Death quest


5 rooms.
Each room has its own secret. The card reveals treasure clues found in each room. But there is also a catch. Whoever enters the room risks his life. You can go back only if you solve the secret of the map, only then will you find a way to open the room from the inside and exit. There is no other way. The people who are in the room should know that if they enter the secret room, then it will no longer be possible to open the door from the outside and save them. When breaking the door from the outside, everyone and everyone in the room will die.

So, only those who have nothing to lose can decide to enter the room. The one who is in a desperate situation, the one who has crossed the line.

Another circumstance, people who are looking for treasure in the bowels of Millionka must be very thin. This is the second and very important condition.

Now about the treasure. At the beginning of the 20th century, gangs of hunghuz were operating on the territory of Vladivostok and Primorye. Honghuzi are red-bearded Chinese bandits. For the Honghuzi, the nationality of the one they rob was not important. What Russians, what Koreans, what their Chinese compatriots, they all robbed in the same way. They were merciless and cruel people.
The Honghuz were avid gamers. When, by order of the governor, the hunghuzes were driven out of Vladivostok and Primorye, they left the loot that they could not take with them in the depths of Millionka, moreover, there was a map with which you could find hidden values. The card that remained after the Honghuz was encrypted.
The Honghuzi did not trust each other, so only those who were dedicated could read the map.
There are five treasure hunters. Four girls and a boy. The young man's name is Igor. He is a graduate of the Faculty of History of FEFU (University). Igor did an internship at the Arseniev Museum and, rummaging through old documents, came across a strange piece of paper - this was the map. Honghuz map.
Igor became interested in the map. He thought for a long time and searched in the documents of the early 20th century for a mention of other hunghuz treasures, but he did not find it. But I found mention of other cards. The young man seriously began to study the history of the old quarter of Vladivostok - Millionka.
It was a crime district.
It existed from 1890 to 1930. The Russian poor lived here, as well as the Chinese, Koreans, Japanese, and also the Honghuzi. The chronicles of the city often mentioned bandits with red beards who kept the entire Primorsky Territory and the city of Vladivostok in fear. Honghuzi became famous for their cruelty and ability not to leave witnesses.

There are four girls who are now in the room with Igor. One of the four girls is Katya. Katya is a student at Harbin University. Katya's mother is in critical condition and she needs a lot of money to cure her. Problem number two: Katya has a year left to graduate from Harbin University, but there is no money for this. Katya knows the Chinese language, Chinese culture and Chinese customs very well.

The first room is located on Millionka, in the courtyard of Semyonovskaya street, 3.
The house at Kereyskaya, 12 @ Semenovskaya, 3, belonged, at the end of the 19th century, to the Japanese Tokunago.
But, by the time the Honghuzi made their hiding place in one of the rooms, the houses began to belong to different owners.
House on Semenovskaya, 3 - to the Chinese Wang-I-Nan. The house at 12 Korean Street is also for a Chinese named Wan-Ken-Siu. The houses are interconnected by a passage.
On one of the September days, near the door of one of the offices, along Semenovskaya street, 3, there were five young people. They were all excited.
The names of those who were now standing in front of the door: Igor, Anna, Katerina, Valentina and Anastasia (Stasya)
Igor (whispers)
- Girls, I repeat again! You have to be calm and focused!
You can speak out loud! Nobody's here. No wonder I worked for three months in a nearby store! If you haven't forgotten, every day I tracked what time the manager came to this room and what time he left. The manager, a young man who organizes the delivery of Chinese medicines, has never been particularly zealous. He left an hour early today!
Anastasia (Stasya)
“What if it’s him on purpose?” Suddenly he noticed that you were following him and decided ...
(laughs hysterically)
Anna (hugs Stasya by the shoulders and tries to calm her down)
- We are fine! Stasia, can you hear me? Katya has worked here long enough to…
(looks around)
- You heard? I thought something!
Valya, what are you? Did you hear something too?
Yes, I thought something too! Katya, are you sure that the passage to the secret room is here?
