
Dear reader, I am now faced with a difficult task, to briefly talk about the seven parts of the book, which is united by the common title "Haishenwei"
"Haishenwei, Haishenwai is a lowland, plain (Chinese)
And Khaishenvey is the place where the city of Vladivostok is now located.
I like to experiment and therefore all seven parts are written in different genres. Each part is written in its own, special, genre. Only two parts of "Millionka" and "We are a million" were written in the same genre, in the genre of adventure.
Genres of horror, anime, science fiction, these are the colors with which I tried to color each book.
The first, smallest part is called Butramousse. When this part was written, I was surprised to realize that there are microscopic elements of eroticism in this part. Well, if you experiment, then in everything. Butramuss is the distant past of the land on which Vladivostok now stands. At first glance, the story that I put first seems fun and straightforward. So, however, it was intended. But if you try to look deeper, it becomes clear that this is a story about love for the place where you live, a story about devotion and deceit.
Book one. Butramuss.
Genre is a love story.
The village of Butramousse stood surrounded on all sides by special trees. Butramousse trees were the secret that the villagers kept from the whole world. And the village was famous for the fact that it had an unusual system. In the village, women were the main ones; matriarchy reigned here. Boys were darlings, girls were raised to be strong personalities.
When the children grew up and the period of falling in love began, they already knew the basic laws that reigned in the village. And the rules are as follows: you can spend the night together, but in the morning you need to leave. Day is for work, night is for love. Night after night can be spent together, but if the love ended, it was necessary to part without drama. There were no formalities. If children were born, they remained in the mother's family. The leaves of the Butramouss trees were worth their weight in gold in the outside world. Especially a lot of them were bought for the emperor's Chinese harems. The emperors and their ladies knew a lot about the potion made from the powder of the leaves of the Butramousse trees. Going to the outside world, the villagers kept a secret about exactly where their village is located. And it was a very long time ago, even before the Chzhurzhen and Bohai.
 Here is a small excerpt from the book.
"Chapter first. Return.
 The dog guarding Moussa's village started barking - it was early in the morning. It was four o'clock in the morning, and therefore no one woke up and asked what was happening. The village of Moussa had no guards, only one dog guarded it, and then only because it did not lie in the house of its owner, or rather the mistress. The dog itself proclaimed protection, and, itself, performed the functions of a security guard. And so it happened that the guest on the outskirts of the village, Moussa met only the barking of a lone dog.
The guest was not afraid of the formidable appearance of the dog. Scratching the dog behind the ear, he moved in a direction known only to him. However, the gates leading to his family's inner quarters were closed. The guest decided that he would spend the night with one of his former girlfriends, but he was disappointed. He went around house after house, but everywhere the wooden hooks on the gates were occupied by men's hats. This meant that all of his girlfriends already had a guest for tonight.
 The closer the dawn came, the colder it got. The guest is already pretty cold. The dog walked beside the guest and seemed to be grinning to himself as he watched the intruder try to find a place to sleep. The stranger was already desperate, when he suddenly saw a hook that was not occupied by a hat. In addition, the window was ajar - this meant that the girl would not mind if a man occupied the second half of the bed that night.
 The guest wanted to put his hat on the hook, but, running it through his hair, he remembered that he had lost his hat while crossing the river. There were no obstacles. When the guest climbed in through the window, he saw that the girl was sound asleep. Blowing out the lamp, the guest undressed and darted under the covers to the girl, not forgetting to close the window with the latch.
Nothing is visible in the dark, so let's leave the girl and her intruder alone. Time was already approaching the morning, when an angry cry was heard from the street. It was the one whom the girl was waiting for tonight, and for whom she left the window open. The fact is that the girl's lover could not come earlier. He rocked the sick baby almost all night. The young man was this baby's uncle. Hearing the voice of her lover, the girl woke up and was very surprised. Who did she spend the night with? And why does her boyfriend's voice come from the street? And then who is in bed with her?
 The girl unfolded the edge of the blanket and looked with surprise at the one who slept on the bed in a sound sleep. No, she was not afraid, the woman from Moussa village very rarely experienced such a feeling as fear.
 - Who is this with us? - the girl kindly asked the guest, who reluctantly opened his eyes - What a pretty!
 From the street again came the cry, which soon turned into a cry.
 - Well, what are you going to do? suddenly asked unexpectedlynew guest, - he will wake up the whole village now!
- Do not worry, - the girl gently ran through the guest's hair, - she will cry and calm down.
- Yes, - the guest was surprised, - in the place where I lived all these years, the guards would have appeared long ago, and all of us would have been taken to the city government.
 - Where did you live? - asked the girl - and why did you come to us?
 - You really didn't recognize me? I'm the grandson of Lady Orchid!
 - How so? - the girl leaned over to the young man and ran her finger over his body, - You died! Your sister has returned and brought your uncle with her. She said about you that you were dead!
