Now I Know what Punishment I will get for Suicide!

If the top link is not included or removed, find this Video by the second or longest Title on the Internet on YouTube, otherwise there is no point in reading the rest ... +

Hi Everyone ! + On one Site, I found a very interesting Poem ! + +

What is more correct: to drive vzashey or to drive in the neck? Answer please justify +

…. and some dark Humor :

If sadness-sadness gnaws at you,
And you have a rope with you,
Gloriously lubricated with soap...
- That's right, it will help you,
This is correct and accurate.
They say all the harm from the neck.
Drive sadness and melancholy,
I wound a noose around my neck.
And sadness is no longer yours -
You will see instantly:
Open the doors of happiness
This is what you need to believe...

Whose such well-aimed and Correct Poems??? +

At the beginning of December last year, my beloved, eldest son, Jan Jan - Ivan Mirroman, left England to his wife in America, where at the age of 33, he hanged himself due to debts of more than one and a half million pounds Sterling, the betrayal of his Brother and first Wife who stole his beloved daughter Mimi and slandered Ivan in Court and other Problems! + My son, of course, also sinned a lot, like any of us in our “Time of Evil Changes”, but he tried not to offend anyone and always Helped people .... +

When we lived in Moscow, and our Yan Ivan, not yet Rod was two years old, and our evil neighbor cursed him, wishing him Death! + Shortly after this, at 5 am, I had a “Vision from Above”, where the shining Face of the icon of the Mother of God clearly said - “Do not offend Jan, he will die soon!” + I sobbed like a Child, and later all the cuffs instead of Ivan, more often received his five brothers and sisters .... + But these words of the Blessed Virgin Mary, I remembered forever and bore the pain of Fear in my Heart for Ivan, for more than 30 years! +

Jan - Ivan from childhood, was a true Christian and prayed every day, believing in our Consubstantial Creator - Creator, attended the Church, and also did Charity in the Name and Glory of the Existing God of Heaven .... + All this Time for 11 months, after his "Death", Jan came in Dreams to all of us, relatives, friends and loved ones, he is still the same Alive, cheerful and even Happy, but not alone, but with his dead friends of Youth! + Jan - Jan laughs and rejoices, remembering all our past and, as always, making fun! + To our two daughters, Jan has already hinted that it would be nice for him to be reborn through them and return back to our Life! + Three Orthodox Monasteries and our entire Family constantly prays for Jan - Ivan, and my wife talked with Jan several times not only in a Dream, but also heard his voice, like in reality! +

Many of our relatives, friends and relatives of Jan also saw my son in their Dreams more than 20 times and told us about him! + Can said that he never stopped watching all of us, and also that he was sorry that it happened, but he never wanted to upset anyone, but just did what he had to do and Please understand this! + In one of the Dreams that his friend told us, Jan appeared with their mutual friend - Rafael, who 5 years ago, after a Car accident, also accidentally killed himself in the intensive care unit, where he was lying under a Dropper! +Then, the Doctor told him that if the Pain starts again, he can press the button and inject the anesthetic Narcotic into his vein himself .... + But, apparently, the guy wanted to get high and overdid it, injecting himself with a lethal Dose of drugs .... + However , friends had fun, remembering the old parties with Rafael and making fun, as if they were alive! +

In one of his last Manifestations in a Dream, my son said - “I did what I had to do ....” + But, what is it, the Inevitability of Fate or Destiny from Above?! + Maybe they have a new and better Life in a different Reality, and we are all suffering here, like in Hell, going through the Lessons of Genesis or just Sleeping?! + Or maybe this is the right Exit from the Matrix of all Mayhem?! + Now, I am preparing my new Book on Esotericism and I ask you, my friends, which of you also dreamed of my son - Yang Jan Ivan Mirroman, Please write me your Dream in detail with its date .... + And who knows something interesting about afterlife, also write to me by Email - + Thank you all for being and remaining all true and faithful Friends of my Son !!! + Sincerely, your Roman + 01.11.22. + London +
