Half-breed Xi. The drawing of the sinister Golden

The case containing the drawing of the Golden Baba was opened. If Sophia was in the house, I might think that it was she who visited my room, but Grisha's little sister was wanted. As far as I know, only she could enter my room without permission and rummage through my things. No one in this house could afford it except her. However, the fact remains that the photograph of Aksinya lay on its side, and the case was open. I put the photo back in place and tried to put the drawing back into the case and close the case. But I didn't succeed. I had to take the picture out. When I folded the sheet and again tried to put it into the case, it turned out that the drawing, which depicted the Golden Baba, had increased. It couldn't be, but for some reason it happened! The leaf has grown in width and length. Giving up, I spread the sheet on the table and peered at the drawing. The drawing process was almost finished. Face, body, arms, legs - everything has found its proportions. The Golden Baba reigned in the picture. It was a beautiful drawing! However, something was still missing. Looking closely, I saw that the eyes of the Golden Baba were closed. Still closed. Shrugging my shoulders, I left the sheet on the table and went to get ready for bed. It was two in the morning when I woke up from strange sounds. Someone knocked on the gate of the house. They pounded methodically, without speeding up or slowing down the blows. I was surprised that no one hears the blows and does not hurry to the gate to open it. The house was quiet. Everyone was asleep, and probably no one heard the roar that the knocker made. Jumping out of bed, I rushed to the window, but outside the window was ... Not my city. The window was stone, it was taken away by ornate bars. Looking out into the corridor, I saw that the corridor had also changed. It became long and endless. I was in the castle. Having descended several flights of stairs, I finally found a window that was not barred, and, having strained, I flung it open. The gates of the castle were stormed by soldiers. All the inhabitants of the castle stood on the fortress wall and met the enemy with fireballs. The oiled cloth was set on fire and thrown down. Probably, something was put into the balls, because when they reached the ground, the balls exploded. Suddenly a man appeared near me, I turned around, but it was too late. The one behind me picked me up and threw me out the window. But I did not crash, Shubi's wings were on the alert and fulfilled their mission. There was noise and shouting. On this side of the castle, and on the other, a cry swept:

"Demon, she's a demon! Look, our ruler's daughter is a demon!"

Arrows were flying at me! However, not a single arrow could reach me, and soon I was already far away. Wings were in no hurry to bring me home. Having made a circle over the forest and green fields, the wings returned me to where they had taken me from. However, the place where I had been shot ten minutes earlier was now... Dead and abandoned. From here, from above, it was clearly visible that the builders of the city and the castle literally dug out the city territory, so that the specially left untouched edge sides of the hill became the fortress walls.

The buildings of the city have retained the architectural style characteristic of China. The wings lowered me down, and I wandered where my eyes led me and my legs carried me. Looks like I was in the past again. And again, the city that I saw was built on the territory of present-day Vladivostok. Only the past was even more distant. After a while, I felt tired. The wings fluttered and again carried me above the ground. This time they didn't take me too high, and soon I was back on the ground. I was standing near an underground Buddhist temple. It was cool in the temple, but not cold, the more surprising the sound of a crystal drop seemed to me. It was like tapping softly on thin glass. The sound was pleasant, but soon my head began to ache.

When it became absolutely impossible to endure, I left the temple, but got ... Back to the temple. Only the outlines of the temple have changed. However, I myself in the normal sense was no longer there. I became a musical instrument. It was called Pipa. There was a platform in front of the temple. Temple holidays were held here. The musician who played me thought that the melody itself came to his mind. However, this was not the case, and I saw it clearly. The musician played, but did not understand what effect his music had on the inhabitants of the town. The cacophony of sounds awakened everything base in the inhabitants of the town. Scolding, sounds of blows, crying, cries, groans, angry cries were heard. As soon as the wave of anger reached its climax, the music changed to light and sad. People looked at each other in bewilderment, not understanding what kind of fly had bitten them, so that after a while they would rush at each other with even greater frenzy. I saw it all and felt it, but of course I couldn't do anything. Sharp, ominous music aroused anger in a person. Day turned into day, and the streets of the city were still restless. A nomadic tribe approached the city. The soldiers of the tribe did not even hope to capture the city, it was so well fortified, when suddenly the gates opened wide, and the leader of the nomads wouldan arrow was fired. It was a suicidal and unjustified act. Half an hour later the city was on fire and choked with blood. The sounds of music fueled the ardor of the barbarians. Pipa fell silent only at the moment when the musician was killed by a stray arrow.