- No, it was not like that, my sister and my uncle and I went on a journey to sell a few bags of Butramousse leaves, but a heavy rain came suddenly and washed away the banks of the river through which we crossed. My sister Iva, as you know, is very strong, but it was simply impossible to save me and my uncle. She couldn't make a choice between us. I love my uncle very much, and therefore I made the choice myself. I stopped fighting the current and went under the water. I don't remember anything else. I woke up from the fact that a beautiful girl poured a bitter infusion into my mouth.
 “Wait,” the hostess interrupted the young man’s story with a kiss, “are you saying that the girl was prettier than me?”
 “Well,” the guest looked down, “of course not!
 - Do not lie, - the girl laughed, - I will not punish you! Let the girl be more beautiful, but she hardly knows how to do what I can do with men! Now I'll show you something, and then you can tell which of us is more beautiful!
The crying of the failed gentleman was distracting, and so the girl opened the window and let out a guttural scream. The man began to cry even harder, but then his niece came and took him home.
Book two. Ginseng little men
The second book also tells about the past of the land on which the city of Vladivostok now stands. Yongmingchen was a real city. He occupied a vast territory. And it was, as you understand, on the site of present-day Vladivostok. The story begins with the Red Witch coming to Yongmingchen, the city of moonlight. The main characters of the story are four children. Three sisters and a brother. These are extraordinary children. These children were helped to be born by the Red Witch. The king and queen of Yongmingchen City have long dreamed of having children. When the king left for another war, the Red Witch entered the city and brought with her four ginseng seeds. Children were born through witchcraft. The queen planted four grains, looked after them, and after the allotted time, children were born. This is where the story of Yongmingchen begins. The story consists of six parts. Each part has a detective story. Royal children, endowed with unusual abilities, unravel and unravel difficult situations. The secondary characters of the story, the White Shaman with her daughter Jasmine Branch, the king's evil sorcerer, are constantly trying to harm the kingdom. And every time the royal heirs secretly intervene in the situation. Each of the children is endowed with a special mystical gift. When the fifth and sixth stories begin, a new hero appears in the story. This is a white boy. The king's evil sorcerer kept the boy as a slave. The boy, his name is V, managed to escape. He was dying of exhaustion when the king's children found him and hid him. From this moment begins the climax of the story, it is combined with the denouement. Five children end up in a secret underground city. The city has scales of time that can grant wishes, as well as a book of fate that can show the future. After visiting the secret city of Zhen, the children learn something about the future. The white slave was soon rescued, but the children were forced to part forever. One of the sisters, Princess Xi, was especially grieving. She liked the white boy, but she knew that in this life she would never meet him again.
The secret city of Zhen will appear in all six Haishenwei stories, but the entrance will only open when two special people can go underground. These people are the key that opens the entrance to the underground city.
Book three. The secret of Pekinskaya street.
The time of action of the story is 1905. Location - the city of Vladivostok. Pekinskaya Street was part of the criminal district, which has a sonorous name - Millionka. This is the third book in the Haishenwei series. She is united by common heroes. Heroes meet through the centuries, but do not recognize each other. The secret city of Zhen is guarded by those who hold the key. Boy Mo, the same boy whose brother was saved by the prince and princesses, is still alive. He cannot go to a happy land until he finds a successor. And he finds him - this is Victor, he is the white slave of V, the hero of our first story. Of course, Victor does not remember Mo, but Uncle Mo remembers him, that frightened boy, whom once, almost seven centuries ago, his brother, manager Li, tried to save.
Mystery of Beijing Street
The genre of this story is horror.
The heroes of the story are three teenagers. Place of action - Vladivostok, time of action - 1905. Teenagers live on Pekinskaya, one of the streets wheretoray was part of Millionka. Millionka is a criminal quarter, which even the Russian police did not like to visit idle. The ubiquitous teenagers infiltrate Uncle Mo's fanza without asking. Uncle Mo, according to unverified information, was the guardian of the secret underground city of Zhen. Teenagers get into the fanza, and inadvertently take away one of the things that should not have left this room. After that, events begin that do not allow the main character to sleep at night. The hero's name is Victor. The terrible consequences of a rash act also affected two of Victor's friends. One of the friends, after visiting the fanza, disappeared, the other was forced to flee the city. At night, Victor sees a scary man in the nursery window, he asks his mother to let him spend the night in another room, but this does not bring relief. A scary man looks into the windows of Victor's apartment every night. The boy goes into a fever. Victor's brother, at the request of his mother, leaves the service and comes to his hometown. When the boy comes to his senses, he is forced to confess his unseemly act to his brother. The brother tries to help, but even he understands that time is short. A terrible man, inch by inch, grows up every night. Moonlight gives the terrible man the strength to grow. The brother is looking for a way out and finds it. The shaman, who was promised an unusual payment, tells that Uncle Mo is a long-liver. He lives for a very, very long time in the lands that have seen the rise and fall of the states of Bohai and Chzhurzhen. The shaman assumes that an important item was stolen from the fanza, but returning this item will not be able to reverse the situation, because Uncle Mo's fanza burned down and Mo disappeared. The kidnapper, that is, Victor, must fulfill his destiny. The story ends with the fact that the boy, under the influence of unknown forces, begins to draw. The object stolen from the fanza was paints. Victor falls into a strange state. He would love to stop drawing, but he can't. In the drawing that comes out from under his brush, he sees a girl, almost a girl. It seems to him that he knows this girl, but does not remember the moment when he met her. The drawing is almost finished, before losing consciousness, the boy flinches at the revelation that pierces his entire body like lightning. Victor now knows he is the next guardian of the secret underground city of Zhen. Uncle Mo will never come back.
