The more you sweat in piece the less you bleed in

The more you sweat in piece the less you bleed in war

Well… This is a downside of living in different time zones – while it was already the 21th of September for me, it was still the 20th of September for Moscow.
I was tricked by them, oh! Such a fool I am. Of course, they won’t be waiting for referendums to roll over to begin mobilization – it’s too obviously. And they tend to catch you unprepared. Well, sure, if you’re dumb enough to stay inside of terrorist-country. I think, it’s almost fair and, probably, this is a best thing happened with Russia and Russians for the last two centuries. Finally, Russian population will be cleaned out of all this genetic garbage it was cultivating during last centuries. Nice to see that natural selection starts to act on behave of Russians.
But, anyway, as they say – the more you sweat in piece – the less you bleed in war, so I guess that mistake of mine should force me to correct some of my… predictions.
Well, is that true, that if it is not the mobilization that was left for the desert – it must be a nuclear war then? I still hope not, but… Seeing all this – well, it’s hard for me to decline such possibility.
Will it be the end of the world? It depends. Will it be the end of Russia? Well, as we know it – yes. But I always said – the best way for Russia to exist – is to be separated on several small countries. Because it’s to hard and impractical to have centralization over such a huge territory; more of that – I think it’s obvious that in small country it will be easier to… well, let me put it this way -it will be easier to raise the level of life for every single one – not just for Gazprom management.
Anyway, I believe I already wrote an article about that…. Probably.
So, let’s move on. The thing, I’d like to say – I don’t know if Putin’s gonna press “The Red Button” © or not.
But… Honestly – I think this is what they want we to believe in. That they have it, they have this “The Red Button” © working and they will press it.
It’s a blackmail. They’re talking about so much – I can’t believe this could happen. Even if Delta Force will be dropped to Moscow. They are always lying, remember that – they were telling us that there will be no mobilization up until the day it was finally announced. The same with the age of retirement and anything else. So, if they are telling you – I will use nuclear weapon – probably they won’t.
One more thing that forces me to think so – Western militaries really care. They really care about Russian nukes. And do you know what they were taking seriously up until this war? Russian military. So… I really can’t figure it out – why Russian military could be rusted piece of junk but Russian nukes can’t…
I think it’s all supposed to have an equal quality.
Or else – you’ll need to admit an existence of a race of small gnomes that keep Russian nukes in check – since there is no trace that Russian military could handle it.
But, maybe, I am wrong. Maybe, a gun that Putin puts at worlds forehead is really loaded and ready to shoot.
Maybe this is that exact exception. We shouldn’t forget that every rule has an exception. And if this is a rule – that there’s nothing works in Russia, there must be an exception. And if we’re unlucky enough – that exception would be Russian nukes. But I’d rather reserve this place for Russian corruption.  This thing really works and works well in Russia….
