест силами спецслужб, а затем суд - народ Украины сам вынесет ему заслуженный приговор. Иначе нам придется воевать с НАТО на нашей уже - старой территории. И ведь корпорации свои армии не дадут, это уже давно частный сектор - армия и вся военная промы
Две России - государство как корпорация - и брошенный на произвол судьбы народ, изредка покармливаемый с руки кормчего, как атавизм прошлых формаций - столкнутся лбами. К тому идёт. Чем это кончится? Cкоро узнаем.
Активизировался криминал, много желающих влиться в ряды запаса или добровольцев. Надоело быть изгоем бедному грабителю и воришке, а то и мокрушнику?
А что, хороший вариант: герой войны, борющийся за русских, за восстановление справедливости, теперь может с оружием в руках, да ещё в военной форме и с медалью на груди, а то и с орденом, объединившись со товарищи, легально унижать и грабить гражданских людей.

Вспомним, как это было весной 2014 года на Украине, когда Порошенко, вслед за Турчиновым, вдохновленные призывом дамы с косой - "обнести Донбасс колючей проволокой и убивать русских из атомной бомбы", -  начал массированно бомбить и обстреливать Донбасс. Эти летучие бригады вооруженных людей никому не подчинялись, они творили самосуд, грабили и убивали людей под лозунгом -  в смысле "За дело Майдана" и разными его вариациями. Точно такие же банды вооружённых уголовников, которые в современной ситуации почуяли легкую возможность разжиться на этой странной войне, ничем не рискуя, но кое-что получая с гарантией, будут ещё долго терроризировать народ России, учреждая повсеместно террор и хаос. И чем дольше будет тянуться эта канитель, тем сильнее и глубже будет вязнуть коготок. А народная мудрость гласит: Коготок увяз, всей птичке пропасть.
Пропеть АМИНЬ будет некому.
Эта война должна поскорее завершиться - победой сил Света, и никаких проволочек не должно быть. Промедление ведет к новым и новым смертям русских людей. Эта медлительность выгодна врагам нашего народа - русских и украинцев, ибо это один народ. Безумию пора положить конец.
