About collective values, myths and illusions

Collective values, myths and illusions belong to a category of new appliances and techniques.

They are modified and accepted quite slowly, for ideology is a veil of knowledge that covers the face of ignorance.

For years, decades and aeons people have been thinking about the illusions of the Slavic world and have been trying to calssify them, giving them proper defenition.

Have you ever tried to play tric-trac with a dolphin?

So they are, these 'unified Slavic values'.

All these macrogroups have similar attitudes but not similar values.

Their greatness lies far, far beyond the traditional scientific approaches yet they need to be scrutinized.

The approach to freedom in numerous Slavic expressive and artistic forms might be different from the conventions which are laid out by English, French or Latin American authors.

The approach to diversity and utilitarianism is also played with differently.

One can possess/use a long list of books, journals and watch videos, and still this topic is vast and complex.

They follow routines and discipline only if they are rewarded.

They are eager to become infatuated by the idea of The Other and then they do as much as they can to 'discard' and demount the monument.

They claim to be linked with their dearest and nearest, yet they leave them once they have felt a lack of personal freedom.

They have long hours in silence in order to 'stabilize' themselves and then leave some of their projects unfinished, however, the vastness of originality they bring sbout is yet to be discovered.

Competitive yet luxurious and sometimes usurious, these people needn't be seen as  narcissists, for their attitude, if it's met with a graceful orderliness and cleanliness, is of a passionate, purely heroic nature.

So is Ukraine, powerful, fruitful and extremely productive.

© Maryna Tchianova, 2017