But by that time, little was left of the city and its inhabitants.

I will not talk about what I felt when I returned to my room and at my time. I tossed and turned in bed and couldn't sleep anymore. I sat down at the dressing table and began combing my hair. This process has always put me at ease. The scallop rose and fell, my hair crackled a little, everything around me was so dear, familiar and familiar. I touched the headboard, held onto the window sill, softly scratched at the wood the door was made of. I loved being here and now! Today was expected to be a busy day. I had a lot to do that day, and if I'm lethargic and not getting enough sleep, I run the risk of missing something and missing something. So now I had to relax and try to fall asleep again! My path to bed lay past the desk. I even turned away so as not to catch my eye on the drawing of the Golden Baba, but I did not manage to do this. The sheet has spread over half a table. Now the outlines of the place where the Golden Baba stood were visible. Why wasn’t I surprised when I saw that temple, near which I visited today in a dream? Probably because she was very tired and wanted to sleep. I took the sheet in my hands and turned it over. Now neither the Golden Woman nor the temple was visible. There was only a sheet on the table. White list. Yawning contentedly, I lay down and fell asleep.

The voice of the nanny brought me out of oblivion. I ran to the door and flung it open. However, the nanny did not enter the room. She only reminded me that they were waiting for me downstairs, and breakfast would not start without me. And she pursed her lips in displeasure. The mood was spoiled. For some reason, the nanny, the kindest and most worthy woman, just like Sonya, considered me an impudent invader and accustomer. She didn't hide her beliefs.

Having dressed and reassured myself with the thought that it was impossible for everyone to be good, I went down to breakfast and ... And the day rushed forward. Xia-lin was at school, so I left a note and asked Ms. Petukhova to give it to her daughter. The note said that we are waiting for Xia-lin in the evening near the stone-bird. After that, I went to the house of Mr. Svyatogor. Surprisingly, there I was really welcomed as a native and immediately led to Aksinya. Someone really liked to keep the girl in the dark. Parting the curtains, I went up to Ksyusha. The girl was asleep, but she slept uneasily. Eyeballs rolled under closed eyelids, breathing was heavy and ragged. Next to the bed, on a chair, lay a notebook with fairy tales. I grabbed this shabby notebook and pressed it to me! I have never read better than these stories! Having opened the notebook, I was delighted, a new fairy tale appeared in the notebook! And when did she have time? Immersed in reading, I forgot about everything in the world, when I suddenly heard my name! I thought that Ksyushenka woke up and was calling me, but she was talking in her sleep and crying! It was not possible to wake up my girlfriend, so I went downstairs and invited a nurse who was responsible for ensuring that Ksyusha took her medicine on time and ate right. The nurse immediately got up with me, but fortunately, her help was no longer needed! Ksenia sat in bed and smiled! Maybe it seemed to me, but, in my opinion, today the girl looked much better! We chatted until almost five o'clock in the evening. When Uncle Svyatogor appeared at the door of the room, I woke up and remembered the meeting that my friends and I had planned today! However, before leaving, I wanted to be sure to exchange a few words with Svyatogor. Aksinya held my hand and still did not want to let me go. Frankly, I didn’t want to leave her either, but my friends were waiting for me! I promised the poor girl that I would return tomorrow and went out into the corridor. Uncle Svyatogor stood near the window and cried. I waited delicately for him to calm down, and then asked:

- I had a lead yesterday! When I return tomorrow, I will tell you everything in detail! I have a few questions for you: who gave you the drawing of the Golden Baba and how do you know that this statuette was on the sunken Varyagin?

