Äåëî âàëëåíáåðãà - ðàçìûøëåíèå èñòîðè÷åñêîå ñîìíåí

Raul Wallenberg is famous as one of the "Righteous among the Nations". Functioning as first secretary of the Swedish Legation in Hungary from 1944 July 9 he had saved thousands of Jews. Wallenberg was not the only one who used his diplomatic status to help Jews, but only for him, it was an official duty1.  In mid-January of 1945, he was actually kidnapped by the Soviets and taken to Moscow where he disappeared. The interrelation between Wallenberg's fate and "final decision" – by Nazis as well as by Soviets - is undoubted. Thanks to Nazi policy, he became a hero; the specification of the Soviet "contribution" is not quite clear.
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In 1944, the Red Army entered Hungary and occupied Budapest. By that time, it was clear that two global ideas were common in Europe: «communism-in-the-world» and "deutchewelt" (German world). In the former, there was no place for capitalism or capitalists; the latter had to be "judenfrei" (free of Jews). The latter demanded "the final decision of the Jewish problem" i. e. exhaustive extermination of all Jews via killing every one of them. Perpetrated actually from WWII, the rising FD formally adopted as The Plan at Wansee Conference in 1942. January 22, 1944 - more than 17 months after the adoption of "The final decision" plan, President US Roosevelt issued the "Executive order" that established "War-Refugee-Board" (WRB) 2. The Jews were being exterminated in Europe everywhere except Hungary due to the fact that dictator Horthy preferred to make  Jews labor and not murder them 3.That was one of the reasons for Hitler's decision to replace Adm. Horthy with "domestic" judenha;er (Jews Hater, germ.) Ferenz Salashy (see Operation Armored Fist). The infamous Adolf Eichmann placed his headquarters inside of the Budapest great synagogue; every day, more than ten thousand Jews were transferred to Auschwitz, i.e. sent to gas chambers; the European Jewry seemed to be on the brink of immediate liquidation. The first and only concrete step the U.S. had taken to help the rest of European Jews was to direct an official representative of the WRB to Europe; Mr. Iver C. Olsen, an accountant for the Office of Strategic Services, was entrusted with the task. It was clear that his residence had to be placed as close as possible to the "zone of action" but far from the battlefield –only neutral Sweden answered those demands; it was obvious that the best "Jews rescuer" would be a Swedish diplomat residing in Budapest; the optimal candidate had to speak both Hungarian and German and not need much supervision or anyone's directions. Having arrived in Stockholm, Mr. Olsen turned for help to Kalman Lauer, a Hungarian Jew, who ran an export-import firm trading between Stockholm and Central Europe; the main market for his specialty foods was Hungary. Mr. Lauer recommend his business partner Raoul Wallenberg who belonged to a respected family of financiers. Therefore, about Wallenberg's presence in Budapest one may say it was "almost accidental". This well-bred fellow was born in 1912, three months after his father died. Grandpa Gustav, who was Raoul’s mentor, supported Raoul’s desire not to follow the family tradition because he himself was also a "Wallenberg not as others", being a diplomat and not a financier. Searching for his own path, Raoul studied architecture at Michigan University, the US. However, he had no luck when looking for an appropriate job in the US (nor in Sweden – after some years).The grandfather wanted to help him and recommended diplomacy. Raoul went to Palestine where he would meet Jewish refugees from Germany, Zionists and German-colonists who had accepted NAZI ideas. He had to make sure that there was no support for the Jews from Britain - at least from the mandate authorities - thereby he saw the real order of things. Gustav died suddenly in 1937. Left without his support, Raoul abandoned diplomacy; the circumstances made him step on the "familiar path".  In 1941, his uncle and godfather Jacob set him up in Stockholm with Kalman Lauer, who was happy to use Raoul's "multilingualism". Representing Lauer's company, Raoul visited Budapest many times, and soon he really fell in love with the city…. The said above is enough to understand well what reasoned Raoul to agree to Olsen’s offer as an irresistible opportunity to accomplish something truly important. Raoul’s arriving in Budapest was part of the Swedish "special activity"; we may say it was initiated/provoked by the US. The Swedish government assisted by designating Wallenberg as first secretary in the Swedish Legation in Budapest. In July 1944, he arrived in Budapest where he leased 32 buildings with money collected mainly by American Jews for the Office for Refugees. He declared them extraterritorial, protected by diplomatic immunity, hung huge Swedish flags on the facades of the buildings and hung signs on their doors, such as the «Swedish Library» and «Swedish Research Institute». It has to be noted that Wallenberg’s operations were assisted by more than 300 volunteers4 and that he was not the only diplomat who rescued the doomed Jews from Hungary5. Raul acted for a year-and-a–half and saved thousands of Jews. He was able to free Jews from the death march by claiming that they were his "protected Jews"; sometimes he risked  using "unconventional methods, including bribery and blackmail, to finance and run his huge rescue operation"4.
