Материалы Micheli

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 1/Marc Micheli, bourgeois de Gen;ve 1588-1669 (Parents : Horace Micheli, habitant de Gen;ve 1554-1626 & Barbara Perez 1557-1637)

2/1 Horace Micheli, bourgeois de Gen;ve 1633-1679
3/1 Jean George Micheli, bourgeois de Gen;ve 1634-
4/1Marc Micheli, bourgeois de Gen;ve 1639-1704 Married to Emeraude Perr;al 1654-1729
5/1 Benjamin Micheli, bourgeois de Gen;ve 1640-1693 Married to Philiberte de Launay 1662-1712
6/1 Anne-Marie Micheli 1644-1732 ?
7/1 Isaac Micheli 1644-1661
8/1 Barbe-Doroth;e Micheli 1645-1702

SARASIN (1904-1963)]. J Radiol Electrol Med Nucl. 1963 Nov;44:749-50. French.
PMID: 14094229.


   Naville, Gustave (1848
   Naville, Henri A. (1875   
   Naville, Jacques-Adrien  (1816
   Naville, Robert (1884

   Pictet, Benedict  (born May 30, 1655
   Turretin, Francis  (17 October 1623

Jean-Alphonse Turrettini (August 1671
Frederic Rilliet 15.7.1814
Albert Rilliet-de Candolle February 5, 1809
Louis Rilliet-de Constant 17.1.1794
Theodore Rilliet February 28, 1727
Robert-Guillaume Rilliet (1719
Jean-Horace Rilliet ( born April 30, 1908

Edmond Turretini 26.10.1874

Albert Pictet 4/29/1890


1.Marc Perez +  Ursule Lopes de Villanova
2/1 Barbara Perez + Horace Michaeli Фабрикант шелка
3/2 Louise Michaeli + Benedict Turrettini
4/3  Etienne Turrettini   
5/4 Fran;oise Turrettini + Robert Rilliet 1644-1728
6/5 Jean Fran;ois Rilliet]
7/6 Louise Rilliet
Jean Fran;ois Saladin
Emilie Saladin
Sophie Rigaud 1819-1876
Julie Naville 1842-1930
Edmond Boissier 1864-1952
Louise Micheli 1597-1676
Barbe Turrettini 1617-1711
Benedict Pictet 1655-1724



  Naville,  Gustave  10/17/1848 Geneva, 11/6/1929 Kilchberg (ZH), ref., from Geneva and Zurich. son of Jacques-Adrien (->). brother of Edouard (->). 1874 Charlotte Neher, daughter of Johann Georg. Brother-in-law of Oscar Neher. Schools in Geneva, 1867-70 studied mechanical engineering at the Federal Polytechnic in Zurich. 1873-1902 at Escher, Wyss & Cie. in Zurich: initially an engineer, from 1882 chairman of the board, 1889 delegate of the board of directors, from 1876 financially involved. 1887 co-founder of Switzerland. metallurgy Company, 1888 of Aluminum Industrie AG (later Alusuisse), 1888-1915 Vice President. of the board of directors, 1915-1929 chairman and from 1920 director general. 1892-1900 Board of Directors of Switzerland. credit institution. 1883-1928 co-founder and board member of the Swiss Association. Machine industrialist, 1905-1929 board member of the Swiss Employers' Association. Machine and metal industrialist, 1908-1921 co-founder and president of the Swiss Central Association. Employers' Organizations, 1907-12 Pres. of Switzerland. Engineers and Architects Association. 1891-1927 Member of the Federal School board, from 1898 vice-president. 1918 dr hc of the Swiss Federal Polytechnic. N. promoted the construction of steamships and turbines for river power plants at Escher Wyss and is one of the pioneers in the aluminum industry. He organized and represented the interests of technology and industry in numerous associations and committees. 1898 Colonel.