I offer you an excerpt from this book for your reference.
Evening has come. The room was getting dark at an incredible rate. The nursery is now lit all night from the streetlights. The governor ordered that the streets adjacent to Millionka be lit all night long. Thus, the city authorities are trying to eradicate crime. The windows of my current room overlook the courtyard. In the yard, of course, there are no streetlights. There was a knock on the door. Uncle Pavel came in and lit the fireplace. The glare that the fire threw on the walls should have made me feel peaceful, but they did not. I was anxious. To calm down, I went to the window to close the curtains, but immediately recoiled! The same disgusting face peered out the window. However, something has changed. The terrible man became visible from the waist up. Somehow he pulled himself up in his arms. It became clear that the blue man was wearing a shirt embroidered with strange patterns, and his eyes were no longer motionless. The blue little man looked straight at me and grinned. I closed the curtains and flew out into the corridor. I rushed without looking at the road and stumbled ... on Peter. My brother gently pressed me to him and asked:
- Where is the fire? Where are we flying?
“Sing,” I turned around in horror in the direction from which I had fled, “there ... let’s go, you’ll see everything for yourself!”
However, when we returned to the room, there was no one and nothing outside the window.
Book Four. Millionka .Si.
“The action of this book takes place at the beginning of the twentieth century. Before you is the city of Vladivostok of the last century and the legendary Millionka quarter. "Millionka" is a place where they lived side by side: Chinese, Koreans, Japanese and Russians. It was a separate quarter where strangers tried not to go idle. This quarter had everything: hairdressers, restaurants, gambling houses, markets, shops moreover, in this quarter there was one of the entrances to the catacombs. And deep underground, under the catacombs, the underground city of Zhen slept for a thousand years. It was a secret city built by the prince of the Jurchens. Not everyone could get into this city. The wall blocking the path would open only if there were at least two descendants of Grand Duke Da Zuorong among the travelers.”
Genre - adventure story
The heroine of the story is called Si, Anastasia, she is a half-blood, her father is Russian, her mother is Korean. The girl lives on Semyonovskaya Street, this is one of the streets that is part of the criminal quarter called Millionka. This quarter was inhabited by people of different nationalities, Chinese, Koreans, Japanese, as well as the Russian poor. The time of action is 1907. Location - the city of Vladivostok.
Millionka-quarter, where you could hide from the police, and you could hidesomething that was not intended for prying eyes.
Brothels, drinking establishments, laundries, hairdressers, Chinese taverns, offices where they bet on rat, cockfights, cockroach races, bandit burials, tenement houses, small Buddhist chapels, bank shops - all this was located on a small patch of four or five streets. facing the sea.
The action of the story begins with the girl running away from her pursuers. She stole the dress of Madame Haruko, the wife of the Japanese ambassador. A brooch is attached to the dress, and a secret report to the Japanese spy is hidden in the brooch, but the girl does not know this, and is surprised. She doesn't understand why the chase won't stop. In the end, the girl has no other choice but to hide in the catacombs that are laid underground. The network of passages laid under the city is connected by descents underground. It was rumored that with the help of underground passages, secret tunnels could go underwater to the Russian Island, or even find a path that would lead directly ... to China. Xi is not interested in either the first or the third time, she only wants to wait out the chase and live the old life. But a week passes, another, and everyone is looking for the girl. Si becomes weak from hunger, she occasionally goes out into the world to steal food, and immediately hides back again. Everything changes when other people appear in the catacombs. Some of them are regulars of the catacombs, and some of them appeared for the first time. These people are teenagers, the same age as Xi. Teenagers go underground. The hands on the clock converge. Xi gets to know those who went underground and, unexpectedly, new friends find themselves in front of a passage that has opened. The passage opened because two main people were underground, the Japanese Toli and the half-breed, the heroine of the story, Xi. The secret city of Zhen would be happy to reveal all its secrets to the heroes, but the heroes do not have time. Xi faints and her new friends bring her to the surface. Once on the surface, Anastasia learns that she has nowhere else to go. Xi's mother has not been in the city for a long time, the woman was forced to flee, fleeing the revenge of the Chinese gangsters - hunghuz, and now Anastasia finds out that her father also left Vladivostok. Xi's father was a gambler, huge sums of money appeared and disappeared in his hands. As soon as the opportunity turned up, my father left Vladivostok, returning to the mainland, to St. Petersburg. The fate of his daughter does not interest him. The catacombs are a mystical place. Each of the heroes who descended into the secret city received a gift. However, before enjoying the gifts of the secret city, the heroes were forced to suffer from a kind of inoculation, which the secret city awarded them. The boys suffered from loss of sight and hearing for some time. Since Anastasia had nowhere to go, the Japanese took her in. Brother and sister, Toli and Eneko, and their uncle, Kenryu, were filled with pity for the unfortunate girl, and were ready to do everything in their power to protect her from her pursuers. However, fate refused to be favorable to the heroes. A Japanese spy who was destined for the message embedded in Madame Haruko's brooch learned about the role of Japanese children, and their uncles, in saving Korean Xi. The spy is in the service of the secret department, and soon a formidable order comes from Japan, the family of Tolya and Eneko must return to Japan as soon as possible. Toli was born in Vladivostok, and does not want to return to the homeland of his ancestors, but he has no choice. As soon as the boy leaves, part of the passage to the secret city is closed. Honghuzi, red-bearded Chinese bandits, do not give up hope of finding Xi's mother. They are sure that the girl knows where her mother is, and another chase begins for Anastasia, now she is forced to hide from Chinese bandits. With the help of her Chinese friend Xia-Lin, whom she also met in the catacombs, and a frequenter of the catacombs, Pavel's guide, Xi leaves by underground paths to China. She tries to hide in a small Chinese town close to the Russian border. The town has several names: Pogranichnaya station or the village of Flags. As soon as Anastasia disappears from the city, the passage to the secret city is completely closed. The guys left in the city are trying to find the path that led to the secret city, but this is impossible. The path will open when the friends come together again.
