Article 27 How the Present passes into the Past. I

Good day, Friends! Today we will try to reflect on the 14 amon of the wonderful book by A.P. Naumkin "Kalagiya".

"1. Let us continue the study of the origin and development of Illusion. The World is illusory in its proposal, but not in its form. The Form of the World consists of the energies constantly produced by Matter from itself, when it introduces Fire into Motion.

2. Fire is the eternal energy of the Spirit and He is the Spirit, and is for Matter the standard of the purity of action. Thus, the fire of the Spirit is the eternal, unchanging and permanent form of the Worlds. He is real, just as the form of the Worlds he created is real.

3. The energies constantly generated by Matter become the eternal Tantra, the Basis of Matter. The basis of its existence and development" (A.P. Naumkin. Kalagiya. Moscow. 1992) [1].

"Tantra (Skt. ;;;;;; [t;ntra] lit. "loom; basis of fabric", trans. "basis, essence; order, rule; teaching, set of rules; method, trick") - the general designation of esoteric Indian traditions "https: / /

There is a clue for us in this definition: a weaving machine is what produces a material, what constitutes the basis of a fabric - again, a certain material, raw material, structure, base, which has certain qualities and serves in the future to create products (of a different form).

From the previous amon, we learned that the Spirit that animates Matter is represented in the Universe in 3 hypostases, qualities - the Eternal Spirit, emanating from the Absolute and being Himself, the Higher Mind - the Spirit of Nature, the Soul of Creation of any World and the Cosmic Mind - the information-energy field of any World or Absolute.

The form of the World is made up of energies that are produced by Matter itself. If we take a smaller scale as an example, this is a person who also has a Spirit that animates the “man” system, which, in turn, thanks to its activity, produces a large amount of energy of various qualities. The quantity and quality of the energy produced by an individual depends on the stage of Tantra Yoga, at which the adept undergoes his improvement -63d87802dd0bad52fc1fd26a. The steps of Tantra are like a stairway to Heaven.

I came to the conclusion that the methods of Tantra yoga are scattered in many teachings, religions, beliefs, spiritual schools. For example, the same meditation, work with a rosary, contemplation of the Deities and other practices, many people go through in stages in the process of their spiritual development and it will not necessarily be called the Buddhist tradition. If you observe austerities and perform systematically prescribed rituals and spiritual practices, then you can achieve enlightenment or its next stage. After all, the process of enlightenment is endless and is the opposite of defilement. If a person from life to life has improved and accumulated merit, then having come to the Buddhist tradition, he can simply quickly go through all the steps of Tantra Yoga and get out of the wheel of Samsara. "3. The energies generated by Matter constantly become the eternal Tantra, the Foundation of Matter. The basis of its existence and development" [1]. The Path of Tantra is the path of endless improvement, which will continue on the next Level of Existence and always a person (or another form in which the Essence will incarnate in the future) will generate energy. This energy is used both by the Essence itself, to create its own form and, above all, energy, and feeds the World, which provides it with opportunities for development, and part of the energy goes to higher layers of Being. I think that the Higher Mind also develops according to this principle, because it is not for nothing that it is called the Soul of Creation.

"4. Matter imitates the Spirit, that is, it generates its energies using the Fire of the Spirit for this. This is how it achieves eternal existence. But it is relative, because the energies generated by Matter in its depths, although they are produced forever, are easily changed qualitatively, which means For example, he will look at the Representation as a type of material energy - it is not permanent, that is, it can undergo changes and can be destroyed if a more powerful movement of higher energy passes to meet its movement and through it" [1].