Silence was the answer to my question, I already thought that today I would not wait for an answer, when the owner of the house did speak

I won't answer your second question. Do not even hope! I wouldn't even answer the first question if it weren't for one circumstance... How can I tell you... In general, the one who gave me this drawing is dead! And this man died tonight. He did not get sick with anything, did not complain about anything, and in the morning he was found dead. The face of the artist was imprinted with universal horror. The newly-departed Sergei was frightened of something. He was so frightened that he died of fear!

Who did he paint with? Where did he see this figurine?

- You're a crazy girl! You ask a lot of questions. You are not afraid that the answer will be ... Okay, my Ksyusha has fallen in love with you too much! No wonder I took that sin on my soul,ordered to forcefully take you away! By the way, thank you for not running this kidnapping case! I've already been chided! They even promised… Okay, that's enough! Wait, now I'll calm down and tell you.

A year ago, that is, in June 1908, it was decided that a tram would appear in our city. Well, do you remember this story? On June 23 last year, on Svetlanskaya Street, next to Nevelskoy Square, the laying of a tram line took place in a solemn atmosphere: according to an old tradition, several coins were thrown into the dug hole, then a copper board with an inscription about the laying of a tram was lowered and filled with concrete. This is where it all ended. So far, the funds have only been enough to build railroad tracks from Lugovaya Street to Peter the Great Street. On Lugovaya, not far from the Hospital Pad, a tram depot was laid. Have you ever been to these parts?

- No no.

- The places there are excellent, meadows, grass above the waist, I don’t want to build! However, earlier, as I understand it, two or three hundred years ago, and maybe even more, people lived here. There was a big city. Well… I won’t pull the cat by the tail, I see that you are already in a hurry! One of those who participated in the laying of the tram park, and the construction was carried out by the Belgian electric company, found a figurine of the Golden Baba. A series of deaths and all sorts of misfortunes began. The figurine was passed from hand to hand. My artist friend, God rest his soul, was also honored to hold the Golden Goddess in his hands and even hid her at home for several days. However, he was soon forced to give it up. Very, very influential people have joined the game! I'll tell you more, all roads lead to those who are after your card. After the golden figurine was in the hands of my friend, he literally fell ill. On the other hand, some have recovered. The artist had a daughter, she was fading away from consumption, she had no more than six months to live. Once, when my friend was away, she found the figurine. The girl played with the Golden Goddess, as with an ordinary doll. When the artist returned, he was horrified. The girl was sleeping, clutching the Golden Baba to her chest. After the artist was forced to give away the figurine, the girl cried and yearned for a long time, but, nevertheless, went on the mend. Now she is alive and well, which cannot now be said about her father! Rest in peace! Having learned about this story, I asked the artist for a long time to mold or draw the Golden Goddess for me from memory. The artist categorically refused to sculpt, but he agreed to draw. True, having previously discussed one condition: in the figure there will be only the silhouette of the Golden Baba. Pokryakhtev, I agreed. Of course, I would like to get the whole drawing, with traced details of the face, clothes, arms, legs, but my friend rested, and I had to give in!

“I don’t know if you understand,” I summed up quietly, “but by persuading the artist, you signed his death warrant!”

“How dare you,” Uncle Svyatogor jumped up, but immediately sank, “Oh, my God! Lord, forgive me! But how ... I did not know!

There was silence in the room

- Take care of this drawing! - Svyatogor said almost in a whisper, - Sin is now on me because of this drawing!

- Yes. I won't show this picture to anyone!

A few minutes later I left, leaving the mournful owner to think his bitter thoughts.

And I was sitting in a cab and still could not come to my senses. Comparing something, I realized that there were several figurines of the Golden Woman. One was now buried at the bottom of the sea, and the second was found at the excavation site. Or was it just one figurine?

Полный текст тут http://proza.ru/2014/08/13/182
