Two Goals


Если бы у меня  было пару аутистиков, да даже один-
я б сидела и молчала, будто дело не моё
Мой активный мозг был бы занят делом
Но этого не случилось
Приходиться "go with the flow",только со своим собственным
Хотела публичности своей истории и вот пожалуйста
Получила, что хотела
Но ведь опасно, даже для самого журналиста опасно
А пути назад нет...ведь я же не сдаюсь...пока есть возможность не сдаваться
А она есть-значит Вперед
Кажется, устроила себе Россию в Албании
Итак интервью для оргаанизации воюющей против правительства
Так влипнуть надо суметь-это я умею
Лючше бы умела что-то другое

TWO GOALS for Me in that interview

Making  my experience with negative part of my life in Albania known topublic .

1) I do hope that Vlora authority will bring some justice

So the money, earned by hard jobs and intended for autistic children will be returned to fulfil initial purpose.

I did everything to solve the issue in human way, applying to many organizations and influential people, trying to find some compromises,
 but unfortunately I got nothing, but negative and even hostile attitude for trusting wrong people, which are lawyer, notary and similar
2)  I'd like to find parents of autistic children, who would be interested in my ideas
I approach autistic children not from point of illness or disability, but from the point of human personalities, which are different for every child and I use it as natural motivations. As it’s something which goes along with kid’s personality there is no resistance to it
-some kids are bossy
-some want attention by any means
-some like to be helpful

Using those motivations and working together with child it’s easy
to change what need to be changed and learn what should be learned,
It is responsibility of adult to keep child motivated-it requires some creativity. But then time, spending with a child become interesting, existing and full of unexpected surprises, which parent could be happy with

The tools I use are  books, art and crafts, photography
Consistency, mutual respect, keeping the word, which leads to trust and for sure sense of humor-are very important .


1) Applied to a lawyer. Notary gave fake contract in English without any signatureы, mentioning fake translator. Since a friend of a lawyer, so lawyer did everything to protect her interests, not mine

2) Applied to Criminal police. Officer said I need to go to lawyer, find another one. “ You  had money to buy a house, you can find money for lawyer”

3) I met some Tirana’s lawyers. They explained how long and expensive a process could be and without any guarantee. It would not solve my problem. Also consider that opponents are local people with many contacts-a lawyer and a notary

4) I found Albanian person to go with me to Criminal Police. But he did not translate the truth. Police said “Nothing we could do. Go to Prosecutor office”

5) Prosecutor said, nothing Albanian laws could do for me, but his assistant said “Only Civil court can return money for the house, but we can open a criminal case and punish those people, giving you free lawyer and translator” I went to think . I did not want Alvaro get to prison or something and wanted to talk to him first
When I decided to open a criminal   case I could not to anybody. Secretary sent me to Criminal Police. I said Criminal Police send me there. Eventually she called security person

6 ) In  Tirana I was sent back to Vlora to solve my issue by most officials, but one of the simple workers there sent me to Police of Albania. They accepted my claim and probably sent to Vlora

7) Police of Vlora made kallezim for Prosecutor

8) Office of Prosecutor told me to wait for 3 months for reply

9) No reply came and I sent papers to Tirana prosecutor. Tirana Prosecutor ordered Vlora Prosecutor to take care of my case, but I have no hope for any positive results

10) I applied to many organizations and influential people to get support, but did not get any

HOW I got into TROUBLE

Since 1997 I got involved in autism, not for career, but was interested in phenomena itself and fell in love with those lovely kids. I worked for 20 years not stop on different programs with different kids and adults and being in a past of child photographer started to use it. Autistic kids getting information trough visual channel, that is why it worked well and kids made progress.

I came to Vlora in 2020 with idea to invite English or Russian speaking families with autistic kids and see if it’d work as I wanted to show parents how different their kids could be. In real estate EstateAll I met an agent A., who gave me the idea of house in Kume. When we saw it it was not good, but A.started to describe  how it could be fixed and adjust to my purposes.