   Wallenberg's activities were not a secret to the Nazis - Eichmann referred to him as “Jewdog Wallenberg”. Worried for his own life, Wallenberg changed the place of overnight stay every day4. It is worthy to note that Wallenberg was not the only diplomat who saved Jews5. Hungarians participation in Wallenberg's actions must be marked too6, but all of these evaded contacts with the invaders. Only Roal Wallenberg, first secretary in the Swedish Legation in Budapest, waited for the Red Army- that was his uniqueness. He began practicing his primitive Russian; almost distrusted the Communists, he estimated them as the main enemy of the Nazis. He tried to build a bridge to the occupation authorities to involve them in in the work for the resurrection of the Jewish community; acting only with humanitarian considerations, he assumed that the Soviets would show compassion for the refugees4. It turned out - to be a delusion, excusable, however, for a decent and honest person. Wallenberg's employment was not beyond the scope of Sweden or the counter-Hitler alliance. He sent his reports about the situation of Hungarian Jews to the Swedish Ministry for Foreign Affairs, which forwarded them to Iver Olsen at the American Legation; the United Kingdom's officials received copies of those reports. Since October 1944, the Soviet embassy in Sweden, alias the authorities in Moscow, the commandment of units invading Hungary and, probably,  heads of "Hungarian Provisional National Assembly and government"7(these organs, partly, unwittingly - but, mostly, consciously - were what the Americans would call Moscow’s "claw") knew about the activities of the Swedish mission in Budapest aimed at saving the Jews8. However, neither Russians nor Hungarians  shared Wallenberg's humanitarian intentions; moreover, no plan of a Jewish revival could  be accepted by them – formally due to the Communist dominant idea "not nation but class" rejection, actually, under the judenha; tradition.  The task of protecting Swedish diplomats was entrusted to the Red Army commandment, the name Raoul Wallenberg was listed among them. There are different versions of presenting further events  – inconsistences, not contradictions – but it is a fact that Roal Wallenberg  îf his own free will, at his own request,  met with representatives of the Red Army which occupied Budapest He was detained by them and then transferred to Moscow. It must be marked that no reason for the detention was announced; on the other hand, it must be emphasized that Wallenberg was arrested and kidnapped by SMERSH – (the Russian abbreviation for «Ñìåðòü Øïèîíàì») "DEATH to SPIES"7, a counter espionage institution, placed under the army general staff. We may presume that the information from a Soviet agent, "who had infiltrated the Red Cross in Budapest and had observed Wallenberg closely", was the cause of it: he looked upon Wallenberg’s humanitarian motives simply as a disguise, "he concluded that Wallenberg was a double agent, working for the Americans and for the Germans."4. Of course, the paranoid readiness of the Soviets to discover spy nests under every bush must be taken into account; probably, it was no secret to the Soviet ally that Iver Olsen, who recruited Wallenberg into WRB, was also an agent for the U.S. intelligence service4, 8. However, I think that Raoul's "adventure" took place because SMERSH had a task to arrest all foreigners, who could potentially counter the future Sovietization of the occupied European territories, whereas the most important detainees were sent to the SMERSH General Directorate to continue the investigation in Moscow. It is significant that most of the operational staff of SMERSH consisted of privates and sergeants recruited from the NKVD and the border troops, who had experience in operational-search work - in other words, simple performers, trained not so much to search as to find; their primitiveness guaranteed diligence. As SMERSH's functioners’ "curriculum vitae" let us understand9, the way to SMERSH higher levels was like moves of passed pawns, so officers were no less primitive than at the first steps of their carrier. Thus, the term "investigation in Moscow" only meant change-of-place; there was no essential difference in the smershists’ intellectual level, which had to accord their aims and methods. Taking into consideration that what happened after Wallenberg's appeal to the Red Army authorities is well-known and described in detail8, one ought to conclude that the question "Why was Wallenberg  arrested and trans-positioned" may not be exited "unanswered". Considering that what happened after Wallenberg's appeal to the Red Army authorities is well-known and described in detail8, one ought to conclude that the question "Why was Wallenberg arrested and trans-positioned" may not be called "unanswered" – almost not: needless to say that all local actions accorded to the SMERSH rules, as said above, but, globally, the keyword for what happened is JEWS.   