“If the map that Igor found is right, then the passage is somewhere here!” Igor, what are you doing?
— I'm trying to carefully remove these two pieces of tiles. Look, now we are in the toilet. This office has been rebuilt several times, but the toilet has been renovated purely cosmetically. Judging by the map, here, at the beginning of the twentieth century, there was a pantry. There should be a small tunnel behind it. And just behind the tunnel... Yes, what are those sounds?
- What are we talking about?

- And why…
Igor (interrupting her)
- So, that's it, it's gone, Katya, look, this is the door!
Look for hieroglyphs!
- I don't see anything! We need to turn on the light in the bathroom! Also, turn on all the lights!
Like this! Hooray! I see! Two hieroglyphs at the top, in the corners, and one at the bottom, right at the bottom of the door! You have to press at the same time!
- Well, we act as agreed! Anna and I press upstairs, and you, Katya, downstairs. Well, one, two, three! Everyone went! Come in one at a time, be careful!
— Oh, how dark!
“Yeah, and the smell is disgusting!” Oh, the door knocked!
- I have changed my mind! I don't want to go there! I want to come back! You can do without me!
Anna, hold her!
- Stasenka, we can't go back! The door won't open! It only opens one way! Igor already told you!
- Let me in! You are all lying! You are with him!
We are all here together! Nastya, Anastasia! Come to yourself! We can't go back to the door! It's life-threatening. Katya told us that, near the door, danger lies in wait for us! There is no way back!
- Yes, Stasenka! I can even read this place at the bottom of the map again. There's a warning!
- No need! Forgive me! I just didn't know that closed space would affect me like that!
- Everything is fine! Look, Igor gives a sign! Let's stop!
— Igor, where to now? The tunnel is bifurcating! It's not on the map!
"If you shut up a little...
We need to go to the left tunnel!
- How do you know?
- You're not careful! Igor told us about it! From childhood, he feels those places where danger awaits him! Lights begin to dance before his eyes, and then flashes ...
- This means nothing!
- Everyone, we're here! Katya, where is the bottle of water? Pass it on to me through Anna!
Igor stood on all fours in front of another door. The girls were at the back. What is happening ahead, only Anna saw. The tunnel corridor was so narrow that Stase and Valentina could not see anything from behind Katerina.
Igor opened the bottle and poured water right on the joint between the door frame and the wall. Water flowed down. There was a distant call. The door creaked open. A minute later, all five were already in the secret room.
The secret room did not give the treasure hunters the desired prey. From this room, the brave five received only a jade flower clue. It was a room where a rich Chinese man probably spent all his time. There were chess sets made of precious jade, a hookah made from a single piece of emerald. The room-sized bed, enclosed on all sides, was made of sandalwood, and its curtains were of silk embroidered with dragons. And there was also a screen inlaid with mother-of-pearl. Igor asked the girls to look for a thing that would be out of place here, it was this thing that was supposed to serve as a clue. Time passed, the girls climbed the whole room, but there was no clue. Katerina was an expert in this room, she rejected all the ideas of her friends, and, in the end, she found what she needed.
At some point, she screamed and pointed to the screen. However, the guys did not see anything special in the screen. Then Katya was forced to explain her theory. The screen depicted a Chinese-style cherry blossom festival. The trees were made of mother-of-pearl, mother-of-pearl flowers bloomed on mother-of-pearl branches, but among the mother-of-pearl flowers there were flowers that did not fit into the overall picture, these four flowers were made of white jade.
Katya said that one flower is superfluous, because the Chinese do not like the number four. In the Chinese language, the number four corresponds to the word for death. For about ten minutes, Katya counted and looked at the flowers. Finally, she pointed to a flower, which, according to her calculations, could be easily removed from the picture on the screen.
 However, she did not have time to stop Stasya. Stasia rushed to the screen and carelessly removed the flower from the picture. The jade flower ended with a sharp pin. The flower had a second bottom. Having pricked with a needle that jumped out of a flower, he turned pale and fainted.
