Underrated fluorite. 10 ways to use and profit

Why is fluorite so underrated?

It is one of the most enchanting stones, however you need to be aware of your gift and creativity before you've chosen to purchase and use it.

This is a stone which works best if you are quite sensitive and emotional by nature. Its components, if they are purchased from right people and charged in a proper manner, can do a lot for you if you also stay proactive.

I've recommended this stone to several thousand people when they told me they were creative and had a kind of a 'writing block' in music or literature.

The stone's energy is quite mild, and if you're a kinesthetic type, you might even feel a sort of a drowsiness while testing or wearing it.

For natural empaths and young people who are already socialized enough this stone might be an equivalent to an 'emotional pelengator'. If you work in any kind of a supportive profession and have to deal with people's emotional outbreaks, both negative and positive, this stone might help you identify manipulators and reject false claims.

From the point of view of right reasons and seasons for using this rare, mysterious and powerful stone:

1. Better to be used in a room or even in a warehouse.

2. In most cases it doesn't usually work properly when you face the crowd. Its energy is too mild for people who make long speeches since it might overwhelm you with emotions during an official event.

3. It's better for temporary than permanent use.

This stone might assist you if you frequent a shaman, a yoga trainer, a clarivoyant, a regression/RPT therapist or a channeller. First, of course, you need to find out if they are professional and seflless enough to be trusted.

4. For people who are fond of archives, history, reconstruction and  experimental theatre - this might be a solution for juniors and middle specialists who have to memorize a lot and have to deal with loopholes/inaccuracies/blank pages.

This is a stone which, if you deal with it correctly, might help you overcome and eliminate fear of blank pages.

5. For an HR field analyst/sociologist who creates or ogranizes polls - This is
an instrument which helps you spot workplace inconveniences and engage into a talk in a polite yet assertive manner.

6. Fluorite is priceless for designers, essayists, lyricists, short film directors and screenplay writers - the shades of several colours slowly merging one into another symbolize the dynamic nature of these professions.

7. For people who work in crafts - it might assist your workflow and client management, help you stay creative and think ahead of time as you seek new marketplaces and designs.

8. If you are stuck in a perpetual conflict yet you are generally a strong communicator, this stone could help you stand your ground and cut losses.

9. If you are drawn to people easily and tend to idealize them, this stone could help you be somewhat more critical towards their words and actions. If you are self-assured yet self-critical by nature, you may notice your awareness of your emotions and decisions could increase.

10. If you are to deal with sensitive information you have to bear in mind, this is a wise and fair solution, as these colours (green, light blue and violet altogether) might help you sunconsciously memorize huge 'factual blocks' and  improve your skills in negotiations, information storage and self-expression.

NB! This article is based on practical experience of specialists from several special interest groups who focus on esoterics and creativity. You are expected to turn to professionally acclaimed gem experts from museums or associations across Europe/the US/worldwide to receive further information about gemstone quality, availability and actual logistic chains.

P.S. Several books were used during the creation of this short essay, among which
works by Judy Hall, such as 'Crystals Made Easy', and 'Crystals for beginners' both in English and in translation, as well as several English articles brought in by the 'Prevention' magazine team in the mid-2000s.

©  Maryna Tchianova

Based on a field check with a 40+ volunteer reference group in 2012-2013. Please note you are expected  and encouraged to use proper linking if you wish to reprint or cite this article abroad.

#semi-precious stones
