American Issues

In a college I attended we discussed many American issues. Freedom of speech and some other good stuff finished there

I think the American Government  should not limit the number of immigrants, because of some moral and economic reasons. The main reason is the image of USA as a country of greatest freedom, where every person can life freely and have the opportunity to apply his or her abilities. Writer Solzhenitsyn, musician Rostropovich and his wife a singer Vishnevskaya, artist Shemyakin and ballet dancer Baryshnikov from Soviet Union  fulfilled here the dreams which  could not be possible in their country.
For many years people from all over the world have been coming to America, saving their lives, escaping own countries. After the revolution in Russia a lot of people ran away to America saving their families from communists. During WWII a lot of people from Europe have found asylum from Nazism  in USA

Nowadays, when the ex-Soviet Union is ruined and full of blood from Civil War, people who came to America have an opportunity to  work, study, rise children  and have future, they would not have in their country.
It’s also important, that if America stops immigration and turns into a closed society it will be the big loss not only for people all over the world, but it could be a disadvantage for the country itself. It would stop the flow of new ideas, knowledge and thinking which makes this country young and healthy.

Coming of new immigrants is also beneficial for American economy  as it keeps economy in constant motion. New businesses are created for new emigrants and immigrants themselves open new businesses and even create new areas. For example, immigrants from ex-Soviet union turned the neglected  and dangerous area of New York into a wonderful place Brighton Beach. Immigrants work harder, do any job, have lower salary, creating competition and  developing the economy of the country.
As one of the new immigrants, I’m very grateful to American government, because in spite of all difficulties and problems which exist in this country, the door is still open and it gives the opportunity to people all over the world, who could not find home in their countries to find it in America


Many of today’s young people  are mainly concerned with prestigious careers, making money and owning things. It seems we no longer teach the benefits of spending time and money to help the community, the country and the world. Our country can strengthen these human values and improve the world by requiring young people to spend a year working in some type of community services.
 Agree or disagree?
I don’t think requiring young people to spent a year working in some type of community service can change human values and improve the world
I don’t like this idea, because as an immigrant I had to meet a lot of people in community services here. I was shocked with those people.
First, when I saw people in Russian community I thought something wrong happened with ex-Soviet people when they found themselves in a free world. Then I met people in some American communities and saw the same.
People there mainly concerned with their own life and they don’t have any wish to help other people. Their slogan is “You are the one to help yourself” I talked once with a young American man, who went to Israel to work in Jewish community for one year and I’ve heard from him only stories about his own benefits from that work. That is why I think  working in community services people continue to be concentrated with their own benefits only.

Also I don’t believe that people can work well and be concerned with result of their activities if they are forced to work. I know about that from my life in Soviet Union. The Government always compelled people to do the job they did not want to do. When a person does something “under the gun” , he always tried to find ways to get rid from it and be free. That is why I don’t believe mandatory work can make a great changes about values.

I think it would be better if people with life experience could work in community services. These people better understand human needs and problems and better would be able to solve them that young people without any experience (good idea-professor’s remark)
Thus, I don’t see this problem can be solved the way it is now. If people don’t want to think about helping somebody, who is just next door to them and needs their help, they probably cannot help their country or the world.
