Jacob dreams of girls

 Jacob likes to look at girls.
 Do girls like it when Yakov looks at them, he is not interested. He strictly adheres to the rule: “Window shopping free”.
 I have no idea who produced this wonderful rule.
 In his thoughts, he talks to the girls, takes them to restaurants. Even invites them to visit.
 In these dreams of his, Jacob is very talkative and sweet. His modest rented Brooklyn apartment is somehow transforms, grows larger and brighter.

 And he himself becomes interesting and courageous.
 All the girls are crazy about him!
 In dreams.
 In reality, Jacob is a small handsome man, although not a freak. Copes with work. He works in Manhattan. The money, however, is not too big, but Jacob loves Manhattan. 

 There are the most beautiful girls!
 Unfortunately, they are too in business and sports.
 But it is anyway nice to think about them!
 In Brooklyn, he feels at home, although recently internationalism has stuck… 

 Muslim girls, in general, are a pure loss. Black girls do not fit into his dreams. Beautiful Chinese girls are not visible, they are hidden somewhere.
 Jacob does not look at the Jewish girls, he does not know why...
 The schoolgirls remain.
 And girls in the subway.
 But schoolgirls go out during the day when Jacob is working, and the subway is getting uglier and uglier every day.

 Somewhere Jacob found a nice poem:
 "You're getting older
 And new girlish faces
 Every day appear
 On the Brooklyn streets
 Squinting from the bright sun
 You look into unfamiliar eyes
 And cold autumn air
 Cracks on breath.
 You're walking down a familiar streets
 Old already young man
 And you feel good -
 More than ever."
 Very cute.
 Jacob, of course, is not over twenty or even over forty. They say that if a man over forty, waking up in the morning and does not feel any pain, then he has already died.
 Jacob's pains are all right: they are constant and varied.
 Usually, having finally warmed up and fallen asleep, Jacob twitches for a long time and groans in his sleep. 

 But sometimes he subsides and smiles tenderly...
 Jacob dreams of girls!