   Naville, Henri A. 24.6.1875 Z;rich, 8.7.1939 Kilchberg (ZH), reformiert, von Genf. Sohn des Gustave (->). Bruder des Robert (->). ;Martha von Muralt, Tochter des Wilhelm, Arztes. Ausbildung zum Maschineningenieur am Polytechnikum Z;rich, Studienaufenthalt in den USA. Ab 1900 bei Escher, Wyss & Cie. in Z;rich. 1904-1938 bei Brown Boveri & Cie. in Baden, zuerst als Ingenieur, dann als Prokurist und Direktionsmitglied, ab 1928 als Delegierter des Verwaltungsrats, 1934-1938 Pr;sident des Verwaltungsrats sowie Pr;sident des Vereins Schweizerischer    Maschinen-Industrieller.

   Naville, Jacques-Adrien  28.3.1816 Genf, 5.12.1880 Genf, ref., von Genf. Sohn des Jean-Edouard (->) und der Sophie Ad;la;de geb. Boissier. 1841 Sophie Rigaud, Tochter des Jean-Jacques Rigaud. Stud. der Geistes- und Naturwissenschaften sowie des Rechts an der Univ. Genf, 1838 Dr. iur. und Advokat. 1839 reiste N. nach Deutschland, Skandinavien und Russland, um die forstwirtschaftl. Probleme dieser L;nder zu studieren. 1843-45 war er Gemeindepr;s. von Les Eaux-Vives (heute Gem. Genf) und 1845 Staatsrat. Als seine polit. Karriere durch die radikale Revolution von 1846 beendet wurde, verliess er Genf, um die Forstgebiete seines Vaters in Lothringen zu verwalten. 1851 kehrte N. nach Genf zur;ck. Er blieb bis an sein Lebensende religi;sen und philanthrop. Vereinen zugewandt und unterst;tzte insbesondere die Soci;t; ;vang;lique von Genf sowie das ;uvre protestante espagnole.
   Naville, Robert  10.2.1884 Z;rich, 31.1.1970 Cham, ref., von Genf und Cham (Ehrenb;rger). Sohn des Gustave (->). Bruder des Henri A. (->). ;Emy Vogel, Tochter des Carl Vogel. Gymnasium in Z;rich, 1907 dipl. Masch.-Ing. am Eidg. Polytechnikum Z;rich, Weiterbildung zum Papieringenieur. 1912 ;bernahmen N. und sein Schwager Leo Bodmer von ihrem Schwiegervater die Papierfabrik Cham. 1912-61 Gesch;ftsleiter, 1912-64 Verwaltungsrat (1959-64 Pr;s.). Daneben Verwaltungsrat anderer Unternehmen, z.B. der Aluminiumindustrie AG, und Vorstandsmitglied versch. Wirtschaftsverb;nde, u.a. 1922-42 der schweiz. Handelskammer, 1931-34 des Vororts. 1915-42 freisinniger Zuger Kantonsrat (1921-22 sowie 1929-30 Pr;s.), 1920-22 Nationalrat. N. machte aus der kleinen Papierfabrik ein grosses und modernes Unternehmen. Sein patronales Arbeitgeberverst;ndnis kam in der Bezeichnung "Papieri-Vater" zum Ausdruck.

   Pictet, Albert  4/29/1890 Geneva, 3/24/1969  Geneva, ref., from Geneva. son of Paul (->). 1921 Marguerite-Marie Mallet, daughter of Henry, physician. In 1917 P. became a lawyer. From 1921 to 1960 he was General Secretary, then a member of the Board of Directors and finally President of the Geneva Chamber of Commerce, which he represented in the suburbs from 1931 to 1957. In 1928 he became a partner in Bank Pictet & Cie. 1942-47 P. sat as a Liberal in the Council of States. He opposed the free zones agreement and also opposed the federal law on Switzerland. Federal Railways from June 23, 1944. In addition to economic and financial reports, P. wrote a history of Bank Pictet in 1955.

