Half-breed Xi. In the smuggler s house

Yulong was desperately afraid. The day after tomorrow was a school day. Nastya consoled the young man as best she could. The lesson that was given was repeated many times. They remembered and analyzed everything that was in the previous lesson, but Yulong still could not calm down. It seemed to him that he would forget everything, as soon as the formidable teacher looked at him from under frowning eyebrows.

The brothers and sisters, together with Nastya, tried to calm their brother down. It was the first time the children acknowledged Xi's right to be with them.

The teacher came to class irritated. Yulong was supposed to be his first victim, but ... he did not. Homework was learned from cover to cover. However, for some reason this did not add joy to the teacher, on the contrary, a fire of anger flared up in the man's eyes.

There was silence in the room that had been given over to classes. Yulong stood, not daring to sit down, the teacher paced the room, patting his thigh with a stick for punishment.

Having measured the young man with a devastating look, the man ordered Yulong to turn out his pockets. The young man obeyed. There was nothing in the pockets. Getting more and more excited, the teacher began to ask Yulong questions. Questions related to the previous lesson. The young man coped with this task. However, the man was already inflamed to such an extent that his face turned red, the veins swelled, and beads of sweat appeared on his forehead.

After thinking for a moment, the teacher told Yulong to strip down to his underwear. The young man hesitated a little, but followed this order. Bending down, the teacher picked up Yulong's clothes and, grimacing in disgust, shook him. It is not clear what compromising evidence he was trying to find in the removed clothes, but it was clear that his mood had dropped a few more degrees. Although, it seemed that he (the mood) had nowhere to fall lower.

Yulong stood half-dressed and trembled with hidden anger and humiliation. Silence fell again in the room. Suddenly there was a screech. The squealing was so strong that the children covered their ears.

How do you stand in front of your teacher? — yelled, splashing with saliva and choking, a man, — Where is your respect? Where is the respect?

The teacher started to beat Yulong. The poor young man did not even dare to shield himself. After several such attempts, he realized that the teacher begins to get even more into a rage, as soon as he (Yulong) makes an attempt to somehow defend himself!

The beating continued until the father entered the room.

The children took away the beaten Yulong. Tea was offered to the teacher, a long conversation took place, gifts were presented. The teachers assured him that his method of upbringing was the best, and the man left the yard. The next day of classes was scheduled, but the teacher did not come again. He was stricken by a stroke. Soon his relatives took him away from the village of Flags.

Mr. Zhang did not ask Yulong about what had happened. Instead, he called Yailin. Father had not yet had time to ask a question, and Yailin had already told everything. In her mouth, everything sounded like it should have been in life. Good - Yulong, was on top, and even learned everything, everything, from cover to cover! Evil teacher, it was unfair and beat Yulong with a stick, although his brother told everything, made no mistake and never stumbled!

The father praised the pet for observation and a detailed story, and sent it to the sisters. The doctor came in the evening. Yulong lay with his back to the wall. The wounds of the body were smeared, bandaged and somewhere even sewn up, the healer did not begin to heal the wounds of the soul. This was not his profile. Mr. Zhang came to see his son before going to bed. He did not feel sorry for Yulong, let alone ask about what had happened. The young man's father was a good psychologist, he had a gift to understand people. Otherwise, he would not have lived, doing such a dangerous business as smuggling. In parting, the father only stroked his son. However, this was enough for Yulong to understand that his father was not angry and understood that the teacher had acted unfairly.

Since Anastasia was the eldest of the girls, she was allowed to look after Yulong. However, this did not relieve her of her work. The girl's workload doubled as she had to work for Yulong as well. In short, ten-minute breaks, Xi rushed to the house to visit a friend. Yulong categorically refused the help of his mother and aunt. The young man was ashamed and hurt. The father thought about it and agreed that only Anastasia would visit him. It seemed to Mr. Zhang that Yulong chose Xi because she was an outsider. The girl persuaded Yulong to allow the rest of the children to visit. The brothers and sisters were very grateful to the half-breed girl for such a guarantee.
Полный текст тут http://proza.ru/2014/08/13/182
