New Mongolian-Avar lexical matches

New Mongolian-Avar lexical matches

1. race
M. xоьх: А. хех "quickly"

2. hump
M. монхор: А. мегIер "mountain, nose". In the Avar dialects, the meaning of "nose" is transmitted by phonetically close to the Mongolian "хамар" (nose, cape, promontory) and "хоьмхоьр" (upper lip) words: хамах, хумех etc.

3. throat
M. хоолой: А. кIал "mouth, edge, abyss".The presence of the lateral "l" in Avar, as well as Mongolian, is confirmed by the Avar кIалъай, кIалъазе "conversation", "talk".Compare Persian "galu" and German "Kehle". This basis is also present in the ancient Greek language "edge, abyss, talk"

4. hot
М. халуун: Ав. гьали [hali], гьализе "boil"

5. сity
M. хот: А. къватI [qwat.] "street", "open country with roads outside the house"

6. state
M. гуьрен: А. горен paddock for livestock. This word is also found in Iranian languages

7. charter
М. бичиг: А. бичIчIи "understanding, clarification"

8. breast
М. цээж: А. чIужу "woman". In Chinese chronicles, this word- cheuju - is referred to as "woman, wife" in the language of the Asiatic Huns.

9. bottom, riverbed
М. оёор: А. гIoр ['or] "river, stream"

10 upper
M. дээд: A. тIad []

11. facet,bondary
M. мухар: А. мухъ

12. branch
M. салаа: A. сел "perch, perch for birds"

13. bird comb, thick silk thread
М. залаа "bird comb, thick silk thread,tassel on headdress" : А. цIил "cartilage",цIилицI "broom" (Av. dial. t'emit' "broom",t'emit'i "bird comb"),чIоло "ribbon"

14. interval, space
М. зай [dzai]: А. цIай 

15. middle, opposite, coeval
М. дундад "middle",дуйцэл "equivalent, sameness" : А. данде "opposite",дандияв "coeval, one of a couple"

16. half
M. дуьл (in word шоьноь дуьл "midnight"), дуьйз "couple, party": А. гьудул [hudul] "friend, beloved"

17. summary, union
М. дуьн "result, sum, the height of something" : А. данде базе "collect", данделъи "group" (it's same word A. данде)

18.  Wednesday
М. лхагва: А. лъаб, лъабго "three". Both languages have the same lateral consonant in Anlaut

19. loose tobacco, what they sniff
М. дуьнс: А. ссунтI (metathesis?)

20. to run away, to leave in a hurry; fast
М. дурвэх "to run away, to leave the place of residence in a hurry", дуьрвэлт "evacuation" : А. dial. дуризе "do something quickly"

21. mane, loose, spacious
М. дэл "mane and tail","free, open", дэлгэх "spread out, unfold": ав. дали hanging down, дализе "hang down freely"

22. special, separate
М. жич: А. жи-в he himself, жидер, жиндер "his, his own"

23. rein
М. жолоо: А. чIоло "reins, ribbons"

25. order, rule, regime, statute
М. журам: А. журай "flock of sheep of the same sex or age"

26. comb, comb the area
М. сам, самнах: А. dial. cамизе "comb the wool".

27. secretly, hidden, door
М. нууц "secretly, hidden", ноьоьц "supplies, reserve", ноьоьцлоьл "preparation, saving": A. нуцIа "door"

28. hole, pit, lair
М. нуьх "hole, pit, lair", ноохой "lair" : А. нохъо "cave"

29. soon, now
М. моьд: А. метер "Tomorrow"

30. brown, gray
M. бор: A. бурияб (dial. борояб, бораб, бурия)