I have been trying to read this book for 30 years, but through writing articles I get to understand every phrase and word better, especially if I set the task of trying to explain what was written in Kalagia to others. Pay attention to the phrase: "Representation as a kind of material energy." That is, in the book the author, speaking about Matter, means not only the Matter of the physical plane, but also the processes occurring in the Human Biocomputer, which are also the Matter-energy of a certain quality and, as we found out earlier, produce energy. The representation is considered the beginning of Creation, and in the 4th pramone there are 14 amons, we clarify that under the influence of higher energies this function of the Biocomputer (the Sphere of Being, the Impulsive Ring of a person) begins to change. When you even read such a text, your PERCEPTIONS ABOUT THE WORLD ARE CHANGING. After all, this is not just a text, but information that carries the Fire of the Spirit. As stated in one of the VKontakte messages from Larisa Seklitova, such information gives a person the greatest energy power, that is, it fills the matrix of his Soul with such energies that increase the energy power of all human structures.

The same processes apparently occur with the Worlds - their energy is also transformed under the action of a high energy flow.

“Therefore, Matter produces a mass of various types of energy, but not all of them can disappear if the Movement of the Fire of the Spirit, set in Movement through Matter, passes through the movement of the energies of Matter.

Then Matter itself will disappear, and it disappears forever, like a real reality, but always remains in the form of the eternal Memory of the self-contemplating Spirit in its Fire, by the power of which the Spirit reproduces Matter in all details so that the life of Matter does not decrease and does not stop.

An example of this is immersion in the Vijl-Space, in Nirvana, that is, in fact, in the space of the Spirit" [1].

I can assume that when the Fire of the Spirit passes through some Matter, it gives rise to a real reality - the Present Time Point, when this flow passes further, then the reality disappears and becomes the Past Time point. But as we learn from 4 pramon, Matter is transformed "into the eternal memory of the self-contemplating Spirit in its Fire, by the power of which the Spirit reproduces Matter in all details so that the Life of Matter does not decrease and does not stop" [1].

I always wondered: "How does the present turn into the past?" In this Pramon, the Teachers try to describe this Divine process to us. In the course of any introspection - immersion in one's Essence, the Observer can always revive the pictures of the Past point and, depending on the fullness of his energy and experience in meditation, a person can experience the pictures of the past very vividly. Alexander Naumkin cites immersion in Nirvana (Widdle-Space) as an example, because when an adept is sufficiently "advanced" in spiritual practices, he easily gets into these spaces himself and knows how to work with them. Sophos (website "Creation") in his chest and says that you need to learn to work with the fields of possibilities of the 4th dimension. In my opinion, this is work with the Future Time Point. Again, this requires preparation.
In the following chapters of this book, this process will be expanded through other new concepts.

"5. Since the Form of the Worlds is the Fire of the Spirit, and It is Eternal, then the Form of the Worlds is eternal, due to the Eternity of Matter. And its energies, generated in its depths, constitute the Foundation of Matter and the Form of existence of separate worlds in it.

Thus, the Form of the Worlds (general) and the Form of the world (private) are real. And the proposal of the life of the Worlds is illusory.

6. The proposal of a particular World is the content (Name), that is, what the energies of Matter carry in themselves - namely, Information. Information is created by the World within it by its own self-knowledge, which is based on Attention and Perception of oneself, and then already sensation, impression, representation and imagination of oneself, which determine the self-understanding of the World, its internal information.

The World, in accordance with its internal Information, develops its content in the already existing eternal form. This is his life imprinted in his Memory, in his Space by a holographic information code, which is the Law of Genetics, reflected in Matter in the physical sets of genes.

The Developing Content of the Worlds or a separate World is its Offer to itself and the Form in which this content develops.

7. The proposal is illusory, because Attention and Perception are not always equal, not to mention their constancy and equivalence in the space and time of the World. These energies are changeable, and besides, they have the property (quality) of "one in the other" and not only of "themselves" in each other. Hence the relativity in the real sentence of sensation, impression, representation and imagination. Thus, the Information of the World is illusory, again by the Suggestion, but not by the Form" [1].

When the author says that the world is illusory by suggestion, one can understand that this illusion is created in the process of self-knowledge by the world or any other Essence of its internal Content, accumulated Information.