Book five. We are a million
   "Continuation of the book "Millionka". The heroes of the book again find themselves in the secret city of Zhen and learn the secrets of this city to the end."
We are a million!
On Millionka, you will not find visible traces,
Let the police look!
In a Chinese woman, and in a child,
In a hunghuse, in a little Japanese woman,
There is a drop of this Millionka,
There is the blood of freedom
And the laws
Not powerful
City above you!
Because Millionka is a city within a city!
The cop didn't catch me
I ran away from him to the slums,
He went down into the dungeon from him,
And safely I buried there!
A million woman sleeps, her secrets sleep
Burials, hiding places are sleeping
On opening nights - random
In the night of suffering-crayons
Let not everyone last until the morning,
Killed - opium, knife, Suli;
But those who rise
Get up in the morning...
Bring your legs back!
Sell, buy, catch and build,
Steal, push, runto the sepulchre,
Well, that's life
And something's worth
And this cry, and this groan!
Roundup! News from house to house
Ear to ear, eye to eye!
Once upon a time you lived differently
Until the storm came
Until people throw it away
You on the stones of the pavement
Let Millionka be a home
And the roof will be, at least some!
Honghuzi, bailiffs, bandits,
And now, run away from everyone?
From the fight to the blood, the knuckles are knocked down,
Where else can you get opium?
How do we live on Millionka?
Oh, we have a great time here!
From the patrol we run on a junk,
Or we fight back, or we die!
On holy, God's Sunday,
We wander, we crawl, we go through the mud
And in God's house for a moment,
I want to fall to the icon,
Forget about evil
What a threshold!
About the fact that there is nowhere to run,
About the fact that there are a lot of Chinese here,
And Russian is rare, not to be found,
The Japanese are here, the Koreans, the Manzas,
Everywhere sounds someone else's speech,
Temporary buildings, sheds, fanzas,
Try to keep in mind!
You're leaving! The case fell
They will return to capital Moscow,
But it's strange, dreams are so annoying,
They call to return to the land of the dense,
To Millionka, to the crazy country"
                There are a million of us.
Genre - adventure story
Time of action - 1909. Location - Vladivostok.
The main characters of the story: Anastasia, a half-breed Korean woman, her friends: smugglers guides Pavel and Victor, a Japanese family, Toli, Eneko, Kenryu, their parents, Xia-lin - a Chinese friend, Elena - a frequenter of the catacombs, children of a smuggler from Flagov village, and many more secondary characters
The action of the story begins with the fact that the reader learns that in May 1909 Asiatic cholera raged on the streets of Vladivostok. Cholera was created artificially, it was brought to the city by a Japanese spy, whom we have already met on the pages of the book Millionka.
 However, the doctors of the city, of course, did not know about this, it was believed that cholera was brought from the central regions of China. People who get cholera rarely recover, most often they die, but some of those who recover become zombies. This crowd obeys commands. Against the background of this horror, the action of the fourth part of the Haishenwei hexology begins.
 Anastasia, Xi, lives in a small Chinese border town. The city has two names - the village of Flags, or Border Station. Xi came here on the recommendation of the mother of one of her friends. Girlfriend's name is Xia-Ling. However, it is unlikely that my mother knew the ins and outs of the family to which she sent Anastasia.
 Anastasia settled in the family of a smuggler. The owner of the family had six children. Together with the children, Anastasia worked from early morning until late at night. The task of the children was simple and monotonous, they were preparing ancillary material for sending contraband. The contraband was sent to Vladivostok and other nearby cities.
