Article 19. The five points of Time are its flow a

Good day, Friends! We continue to study 10 amon of the wonderful book by A.P. Naumkin "Kalagiya".

"24. Timeless or Vidzhl-Space is nothing else than Time itself - the substance of the five points of Time: Zero, Past, Present, Future and the Completion of the Cycle. The movement of the processes occurring in Matter results from these Points, that is, they carry out the flow and density of Time in Matter. Time itself, as a substance of five Points, is immovable, in it these Points are merged together. The movement of Time in Matter towards its flow and density comes from these Points "(A.P. Naumkin. Kalagiya. Moscow. 1992 d.) [1].


"The substance is a certain volume in which specific private mini-forms are collected, that is, the substance unites some kind of systemic formation" (L.A. Seklitova. L.L. Strelnikova (hereinafter referred to as the Authors). Laws of the Universe or the foundations of the existence of the Divine Hierarchy. Volume 2. Moscow, 2017) [2]. More details about the law of substance can be found in the book of the Authors or in my article on this book The essence of the law of substance is the unification of smaller energy forms of the same power into one formation, within which they progress and increase their energy potential. The mini-forms combined in this way in their totality have great power and opportunities for development, receiving support from the substance itself. After completing the task, the substance can disintegrate and each energy form continues its existence. Alexander Petrovich in 10 amon just shows us that 5 points of Time play the role of mini-forms that create in the process of their movement the flow and density of Time according to the LAW OF ACTING FORCE AND MOVEMENT:

"Everything is movement and everything that moves is an active force, therefore there are countless forms that express them. If it concerns the Unit as a person, then its movement is set by a program that sets a goal for it and directs the Essence to it through a series of situations That is, the power of the power potential makes the personality move - a program that directs it to a certain situation "(L.A. Seklitova. L.L. Strelnikova. Laws of the Universe or the foundations of the existence of the Divine Hierarchy. Moscow. 2017) Official website of the Authors https: // [2].

Time, according to the terminology of Alexander Naumkin, Vijl-Space or Out of Time, consisting of 5 points, is a substance that fills the inner space of Matter. In a specific case, our world can be considered as a kind of space in which Material objects (energies of greater density) are located, and Time, as the Essence of greater energy power, fills the given space and sets it in motion, that is, it is a development factor. We learned from the Authors that Time has a commanding influence on Matter. All 5 points of Time have potentials of the same power, but different in polarity: perhaps, the Beginning has a positive charge, the Cycle Completion is negative, the Present is a neutral charge, the Past is negative, and the Future is positive, thereby creating an overflow of energy within the Vijl-Space system ( Time itself, substance). In quantum reality, all points of Time and points of space exist simultaneously, as a program built into an even larger volume, with a variety of development options. According to L.A. Seklitova and L.L. Strelnikova, a certain amount of energy is put into the program of each person, which is revealed in stages in the form of situations. A player of this system is motivated to act from the presence of empty cells in the matrix of his Soul (they are attached before incarnation), which give unclear impulses to search. Also, motivating impulses come from the Mentor of the Soul from the subtle plane. Larisa Alexandrovna in her chena says that each situation contains a certain energy potential and attracts a given number of participants. As we understood from 10 amon, all these situations, as well as the existence of this world, have a Start stage, in which incoming obscure impulses are processed - a motivating factor, the action itself is Present and the Final stage is a rethinking of what has been done. The past remains in the memory of the player, and in the space of the world only as one of the implemented holographic options, charged with its energy. This experience goes into special storages (probably called Akashic records). At first, the player forms the future himself (from the available options that come in the form of impulses from the Mentor), leaving his call. "A person always goes where he leaves his call, which attracts with a magnet of improvement the one who left this call ahead of him for his new incarnations" [1].

This is how not only future incarnations are formed, but also upcoming situations within the current life. Point of Time "Past" becomes filled with energy of feelings, emotions, experiences, sensations and so on. If a person goes through the situation correctly, then he accumulates energy into the matrix of his Soul, and returns the energy that the Higher Essences put into his life program, feeds the next mini-form (for example, the Past), gives part of the energy to the Space in which actions take place, and part gives to the Central Galactic Sun. The game called "Life" improves the Essence, and through its development, the Universe itself and the Absolute progress, the part of which are all Essences at all Levels of Existence. Time, like all its points, are energy Essences, which, due to their properties, are the mechanism for the development of the Universe (you can learn a lot about this from the works of L.A. Seklitova and L.L. Strelnikova).

