New reality

Good day, Friends! Every day there are changes in our world. Multi-level, diverse information flows in streams from different sources. Thanks to the methods of working in a trance state, many contactees have appeared who receive streaming information and put it in the public domain. And people, depending on the degree of awareness (the stage of awakening), ask questions (make a promise) and receive an appropriate response.

Some watch videos and read articles about how to survive during a pandemic, war, economic crisis and natural collapses, stocking up on breadcrumbs and preparing an alarming suitcase. Others live and receive earthly pleasures, as if nothing is happening and laugh at the first. And some are looking for information in order to more clearly understand the causes of the ongoing transmutation processes.

I analyzed many sources and I have such a picture of the ongoing processes. There is an Absolute, of which we are a part. We have his soulful particle. Our Absolute (like the others at different stages of development) has its own Hierarchy - a system of different levels of construction, which for our not particularly developed intellect is explained as a Universe with different universes and worlds located at different Levels of Existence. One of the main tasks of this Essence is the development, the collection of energy and the transition from one level to another upwards during progression and downwards during degradation.

At the moment, in this huge Essence, transformational processes are taking place in the form of the transition of various Essences, worlds and other spiritualized energy creations of the Absolute to the next level of evolution.

Can you imagine a picture from our life - your small office on the outskirts of the city, merges with several similar ones and moves to the business center of the city in a modern building. Office workers will experience discomfort, because the useless will be fired on the sly, someone will perform other functions, someone will need to undergo retraining at their own expense, and someone will unexpectedly become a leader. In any case, the old habitual way is changing.

Our world is updated through new information. Through it, by analogy with updating a computer, the internal structures of a person change - an upgrade of his biocomputer. Listen to the lectures of Valentina Mironova. It explains in an accessible form what new indicators of the properties of chemicals are recorded by our scientists. The structure of water is changing, which will automatically lead to visible changes in our organisms and their transformation.

The scientific community is making more and more discoveries in quantum physics. Philosophers draw an analogy of these studies with the structure of our Universe and discover new laws of Being. For 2 years I have been studying the grandiose work of L.A. Seklitov and L.L. Strelnikova (hereinafter referred to as the Authors) "Laws of the Universe or the foundations of the existence of the Divine Hierarchy". I have a series of articles on this book, but the Authors' representatives did not allow them to be placed in the public space due to certain agreements with the publishers of the Authors' books. Yes, it doesn’t matter, for me the main thing was to immerse myself in this new and energy-rich information. Yandex Zen has articles by other authors on this book. I highly recommend that you familiarize yourself with them, because it is almost impossible to read the book of the Authors in the original source, because there comes from the Higher Beings very concentrated and energy-saturated information about the structure of the Universe. You need a lot of spiritual baggage to understand at least 10% of this message. I wrote articles for 7 months, gradually immersing myself in terminology.

On my page on the Yandex Zen resource you will find a series of articles that I intend to continue in the near future based on the book of the no less great Teacher, the Russian sorcerer Alexander Naumkin "Kalagiya". This book was published back in 1992, but for me its secrets are beginning to be revealed only now, when the Masters of the subtle plan, through contactees of different levels, send us new information, which becomes part of the mosaic of my understanding of the world.

Here I want to quote from the 18th article on the book "Kalagiya", so to speak, my feeling from the received part of the information. Of course, this is just a microscopic part of the Truth, which is hidden in the passage that I analyzed. But in the new reality there is no understanding - "good or bad" - there are only parts that collect the whole. Using the terminology of Alexander Petrovich, we can say that there should be a breadth of coverage of the polarity of the chemistry of understanding))).
"After receiving this information, you once again understand that the whole world is inside you and you, like through a projector, transfer the image of your inner world to the wall through your attention, creating a film. Crossing the light of projectors of different people in a given world, where there is Space and Time, creates the interaction on which all movement and improvement is built.The situations are programmed by the Higher Essences only as potential opportunities in this quantum reality, but which of them the Observers will illuminate with their beam of attention depends only on the choice of the participants.The choice is motivated by the empty cells in the matrices Souls of Observers. They perceive it as emptiness, ignorance, an unconscious, indefinite, but motivating sensation for action. This is how an intention (or in the usual sense, our desires) is formed, which gives a vector of movement in this quantum reality. Tricks from Higher Essences that inspire to actions of their wards, a lot, then that for any energy volume, the progression and production of energy is important. Stopping in these systems automatically starts the process of degradation and loss of resources (and, above all, Time). The above-mentioned method of moving in Time was given by A. Naumkin for more conscious Essences than the main mass, so that a more holistic understanding of the 4th density and its capabilities appears. In the perception of 3-dimensional space, such travels were practically impossible and were realized by some seekers in the form of introspection. Introspection (psychology)

Introspection or self-observation (from Latin introspecto - look inside) is a method of psychological research, which consists in observing one's own mental processes without using any tools or standards. Introspection is a method of in-depth study and cognition by a person of the moments of his own activity: individual thoughts, images, feelings, experiences, acts of thinking as an activity of the mind, structuring consciousness, and the like. (% D1).

This method is widely used by hypnologists, especially effective in regressive hypnosis. I think that there really is work with the past. Now additional opportunities are being added to our reality. There is a kind of system upgrade. Thanks to new flows of information, those people who accept them and make them their inner knowledge, transmute their inner space, increasing the possibilities in using new fields for perception. The implementation of your programs in these fields will continue to be effective, through work with your inner space, in particular, with raising the vital energy of Kundalini to a higher level. Alexander Naumkin showed in his work how this energy should be transformed. And only those who can consciously raise this energy to the higher centers and keep the rotation of energy (keep high tension, rhythm and vibration) will be able to control reality at their own discretion. At the end of the previous article, I announced the conditions for such wonderful transformations. The new race of humanity is already coming with new capabilities built into the structure of their bodies at birth. Therefore, L.A. Seklitova and L.L. Strelnikova in their books and they say that the capabilities of the brain will be much higher in the 6th race of people than in the 5th. And for the Biocomputer to work in this way, more powerful human energy is needed than most of those present in our reality now have. Therefore, this guiding “Apocalypse” takes place in order to clear the grain from the chaff and bring the environment in line with the new race of humanity. After all, as we learned today from Kalagia, the change in entropy leads to changes in the environment and this, in turn, affects the density of Time. In the new world, apparently, Time will flow differently, or people will no longer perceive it linearly. The study of the laws and structure of the Universe (which is what I do in my work) will lead humanity to a more voluminous perception of reality, because the zero stage, past, present, future and the final stage in quantum (astral) reality exist simultaneously and moving to any point in space will possible for the Seeker. That is, introspection will become more real. For example, in 3 dimensional space the hologram of our quantum reality was 32D, and now it is already 40D. Like in a cinema with a stereo effect, you just need to put on glasses for 3D viewing of the film ... or expand your range of perception"