Two years have passed since the escape from Vladivostok. Xi receives sparing news from friends through Pavel's guide. However, now, in May 1909, the hunt for Nastya, for some reason, has intensified. The Honghuzi, red-bearded bandits, do not give up hope of finding Nastya's mother, and for this they must first find Nastya herself. In the smuggler's family, Nastya is still safe, but the circle is narrowing. Finally Xi is forced to flee again. She runs to the banks of the Suifong River. This is where she hides for a while. The smuggler's children bring her food. Nastya all the time thinks about the book she saw in the underground city of Zhen.
Then the book opened just in front of her. Tormented by loneliness and longing, Nastya suddenly hears a call. She responds to the call and instantly finds herself in another secret city. This city is located somewhere under the waters of the river. The city is protected by an invisible dome. Here, under the water column, she sees a book similar to the one she didn't finish reading in Zhen City. When Anastasia is again on the river bank, it turns out that three whole months have passed. It's autumn outside. Xi is cold, bad, and hurts. The smuggler's children searched for her all summer, but they never found her. Nastya reads the note that the children left on the river bank and cries. There was a misfortune, and the family of the smuggler was forced to flee from Flagov village to the central regions of China.
 Anastasia was left alone. There was a fire in the smuggler's house, and no one lives there yet. Nastya secretly sneaks into the premises that have not yet burned to the ground, and hides there for some time. It's getting colder and you want to eat. In a cache that only the children knew existed, Xi finds another note and some money. In the note, she discovers hopeful information. Two days later, Pavel must wait for her at the Orthodox church. Two days have passed. Nastya stands at the church and waits for Pavel. It starts to rain, but there is still no friend. Finally Xi is called. A young man is sitting in the cab, but this is not Pavel. The young man's name is Victor, for his friends he is V. Pavel fell ill with Asiatic cholera. Victor is Pavel's debtor and therefore, gritting his heart, he agrees to take away the strange, tall and emaciated girl. Anastasia does not yet know that her mother lives not far from here. Victor tells her about it. In the neighboring province, there is a town named Hunchun. Chinese cityth, but Koreans live there, and there is also a Russian garrison in this city. That's where Victor goes. Victor merchant. He is going to Hunchun on business, and is ready to take Nastya with him if the girl has no objections. Pavel is very sick, but manages to warn Victor that the red-beards are looking for Nastya, and he also reminds his friend that Xi should meet with her mother. Nastya's path lies in Hunchun. Hongchun is located in Jilin Province. It's getting colder. Victor buys a sheepskin coat for Nastya. The girl at first refuses the gift, but then she realizes that Victor is driven not only by kindness. Travelers go on foot, and the temperature at night drops so low that you can die from the cold. Finally, the travelers reach Hunchun. Xi's mother is a fortuneteller, he tells fortunes to the residents of the city for money, but, despite all her fortune-telling talents, mother does not recognize her daughter at first. Victor and Anastasia break up for a week. When Victor, before leaving, comes to visit Anastasia, he is struck to the very heart. Mom put her daughter in order, and Xi became a real beauty. Victor is ready to take Anastasia to Vladivostok, but Xi's mother refuses to do so. Mom consults with the spirit of Changbanshan Mountain - this is a sacred mountain for Koreans, and the spirit of the mountain forbids Anastasia to return to the city with the young man.
The winter has passed. A Japanese family returns to Vladivostok, Toli, Eneko, their uncle Kenryu and their parents. After some time, with a convoy of fish, he reaches the city of Nastya. Everything seems to be great, friends are getting together, but the vengeful Japanese spy has not forgotten those who violated his plans a few years ago. An army of Japanese-controlled people is chasing friends. Friends remember about the dungeon and the city of Zhen. Zombies are afraid of the dungeon, and there Si and her friends are safe. The fugitives reach the secret city with ease. There are no barriers, because Victor also descends underground, hoping to meet Xi. The meeting is taking place. The city gates open. However, there is no turning back. The fugitives will have to use the scales of time, after which it will be impossible to change anything. And now I want to introduce you to an excerpt from the book "We are a million"
From February to May 1909, Asiatic cholera raged in Vladivostok. A quarter of the city's population died. There were not enough doctors and medicines. The situation was catastrophic. It was especially creepy to watch those patients who survived!
The sick huddled in flocks and roamed the streets of the city. From the very moment of its inception, the city had a division into borders. The boundaries of the division, of course, were conditional, but they were. There were areas where the rich lived, and there were areas for the poor. And, of course, there were areas where people lived below the lower poverty line. One of these districts was called "Millionka".
So, patients who had been ill with Asiatic cholera, and managed to stay alive, did not recognize the regional framework and divisions. Those recovered wandered everywhere. The inhabitants of the city, those who lived in the relatively clean half, were afraid to stray far from their homes. As I said, cholera survivors roamed in packs, but did not know each other, did not notice or recognize each other. However, if someone, having hesitated, separated from the crowd, one of the cholera roars called the lost woman to the flock.
