Journey into Eternity. Part III. Ocean In a Drop

The idea of incarnation has existed many years, together with the main world religions and before them.
And even Christianity a bit approached to understanding of the idea of incarnation of Everything. And I THINK when Jesus came on Earth he actually tried to deliver this idea to people. He spoke about it constantly that “God penetrates All. And He penetrates me. And He is like my Father and at the same time I AM HIM.” Well, if I lived at those times, maybe I would also use this analogy to explain the Crystal theory of mine. But by taking into consideration people’s mindset and intellectual level, maybe I would also use an image of Father-Son relationships. Besides it shows the main – the attitude with which God treats us – LOVE. But when Jesus sais “ I am both Son and both God Himself” “ I am in Father and Father is in Me”… just think deeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeper what he could mean. He never said worship me like to Supreme God. He taught people God’s wisdom and spirituality. Not only he didn’t say to create churches to worship him or God. On the contrary he said that we can pray wherever we are, as soon as we live by listening to our conscience and by the main principle: LOVE for God, LOVE for each other. And this is exactly why I will always cherish Jesus in my heart. Because most of all, he preached the concept of Love for God, not Fear of Him.

Christianity even started to figure out how the concept of incarnation of Everything works: Everything (the God/"the Father") manifests Itself with the help of a Spirit/ quintessence of God ("the Holy Spirit") into the Body ("the Son"/ or any material manifestation).

Thus, "the Father" manifests Himself into "the Son" through "the Holy Spirit". And when you look at it this way, the Holy Trinity literally talks about the main concept of the Existence of All.

And if you want to learn about scientific interpretation of this concept, I invite you to think about fractals.
Fractals are self-similar patterns that show up everywhere around us in nature and biology. We see them replicating everywhere in our human body. In the shape and formation of all our organs, our lungs, our kidneys, our heart, our arterial system and our brain. We see it in the growth of a human life from conception to embryo, to fetus to a newborn baby to child, to adolescent to adulthood. From DNA to cells, to tissue, to organs and systems there is a rhythmic dance that folds back into itself again and again to replicate and scale the evolution of a life from birth to death. The dance ebbs and flows from the unmanifest Creative Intelligence in the Unified Field through multiple permutations and transformations until it metamorphoses into our manifest Universe as matter and the infinite expressions of creation that we experience around us.
What is layered inside of us in each replication and duplication of these forms and patterns is the precision that is the hallmark of the Divine, that is the signature of God.

Inside every living organism is the God Pattern. It is hidden in unmanifest form that expresses itself as inspiration and the infinite beauty of life itself. It is the ultimate gift of the Self that continues to unfold and replicate from microcosm to macrocosm and back again. The whole of the fractal looks just like a part and a part looks just like the whole.
Thus we are the fractals of God. Consciousness expressed as a spirit having a human experience....

And this way of interpreting the spiritual reality is far more advanced than just saying "We are created in the likeness of God" or saying "We are facets of the Crystal" (the way my brain managed to interpret the vision that I saw). If I learnt this notion of fractals back then when I happened to have this revelation, trust me I'd use already a "Fractal terminology" to expalin what I was shown.

I would say that I saw that "We are all fractals of One Great Divine Creation".

And now let's compare this:

Genesis 1:27
"So God created man in His own image, in the image and likeness of God He created him; male and female He created them."

Imagine, what would it be if prophets/messengers in all holy books suddenly started speaking in modern language terminology? Wouldn't it be inappropriate?
Then isn't it inappropriate for people of 21st century to keep taking the words, directed to the ancient average mind, literally instead of extracting the message out of them? Because, of course, let's imagine that Moses or Jesus were actually endowed with scientific knowledge of today and they would suddenly come out to the streets and started saying not "We are crated in God's image" or "God is in me". But instead saying "We are a Fractal of One Great Divine Creation". Would anyone understand them back then? No. Can we understand it now when we apply all the knowledge of today and our intelligence and ability to think, analyse, and listen to our soul? Of course. IF ONLY, Jesus, Krishna, Buddha lived in our times, they would definitely explain their prophecies using the level of consciousness of today's average mind of people. They wouldn't use the words of outdated concepts. Because every epoch requires an appropriate language to render the message to people. But unfortunately for our generation, they lived in those times. But their wisdom is eternal, sacred.... And it's in our powers and it's our spiritual duty to keep listening to their teachings, to keep growing as human beings and as divine Souls....