There is a law of the Trinity It turns out that if inside Time there are positively and negatively charged points, then Time itself is a Control System.

At the Time Start point, a program and motivating impulses are laid in the form of energies of a certain quality (some information), and at the End point, the amount of accumulated information changes into the quality of certain energies and the energy volume is compacted inside the matrix of the Human Soul - the transformation of information into energy (these laws are also in the book of the Authors "Laws of the Universe or the foundations of the existence of the Divine Hierarchy"). The future is formed according to the law of constant imperfection and also has a huge positive potential for realization. Here I recalled some sensations. The past, indeed, leaves a mark in the memory as something not particularly positive that needs to be worked on and transformed, and the future in fantasies seems to be something magical and sublime (positive emotions are dreams, hopes of expectation).


From the book "The Laws of the Universe or the Foundations of the Existence of the Divine Hierarchy" we learn that all processes and forms in the Universe develop in a certain interval and have a limit of development, limited by the next stage. Not a single development process or form can merge with its ideal state in a few stages, but must go through countless programs before the Essence ascends to the top of the Pyramid. But even this stage is not final, but only another unfinished stage, followed by others, higher ones. "To determine the degree of imperfection of the Essence, you need to take a real reference point of time, determine its energy saturation and compare it with the indicator inherent in God, for example. So, only in comparison with the Higher Beings, you can determine the degree of your imperfection." “Accepting a certain limit as a stage of development, one can compare the level of development of one and the other, coming to the conclusion that the achievement of any limit of improvement is relative, and therefore everything is in a state of constant imperfection” (L.A. Seklitova. L.L. Strelnikova. Laws Universes or the foundations of the existence of the Divine Hierarchy. Volume 1. Moscow. 2017)"

"25. When a person enters Vijl-Space, he leaves the outer space of Matter, and hence from the flow and density of Time. That is, timelessness is an exit from the flow and density of Time, there is an immersion in the substance of Time, where there is neither flow nor its density, because they remain in the outer space of Matter, because they are manifested only in it.

26. When information enters the inner space of Matter, then there is a change in Time, in the form of the release of its three Points: Past, Present and Future - their place is occupied by Information. There are two points left in time: Zero and Cycle Completion Point. Information connects with them and forms timelessness. Displaced by Information from Time, its three Points go out into the open field of neutrinos and direct their action (polarize) to timelessness, thereby affecting the two Points remaining in the inner space of Matter. Information, in merging with these two Points, in turn, affects the three Points that have entered the neutrino field, and determines the flow and density of Time and orientation in Space. At the end of this process, everything returns to its place, and the person is again grouped at the point of Space and the moment of Time that he needs" [1].

"A neutrino is a quantum of neutral radiation, a neutral fundamental particle with a small mass, whose spin is ; ;. As it was already known in the 1920s, according to the model of the atom described by Niels Bohr, a certain electron shell is located around the atomic nucleus. The electrons in this shell are at different so-called energy levels, and a certain energy is required for the transition between them.Thus, during beta decay, the electrons emitted from the atom must have carried an energy that is a multiple of that which was required for the transition between different energy levels, i.e. This statement is based on the law of conservation of energy.However, in the experiment of the English physicist James Chadwick, it was shown that the energy spectrum of emitted electrons is continuous, as if the nucleus emits electrons with very different energies, and not even a multiple of energy levels.

The neutrino has a very small interaction cross section with matter, and therefore has a high penetrating power"

To understand the process of transforming information from outside into energy that fills the matrix of the Soul of the person himself and the world in which he develops, as well as the process of changing the Start and End points, you can take the work of a hypnologist with a client as an example. I had to conduct sessions of regressive hypnosis and I myself plunged into these inner layers of Matter. At first, the hypnologist fixes attention on "this moment", plunging into the point of Present Time. Then there is a fixation on the internal sensations of the client. Further, in order to send the researcher to some moment of the Past Time and then to the Beginning, from where the roots of the problem with which the client came, most often suggest presenting the events of the past in the form of a tape of Time and gradually from one to another, the researcher comes to the sensations of the moment of birth or immersion in the period before birth, in one of the previous incarnations.