Of course, no circumstance of the events and incidents must be forgotten, especially, the first real place and time of the fulfillment. The Red Army and SMERSH, being its component, acted off the Soviet territory from the end of March 1944; beginning with 27 of October 1944, Hungary became the site of their activity; on 13 of February 1945, the Soviets occupied Budapest completely.
In compliance with the task of SMERSH to arrest all foreigners who could potentially counter the future Sovietization of the occupied European territories, the proposal to restore the pre-war situation looked nothing but an excuse for detaining Wallenberg. Up to this point, everything is in its place, at least, understandable it may even be estimated as the “right one” – from the common Soviet point of view.
However, when trying to understand “why - what - what for”, one must take into account that a Russian person is sure intuitively of an inevitable and inseparable relationship, a kind of function or inseparable bond “Jew - money”10.
In the light of the existing up today, the common widespread distrust towards Jews11, Wallenberg’s activities were of no significance, thus they were   not supposed to be supported by the Soviets, even if they were formally understood.
My opinion is that Wallenberg’s fate was determined by this Russian “innate, not borrowed” attitude.
It is the right place and time to mark with appreciation the gigantic work of the Swedish- Russian-working-group, especially the ceaseless activity of Susanne Berger and Vadim Birstein, who collect and publish everything true to fact about Raoul Wallenberg’s arrest and time in prison.
As follows from their evidence, all that exists is a “registration card…indicating that Raoul Wallenberg arrived at the Lubianka Prison on 6 February 1945”, the last recorded interrogation with Raoul Wallenberg took place on 11 March 1947, no personal or investigation file had been recovered (SIC!).
According to Russian experts, the fact that his belongings were not confiscated is a clear indication of his not having been  sentenced”12 .
In other words, by detaining Wallenberg and sending him to Moscow the “pawns” of the SMERSH had performed their humdrum job; but it also seems highly probable that the “knights-bishops-rooks” genuinely believed that the detained diplomat, who had long and successfully “served the Jews”, played the role of the “Jewish – Leprechaun” the keeper and guard of the countless  “yidishe-gelt who will share the treasures if asked “properly”13,  which they did  – for their personal benefits.
Given the military nature of SMERSH, the reason for this violation must be very serious - I venture to assume that the cause was insurmountable temptation.
It was a “highly secret” investigation; having been asked “properly” Wallenberg died – or was killed.  The “Higher Spheres” knew nothing - or pretended not to know anything about the Wallenberg case and, accordingly, about his fate.
It is no coincidence that today’s Russians continue this game with contempt14,15.
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Pursuant to the 1944 Moscow Conference (also known as the Tolstoy Conference”), Hungary was included in the Soviet sphere of influence; Hungarian kingdom became "The Hungarian People's Republic (Magyar N;pk;zt;rsas;g)", governed by the Hungarian Working People's Party – the same communist witch, but with another broom – headed by  M;ty;s R;kosi who claimed himself to be “Stalin’s best pupil “. He remained faithful to the faith embodied in a religion that Stalin turned into a confession – a special kind of quackery, which demanded that communists followed his ideas completely. Having taken that way, he turned the Hungary of the 1950s into a space of tragedy connected with Wallenberg’s actions in Budapest and related to his “disappearance”. Beginning with 1945, Sweden’s authorities never interrupted their search for the truth about Raoul Wallenberg .At the beginning of the fifties, reliable testimonies about Wallenberg’s time in the Soviet prison appeared and the Swedish Foreign Affairs Minister requested the return of Raoul to Sweden. The Moscow authorities claimed they knew nothing about him (see “Vyshinsky’s declaration”)8.