Flocks who lost their memory did not recognize relatives and friends. Cholera was called "Asian", but it was born in the heart of Millionka, in a quarter where overcrowding and unsanitary conditions reigned. It was only later that she was brought to the south of China by one of the sick people. A Chinese man came for his father's birthday. He brought gifts with him. He brought all the money earned in Vladivostok and ... a cholera embryo. He did not stay in his native village for long, only three days, but that was enough to infect the whole family. Leaving, the man promised his family to come in six months, but this was their last meeting. He never saw his relatives or the rest of the villagers again.
After the man's departure, three nearby villages, a small town in the neighborhood, and the village where the man was from were empty in less than three weeks. The man returned to Vladivostok. And then, right on the street, he lost consciousness. He did not reach Millionka only a little bit. On the streets of Millionka, the disease has already taken everyone who can be taken away. But it has not yet leaked into the central quarters, and now one of the sick people has been admitted to the hospital.
The pestilence engulfed the streets of the city like a fire. Cholera was nicknamed "Asian", thinking that the Chinese brought it from the south, from their native village, but as you now know, it was not so. The hospital staff was melting before our eyes, and the doctor who treated the Chinese also died. Two nurses have died.
But the Chinese survived, and his name was Liu Baishi. Before his illness, Liu lived with his brother on Semyonovskaya. In addition to them, 13 other people lived in the room.
Liu did not remember the moment he left the hospital room.
He circled the city and could not remember where his brother lived. Baishi was healthy physically, which could not be said about his mind. Finally, everything faded before his eyes, but the man did not stop and did not fall. On the contrary, his movements seem to have become more purposeful.
How much time has passed since thehis zoom turned off, Baishi didn't remember. He realized himself only in the twilight. His feet carried him in an unknown direction. He didn't recognize the street, didn't recognize the people scurrying around. He could not even recognize the one who lives inside his body. Liu did not remember his name. He didn't remember anything.
It was evening. Darkness descended on the streets of Millionka. Someone called out to the man. By this time the streets were completely empty. It was quite warm, but the fog had already taken over, and quickly draped the dirty streets in a milky gray color.
Baishi heard someone else's speech, but did not understand what was said to him.
Book six. "Restaurant at Emperor Huangdi"
Genre - adventure story with anime elements
This story has been going on since the reign of the Yongmingchen kings. Only the main character in this story this time again will be V - Victor. Ancestral memory is like a ticking time bomb. And in this story, at the moment when trouble came, Victor begins to remember who he was in the past.
 This story takes place in our time. The scene of action is modern Vladivostok. A mirror-calendar found at the excavations of an ancient settlement falls into the hands of the protagonist. Because of this mirror, the whole family of the boy died, and he lost his home. Taote, an evil monster that easily takes the form of a man, is chasing Vitya. Taote tries to convince the boy that he is his uncle. Moreover, the monster promises Vitya that if the boy voluntarily gives up the calendar, then he, Taota, undertakes to fulfill all the boy's wishes until the end of his life. The boy rushes about, trying to escape from the car that is chasing him, Taota and his friends are sure that the boy cannot get away from them, but suddenly a mirror-calendar begins to help Vitya. The mirror leads him to Semyonovskaya Street, to the area of ;;the legendary Millionka. The escape promises to end in disaster, when suddenly Vitya runs into a strange girl. The girl is dressed in cast-offs, Vitya is trying to understand what is wrong with the girl, and suddenly realizes that the girl's silhouette is flickering and rippling. The girl seems to be trying to take root in the present tense, but she does not succeed. It even seems to the boy that the city around him has changed, become gray, gloomy, cars have disappeared, and horse-drawn carriages have taken their place. However, everything ends when the boy blinks his eyes. Taote overtakes the fugitive, but the mirror-calendar does not want to fall into the hands of the monster, the mirror guides Vitya and stops giving hints only when the boy turns to the old building. There used to be a bath here. The building was built at the end of the 19th century. A strange stove, the door of which opens directly onto the street, lets Vitya inside. Vitya finds himself in the kitchen of a night restaurant. However, this restaurant is not for people. The dishes that are prepared here are craving to be eaten by beings that are not human. These are werewolves, magicians, monsters, mermaids. The restaurant is called: "Emperor Huangdi's."
Vitya unwittingly disrupts the smooth running of the kitchen. The spirit of the kitchen cannot stand the human smell, and dissolves into the air without even fulfilling its duties. Here's how it's written in the book.
“Ohaguro Bettari, the kitchen manager, was furious. She herself was not visible, only her mouth full of black teeth was visible. The hall was full of guests, and there was nothing to serve. Ohaguro tried to contain the spirit of the kitchen, but it vanished into thin air without a trace. The werewolf woman finally noticed that there was an outsider in the kitchen. And not just an outsider, but a human being. Seeing Vitya, his mouth began to change. Lips reddened and black teeth began to sharpen. But it didn't last long. A fire broke out in the furnace, and the furnace cracked in two. Ohaguro came to her senses. She realized that she could not even touch Vitya. A bell was heard from above. This demanded dishes that were to be delivered to the guests. Ohaguro pouted her lips and sucked in the fumes that came from the fact that the fire went out. Exhaling sharply, the mouth tried to brand the boy's forehead. At the last moment, the beam of the calendar deflected the jet of darkness, but a few grains still fell on the boy's forehead. Now Vitya was a slave to the kitchen, but, thank God, not forever. Just for a short time."
