ABA for Healthy Adults


Idea to create independent business occupied my mind, because other ways are more tricky and lead to dangerous dependence
My goal of that business is not make money, but spread my ideas
But I cannot do it by myself-I need other people help
For them I created that business idea
I started with seemed a right person-a young woman with degree " literature teacher" It seemed to me she could be open-minded to different ideas
I explained the business idea I had in mind
I gave her to read the stuff I wanted to spread
Her reaction was "I understand" and "It's interesting"
And nothing more
Then she talked to her friends about my Project
and had only one  question- about payment
I said it would depend on them
She said  they did not want to loose time
ABA technique came to mind


ABA (Applied Behavior Analysis) therapy (used for children with autism) applies our understanding of how behavior works to real situations. The goal is to increase behaviors that are helpful and decrease behaviors that are harmful or affect learning. Positive reinforcement is one of the main strategies used in ABA.
When a behavior is followed by something that is valued (a reward), a person is more likely to repeat that behavior. The therapist identifies a goal behavior. Each time the person uses the behavior or skill successfully, they get a reward. The reward is meaningful to the individual – examples include praise, a toy or book, watching a video, access to playground or other location, and more.

Long time ago my friend-therapist suggested me to do ABA instead of what I did. Salary was much better. I went to see what was it. Never forget what I saw! I saw red-faced from screaming small child and therapist with the journal. Therapist held a cookie in front of a child. Child pulled his arm to get a cookie, but therapist did not let him have it. She wanted a child first to waive "bye-bye"

The child did not want to do that, but wanted to get cookie. He screamed and yelled and tried to grab that cookie, but therapist insisted on  "bye-bye" . Finally child got up and made what therapist wanted, got his cookie together with tears. Therapist made a mark in her journal.

I told a person , who brought me there " Never, never I would do it-not for any money"

Years later that my friend - therapist and me worked together with the same boy.  Her salary was 10 times more than mine. She did great job, but she did ABA . As most therapists, she used food. The boy got used to chips, while before he ate only good healthy food. Other positive reinforcement she used was his rubber circle which helped him with chewing. She took it from him and made him to do something she wanted in order to get it back. She taught him many different skills,
He always brought her coat, showing "go home", while walked around with my slippers in his hands, when I was out.

 ABA instructor is not allowed to talk to the child, using pointing instead and not allowed to form any emotional attachment.
I formed with a boy relationship, based on trust and respect of his personality. But that takes time!!! And that has its values
He willingly learned what I tried to teach him without any reinforcements. He had other  motivations, than food or toys, which I always discussed with him.


Psychologist of our organization once told me that he was taught in university  different things and ways to work and he believed in them, but as far as he worked for that organization (where he got his salary), he does what organization needed him to do. Discussing ABA he explained the idea "but you also work for getting salary", which I objected "salary of course is important, but there are other motivations, which make me to do that work and can be more important than salary". That part he did not want to discuss


After the effort to create partner, I wanted, failed, I realized that ABA is everywhere in my particular experience. If working with kids I created the whole System of different motivations, motivations which heled to develop personality and learn new things, with healthy adults I keep failing everything and got to real ABA with any effort
Unless I'd have money as "positive reinforcement" in front of a person I'd not have any partners. All other reinforcements don't work with healthy adults unfortunately.
"Business idea" seems not workable