  Pictet, Benedict  (born May 30, 1655 other date May 19, 1655 in Geneva ; † January 10, 1724 ibid) was a Genevan Protestant clergyman and university teacher
May 19, 1655 Geneva, January 10, 1724 Geneva, ref., from Geneva. Son of Andr;, Syndics, and Barbe Turrettini. 1680 Catherine Burlamacchi, daughter of Nicolas, merchant. 1671-74 P. studied theology in Geneva, 1676 in Leiden. In 1678 he received the ordination. In Geneva P. worked as a pastor from 1680 to 1724, as a professor of theology from 1686 to 1724 and also held the office of rector from 1690 to 1694 and 1712 to 1717. In 1709 he was also pastor of the Italian Church. The appointment to the Univ. In 1701 he refused to take over the vacant chair from Friedrich Spanheim. In 1687 and 1703 P. was director of the Bourse fran;aise of Geneva. In 1706 he headed the hospital and the city library. He was also a correspondent for the English Society for the Propagation of the Faith and Foreign Member of the Berlin Academy of Sciences (1714). P. represented an orthodox line with a cautious opening to the new Cartesian. philosophy, but also advocated the Formula Consensus. Among other things, he wrote the works "Th;ologie chr;tienne" (1702) and "Morale chr;tienne" (1693-96), which were reprinted and translated several times. Collections of sermons and devotional writings were also published. When P. was entrusted with liturgical reform, he also headed the commission to revise the Psalter. He wrote numerous song lyrics himself, especially those for the church year, some of which are still in the hymn books today.

   Pictet, Paul 1862 Genf, 10.5.1947 Ch;ne-Bougeries, ref., von Genf. Sohn des Ernest (->). Bruder von Am; Jules (->), Arnold (->), Guillaume (->) und Lucien (->). Neffe des Gustave (->). ;Pauline Hirschgartner, Tochter des Albert, Pfarrers. Stud. der Geisteswissenschaften und Rechte in Genf, 1889 Dr. iur. 1886-87 Attach; der Schweizer Gesandtschaft in Frankreich, 1887-93 Bundeshauskorrespondent des "Journal de Gen;ve", dann Generalsekr. der Schweizer Landesausstellung von 1896 in Genf, 1898 Gr;nder der Zeitung "La Suisse", bis 1903 deren Herausgeber. 1894-1902 und 1906-22 Gemeinderat (Legislative) von Genf, 1898-1901 und 1907-22 demokrat. Genfer Grossrat (1919-20 Pr;s.). Ab 1921 Pr;s. der Genfer Vereinigung zur Erhaltung der Freizonen und des Referendumskomitees gegen das franz.-schweiz. Abkommen von 1921.
   Rilliet, Frederic 15.7.1814 Geneva, 2.6.1861 Geneva, ref., from Geneva. Son of Albert-Louis, Councilor of State, and Albertine nee Pictet. brother of Albert (->), grandson of Marc-Auguste Pictet , great-grandson of Louis Necker , nephew of Louis (->). 1846 Am;lie Saladin, daughter of Auguste, landowner. 1833-34 medical student. in Paris, 1836 assistant doctor, 1840 Dr. medical R. worked at the La Piti; and Saint-Louis hospitals, then at the H;pital des Enfants malades, where he met Charles Ernest Barthez; with him he wrote the "Handbook of Children's Diseases" (1844, 3 vols., French 1843), which was awarded by the Academy of Sciences and the Academy of Medicine of Paris. In 1843 he returned to Geneva and was chief physician at the Geneva hospital from 1848-56. R. and 51 colleagues were fired for opposing the dismissal of Charles Condet, the chief physician at the Hospice des ali;n;s in Les Vernaies. Officer of the Legion of Honour.
  Rilliet,  Jean-Horace  ( born April 30, 1908 in Geneva , † October 24, 1980 in Rome ) was a Swiss Protestant clergyman and university teacher. Historian, theologian

   Rilliet,  Robert-Guillaume (1719-1806). Most of the R. who lived in Geneva, the cantons of Waadt and Aargau as well as in California and Canada at the beginning of the 21st century descended from him.