However, after Stasya removed the flower from the screen, the lock in the door clicked and the door opened. Picking up the girl, Igor carried her out of the room, after him all the others jumped out. The door slammed shut behind them. The guys ended up on Pogranichnaya Street. Valentina ran to her car, they managed to take Stasya to the hospital, they managed to save him, because the poison did not have time to act in full force.
 The poison, at the tip of the needle, was deadly, at the beginning of the 20th century, a flower charged with a deadly virus would certainly have killed Anastasia, but now the action of the poison did not work in full force.
After Stasya was discharged from the hospital, the five seekers again gathered at Igor's apartment. Katya took out a flower, which she had been hiding all this time in an impenetrable box. When the box was opened, everyone bent over the flower. Katya carefully turned it over.
On the needle that wasembedded in a flower, a piece of paper was planted. Following the address, which was written on paper in Japanese characters, Valya, a Japanese translator, explained the direction of further searches. Now it was necessary to find the second room hiding place.
Even 6 months ago, the guys did not know each other. Only two of them knew each other, and even then virtually, they were Igor and Anna.
 Igor is the head of this company, Anna is a master of martial arts. The other three girls knew perfectly: Japanese, Chinese and Korean. Igor met girls on the Internet. For six months, the company of five met every week and made plans.
Igor spent all this time on tests and exercises that he conducted with the girls. Exercises were carried out on the ability to remain cool in any stressful situation, and also, very often, Igor conducted tests for resourcefulness.
All four girls were in dire need of money and therefore, after a little hesitation, agreed with Igor's plan.
Igor chose the right girls on the Internet for a long time before he settled on four that suited him perfectly. In addition to knowledge of oriental languages, the girls had another undoubted quality. They were slender and lithe, almost thin.
Igor knew that they would have to walk through attics and down into cellars, squeeze into tiny holes, crawl through winding and narrow corridors and tunnels. Anna worked with the girls on flexibility and endurance exercises.
Igor had phenomenal logical thinking and perfect memory. And even at the moment of danger, colored lightning began to flash before his eyes - this was the result of a childhood trauma.
Igor did not need money as badly as girls, but he loved to solve puzzles and riddles, and he also liked Anna and he wanted to impress her. All four girls were in a difficult relationship. They liked Igor, but they obeyed Anna implicitly.
Following the hint.
Valya needed money. To save her brother, who owed a lot of money to her partners in the game, the girl was ready to do anything. Valya worked as a translator for a Japanese company. She was fluent in Japanese, having lived in Japan throughout her childhood and graduated from a Japanese university. Valentina's father was once a diplomat
All five were trying to find the next room with the stash. In a note, impaled on a needle from a jade flower, it was written in Japanese "Kishizashikigesha" - "Tatami no heya" - "Shogi" - st. Beijing, 18.
Valya immediately gave a translation: "Kishizakigesha" - this translates as "Establishment." “Tatami no heya” is the translation of the word “Room”. "Shogi" translates as "prostitute". Together, it all meant this: "Institution" - "room" - "prostitute", and the address: Beijing, 18.
So the next stop is a room in an establishment where prostitutes received clients. It was a Japanese brothel.
At the beginning of the 20th century, one of these houses was located on Beijing, 18.
Now it is Fokina street.
The room in the attic was the Japanese girl's private room. The room was sparsely furnished. Bed, table, basin for washing. Only a huge mirror decorated with Japanese gods stood out.
“Valentina, is there anything else in the note?” No hints?
- I'll take a look now. Something about opium. I do not understand.
- Just read it! And we will think together.
- Good! There's something... Okay, I'm translating verbatim. A Japanese call girl, studied by the endless bullying of a brothel owner, married a Chinese man. A Chinese man forced her to smoke an opium pipe. Six months later, the face of the Japanese woman became yellow and swollen, and it was no longer possible to distinguish her from the Chinese. She often stood at the mirror and cried looking into it ... The tears in the mirror were large, and the Japanese woman was small, the mirror distorted ... There is something illegible below, I can’t read ...
- Here's the bastard! She trusted him, and he hooked her on drugs!
— Wait! The thought flashed... Val, read the note again!