   It is important to remember that in the early fifties, “Judenha;” in the Soviet Union acquired an almost extreme level; the “Judenjagend” took its place in the whole Stalin fief, called the “socialist camp”. Every “state of people’s democracy” was obliged to find its inner Zionist agents16. It is worth  reminding that there were close to 200,000 Jewish survivors in post-war Hungarian territories – it was the biggest Jewish community in Central-Eastern Europe17. Therefore, Rakosi got a good possibility to prove his unwavering loyalty and moreover – to perform his REDDENDO – “the particular duty or service due from a vassal to his superior”. ;VÍ (Allamvedelmi Hatosag The National security service) was ordered to prepare a show trial of the leaders of the Hungarian Jewish community, which would demonstrate how, with the participation and assistance of the "nilashists" - Hungarian Nazi accomplices - they killed Wallenberg because, he saved too few Jews after having received a lot of money. At the end of 1952, – the first months of 1953, some “important” Jews and two Hungarians, Wallenberg’s well-known collaborators, were imprisoned and were brutally tortured; those of them who had not died or had not gone mad in detention - were ready to confess their guilt. Today, after 70 (seventy!) years, it seems evident that this revelation was to be part of the revelation of Gabor’s (P;ter G;bor, ;VÍ chief at that time, nicked “Hungarian Beria”, was a Jew by birth) Zionist conspirancy6. Of course, it was a good reason to demonstrate anti-Zionist activity, but the main thing was to give Moscow “unambiguous confirmation” of the murder of the Swedish diplomat before the Red Army (SMERSH) could touch him. Stalin died, the “Judeniagend” somewhat lost its intensity, Zionism was excluded from the list of Gabor’s crimes; by the end of the same 53rd the “Wallenberg-murderers” were released from prison but they were detained until end of the November - to “correct their health and to put in order themselves before public appearance”. In addition, they were required to "keep quiet".” 6. In 1953, on the first of August, the investigation into the murder of Wallenberg was terminated, but the arrested were detained until the end of  November- to “improve their health and let them put themselves in order before public appearance” 6. In March 2003, the historical archive “;VÍ” was created; the documents containing it became quite clear that the case of the "murder of Wallenberg" was an outright mockery organized by the Soviets. E.g., certain “kind” investigator even advised his interlocutor “look at what is happening as if it were an accident, like a stone that accidentally fell on your head”. He had noted also:”This stone fell from a far and from a great height - from Moscow.”) 6 . Therefore, only more than forty years after the events, in 1992nd, could a Hungarian journalist Maria Ember  publish her article “R;nk akart;k kenni” ( “They wanted to put a hat on us”, hungarian) - “They wanted us to be the scapegoat” and call the victims’ names 6, 18.
In 1962nd (at last!), those who at one time "overdid" in committing atrocities were “carefully” removed from the ABH; however, many of them received a good "severance pay" and settled well in civilian life. Others, after a while, returned to duty; the secret (for parteigenossen only) amnesty was held for those convicted in the “show trials”. The accused of Wallenberg's murder remained unforgiven6: the authorities considered the release of those from prison the pinnacle of justice and themselves worthy of indulgence. All those actions were not punishment of the guilty or restoration of justice, but a kind of castling, an internal-party squabble, no more, no less. No post-communist authorities of Hungary were   angels  but being non-fanatics they let live many forbidden, forgotten, or neglected things and events, such as: opening  the ABH “History archive” in 2003,6 and creating, in 2005, a memorial to Jews murdered by the “crossed arrows”, a memorial famous as “Shoes on the Danube riverside”. These acts indicate that no fact related to Wallenberg’s situation in Hungary was hidden. This is the right time and place to emphasize that contemporary Hungarian authorities looks upon Wallenberg's “counter-Eichmann” activities as a specific Jewish problem - in contrast to the “domestic” communist regime19,  – essentially – the Russian of today. For the Soviets/Russians, all this was no more than an unfortunate accident in the past; the question “was closed”8 long ago. Nothing will happen unless new demands   are answered. The Swedish officials might claim: “… no stone would be left unturned” in the Wallenberg investigation” 20 -  while in the best case, the Kingdom of Sweden will again slightly shift the Russian cobble from “we don't know where he is” to “nobody knows where his grave is. The apprehension that “a high degree of confidentiality would result in increased openness on the part of the KGB” 20 and the Moscow court’s reaction to Wallenberg relatives’ appeal15 were absolute hypocrisy if not gloomy jokes.