During the day, people visit the restaurant, but at night, those who sometimes return feast here.
Millionka is a quarter in which not only the Chinese, Koreans, but also the Japanese lived at the beginning of the 20th century. The staff of the restaurant "Wu Huangdi" consists mainly of Japanese. The story uses characters from Japanese anime, Ohaguro Battari, Ugaike, Bakeneko.
 Wandering through the night streets of the city, Victor encounters the characters of the urban legends of Vladivostok, the White Lady, appearing from the walls of the house along Fokina (Pekingskaya) Street at three in the morning, a sailor who was killed, whose body was cut into pieces, and scattered in different parts of Millionka. Victor even manages to eavesdrop on the conversation that King Millionka is having and talk to the spirit of the old Kunst store owner. This legendary store still stands on the main street of Vladivostok - Svetlanskaya. Gustav Kunst, on Christmas Eve, calls out to the souls of his workers, and they come to the call to celebratespend Christmas with the owner. Vitya lives with his great-aunt, and one day his grandmother introduces him to her friend's granddaughter. The girl's name is Anastasia, Si. Vitya is trying to understand, to remember, but the memory does not want to give a hint. Victor knows for sure that he saw this girl somewhere, but that's all he can remember. And then one day he is transported into the past, and finds himself with a group of friends in a strange underground city. Among the guys dressed in clothes of the last century, he sees her, the girl whom everyone calls Si, a ghostly girl, like two peas in a pod, looks like a real girl, whom his great-aunt recently introduced him to.
 On New Year's Eve, Vitya, as the most diligent employee of the restaurant, is presented with a gift. However, Emperor Huangdi, the owner of the restaurant, like all owners and proprietors in the world, is cunning. A gift is given not just like that, but in return. However, Victor trusts the yellow emperor and without a drop of hesitation gives the mirror-calendar.
After leaving the restaurant, Vitya loses the thread of reality for a moment, and when he wakes up, he sees his beloved family, mom, dad and brother next to him. Several years of misfortune disappear from Viti's memory. Being with your beloved family is the best gift in the world!
The boy indifferently glides his eyes over the sign "Restaurant at Emperor Huangdi", but nothing flashes in his eyes. He forgot everything.
It is curious to overhear the conversation that the owner of the restaurant and his subordinate Houtu were having at that time.
If Vitya had heard what the conversation was about, he would have been very surprised. It was about his humble personality. To hear this conversation, you need to read another passage from the book, here it is:
“…of course he is human,” Howtu summed up what he had said earlier, “but he has abilities. And, as you know, it turned out to be surprisingly useful for our restaurant. If it were possible...
“No,” interrupted the subordinate emperor, “unfortunately, nothing will work out. My mother's uncle, the great Chan, people also call him the Spirit of Changbaishan Mountain, insists that the meeting of these two people should not take place. The young man must forget this girl. Their time has not yet come. When they get to know each other, the scales of time will lose their balance.
"It's a pity," Houtu sighed, "the boy was very helpful to our restaurant."
-Of course, sorry! Moreover, I will have to sacrifice something to please my uncle. But what can you do for someone who rocked you on his knees when you were a baby!
-What about the magic mirror-calendar?
Yes, that's a difficult question! Well, let's do this, Ohaguro Battari will receive a mirror for temporary use. After all, she loses her most valuable worker. And at first it will be hard for her! Here is a mirror to help her.
- Yes, I know what you wanted to argue! The mirror will be at her disposal only before the end of the year. By the next new year, the mirror will have to take its old place. And I'll make sure it's as deep underground as possible!"
Book seven. "Environmental Police"
The book is set in the near future. The city of Vladivostok is plunged into an abyss of fear. The environmental police are rampant in the city. People are sterilized on the slightest suspicion. And again the secret city of Zhen meets our heroes. The scales of time are waiting."
Genre fiction
Near future. Location - the city of Vladivostok.
