La Marseillaise de la Rus

It’s the 21th of September, year 2022. I’d like to say that I never saw this coming. But it was more a hope, I guess. But… Honestly, it’s been a long time – I was kinda eager to see this happening. Of course, of course, it’s not very honorable wish of my own. It’s more of a ruthlessness on my hand. But – a grim pleasure… Is a pleasure too.
For now – it’s nothing really serious. Well – yes, a new law that forbids voluntary surrendering; that forbids rejecting going in action while on duty… The law just showed – how really bad situation in Russian Army is. Now it’s official – Russian soldiers are surrendering, going AWOL (absent without leave) and deserting in such numbers that this forced this law to come.
But this is just the tip of the iceberg. To see a whole picture, we must also take a look at what happens in LPR, DPR and other occupied territories. Almost simultaneous with this new law, another news came – they’re starting referendum to join Russia. Definitely, what we see here – it’s a futile struggle to quickly claim all territorial gains – like a gamble person who desperately tries to get his bet off the table while it’s not too late. It’s a fear in a face of Ukrainian offence – Russia is losing and wants to withdraw all gains until it’s too late. But – it’s definitely too late. All bets are done, and the wheel is spinning full ahead. LPR and DPR won’t stay for long under Russian control. This Putin’s prize which he’ll bring to his people – not a fair prize; it’s stolen – and its owner is coming for it.
That’s all? What’s a point – to grab such thing – just to lose it. Is this only in the name of this short spike of popularity?
I don’t think so. What we have now? Now – we have the law that defined some of war time laws as a common law and built a base for presumably upcoming Army Draft by hardening punishment for dodging it on one hand. On the other – we have new territories that inevitably will be reclaimed by Ukraine. Put this all together – and you will see what’s the plan. After occupied territories will be declared as a part of Russia, Ukrainian offence on them will lead to declaring defense war. Thus – it leads to mobilization and to escalation.
One of the reasons – why Putin goes from bad to worse – he’s in despair. Probably, this somewhat bears out my previous guess about Russia’s nuclear impotency – here we can see a shift in tactic – Putin’s last resort is to feed to this war with as many people as possible since nothing else left. His nuclear shield, his supersonic rockets… All this was a mirage. His last hope – a huge army of conscripted soldiers with no rights nor to surrender nor to refuse to join in action.
But is this a salvation? Or… well, over past months, Putin forcefully declined any possibility of mobilization. More of that – he’s not ready yet. He’s in doubts. And there’s a bunch of reasons for this humble position. Long story short – it could boost an end of his reign.
Well, then why in the world he’s doing that? As far as I know – it was a quite recent change of his mind alleged under influence of his pro-war surroundings. What does it mean? Maybe it’s his surroundings come with some secret plan – to get rid of Putin? And now they are pushing him to the end of a cliff?...
Why it’s totally plausible – we’ll investigate later.