And, however, it is not necessary. I understand. It's in the mirror. Let's go to the mirror and try to understand what the author of the note had in mind when he wrote about the mirror. I doubt that he was touched by the fate of the poor Japanese girl, and he took pity on her!
- You are right, rather, he would have taken advantage of her plight, but he would hardly have regretted it. The Honghuzi hated the Japanese even more than the Koreans.
- Yes, what is there to think! Let's feel the mirror and that's it! I'm here now...
Igor and Anna (in one voice)
- Stop!
- Stasya, didn’t you have enough the first time?
You can't touch anything! Don't you understand, hunghuzi left traps everywhere! It is unlikely that they needed the uninitiated to find the treasure!
- Well, what are you doing? I just suggested, and was not going to do anything!
- Stasia, we're fine. We are worried about you!
- Girls! Get together! We can't be here forever! Of course, we are in the attics and it is unlikely that anyone will miss us here, but still speak quietly! Valya, what are you?
Get away from the mirror! You can't touch himwith your hands. I finally figured out what was written!
— And what will happen?
- Do not touch with bare hands, the burn will be severe!
- And if with a stick?
“Probably you can, there’s nothing written about sticks here. You can't just touch it with your hands. Here it is written in Japanese hand and fire, so I decided ...
- Correctly decided! Katya, look out into the corridor of the attic, is there any kind of stick there?
- I have something better. You told me to take a shovel with me to the forest yesterday. She remained in my backpack.
- Give me! I want to try touching the mirror!
- No, none of you will touch. I'm the only man here, I take the risk!
Igor took a spatula and, asking the girls to move away, went to the mirror. Touching the wooden handle of the spatula to the edge of the mirror, Igor immediately jumped away, but nothing happened. Only for the fourth time the mirror became hot and burst, when Igor touched one of the edges of the mirror. The mirror didn't burn for long. As soon as it went out, one of the walls of the attic room turned. The wall was the back board of the cabinet. In front of the guys was a wardrobe, a completely unusual shape. And again, Igor and the girls had to find who knows what. Nine kimonos hung in the closet. Valentina only had to choose one kimono. She thought and thought, finally, she chose one of the nine kimonos - it was the kimono that a Japanese girl wore when she was waiting for certain customers.
Igor carefully took out a kimono. And he stopped in confusion. What to do next with this silk little thing, he did not know. Katya asked me to give her a kimono. Gently feeling the dress of the Japanese girl, Katya found a pocket in the sleeve of the kimono, and in the pocket a new clue, which was supposed to suggest the address of the next room.
Anastasia - Stasia was in dire need of money in order to pay money to her brothers, who demanded money for protecting Anastasia's husband's business.
Anastasia's mother was Korean, her father was Russian. When Stasya was little, her mother took her to Seoul and left her with her grandmother. In Seoul, Stasia lived for six months, went to kindergarten, and then to elementary school. Then my grandmother died, my mother suddenly decided to return to her homeland. Mom divorced and took Stasya with her to Korea. When Stasya grew up, she decided to visit her father, and then she remained in Vladivostok. Mom didn't mind. Stasya married a Russian guy. A note from the kimono pocket sent the searchers to the tea shop.
It was Yun-Hin-Lee's shop at the corner of Peking and Aleutskaya streets.
The first thing Stasya saw when she entered the room was a table for a tea ceremony. There was even tea itself on the table, although it had dried up in 100 years, but did not turn into dust, there were also all the other items for the tea ceremony. There was only no water. Fortunately, Igor had bottled water. Also a lighter. Stacy's finest hour has come. Putting on an important air, she tried to follow all the rules of the Korean tea ceremony.
This is how it used to be in Korea: the owner of the tea party put the brazier with fire to his left, and the tea utensils to his right. Guests were seated facing west, while the host sat facing east. The place to the south remained free: it was intended for the emperor.
The ideal number of guests is four, with the eldest sitting in the middle.