Apart from the idea with tourist I had a Project for kids and their parents “A road for independence”, which I developed in Ohrid school, working with kids and their parents together and seeing how parents protection stayed on the way for kids independence. It did not work there, but of course, I wanted to do it. And here A. seemed tried to give me that opportunity. He got really involved in the whole issue. He introduced me to his friend-professional working with autistic kids. He loved my idea and we started to make plans. We met many other professionals , went to orphanage home, met with special education school teacher. Everybody loved my project and promised all kinds of support. How A. could make them all to behave that way

We did plan to work together, as A. with his ability "to open any doors" should be our boss

“-Kristi, physiotherapist for the special children's is ready to work with us.” -wrote Alvaro to encourage me

With A. “who solve any problems in Vlora” I believed everything will work. Psychology puts the idea if you want something very much and believe in that-it will happen. So I did, but nothing good happened from it

I did asked agency for expert to evaluate a house, but they say no such people in Vlora. Alvaro as a lawyer convinced me that all shortcomings will be fixed before buying.
I was inside of the house only once and Alvaro did everything to distract me to go inside the second time. I only remember good expensive furniture there. Kitchen had freshly whitewashed walls (I was told people do that to cover bad things), but there was no kitchen. It was many strange there, but I listened to Alvaro sweet words about opportunity of that place for goals and in my mind I saw the renovated place and I had a thought “I should get that place!!!” and I believed to Alvaro that the roof is OK and everything is OK, just a few things should be done and he knows people who gives good price and overall everything is cheap in Albania
And I signed contract in Albanian language totally trusting Alvaro that things will work great and soon my dream will be reality. Alvaro was so empathetic to Autism issue!!!
When I saw what I bought I got terrified, but thought “Those people could not harm me!”
 It was happy loving family with 4 grown-up children-one an artist, another-a musician. Nice pleasant people.
Then I was in denial and Alvaro helped me to fix an unfixable. He stayed with me till my last dollars. Then I saw that both of us were cheated. Alvaro gave me a solution “Go to Bashkia and tell them that you spent all the money for that house and they will help you to fix it”…
When finally I saw the “harsh Truth” and told Alvaro that
“ I wish your son never met people like you in his life”, what lawyer Alvaro interpreted as a thread to his child and wanted to expel me from Albania in 24 hours.
Of course I blamed myself how I could be so blind.  And then I wrote to seller’s son and got that information
“We made a contract with a company where alvaro works, because we did not want to make contact with the buyer. The company choose alvaro as a seller and he was our representor. But we pay a huge amount of money to the company for the reason to not have contact with the buyer. We feel very sorry for your situation but we can't help you more than that.”
So, Alvaro did a great job, including his empathy toward autism and his enthusiasm to help
Alvaro talked about road reconstruction as some improvement saying that he saw the project and it start very soon. (that was probably the reason,  why sellers rushed to sell) Alvaro introduced him as a man who desperately needed money, because there were trouble in the family. Then it came out that man owner 2 big stores
When reconstruction started and all the Hell along I wrote to seller’s son

- Please tell your parents that very bad energy is moving in their direction all the time. It is WRONG to improve your life by destroying the life of another person, even with the help of other people. Intentions are important (. Animals can take the lives of other animals to feed themselves, people can’t)
When you're in Russia, read the Bible. There are Laws, how people should behave towards each other. It's not about religions, it's about Humanity between people

- It’s not my parents problem for your decision and for your deal(yours and the person who contact you to buy the house) we need money and sell the house because we leave vlora to live in Tirana. So made a contract with a real estate manager because we didn't have time and didn't wont to have contact with the buyer. Its all Business. If you don't wont too keep the house you should contact a real estate manager to help you too sell it.

-According to specialists house is not repairable-need to be demolished. Garage had no documents,1/3 land went to the government.
 What can I  sell? You needed got them. What did I get?.....
That is NOT a business....It is a different thing