   Both in 1947, officially declaring that they knew nothing about Wallenberg, and ten years later, admitting that he had been detained in Budapest, transferred to Moscow, where he was imprisoned and died in 1947, the Soviet authorities were as accurate as possible. The later data8 detail the events, leaving their cause and their driving force unclear. The crux of the problem is that it is not clear to Swedish officials. Despite their knowledge of Russian life, they cannot imagine a civil servant being an impudent robber, all the more so, in his position, he is obliged to protect the security of the state, and therefore, above all, to abide by the law. On the contrary, those who grew up and lived in the space of Russian culture see this scenario as a most probable one, remembering, for example, that Gogol's poem "Dead Souls" is not a brilliant invention of the author, but a chronicle of the activities of just such a criminal, leaving no doubt “where Russia is scudding to”. A chain of “mysterious” events is quite imaginable for any Russian -bred. The temptation is great, but it will be a delusion to relate the beginning of the adventure to the end of 1944th when the Soviets were first informed about Wallenberg’s task. More probable is that it was cased in Budapest when the “shmershists” heard about “this Sweden’s connection with Jewish treasure” and smelled the scent of easy prey. His destiny was determined by this circumstance: from this point in time, he was doomed to be murdered. Either one of the Budapest smershists whispered this to his Moscow colleague or the "idea" came from those who accompanied this "Jewish servant" to Moscow from Budapest - anyway, the Wallenberg case was essentially blackmail and extortion, while the real hopeless secret is the list of performers – this is what I venture to say.
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The disappearance of first secretary of Legation in Hungary, which happened after the Red Army invasion of Budapest, was discussed in the Swedish parliament and became a permanent theme of  press campaigns. There was nothing  strange or surprising about Mr. Vyshinsky’s (USSSR deputy foreign secretary) receiving, since 24 April 1945, a lot of inquiries from Sweden  concerning Raoul Wallenberg. It is appropriate here to mark that some information hovered between offices despite the fact that heads of "SMERSH" had not legally  reported anything to the "spheres".  “Subordination” demanded that Vyshinsky ask Deputy Prime Minister (Molotov) to persuade  State Security secretary (Abackumov), to whom “smersh” was subordinate respectively, “to report on the merits of the case and propose a “way out”. Molotov did so, but Abakumov's answer has not yet been discovered8. Probably it did not exist: nominally, Wallenberg was merely “detained” by the smersh: no warrant for his arrest had been issued21. As Soviet law determined, no “solicitor” had any reason or right to oversee Wallenberg’s case. Therefore, Mr. Abackumov was in his right to not answer (officially) even  such a VIP as Mr. Molotov , and Mr. Vyshinsky could tell  Sweden that “there is no said diplomat on the Soviet territory” and “the Soviet government knows nothing about him”8.The Soviets stuck to this version up to 1957, February, when Rolf Sohlman, the Swedish Ambassador, was handed the so-called Gromyko memorandum in which it was said that “Raoul Wallenberg died in a prison hospital (in Lefortovo?), and his body was taken for cremation”. (All that had happened was related to Abakumov, who was arrested in 1951, sentenced and executed in 1954, December, but Wallenberg’s death had never been attributed to him)8,22, 23. In examining the Russian archives, the joint Swedish-Russian Working Group had discovered and published intensive VIPs’s correspondence concerning  the Wallenberg case. It demonstrated  their indifference to a human’s fate frankly and unambiguously; but they – not all of them, but most of them – were led by a staunch superstition – inspired by the scent of a “rich Jew’s” treasure, ignoring the rest of the sapience. It is no coincidence and not in vain that fierce enemies in 39 found mutual understanding on the Jewish question24. From 33, the Nazis’ praxis was “corroborating” that a Jew is always ready to find something to pay off with. In 43, Mikhoels and Fefer  confirmed that the world Jew had something to share with the heroic people. The pawns of the smersh dealt with the only “leprechaun”of Budapest; the bishops-rooks - Abakumov - was obliged to "search-find-take away and divide", but he had not succeeded.  The unsuccessful fate of the monster was determined by this: a GB officer, investigation department chief sub-colonel Ryumin turned to Stalin with a slanderous denunciation - he accused Abakumov of serving the world Jewry, paid by the Zionists.…. .
