They milk and breed Russia for money, for wars...

They "milk" and breed mother Russia for money, for wars,
all sorts of scoundrels for many, many centuries ...
Especially in this vile business
, the countries bordering Russia - "friends-neighbors" are trying to succeed,
and the distant "sharks of democracy" do not lag behind and encourage them -
the bastards are used to thrive at the expense of others.

It is sad that in 2022 we are witnessing
another "Vile, bloody performance",
the directors and beneficiaries of which are well known to everyone.

And there is no neutrality in it: either you are on the side of good, or you are on the side of evil!

By the way, November 11 is the next anniversary of the end of the 1st World War in 1918,
which was unleashed, like all subsequent World Wars,
by a greedy, irresponsible political, military backstage.

And on November 11,
Russian writer Fyodor Dostoevsky and American writer Kurt Vonnegut were born in different years.

Maybe it's time for the world behind the scenes to stop and make
sure that all the guns are silenced on November 11, 2022!
Before it's too late.
