God bless Russian corruption

“God bless Russian corruption”
Or a story about a sin* that saved the world

This time, we’ll make this quick. Due to time shortages, we’ll have only a glance over this topic.
Well, bribery and corruption rarely pose as a good trait but under certain circumstances they could really save the world. An astonishing example of this we are happy to observe now, during Russian-Ukraine War.
But we are here not to discuss how Russian army failed. We are here to pray key features of modern Russian mentality for, I hope, saving world from a nuclear winter.
Additionally, I’d like to stress a fact, that my judgement could be significantly influenced by a hope that large scale nuclear conflict won’t happen this time at least. Mostly because, when it comes to the worst-case scenario - it won’t be safe even where I am now.
With this in mind, let’s begin, shall we?
The first thing, I’d like to mention is nothing more then just a simple fact. When it comes to Putin’s threats – up until now it was nothing more than foreshadowing of his actions. When he put it like a condition, usually it’s nothing more than a trick – for ex, even thou Ukraine won’t be attacking Donbass, such attack will eventually happen. And Ukraine will be the one to blame – at least if you are limited to Russian Mass Media (and possess an empty head).
What’ve changed? If anything at all. Well. I’d like to pin point large number of different conditions, threats and statements Russian politics made about World War III, nuclear war and striking some mysterious “control centers” located far from Kiev (and, presumably, in Washington DC) last months. I think we should be quite surprised HIMARS made no attack on Russian lands still. Especially when this war becomes nothing than a public disgrace for Russian Army.
Why in the world, has no one took an advantage to state that shameless and wicked West cheated on again – sold some long-range missiles to Ukraine? Such a great opportunity becomes totally overlooked… Neither for the first time nor the last, I dare to assume. Is this a sign of rationality we see here? Or it’s just a faint of heart?
Well, it’s hard for me to put the blame for rational thinking on a cornered Putin. So, I’d rather believe in the latter. Hence, all these statements are merely a dud. There’s more – such statements were made by Putin indirectly, through his subordinates. This all give us hope that this is a bluff.
But why? Why the heck, do they need to bluff now? When there’s nothing to lose. When a cold fist of inevitable failure grabs on Putin’s neck so tight he merely can breathe? Why not to send this world to kingdom come when everything’s going to hell? Isn’t it a last resort for such cases? The final redemption? Well… to escape from even more disgrace.
Let me explain. There’s one thing that was thriving in Russia for the last 20 years except for a bribery. It is a remarkable skill of fa;ade crafting. If you know what I mean. The fact is – no one and nowhere in Russia interested in doing things. From top to bottom. Everyone’s trying to fool their own boss more then do their work well. It’s so common trait – to create a visibility of work instead of working – that if someone does their job… they will become the worst enemy for their own colleagues. Because such person will become a real threat for everybody else. This brings such people to the brink of an extinction. And, probably, Putin understands that fact. Well, now at least. After several months of shame and humiliation.
More of that – even if Putin will decide to check condition of his nuclear arsenal with his own eyes… It will be his most na;ve and futile attempt. Why? Well – even if every single one (except for two or three) of nuclear warheads already sold to China and North Korea or just simply rusted and dusted – he will be shown every one of them in near perfect condition… Well, they will probably end up showing him the only last thousand times – but you can be sure – they’ll do it flawlessly. The fa;ade will be maintained… up until launch.
No, really, there could be plenty of them still in check… but… I doubt that this numbers will be anywhere near official count.
With this in mind, I’d like to hope that currently Putin is locked inside disarmed Russia with no real power, being able only to repress his own people. The King is naked and he rules nothing more then a bunch of mirages. 

 *“Sin” – a human caused event, usually in a form of an action, defined by a culture as “morally bad” or right through tort;