BRIEF CONCLUSION: impudent extortion - that is what I see in Wallenberg’s case. Extortion based on fatal “judenjagend” and “judenha;“. My opinion is – Mr. Raoul Wallenberg was not only one of the Righteous among the Nations, but a Shoah Victim, number six millions one.
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To those who had the patience to read my text to the end: now you know the content of my "Historical doubts". Sir Horace Walpole  presented this point of view on  historical data in 1767 - see his “Historical Doubts Concerning the Life and Reign of King Richard III”. Following in his footsteps, I observed in the Wallenberg case an action of dark fanatics, confident of their impunity, their impudent extortion of "Jewish treasures", which, as they believed, due to the irresistible superstition, the defenseless defender of the Jews might have. Yes, Sweden – the state, Raoul’s relatives, the Swedish-Russian Working Group are demanding a clear explanation – what, when and why did Wallenberg happen – but the mentioned above “, superstition and the certainty of self-impunity” have not changed. Both in the past and today, the Russians are absolutely sure - nothing will happen if they do not answer those demands. “If I do not flatter myself, I have unraveled a considerable part of a dark period. Whether satisfactorily or not, my readers must decide for themselves. Nor is it of any importance whether I have succeeded or not. The attempt was a mere matter of curiosity and speculation. …  Should declamation alone be used to contradict me, I shall not think I am less in the right”. /Horace Walpole/.I hope to be pardoned for this long citation.
   And  last, but not least: this long story is readable and understandable thanks to the invaluable input of my dear friend Mrs. Victoria Klein, who edited it, correcting my amateurish English without losing interest or trying to change the essence.
1. https://www.yadvashem.org/he/righteous.html
2. American Experience; 3. Rozett, Robert, Conscripted Slaves, Hungarian Jewish Forced Laborers on the Eastern Front during the Second World War, Jerusalem: Yad Vashem, 2013; Laszlo Csosz and Adam Gellert "Holocaust Research and Infrastructure in Hungary". Dapim: Studies on the Holocaust, 2017, Vol. 31. No. 2, 146-154.
4. 5. Enrico Delgadio. Die Banalitet des Guten. Die Geschihte des Giorgio Perlascas. Frankfurt a.M. 1994; David P. Gusshee. Die Gerechten des Holocaust. Wuppertal, Wittenberg, 1997.

6. The “murder” of Swedish diplomat Raoul Wallenberg. A Planned 1953 show trial. Edited by Tam;s Szab;. 2012, May – Budapest, Munhen. Translated to the Russian: Òàìàø Ñàáî. «Êàðîé Ñàáî – èñòîðèÿ çàãîâîðùèêà». Çàìåòêè ïî åâðåéñêîé èñòîðèè», 2012, ¹11 (158).
. 8. Raoul Wallenberg Report of the Swedish-Russian Working Group. STOCKHOLM 2000; Vadim Birstein. “Statements of Ex-SMERSH Officer Boris Solovov about the Raoul Wallenberg Case” (New York) ACADEMIA.edu. August 2022
9. Telitsyn V. L. "SMERSH": operations and performers. - Smolensk: Rusich, 2000. - S. 38 - 384 p. - (World in wars). - ISBN 5-8138-0211-8. Ïåòðîâ Í.Â. Êòî ðóêîâîäèë îðãàíàìè ãîñáåçîïàñíîñòè: 1941-1954. Ì.; Ìåæäóíàð. î-âî «Ìåìîðèàë»: Çâåíüÿ, 2010.