   Rilliet, Theodore  February 28, 1727 Geneva, April 21, 1783 Cologny, reformed, from Geneva. Son of Louis, member of the Council of Sixty, and Jeanne-Esther de Saussure. ;1 ) 1760 Lucr;ce-Ang;lique de Normandie, daughter of Jean-Antoine, member of the Council of Two Hundred (divorced in 1771), 2) 1773 Ursula von Planta , daughter of Flori, merchant in Genoa (1780 separation). Studied literature, philosophy and law at the Geneva Academy. 1751 lawyer. In 1775 Th;odore Rilliet was a member of the Council of Two Hundred. After the divorce process and his conviction for defamation of his wife and brother-in-law Friedrich von Planta , he was relieved of his office in 1780.
Lettres Sur l'Emprunt Et l'Imp t: Adress es Mr. (Classic Reprint)
French Edition | by Theodore Rilliet De Saussure | 14 October 2018

   Rilliet-de Candolle, Albert
February 5, 1809 Geneva, October 30, 1883 Bellevue, ref., of Geneva. Son of Albert-Louis Rilliet, Councilor of State, and Albertine nee Pictet. Brother of Fr;d;ric Rilliet (->), grandson of Marc-Auguste Pictet , great-grandson of Louis Necker , nephew of Louis Rilliet-de Constant (->). 1835 Am;lie de Candolle, daughter of Jacob-Michel, banker. 1828-32 theology study. in genf. 1844-46 Professor of literature at the Geneva Academy (deposed by the radicals). 1849 co-founder and until 1857 director of the Freie Gymnasium. R. published translations and exegesis of the New Testament. He collaborated on the edition of John Calvin's works and wrote for various conservative newspapers and magazines ("Le F;d;ral", "Biblioth;que universale" and "Journal de Gen;ve"). But his main interest was history. He edited various source texts and wrote treatises on them, in particular on Calvin's first stay in Geneva and the trial of Michel Servet.
   Rilliet-de Constant,  Louis  17.1.1794 Mont-sur-Rolle, 16.12.1856 Genf, ref., von Genf. Sohn des Horace-B;n;dict Rilliet, Anwalts, und der Jeanne-Marie Necker. Enkel des Louis Necker. 1819 Anne-Rosalie de Constant, Tochter des Charles Constant (de Rebecque). Gymnasium in Genf, Milit;rakad. in Saint-Germain-en-Laye (Ile-de-France). R. nahm als Unterleutnant der kaiserl. Armee an den Feldz;ge in Deutschland und Frankreich teil. 1815-23 stand er in franz. Diensten. 1829 war er h;herer Offizier in der Genfer Miliz und Mitglied des Milit;rrats. 1840 geh;rte R., der 1837 zum eidg. Obersten aufstieg, dem Kriegsrat an, befehligte die 1. Division gegen die Sonderbundstruppen und nahm die Kapitulation des Wallis entgegen. 1850-56 war er Inspektor der Kavallerie. Ab 1821 geh;rte er dem Repr;sentierenden Rat an, war 1841 Mitglied der Reformbewegung Association du Trois Mars und 1841 des Verfassungsrats, 1842-46 sowie 1852 radikaler Genfer Grossrat, 1846 Mitglied der provisor. Regierung und 1847-48 Staatsrat. 1836, 1837 und 1847 wirkte er als Tagsatzungsgesandter. R. verfasste zahlreiche Schriften, u.a. ;ber die Feldz;ge, an denen er teilgenommen hatte. D;coration du Lys, 1814 Ritter und 1841 Offizier der Ehrenlegion.

   Turretini Edmond  26.10.1874 Pregny-Chamb;sy, 14.8.1951 Voiron (Rh;ne-Alpes), ref., from Geneva. son of Theodore (->). ;Marguerite Gertrude Naville, daughter of Gustave Naville . Brother-in-law of Henri A. Naville and Robert Naville. Engineering diploma at the Polytechnic Zurich. From 1916 member of the Geneva Chamber of Commerce and Industry (1921-28 President). Director of the Soci;t; genevoise d'instruments de physique. Board of directors of the Compagnie genevoise des tramways ;lectriques. Founding member of the Geneva Union de d;fense ;conomique (UDE). 1923-1926 Geneva Grand Council as representative of the UDE and 1934 of the National Union, 1926-1933 State Council (1926-1930 Justice and Police Department, 1930-1933 Building Department). Board member of the Bureau industriel suisse (from 1927 Switzerland. Center for Trade Promotion) and the Industrieabt. the commission romande de rationalization. Artillery Colonel.