In the book "Laws of the Universe or the foundations of the existence of the Divine Hierarchy" L.A. Seklitova and L.L. Strelnikova (hereinafter referred to as the Authors), Official website of the Authors [2], it is said that each Soul is individual, unique and in the process of progressing builds a unique composite of energies in the matrix of its Soul. Each Level of the Hierarchy has its own energies and, interacting with them through various situations, thanks to the Attention and Perception of oneself at this moment of Time (Point of Time Present), the Essence turns on the following functions: sensation, impression, - then an idea arises and the imagination of oneself turns on in this situation at any given time. Thus, the Essence develops its content in the existing eternal form. Further, the Time Point Present passes into the Time Point Past, leaving a trace in the inner Space (Memory) of the World or the Essence in the form of a holographic information code. It turns out that this is how a certain set of genes is assembled according to the Law of Genetics, which is also reflected in Matter in the physical sets of genes.

This process of developing one's Content of the Worlds, the World, Essences is an Offer to oneself and the Form in which this Content develops. It is written in the Laws of the Universe that the Essence itself chooses the further preferred path of development. The Higher Essences build its development programs based on this inner Content, as well as those energies that still need to be developed, linking this program into a common composite of the development of all Existing. To itself - this is the Soul of Creation adapts the Content of various energies to the composite of the existing ones, and this Content is also poured into the Form itself, in which the Soul is perfected at this Level of the Hierarchy of God. We can feel the Soul of Creation in our World first of all through the Spirits of Nature. And in order to cope with the transformation of one's inner Content, it is worth sometimes contacting Them, enriching oneself with energies of a higher order. Meditation in the bosom of Nature always brings great results and helps to go through the next stage of development of each individual Essence more gracefully.

"8. The form is always unchanged - this is the energy field of Matter. It is not illusory. The information field of Matter is illusory.

In addition, the developing Content of the World, through natural selection, leads to the development of the World itself, introduces the World into evolution.

This sooner or later leads to the demand for a change or replacement of the Form. But the Form is one and unchangeable. The content in the Form is interchangeable.

Then the Content will have no choice but to pass into the Form, to merge with it, to dissolve in it, to become it. For this, the Content needs to change itself, to become thinner to the state of the Form, that is, the Matter of the World in this case, being thinned, turns into pure Spirit, becomes Spirit, and remains in Memory, in the Space of the Spirit as an Illusion of the Past, which is also eternal, just like the Spirit is eternal. . Thus, the World is illusory, the Spirit is not really illusory.
9. Illusion comes to life in the Fire of the Spirit, like its Memory, condenses to a material state, precipitates and ... collapses, developing to the state of the Spirit, that is, it turns again into the Fire of the Spirit, which is He" [1].

If we rely on the Laws of the Universe, which Larisa Aleksandrovna Seklitova brought to our World, then this process of entering the Content into the form occurs due to the qualitative transformation of energies and their compaction. Natural selection, apparently, is the transformation of incorrect developments that can lead to degradation processes. If you look at the scale of the development of the World, then at a certain stage, some Essences developing in it go for decoding if the degradation processes have gone too far. Or the Essence, having collected the necessary composite of energies into its matrix, can leave this world, moving to a higher Level of the Hierarchy. A movement is being created to accumulate various energies within the World, so to speak, its internal Content, thereby stimulating progression.