10. Áåëîâà Î. Â., Ïåòðóõèí Â. ß. "Åâðåéñêèé ìèô" â ñëàâÿíñêîé êóëüòóðå. Ì.: Ìîñòû êóëüòóðû; Èåðóñàëèì: Ãåøàðèì, 2008; Joanna Tokarska-Bakir "Legendy o krwi. Antropologia przes;du", 2008, W.A.B.; D. Malkiel “Jewish-Christian relations in Europe 840 – 1096”.  Journal of Medieval History 29 (2003) 55–83 www.elsevier.com/locate/jmedhist Historiographical essay.
11. Í. Ëåîíîâ (äîêòîð èñòîðè÷åñêèõ íàóê, áûâøèé íà÷àëüíèê Àíàëèòè÷åñêîãî óïðàâëåíèÿ è çàìåñòèòåëü ðóêîâîäèòåëÿ Ïåðâîãî Ãëàâíîãî óïðàâëåíèÿ ÊÃÁ, ãåíåðàë¬-ëåéòåíàíò, íà àêòèâíîé ñëóæáå â Êîìèòåòå ãîñóäàðñòâåííîé áåçîïàñíîñòè äî 1991 ãîäà) – èíòåðâüþ ãàçåòå «Ñïåöíàç Ðîññèè» (http://www.specnaz.ru/articles/173/4/1309.htm - ¹9 (298), äåêàáðü 2021)
12. Susanne Berger, Vadim Birstein. "FSB archivists express doubt about the official Soviet version of Raoul Wallenberg's death" https://www.academia.edu/41659342/ January 17, 2020
13. ÅÂÃÅÍÈÉ ÆÈÐÍÎÂ. «Ðàçãàäêà Ðàóëÿ Âàëëåíáåðãà». Æóðíàë "Êîììåðñàíòú Âëàñòü» 18.01.2000
14. Susanne Berger “The Inquiry into Raoul Wallenberg’s Death should be reopened" – acasemia.edu, June 26, 2012.
15. "Family of Swedish diplomat Raoul Wallenberg—who saved thousands of Jews in World War II and went missing in KGB prison—sues in Russian court to receive documents pertaining to his fate; court dismisses suit, citing confidentiality pertaining to other persons involved". "Reuters", 2017, 19.09.
16. Õîäîñ. Ñôàáðèêîâàííûå ïðîöåññû Hodos. SCHAUPROZESSEN (1981)
17. Attila Nov;k “Resistance or Saving One’s Skin? Notes to the Problem of 1944’s Hungarian Zionist Resistance” State and Equality (Edited by Attila K;roly Moln;r and Mil;n Pap). 2018, Budapest, Dialog Campus.
18. Ivona Val;ria Iacob. "Raoul Wallenberg. Les ;vocations de sa lutte contre le racisme dans les documents su;dois et hongrois, enjeux actuels". M;moire de Master, Septembre 2015, Septembre 2015 Universit; Sorbonne Paris IV UFR, Etudes germaniques et Nordiques. Parcours.
19. Kata Bohus “Not a Jewish Question? The Holocaust in Hungary in the Press and Propaganda of the K;d;r Regime during the Trial of Adolf Eichmann” Hungarian Historical Review 4, no. 3 pp. 737–772 (2015).
20. Susanne Berger, Vadim Birstein “A High Degree of Confidentiality Would Result in Increased Openness” New insights from the official Raoul Wallenberg case file in the Swedish Ministry of Foreign Affairs. ACADEMIA.edu. August 2, 2022
21. Vadim Birstein. “Statements of Ex-SMERSH Officer Boris Solovov about the Raoul Wallenberg Case” (New York) ACADEMIA.edu. August 2022:”
22. https://www.raoul-wallenberg.eu/articles/gromyko-memorandum
23.  Michael Parrish. The Lesser Terror: Soviet State Security, 1939-1953. Greenwood Publishing Group, 1996.
24. Matityhu Minc. Was the Jewish Question Discussed during the Ribbentrop - Molotov Negotiations? GAL-ED v. 22 p. 107. Tel Aviv University 2010 (in Hebrew).