   Turretin, Francis  (17 October 1623 – 28 September 1687; also known as Francois Turrettini) was a Genevan-Italian Reformed scholastic theologian.Son of Benedict . 1643-46 Studied theology at the Academy of Geneva and at the Univ. Leiden, Utrecht, Paris, Saumur, Montauban and Nimes. 1647 return to Geneva, 1648 ordination. 1648 pastor of the Italian, 1648-52 of the French ref. Community. 1653-87 professor of theology at the Geneva Academy, 1654-57 and 1668-70 rector. 1661-62 T. traveled in diplomat. Mission of the Republic of Geneva to the Netherlands and campaigned on various occasions for the Huguenots in France and the Waldensians in the Cottian Alps. He resolutely opposed the theology of Saumur and its advocates Moyse Amyraut and Louis Cappel. In 1675 he was one of the co-authors of the Formula Consensus. In addition to various collections of sermons and devotions, T. also published numerous theol. writings. His "Institutio theologiae elencticae" (1679-85) is considered a classic of the orthodox ref. Dogmatics. As tireless. Defender of the orthodoxy established at the Dordrecht synod, T. was the figurehead of Geneva church life for around three decades.

   Turrettini, Jean-Alphonse  (August 1671 – May 1737) was a theologian from the Republic of Geneva. 13.8.1671 Geneva, 1.5.1737 Geneva, ref., from Geneva. Son of Fran;ois (->). 1708 Julie Du Pan, daughter of Marc, First Syndic. From 1685 he studied literature, philosophy and theology in Geneva. During his academic Traveling years T. visited the Netherlands, England and France until December 1693. During these stays he learned a remarkable. number of scholars, theologians and pastors, including Jacques Basnage, Pierre Jurieu, Pierre Bayle, Jean Le Clerc, Gilbert Burnet, Isaac Newton, Nicolas Malebranche and Bernard de Fontenelle. After his ordination in 1694, he first worked as a pastor of the Italian Church in Geneva, then in the city. 1697-1737 he was professor of church history at the Geneva Academy, 1705-1737 professor of theology and 1701-11 rector. In the first quarter of the 18th century, T. was considered an outstanding personality in enlightened Protestantism. He was respected throughout Europe far beyond ecclesiastical circles and became a valued member of the Republic of Letters; his extensive correspondence of around 5,000 mostly unedited letters bears witness to this international reputation. Its activity developed mainly in three directions: in the drafting of a post-Orthodox, moderately rationalist. Theology including the natural theology, in promoting important reforms within the Geneva Church - such as the abolition of the Formula Consensus and the implementation of a new liturgy - and in working for a reunification of the various prot. denominations.

Journal of the Society for Army Historical Research , APRIL, 1924, Vol. 3, No.
12 (APRIL, 1924), pp. 74-77