The main characters of the story are: Anastasia, her employer Lin, for whom she works as the third night wife, Anastasia's husband - Igor, sister Olga and her husband's mother. A coup took place in the Primorsky Territory, now Primorye is called the Primorsky Republic. Formally, the Russians are in power, but in fact, the Chinese billionaire Li Fan is in charge of the city and the region. There are so many cars in the city that the entire population suffers from allergies. Allergy takes all sorts of terrible forms - this is AIDS allergy, man-made allergy, and all sorts of other types of allergies. Mr. Li Fan made a fortune selling cars. Those citizens of the Primorsky Republic who cannot afford a new car are expelled outside the city, naturally, that the number of those who are ill from this does not become less. Different departments of the environmental police have been created, there is even a children's environmental police. For denunciation to the police, citizens are entitled to all sorts of benefits, and therefore everyone is watching each other. To make surveillance more effective, it is forbidden to close the curtains on the windows until 21:00, otherwise - a fine! And in general, it is desirable not to have curtains! The area where Millionka, a criminal quarter inhabited by the Chinese poor, was located at the beginning of the 20th century, is now considered the most prestigious, of course, because it is located next to the sea! Those who live there are less likely to get sick from allergies. Access to this area is closed to Russians, there are houses of rich Chinese. Apartments in this area are so expensive that even Anastasia's owner, Mr. Lin, cannot afford to have an apartment in this area. Anastasia, a young, beautiful woman, not yet in her thirties, is forced to work as Mr. Lin's third night wife. Nastya's father at one time refused to obey the authorities when his youngest daughter fell ill - Olha. Now Nastya's entire family is listed as untrustworthy. The result was that Anastasia, upon graduation, was unable to obtain the right to study at a higher educational institution. She had only one way left - to be a paid wife. Luckily, Mr. Lin is quite a gentle and likeable person. Lin's mother is Chinese and her father is Russian, so Lin has another name, Victor, Vi. However, the man does not advertise this fact. Chinese compatriots look askance at fellow citizens with Russian names. Lin falls in love with his paid wife and saves her from harm when Nastya is arrested by the environmental police. Anastasia and her official husband, Igor, have a son, Mikhail. Anastasia forbids her husband to call a doctor, when her son falls ill, she tries to treat him herself. The situation comes to the point that the child loses consciousness. When the filter transport arrives, the doctor calls the environmental police. Parents should have called a doctor, not treated him themselves. Anastasia takes all the blame. Husband Igor, and his family, immediately renounce Nastya. Unexpectedly, help comes from someone from whom it was not expected. Nastya's employer, Lin, pays a large deposit. Nastya is released from prison. She only needs to take a few blood tests, which will confirm that Nastya is healthy, and she does not have the terrible deviations that allergies give. However, it turns out that Anastasia is ill. Her illness has taken such forms that are no longer treated, Lin is also infected, as she is her husband, to whom Nastya gave paid services. The heroes of the story are forced to flee the city, they are hunted down. All roads from the city are blocked, and therefore our heroes join the outcasts, unfortunate people who live in basements, abandoned houses, underground. Lin, a renowned scientific chemist, he made a fortune by inventing several drugs to help with the effects of Seaside Allergy. But all the drugs remained at his home, in the laboratory. However, he managed to take a few medicines with him, but they are negligible. A couple of lovers join the same fugitives and outcasts as they are. Lin tries to help a little girl with an allergy that has already taken terrible forms, but the medicine is running out. Every ten minutes the authorities of the city transmit the signs of the fugitives through all information channels, Lin and Nastya are saved by the black fog that covered the streets of the city. In such weather, the inhabitants of the city do not go out into the streets. Black fog is also the consequences of the destructive policy of Mr. Li Fan. In the end, the fugitives have only one way out. Underground city. Lin knows about the underground city from his mother. Legends about the city of Zhen have been passed down in his family by word of mouth for many centuries. Lin knows that the rock gate might not open, but decides to take the risk anyway. The whole trouble is that the city is located under Millionka, a rich quarter that is guarded most strictly. However, Lin knows the old underground way. Gate - rock open. Lin does not suspect that the second half of the key is next to him - this is Nastya. The way to the city of Zhen is open. The city has scales of time. They will help the heroes return to a time when the problem that caused them to turn to the help of the scales did not yet exist. But the fact is that the scales take memory. Anastasia cries, she understands that when the scales of time take her to a happy past, she will forget about Lin, whom she loved with all her heart. Lin ties a red thread to Nastya's hair, that's all he can do. He hopes that there, in a happy past, Anastasia will look at the thread and remember him, Lin. This hope is very illusory, but there is no other way out. Lin and Anastasia put their palms on the scales of time.
I love the characters in my books. When I walk through the streets of my beautiful city, I often wonder what would happen if the fate of the heroes turned out differently? However, the books have already been written, from time to time I add something, something I delete, but the main line of the story about Haishenwei and the secret city of Zhen remains unchanged. My old friend, old, not because he is already about ninety years old, but because we have known each other for many years, the Chinese Vasya, who lives in Beijing and is the best adviser on writing my books, told me many times that Chinese tourists consider Vladivostok a Chinese city.
Rather, they consider the land on which Vladivostok stands to be Chinese. On some Chinese maps, Vladivostok is called “Yongminchen”, and the land on which our beloved city stands is called “Haishenwei”. And now let's imagine what would happen and where we would live now, if then, at the end of the nineteenth century, the Chinese emperor had not signed the Beijing Treaty, according to which most of the land, including the land on which Vladivostok stands, was ceded to the Russians . A lot comes to my mind when I walk the streets and watch the Chinese tourists. I am calm, I know that my fantasies are just speculation. Vladivostok is a Russian city and will always be so! And we are happy to welcome Chinese tourists.
 And you, dear readerstel, I invite you to wander through the pages of my books. My books are for all ages. Children will probably be interested in the book "Yongmingchen", it is written in the genre of a fairy tale, all other books are also for people of different ages and interests. Welcome to the past and future of Vladivostok and the land on which Vladivostok stands!
