Half-breed Xi. The scales of time are swinging

The pages of the book turn on their own. The guys sit and look at each other. They sit in a round pavilion in the imperial park. Around the gazebo, Butramousse trees rustle their leaves. For many centuries these trees stood around the gazebo and waited in the wings. Foliage appeared on them only now, when the children entered the city. I see how hard it is for the guys to make a decision. I will leave my friends alone. Now my presence is superfluous. I'm drawn to the scales. They are warm to the touch. I put my hands on the scales and suddenly a whirlwind picks me up. I belatedly try to tear my hands off, but it's too late. I can't return. I do not know what decision the guys made, but probably their choice was the right one.

In Vladivostok, at the beginning of the twentieth century, there was indeed cholera, but there was nothing supernatural about the outbreak of this disease.

As you remember, at that time terrible unsanitary conditions reigned on the streets of Millionka and infectious diseases were a frequent guest on the streets of Semyonovskaya, Beijing, Fontannaya, Pologaya and other streets adjacent to Millionka. In our history, crowds of people who became puppets of the insidious Japanese were infected with an artificially grown virus. A Japanese spy brought this virus to Vladivostok. The cholera embryo was grown in the laboratory. Those who became infected became zombies, and they were controlled by the same Japanese spy. The Japanese government was preparing for a big war, and the bacteriological weapons created in the laboratories of Japan were tested on the inhabitants of a Russian city. The scales of eternity made it so that the tragedy did not happen. In Vladivostok, at the beginning of the century, there were indeed outbreaks of cholera, but they did not cause visible harm to the city. Probably, our heroes, who used the scales of time, lived happily in the future and everything was fine in the families of the guys. However, I am sad. I'm sorry if Anastasia and Victor broke up without understanding their feelings. But I believe that they still have a long way to go! After all, they live on Millionka, on neighboring streets. Viktor lives on Pekinskaya Street, 9, and Xi lives on Semyonovskaya Street, 9. It is very close, a five-minute walk. If you crawl like a snake through the "gorge" - a narrow corridor that connects Pekinskaya Street with Semenovskaya Street, then you can cut the path in half. Maybe Anastasia and Victor will still meet? If not now, then at least in the future? What do you think?

Remember that mirror Xi found in the secret city? Before fleeing from Vladivostok, the girl left a mirror-calendar to her Japanese friends. The same mirror that Kenryu left later for Elena's safekeeping? Then, after the pogrom, which was staged by the survivors in the house of Elistrat Fedorovich, the mirror touched somewhere. In any case, after returning home, Elena did not find the mirror, which is a pity. If Anastasia had once again looked into the transparent depths of the mirror, she would probably have learned something about her fate, would have learned about what lies ahead for her and Victor, however ... However, mirrors, like manuscripts, do not burn, do not break and do not disappear without a trace. I'm talking about special mirrors, magical ones! And the history of the mirror-calendar is still ahead of us!

Now I understand why Shubi's wings carried Elena to Harbin at the moment of danger. Very close to Harbin, deep underground, stands and waits in the wings for another underground city built by the Jurchen people. In this city lies and waits for its mistress Xia-lin, a magical book.

And a few more words about Elena, or rather about the treasure map, which she hid near the entrance to the catacombs. The map is still there. Lies and waits for the hostess to return for her. However, after the scales of time began to work, Elena returned to a happy past and forgot everything. However, everything happens in this life! It may also happen that the memories will come back and ...

Yes, I forgot to tell you about what happened to the girl Xenia. After the scales of eternity began to move, Elena remembered her friend and wished her well! Only a real recovery, without the help of the Golden Woman. And so it happened!

Aksinya became a famous storyteller. She wrote and wrote stories. Books with these fairy tales were read by everyone, both children and adults. These fairy tales were popular not only in Russia. Aksinya's health was poor, but she lived to a ripe old age. It seems to me, but, however, I'm not sure that Aksinya was one of my great-grandmothers. The revolution, on the threshold of which, at the time of my story, the city of Vladivostok stood, mixed up and carried away all the sheets of memory. And now nothing can be said for sure.

And the golden woman of the Jurchen people has not yet been found.Полный текст тут http://proza.ru/2014/08/13/182