No. 3.- "COLONEL JEAN PIERRE GALIFFE, C.B., 6oth Rifles.
 By Lieut.-Colonel Lewis Butler.
 This officer, born in 1767, was member of an old French f which during the seventeenth century migrated to Geneva. In he joined the Swiss regiment of Chateau Vieux in the serv France. On the deposition of the Monarchy and the massacre
 Swiss Guard in 1792 the Officers and Men of that they were absolved from their oaths  frontier  returned into Switzerland, where they defend  Geneva from  French.
 Galiffe entered the Dutch service, and joined the red Tinorman
 Hussars, but when two years later the French overran Holland he
 came over to England. After serving for a few months as a Subaltern
 in the 6th West India Regiment, he was transferred, in October, 1796,
 to the York Rangers, with the rank of Captain. This regiment,
 consisting of French Emigr;s and officered by members of the old Royal Army of France, was disbanded in the year following, when
 some of the Officers, of whom Galiffe was one, were transferred to the
 At the close of 1797, a 5th Battalion was added to the 60th,
 clothed in green and equipped as a Rifle Corps. To this Battalion Galiffe
 was appointed, and served therein until its disbandment in this Battalion Galiffe  was appointed, and served therein until its disbandment in 1818. He
 accompanied it in the expedition to Surinam (1804) and to Halifax, N.S.
fax, N.S. In 1808 he proceeded to the Peninsula with the  with the battalio the original units of the force under Sir Arthur Wellesle  Two
 years later he got his regimental majority.

 Major Galiffe was present at every action with .Wellington
 throughout the Peninsular campaigns. After Fuentes de Onoro,
 (5 May, 181 1), he had a remarkable piece of good fortune, for in con-
 junction with a party of Artillerymen, and accompanied by Rifleman
 Daniel Loochstadt1 (doubtless his servant), he was immediately
 despatched to inspect the three Rifle Companies in Beresford's Army
 Corps. Galiffe arrived at his destination just in time to take part in
 the battle of Albuera (16 May, 181 1). It happened, in consequence,
 that he was the only combatant Officer who received medal clasps both
 for Fuentes and Albuera.
 Major Galiffe was wounded at Talavera and Salamanca. From
 the beginning of the campaign of 1813 until the end of the war (1814)
 he commanded the 5th Battalion, and in March, 1814, was given the
 brevet rank of Lieutenant-Colonel. At the end of the war (1814) he
 took the remnant of the Riflemen back to Ireland.
 During the " Hundred Days " he was in Switzerland and was
 given command of a Swiss regiment, but whether it was engaged in active service does not appear. In 1825 he was appointed to the com- mand of the 2nd Battalion of the 60th, but retired six months later.
 He resided in Geneva until his death near the end of 1847. Relics of
 Galiffe are to be found in the Museum of that town ; but his diary most
 unfortunately has been lost

unfortunately has been lost.
 It is stated - and, although unauthenticated, the statement has
 every appearance of being correct - that 4 4 John Galiffe's brilliant
 conduct in command of the Light Troops of Picton's Fighting Third
 Division, called forth the applause of that distinguished general and
 the admiration of his brothers-in-arms."
 In Wellington's Supplementary Despatch, Vol. VIII, p. 369, he
 is mentioned in laudatory terms as leading the advance of the 3rd
 Division at the battle of the Nivelle.2 Galiffe also commanded the
 battalion at Vitoria, the Pyrenees, the Nive, Orthez and Toulouse.
 He received the C.B., Gold Cross (4 battles - Vitoria, Nivelle, Orthez,
 and Toulouse), but was awarded no gold clasp either for the Pyrenees
 or the Nive ; nor did he get one for Albuera, although the senior Rifle
 Officer present. He died without seeing the Silver Medal, given in
 1847, but Queen Victoria sent it with a kind letter to his widow. It
 had ii Clasps: i.e., for Roli;a, Vimieiro, Talavera, Bussaco, Fuentes
 de Onoro, Albuera, Ciudad Rodrigo, Badajoz, Salamanca, Pyrenees,
 and Nive.*****

 1 Loochstadt was one of two (Talbot of the 45th being the other) who ultimately received
 the General Service Medal with no less than 15 clasps.
Three Officers of the 60th (Sir J. F. FitzG Grenfell) have attained the rank of Field Marshal, and other dis-
 tinguished Generals who belonged to it are Lord Keane of Ghaznee,
 Sir Redvers Buller, and Hawley. But despite these illustrious names,
 the debt of deep gratitude due to the brilliant Swiss Officers - including
 Generals Bouquet, Sir Frederick Haldimand and Pr;vost with his
 two brothers who also served therein - should never be forgotten, and
 among the very best of them was Jean Pierre Galiff