If we consider this issue more broadly, then the form of the World at each Level of the Hierarchy, as the basic superstructure, is always unchanged. You can also learn about this in detail from the Creativity of the Authors [2]. The Substance that fills this Form (passed over from a lower Level) is the Soul of the next new creation of the World. Essences that fill the World are its Content. In the process of development at this Level and in the Form of this World, new energies accumulate, which, being condensed, occupy the Soul of Creation and merge with it, thanks to a qualitative transformation, densification, thinning "to the state of the Form, that is, the Matter of the World in this case, being thinned, turns into a pure Spirit, becomes a Spirit, and remains in the Memory, in the Space of the Spirit as an Illusion of the Past, which is also eternal, just as the Spirit is eternal. Thus, the World is illusory, the Spirit is not really illusory." The Spirit, here we mean, probably the Higher Mind, the Soul of Creation, which gains the necessary energy potential and passes into another unchanging Form at the next Level of the Hierarchy. And the Illusion arises within each world in the process of development of the Essences that make up this World. Apparently this is some kind of by-product of the development itself. After all, how do we perceive the external World: we draw analogies (what has been accumulated earlier), with what Attention and Perception are directed to. And how many people look at the same object - the same number of subjective opinions will be, because each Essence of the World has its own set of energies (experience) in the matrix of the Soul, which is embedded in the form of numerical information codes. And, thanks to this difference in perceptions of reality (Point of Time Present), there is also a movement within the system. The greater the potential difference in power and quality, the more powerful the movement and energy output from this system.


"Illusion is the concept of a distorted perception of something, used as an additional simplified process to improve the understanding of what cannot be consciously. Illusion refers to substances, those limited volumes that contain certain finished forms that come together in one common volume. Therefore, as a substance, the illusion expresses the Essence of the illusion (living and developing).The illusion of perception in the form of a substance is given to an individual for the development of his consciousness and soul, for the development of additional qualitative energies.Perceiving the illusion as a reality, the Essence thinks, reflects on its origin, tries to understand processes associated with it, etc. (Some celestial objects are such an illusion for a person, but he perceives them as reality and develops whole theories that justify their existence, that is, the reality of what is not really there.) However, those The Higher Personalities who create these substantial illusory objects build their in a special way and lay in them the meaning they require" [2].

That is, Illusion is like a program laid down for development, which, after reaching the goal, crumbles, and its subtle component becomes part of the Soul of Creation of this World.

"10. Sedimentary materials of Illusion manifest themselves in feelings as longing for the lost freedom. This longing, introduced into the movement of the Spirit as a secondary manifestation of the sedimentary materials of Illusion, is concentrated in one place by the power of the entraining Movement of Consciousness, and is burned there by the Fire of the Spirit. Thus, freedom is regained Spirit, but already in the depths of Matter, which is eternal in the Memory of the Spirit as the past.

This act on Earth can be performed by any person: what appears at the same time is called Samadhi in Sanskrit.

Samadhi can be distinguished by the degree of illumination. Any illumination is a manifestation of Samadhi - a manifestation of the Fire of the Spirit. Any manifestation of Samadhi is a manifestation of the Movement of the Fire of the Spirit through the Movement of the energy of Matter, in various combinations of presence, with various combinations of fires of material levels involved" [1].

I am well aware of this longing for lost freedom. Indeed, at each stage of development, in the process of deep reflection, another veil of the Illusion of the given World and Time falls down. These feelings have happened before. At this stage, there is simply an assessment of one's actions in the distant or recent past, during which the degree of stupidity decreases.

Why is it impossible to condemn anyone - because everyone is currently working on their imperfection, inexperience, which entail a certain degree of stupidity. And highlight her feedback from other people and past situations. The main thing is that after each experience, at least briefly and shallowly dive into your internal states. Look at everything that happens more broadly, draw conclusions and change thinking and behavior strategies. Why is it written in Pramon 10 that the sedimentary materials of Illusion (one's own stupidity) must be concentrated in one revenge by the Movement of Consciousness - meditation. Burning with the Fire of the Spirit is a small insight, after correct conclusions. "Thus, the freedom of the Spirit is regained, but already in the depths of Matter, which is eternal in the Memory of the Spirit as the past" [1]. That is, we do not throw off unprocessed stupidity into the subconscious, which could become an energy block on the path of Kundalini energy. At the same time, the Consciousness would have a smaller driving force, which means that the Human Biocomputer would not work as efficiently. "Every manifestation of Samadhi is a manifestation of the Movement of the Fire of the Spirit through the Movement of the energy of Matter, in various combinations of presence, with various combinations of the fires of material levels involved." Spiritual practices are a huge driving force for a person on the path of his self-actualization!!!