Tea was prepared in dishes similar to Chinese, and the brewing sequence was as follows: first, boiling water was poured into a large cup, and then tea, mostly green, was poured with a bamboo spoon. Seeing that Igor almost sat down in a place that should have remained empty - it was a chair for the absent emperor, Stasia screamed. Igor sat down on another chair. And Stasia started the tea ceremony.
After the tea ceremony, conducted according to all the rules, the chair for the emperor suddenly turned around. Igor descended into the opened hatch and called the girls after him. He picked up something from the ground and showed it to the girls. There was tea in the box. Smelling the tea, even chewing it, Stasya said that this tea costs millions. This tea was like aged wine, only better. This tea was intended only for the Korean emperor and his family. Only one tea shop in Korea made this tea. The recipe has now been lost. Hired assassins, spies, hung around the emperor's tea shop, but no one ever found out the recipe. However, there was more than just tea in the box. There was a clue in the tea grass. And she sent the guys on. While the guys were trying to see what kind of clue they got this time, the hatch over their heads suddenly slammed shut, and the guys were left in complete darkness. They had no choice but to move forward. Finally, they hit the door. With a light touch, the door opened. All five went outside. Igor looked back at the door. This door was the door of a barn, which was located in one of the nooks and crannies of Millionka.
The hint leads the guys to the penultimate place - to the premises of the old bathhouse.
The room is located in the old bathhouse. The bathroom door opens directly onto the street. The opening of the door is very narrow, but all five can easily get into the room. There is only an old one in the roomtol. On it, as in a store, in a showcase, various things are laid out. A candle, a bottle with the inscription kerosene, a log of firewood, two tin cans with different inscriptions "charcoal", "hard coal". Above the mouth of the furnace, from where the guys fell out, a shelf hangs low. On the shelf is a box of birch bark. She has darkened with time. Opening the box, Igor takes out 35 funny pieces of paper. This is money in the amount of 35 kopecks. On each piece of paper it is written that this money corresponds to one kopeck and circulates on a par with a copper coin. These are paper pennies, which were paid at the beginning of the 20th century. Having pulled out a paper penny, the young man also pulls out a piece of newspaper with which the bottom of the box was covered. The date is clearly visible on the newspaper. This is 1904. Money in the amount of 35 kopecks. Igor quickly realizes that out of everything he sees on the table, 35 kopecks could only buy a pood of coal. All other items on the table cost much more. So, the things laid out on the table cost: candles: 1 pood - 1130 kopecks. Kerosene: 1 pood - 265 kopecks. Firewood: 1 fathom - 650 kopecks. Charcoal: 1 pound - 50 kopecks. Coal: 1 pood - 35 kopecks. At Igor's nod, Anna picks up the box of coal. This is where the creak sounds.
A hitherto invisible window begins to open in the wall on the west side, but the process suddenly stalls. Still, the secrets of the room were conceived 100 years ago. For a while, nothing happens, and then acrid smoke begins to ooze from all the cracks in the room. The guys rush to the window and try to widen the hole. The box is in Anna's hands. Choking and clearing their throats, the guys take turns stepping into the window frame. To their surprise, the path they are running towards freedom is perfectly straight. They run along the bridge thrown between the houses. And they find themselves again in the courtyard of the Big Millionka, on Semyonovskaya Street, No. 3. Stasya suddenly starts to vomit, the girls try to help her, but Anastasia loses consciousness. The case ends again in the hospital. A week passes. Anna looked into the coal box a long time ago and took out another clue. The path of the brave five lay in the direction of the "Small" Millionka.
This room was located on Malaya Millionka.
Between the two houses, which also belonged to the Chinese at the beginning of the 20th century, there was, and still is, a narrow passage, colloquially referred to as the "gorge". The houses belonged to: Chen Chin Zhou - his house was on Semyonovskaya, 8, and the house on Pekinskaya, 5 belonged to Chin-Lou-Sano. The passage was so narrow that a child, a Chinese, or ... a slender girl or guy could pass it. The passage was so narrow and winding that, at some point, it seemed to Igor that they would get stuck, but soon he saw the mark. The mark was at the level of the first floor window. The windows in the gorge were boarded up or smeared with cement. Igor ran his eyes from the mark to the base of the wall of the house and whistled. The girls stopped. Now Igor knew where the fifth room was. Soon all five were inside.