In this article, I will not philosophize how reliable this information is. What is important here is fixing on one of the points of Time, which in its essence is a marker of some events. If a person comes to the beginning of a problem, he sees the cause, which is rooted in a past life. Depending on the level of development of his awareness and the perfection of the biocomputer, the researcher even sees the goals of the planned event, which led to the point of Time, which became the Final at the moment the client turned to the hypnologist. After all, as the Authors write, programs for incarnation are built on the basis of the actions of past incarnations and what qualities of energies should be developed into the matrix of the Soul in this life. There is a kind of insight and indeed the points Beginning and Ending become one. The client reaches in his perception of Timelessness.

The neutrino field is, apparently, a neutral field filled with neutral quantum particles that create a certain environment for working with 3 points of Time: Past, Present and Future. When the researcher, thanks to the correct guidance of the hypnologist, his abilities, the help of the Instructor of the Soul, finds himself on the subtle plane in the space described above, then the perception of these three points of Time becomes completely different. The Timeline in this state simply disappears and another space of possibilities unfolds. There are some kind of insights one after another. A person sees other options for passing situations, that is, in fact, he passes into Quantum Time (Widdle-Space, Timelessness). In this state, the researcher has no desires and aspirations, so guidance from outside is important. The hypnologist finds out before the session with what questions the person came to the session and in an already changed state asks the appropriate questions, that is, directs the researcher’s attention in quantum Time in one direction or another, and the events of the past or the future begin to play out in the consciousness of the immersed. Sometimes a person sees pictures (if he has a well-developed visual channel), sometimes he hears a voice, and more often, understanding simply comes - the impulse from the Mentor from the subtle plane is transformed into timelessness much faster.

Thus, the information of the client's request before the session (this is a prerequisite for such studies), the hypnologist's questions, the energy from the Mentor from the subtle plane - form a motivating impulse, called in the 26th amon "information that enters the inner space of Matter." The inner space of Matter is consciousness, subconsciousness, unconsciousness, biocomputer, physical mind, psyche of the person himself, which pass to another level of perception of reality and also become a single whole.

"Reality (DEMON OF EMOTIONS) is the Matrix of People, horizontal time (past, present, future), LAW (behind the KON), COVENANT (behind the test or right) recurring REALITY ("groundhog day", "squirrel in the wheel", " snake biting its own tail", "binary code of the system: 1,2,4,8,7,5), SYSTEM (closed loop), Lord God (Old Testament from the second chapter onwards), Lord, State, falling out of flow of ALnost (stagnation in the spine, hernias), swamp, repetition of events, repeating history, illusion (West), Maya (East), mirror (Zeland)"
I dare to suggest that in the state described in 26 amon, a person sees reality - a quantum field (maybe this is the astral world and its structure) with many options and the flow of Time already has here not a linear orientation on 5 points, but becomes quantum Time with many options for disclosure, where the Past, Present and Future exist simultaneously. And these options reveal the intention of a person. Let me remind you of the logical chain that I heard from my Guru Alexander Bondarenko: "Where attention is, energy is there, energy is where blood is, where blood is, there is God, where God is, there is immortality." And to put it in modern language - choosing one of the vectors of development - you direct your efforts (both material and subtle bodies) there, thereby bringing your energies closer at the next Level to the Absolute state and continue marching in infinity, because the Soul has an eternal nature and there are no boundaries for perfection .

Here are some more quotes from Elena Sedelnikova's book "Quantum Physics for Housewives":

"All variations of the manifestation of the potential are all variations of the past, present and future. Therefore, they tell you that everything exists simultaneously. All potentials are launched and developed simultaneously. the path of development, and so on ad infinitum. Moreover, the future for you "second" is the past for you "first", and vice versa. That is, you simultaneously go through all the options of the past, present and future of the direction of development you have chosen, the direction of movement "( Selena Elena Sedelnikova, Quantum Physics for Housewives, Publishing Solutions, Licensed Ridero, 2020) [3].

"All of you are multidimensional beings, and your development manifests itself multidimensionally, in countless variations and interweavings. Development does not go only in one direction: from the past to the future. Development has no boundaries, it goes in all directions" [3].

"27. Of course, the volume of individual Information in the neutrino stream will strictly comply with the principles of lactate-local existence - this is the energy Sphere-Logos" [1].

