The living planet

Large meteorites and small asteroids sometimes unexpectedly change their speed and flight path. What or who exerts this influence is unknown. There is no apparent reason for that, for modern science.
In the spring of 2022 NASA scientists urgently warned the world about the dangerous asteroid 2022 AE1 that could hit the Earth on the 4th of July in 2023. The automatic asteroid-tracking system ATLAS can locate large space objects with great accuracy and calculate the probability of their collision with the Earth. The diameter of the fast moving object has been estimated at about 70 meters.
If it did arrive the explosion power would be about 50 megatons. If it hits the mainland the expected crater will be about 3 km in diameter and up to 200 m deep. If it falls into the ocean a hot tsunami wave several hundred meters high will wash away the islands and continental coasts. And God be praised if it passes by.
For almost a week this asteroid was screened from the telescopes by the full Moon. After it reappeared in the visual field its trajectory was changed, and its speed increased. The scientists were very amazed. Someone or something, for no apparent reason, has abruptly changed the asteroid's flight path. In May it flew past the Earth at a distance of about 20 million kilometres.
Our planet has survived a lot of hits of all sorts over the past billion years.  Bulky asteroids would burn the entire surface of the Earth, changed its climate and the entire biological world.
After the formation and cooling of the geological crust on the surface of our planet, ice comets filled it with water and formed the world ocean. They  levelled and stabilized the temperature interval comfortable for the development of biological life. After that, the production of biological materials began to give rise to the full cycle of a living planet existence. And it took about two billion of terrestrial  years. Spores, fungi, micro organisms, plants and insects began to explore the planet. First in the water, and with the advent of the atmosphere – on land.
Each stage of the biological reserve accumulation ended in the conservation of resources in sedimentary deposits for future biological species of flora and fauna. Or – if the climate drastically changed – for the species that made their contribution to the sedimentary geological layers of our planet.
The fall of asteroids, ice comets or a sharp change in the atmosphere composition are responsible for a dead layer of former life species that have replenished certain reserves. For example, coal and oil are reserves of carbon and hydrogen. Nothing happens just like that, but not knowing the ultimate goal we consider it an accident.
The species that remained to live in the new conditions adapted and formed а next stage of creating reserves and conditions for the future living planet. Layer after layer, forming stocks of biological materials and transforming the planet, maintaining the circulation of carbon, oxygen and hydrogen on the planet. Just like water, in its three phases: solid, liquid and gaseous. And at the same time, all the three water phases create and support biological life on the planet. This went on for hundreds of millions of years. And it will continue for billions of years, while the planet is warmed by the Sun.
But then Homo erectus appeared, relatively recently, compared to the biological life existing on the planet. His hands were left free for creativity. But he picked up first a stick, and then a stone. He called himself  Home Sapiens, but rapidly became proud and greedy. And hence, all the troubles of the human race began.
 Since the last argument, stick and stone, were the first he laid his hands on, they became the main one. The whole short time of Homo sapiens civilizations is characterized mainly by the destruction of their own kind on an ever-increasing scale, and even threatening the life of the planet itself. One can say that we have almost stepped on the line of the Judgment Day!
If we trace the Little Ice Ages on the planet we get a sad picture. The beginning of every technocratic civilization can be contemplated from the moment when people began to use processed geological materials: clay ceramics, worked stone, smelted metal. It turns out that in the history of mankind the existence of all civilizations did not go beyond twenty thousand years. During that time, several types of different civilizations appeared and vanished. But the end of all civilizations has always been the same: complete decay and no artefacts. It is a good job if a legend has come down or has been invented.
With the advent of a technocratic rapidly developing civilization the end of the development period and subsequent decline would come soon. Its waste products overtaxed the planet's ability to carry out a full turnover cycle of biological materials. As a result, the temperature went up and the biological and geological substances went off balance. The planet became sick, and as a result, the temperature dropped sharply. The only remedy was to reduce the parasite population on its surface.
In the course of several tens of thousands of years, the Earth gradually cleared itself of the debris and parasites and finally recovered. But the aboriginal tribes have always survived because they live in peace with the surrounding world and respect the planet.
Then everything would start all over again if the Creator of this terrarium did not interfere. The Creator has already warned the parasites that have been mucking up the planet that he will help the planet recover. He showed it simply and reliably changing sharply the trajectory of the asteroid 2022 AE1 without the gravity effect of other space objects. That's what he used to do repeatedly for a billion years, creating and shaping the Living Planet.
What decision will the Creator make? Remove all the parasites from the surface of our planet? Or clean a part of it, burn it or make a flood? Or maybe sterilize all the biology completely and repeat the seeding? He's immortal and there’s no hurry for Him. And the Sun will warm the planet for several billions of years more. Anyway that's what the scientists say.
And all that was written in the Bible a long time ago, only in ancient languages. It is not easy to read, there are many difficult words, you have to think, but that is hard. And we forget how fragile we are!