Anna was injured during training. Before the next competition, she had only two months left. In two weeks, she had to find money to perform a complex operation. If the operation is not done soon, she will have to say goodbye to the sport forever.
However, upon entering the last room, the treasure seekers did not see anything at first. Igor went first, he stumbled on a chain that lay on the floor and received a powerful blow to the jaw. Igor fell, followed by Anna flying across the room. She immediately understood who hit Igor.
Anna spent six months in Shaolin studying martial arts.
Her last test, before the final exam in Shaolin, was a fight with wooden animals in the growth of a man. The limbs of the animals were hinged, and they were set in motion by chains. As soon as the chain was touched, the wooden army began to move. This is the kind of animal that hit Igor now.
While the rest of the girls were dragging the unconscious Igor, Anna fought desperately with the wooden beasts. The girl's face and back were already covered in blood, but she desperately broke forward and knew that there was no turning back. Even if she stops fighting, they won't get out of this trap. The door will never open. Throwing herself into a niche to catch her breath, Anna saw the wooden archers. As soon as she moved, arrows flew at her. Then miniature catapults began to emerge from the walls. Burning balls flew around the room, trying to get Anna. Anna's mentor in Shaolin was a feisty Chinese instructor.
 Anna was afraid of her and hated her. However, now it was the instructions of the Chinese woman that saved Anna's life.
Anna suddenly calmed down. She heard Igor's weak voice. He came to himself. Now Anna had to fight to save five lives.
The farther Anna went from her friends, the more a huge barrel with images of animals on the sides unscrewed from the floor.
Finally, the barrel unscrewed completely, and steam and fire poured out from there. Anna was near the barrel. With horror, she waited for a dirty trick, but everything was quiet. And then Anna realized that her enemy now is a barrel. Anna tried to lift the barrel, fixing her hands on the animals. The barrel turned outsurprisingly easy. Spinning the barrel, Anna screamed in terrible pain. Her hands were burned. The image of a dragon and a tiger was imprinted on her palms for life. The barrel rolled to the side, and the wooden army went back into the walls. Where the barrel first appeared, another hatch opened. Dragging Igor on themselves, the girls ran up to Anna. It's time for the final test. Money tests.
However, looking ahead, I’ll tell you right away that among the five brave ones there was no one who would want to appropriate what was found only for themselves. Luke led down. There were no stairs - there was a board. The guys went down on it. The girls turned on their flashlights. Near the wall lay three shabby bags. One bag contained paper money. However, now they were no longer suitable. They were only suitable for the museum. The second bag was full of small bundles, various items neatly wrapped in oiled paper. There were: gold coins, jade jewelry, pearl jewelry, rings, diamond necklaces, emerald pendants, as well as: a golden Buddha, a miniature silver tree with peach fruits, a statue of the goddess Guanyin from white jade.
Separately in a case lay a picture. It was a Chinese painting. Igor decided to put everything he could carry into his backpacks. The bag was too big. Only half of the jewelry fit in the backpacks. However, Igor decided that he needed to leave with what he had.
The vibration that arose as soon as the catapults moved out of the walls did not stop. The point, probably, was that the house had been built on over a hundred years and rebuilt more than once. The builders did not know about the death factory that lurked in the foundation of the house, and they built without looking back at the norms that had to be observed during construction.
Igor hurried the girls to leave, and they begged him to allow them to take one more precious piece of jewelry, but the young man was not inclined. As soon as the guys left the door, there was a bang.
What that sound was, Igor did not even want to think. The only consolation was that, if the need arose, the guys knew where to go to pick up the remaining treasures.
The guys stood in the courtyard of Semyonovskaya, 8 and breathed deeply.
Igor wiped off a drop of blood that had accumulated in the corner of Anna's mouth, said something to the other girls, and the company moved towards Aleutskaya.

Eh, if the guys only had time to look into the third bag, they would know that ...
