A bonus a coin or a rare photo is added up to the

A bonus (a coin or a rare photo) is added up to the Literary Certificate. An essay on a new economic and literary idea.

In conditions of constant success in the economic sphere (as we regularly learn from the media), everyone should make efforts and make their contribution.

Earlier I invented a Literary Certificate.

(MMMCLXXIII. A Literary Certificate for the Ruble of Prince Menshikov. An app-antiquarian note. - October 12, 2022; MMMCXCVIII. A Literary Certificate on Kosti-NF. A story. - October 28, 2022; 3230. MMMCCI. A Literary Certificate - for the text of the work (with an autograph of an author). An essay. - October 31, 2022).

"Accompanying the text (with an autograph) with a Literary Certificate seems like the useful idea," - I reflected on October 31, 2022.

However, I need to think further. It's possible to attach not only a Literary Certificate to the text (to printed on a printer or to a handwritten text), but also – if the buyer of the text expresses his appropriate will – also some kind of bonus: for example, a rare photo or a coin.

For example, we take the work "MMСCCLII. 1364-1957-1961. Sergei Korolev and the East-Republican origin of the chief constructors of rocket technique in the USSR. Do not spit in the historical well, followers of Karamzin's "History". Manifesto." (September 1, 2021).

Is it possible to put up for sale the text of this work with a Literary Certificate attached?

It's possible. However, it is possible, too, - additionally - to provide a bonus: a coin with the image (portrait) of Sergei Korolev.

The photo of this coin is not of a very high quality, but it gives an idea of the design of the coin.

I make this photo an illustration of the previously mentioned work. I illustrate this essay with the same photo.

A little later I will put up for sale the text of the work "MMСCCLII. 1364-1957-1961. Sergei Korolev and the East-Republican origin of the chief constructors of rocket technique in the USSR. Do not spit in the historical well, followers of Karamzin's "History". Manifesto. (September 1, 2021). – with a Literary Certificate and with a bonus (with a coin on which a portrait of Sergei Korolev is placed).

January 25, 2023 20:17

Translation from Russian into English: January 25, 2023 21:33.
Владимир Владимирович Залесский “Бонус (монета или раритетная фотография) добавляются к литературному сертификату. Очерк о новой экономико-литературной идее”.

{ 3263. Бонус (монета или раритетная фотография) добавляются к литературному сертификату. Очерк о новой экономико-литературной идее.
MMMCCXXXIV. A bonus (a coin or a rare photo) is added to the Literary Certificate. An essay on a new economic and literary idea.

Vladimir Zalessky Internet-bibliotheca. Интернет-библиотека Владимира Залесского }

https : // rostov - na - donu . gde . ru / c / deanakvazaciya _ stroitelstvo _ vodovoda _ iz _ rostovskoy _ 73827592 . html

https : // rostov - na - donu . gde . ru / c / illyustraciya _ k _ ocherku _ o _ vodovode _ 73827594 . html
