Again Failure on Motivation


As anti-business attitude not only got some understanding or acceptance, but mostly brought a lot of negativity. I decided to return to business approach again as someone suggested a cute idea. But for that idea I needed cooperation.

 In one of real estate agency I met lovely girl. It came out that she graduated with "literature teacher" degree and her favorite writes are Hemingway, Tolstoy, Hugo. WOW! It was interesting and it could work as my approach was not from point of disease and medicine, but closer to literature approach-interest in personalities, human nature

And here is our communication with that lovely girl. I always give an actual conversation to avoid own interpretation of it, which could be wrong.

-I'm looking for somebody who could demonstrate my method on internet-somebody with look and social skills. Its autistic kids subject and psychology and education (to make money)

-I understand. So you want to open a page in internet about autistic kids?

-yes. About my approach to autism

-Are you graduated on this?

- I graduated in my practical work with many kids. Autistic kids are first just human beings. 'm focus on that side and approach from parental perspective

- Super

-Professionals use my ideas for their work, but I  want parents use it for their kids, especially fathers  as they have no idea how to approach those kids. I have tools for them

- It’s a great idea

-Need someone to present it. I'm not presentable

-I understand, if I had studied for that type of profession, I would have helped you

-You don't need study, I did not study myself. I will provide the material-need just to present it. Want to try? It’s about making photobooks with kids about them-easy

-in English?

-or in Albanian both. I have everything in English and Russian - for Albanians need to consider mentality

- Well, honestly, I like the idea

- It’s something like that story

No Response

- So what you decided. Is that idea attractive to you?

-Well the idea is attractive, but for the moment I can't commit, because my son is sick with a fever

-   I'm not talking about the moment. First I have to put myself together. Then I need to create the video blog. I'm not ready myself and I'm not going to rely only on you. I'm thinking to find a few people  with different languages. Whoever is available can do. If you know somebody, just sent them to my direction, please. It must be an interesting fun Project

-I understand you, it takes several people to start with the project. I live with my grandmother but she is not able to care for my little son. So the only thing is to find smth online-working from home

-Yes. Now a lot of people do that. I started some training in Russian about how to set it up, but then moving happened and I miss it. I see that people do videos about small things as making a salad and talk there a lot . I could not understand why. I didn't know they make money. For my Project you can bring your son. He would make money as well. See here, my granddaughter performing for the book. Here is  my grandson-I did not use the real disable kids for my publications -regular kids performed
Meanwhile we took care of the child's health issues

-Explain a little about the project, how did you think about it, you have the lectures,  we just have to publish them on the Instagram page, with reels etc.

- I do have articles and books, but someone gave me a good idea-to show process on the video. One video-one skill

-Вut where to find the kids, to present the skills

(That is usual BUTs. People are very good in creating those BUTs)

-Someone said he could put it on his international site. I don't really know what would work for Parents. It’s a hard part. Autistic kids are easy part for me. Easy to motivate them, but I cannot motivate their parents. It should be probably as fun educational  performance to motivate parents. Need experimenting
And on that video blog pointing to written material, which could be sold as well.  Professionals use my ideas for their work, but that would be for parents to help their own kids. Now many Ukrainian moms with kids in Europe in panic. My idea basically doing with kids photobooks (or photo-stories) about them and their lives  and learning different skills along the way. The video demonstration should be together with some basic theories related to video. I never did video. I like photos more, but its for kids. Autistic kids are visual learners. But video for moms and dads and for earning money. If it'd work, it could be money coming from the internet (but I did not learned details yet)

Learning “sense of smell, brushing teeth, instruction about making salad, learning colors  and shapes along the way(long green cucumbers and red round tomatoes) A lot of stuff. The one who learned could teach other kids. Its hard to do in the official System, but parents and Especially  fathers could do that. Moms are busy feeding  and dressing kids, but dads have no idea what to do with those kids

-Well I think that is smth very interesting. You can quickly learn a lot about earning from social networks, the important thing is to have as much information as possible.

(People like to give advices how I  should do everything by myself)

- See, I cannot do everything by myself. If I don't find people interested to do that I'd switch to another Project. My goal is NOT earning. My goal is developing  my method  further and I only can create things from real work. I created the whole system from the scratch- just working with kids and observing them. But people need income. I already failed 2 Projects as I  relied on other people. I like Honest Cooperation, but somehow it doesn't work.  Here is a Process 
   1) I preparing  the stuff  to perform
   2) Another person performs, whoever is available
   3) Third  person does computer work..
  Everybody responsible for his/her part of work and nobody depends on anybody
-I'm thinking about 4 languages-English, Russian, Albanian and Italian

- Perfect.  I will ask my friends
- Good! When you have time look at those writings
I send material how I failed Projects before as people thought only about Money. It was the only motivation as they managed to get it using my Projects ideas.

Also I send the latest idea for Project

- I read what you sent me. Was it made by you? I found the part with Kish very interesting

-What are your thoughts about Kish?

- I will text u later

(Somehow I felt that "later" would never happen...)

- I told to my friends about your project, but they want to know how function about the payment, the money, if they work with you

- Well, they work and make money on internet. I don't know the details, people do videos how to make salad. It brings them money. I'm looking for people interested on Project. Project can bring money, but money should not be focus. Understand?
-I understand. but they don't want to waste time;

- no problem

I failed again with Motivation

Unfortunately, for healthy adults it seems Motivation works only the way it works in popular ABA System for kids with autism
Instructor holds cookie or candy in front of a child and may the child to waive 'Hi!" as motivation for learning social skills