"Time is synchronization with the programs of creation; this synchronization gives forward movement, changes. You are all synchronized with the same programs of creation. With the central sun, one might say, with the central computer, which gives commands to unlock the potential" [3].

"28. Time is divided into five Points, which are not the flow and density of Time, but are their sources. Points: Zero, Past, Present, Future and Completion of the Cycle are the constituents of the substance of Time.

The information-energy field is also divided into five Points, which are not actually Information, but carry it:

- Plasma;

- Fire;

- Light (voltage);

- Heat (vibration or vibration frequency);

- Tincture (rhythm or wavelength).

The information is also five-term:

- Spatial tactile orientation;

- Telescopic vision;

- Spatial hearing;

- Structural sense of smell;

- Tincture taste (vibration of Thought).

These Information Points, combining and interacting, are superimposed on psycho-correlative quantum fields, which strain Matter into holographic tricks of the informative code of the ongoing event.

Information interacts with psychocorrelative fields and forms the force that is usually called energy.

Information is the person himself, his Essence" [1].


"For each world, its own information is predetermined, which is limited by the given limits of permissibility. The information is transmitted by the Highest Teachers and has the goal of causing a specific direction of the flow of thoughts, forcing the individual to develop the necessary qualities and DEVELOP YOUR OWN THINKING APPARATUS. A certain amount of knowledge is transmitted in periods that correspond in terms of level development of their energies, that is, different periods of development are characterized by their own information" (L.A. Seklitova. L.L. Strelnikova. Laws of the Universe or the foundations of the existence of the Divine Hierarchy. Volume 1. Moscow. 2017) [2].
"Before the information enters the converter, it goes through sequential numerical operations and is encoded to the required transmission standards" [2]. Each impulse is calculated in the subtle world by the Calculation System - it is determined what will be the "form of transformation and transitions of the impulse - into numbers, figures and their further translation through code ciphers - into images understandable for perception." On the Higher Planes of Existence, sending is also carried out with the help of code-pulse communication" [2].

The five points of the information-energy field listed above transfer information in the form of an impulse, combining and interacting within it, superimposed on the psychocorrelative quantum fields of other participants in the event, thereby converting Matter into holographic images through the codes entering the human biocomputer. This is how information from the outside (for example, from the Mentor of the Soul, other beings) is transformed into various qualities of energy in the matrix of the Human Soul. But the intention of a person and the vector of movement also transforms the surrounding space through interaction with other "psycho-correlative fields" of other Essences. Apparently, the impulse contains all five points of information in equal proportions, but depending on the leading system of the Essence (visual, auditory or kinesthetic), it can manifest itself in the form of an image, sensation or sound. And the statement that information is the person himself, his Essence, suggests that a person transforms various information from outside into the quality of energies in the matrix of his Soul, which then condenses and becomes a permanent part of the Essence - its basic basis. You can learn about this from the books of L.A. Seklitova and L.L. Strelnikova.

The theme of Time has always been a mystery behind seven seals. Even Authors L.A. Seklitova and L.L. Strelnikov for a long time asked the Higher Essences to reveal this knowledge to them and they received it only after 2000. In the book "Laws of the Universe or the foundations of the existence of the Divine Hierarchy" there are 3 laws dedicated to Time. Also, the Authors have a series of wonderful books "Mysteries of Time". The official website of the Authors, which describes in detail the properties of a person's personal Time. I can assume that sessions of regressive hypnosis, travels of advanced yogis through different realities and worlds, channelings of contactees also take place within the boundaries of personal time, if only because personal time is a person’s resource allocated to him for life. This personal time is linked to the Time of the world, in which the given incarnation of the researcher passes. Maybe sometimes introspection is not available for a person due to the limited energy allocated for incarnation, and self-development is possible with the observance of austerities and thereby saving such a resource as "personal Time", which allows individuals to leave the outer space of Matter and make adjustments in their quantum reality .

In Kalagia, the mechanism of the work of the substance "Time" is revealed, and its study is useful for everyone to expand the boundaries of the knowledge of Being and the development of thinking. In fact, we are now taking timid steps in the development of the science of the future. Sooner or later, the covers of illusion will dissolve and we will learn about the structure There is more Universe.Curiosity is inherent in every Soul during its creation and is one of the driving forces of development.Spiritual success to all of us!!!