So, after seeing my own visions about the Crystal nature of constitution of our Souls and THE Supreme Soul (God) on the first place, and after studying different theories and recently paying attention to the fractals and their behavior in nature of material world AND our spiritual nature..., I managed to shape my thoughts and the deep Innate Knowledge that has always lived in me into some adequate message that would be understandable by people of these days. And now I can come up with something like this:

*** God - is All-Existing Energy of Everything around us and IN us, and we, being a part of this One Great Divine Creation, incarnated in endless number of particles of It, experience Oneself in many different manifestations. ***

And the Knowledge on Oneself is always present in each and every particle of Self. But it is naturally blocked and can be reached only when the Self is ready.
Like I saw it in my visions: What the whole Crystal possess - it is present and accessible in each and every Facet.
The same behavior you see in fractals.
The same idea was taught by numerous wisemen and thinkers. "I am not a drop in the ocean, I am the entire ocean in a drop." - as Jal;l ad-D;n Muhammad R;m; said.

And the process Manifestation (in a way of endoving every single existing thing with a "Spirit" or energy) works way beyond the usual perception of this concept in most of religions... We experience the God (a Single Whole) in all possible "fractals" of It (or particles, or facets of the Crystal like I saw it): we learn, transform and go through the whole beatiful evolution of the Soul by taking forms and shapes of experience of live beings, solid objects, non-material forms, even abstract concepts like Love, Fear, Challenge and so on.

Everything IS Energy.  And I see these patterns as a part of the great Tracery of the Universe. And there is a great Sense in their existence. Every event in global scale has its sense. A Great Sense of a Great Plan of the Greatest Energy, that Loves us all. The Energy that keeps Everything in Harmony. This is how I call the "laws" of the Universe. Harmony. If you are against the Harmony, you get into chaos which periodically rushes into our energies and needs to be stabilized (like what happens in case of fractals once in a while) and transformed again within the Harmony into new and new beautiful forms, that are so unique, and yet so "symmetrical", carrying the same Universal Pattern of Life.
And this is also what I saw in my visions and read about it in different books. Every Crystal is meant to shine bright in its Journey towards the Source Light. And those calamities and bad life experiences and dark souls - are also existing within the same overwhelming Supreme Crystal (Everything). And those dark manifestations of It look like dark spots on the Light "surface" of the Crystal. They are like ill cells of One great Organism. They are fought and healed with healthy ones, light ones, good ones.
Our souls have many stages of evolution, purification, transformation... We can divide our energy and use it where necessary. We are not "ideal"  and sometimes from life to life we make mistakes and radiate energy of different kinds, like light or dark. But within this journey and education we learn to purify our souls and getting closer to the original source energy, becoming the souls of higher levels. But even dark energies are emanated, they also serve as a manifestation of certain concepts that serve for ourselves and others to learn the lessons. And when we see the picture wider by including couple of souls and their karmic paths, we see how those "calamities and disasters" had to serve their role. Moreover, the souls themselves take these roles before incarnation to take part in this Great Intricate Scenario or School of Life.
It's just one of examples that I saw myself in my own visions and that were "explained" to me in numerous meditations. And after seeing all of this, witnessing it in your own experience, you just cannot doubt the existence of the Sense in all of this.
Religious people call it "God and His Will", scientists - call It physical laws that astonish with their "complexity and symmetry", esoteric practitioners - call It Universal Karma. Whatever you call it. The main thing that I realized is that there is a Great Sense in this World, and the greateness of a whole Life (on all possible planes of realities) is the evidence of it.

