Article 35 Awakening of the Grain of the Human Spi

Good day to readers of my page! Today we are studying 16 amon books by A.P. Naumkin "Kalagiya". In amon, the concept of the Human Spirit and how it is connected with the Eternal Spirit is expanding.

"1. Until now, it has not been said what the Spirit is. That is, it has been said that the Spirit is the highest energy, but it has not been explained that a person is also a cosmic stream of swarming energies, and it has not been said that if God is a cosmic Position, and interchangeable, then the Spirit is a prerogative that excludes any alternative. The Spirit is a multidimensional awareness of the Consciousness of its monopoly on Thought-creation and the Life of any life" (A.P. Naumkin. Kalagiya. Moscow. 1992) [1].

The fact that the role of the Gods is performed in each manvantara by different monads that come to this Level of Being for experience, was said in the legendary book "Yoga Vasistha" iYTpetUhmfUdCcZCC3e4xEy4Z65T&ab_channel= and there is also a mention in the Indian Vedas. The Hierarchical structure of the Universe is spoken of in many sacred Scriptures. Each layer has its own Higher Mind - the Soul of Creation, which revives the Creator, from which all Existing is repeated again. Pay attention in this connection to the scripture Srimad Bhagavatam, where the process of Creation and the Soul of Creation itself are described in detail. There is a mention, for example, of the saint Narada, who on the previous day of Brahma reached a certain perfection and became one of the first Beings created by Brahma in the next cycle of Creation D0% 82.

Such is the role of Gods and saints, and monads, after passing experience in these Positions, rise higher in their development and play the proposed roles already at other levels of the Hierarchy. This happens in different Worlds, but the Eternal Spirit permeates the entire Universe and is "multidimensional awareness of the Consciousness of its monopoly on Thought-Creation and Life of any life" [1].

In previous articles, I have already mentioned the law of Absolute states which says that the Absolutes also have their own Hierarchy and move into the prescribed term for the next Level of Existence. The basic construction of the previous Level remains, is modernized, and the Absolute comes there from a lower Level. Also at this Level of the Hierarchy there remain Essences that have not reached the required composite of energies and the normative power of the energy potential for the transition to the next stage of development. You can read about this process in the book by L.A. Seklitova and L.L. Strelnikova "Laws of the Universe or the foundations of the existence of the Divine Hierarchy". Official website of the Authors,

"The book "Laws of the Universe or the foundations of the existence of the Divine Hierarchy" says that the Divine Hierarchy is filled with personalities of different levels of development, who enter there after careful selection from 4 Universes belonging to God, where they pass the preliminary stages of perfection and are grouped according to identical energies. Construction of the Pyramid The Hierarchy of God is not His property, but is intended for individuals to live and progress in it. Essences are the property of God and His constituent elements. Having passed all the stages of perfection in the pyramid, Essences pass into God’s own Volume, after which He completes the previous cycle of development and proceeds to the next one, leaving the previous pyramid"

"The chain connection of the dependence of the general development looks like this: Essences are ordered according to their qualities, characteristics and distributed in the Hierarchy according to the level of development, which leads to systematization. Orderliness, distribution and systematization are the basis of harmony and perfection and lead to progression. Progression is a movement forward, which leads to the Higher Mind and through the development of the Higher Consciousness the Essence comes to God." But the development does not end there, and then all the personalities who have entered the common Volume of God continue to improve together with Him. moving on to the next Levels of an even greater Hierarchy than the one in which they arrived before. There is an expansion of the spheres of space. The improvement of each individual continues along with the progression of God on new cycles of development. And this is repeated ad infinitum" (L.A. Seklitova. L.L. Strelnikova. Laws of the Universe or the foundations of the existence of the Divine Hierarchy. Moscow. 2017) [2] 24-2.

"And then we learn from this book that in each pyramid of the Hierarchy, the exact number of personalities is established by calculation, therefore the number of Essences that make up the composite of God is strictly specific. "The law of systematization, operating in the Hierarchy and the Volume of God, distributes and arranges everything in the process perfection and constitutes a single progression of the Spirit. The Spirit is the binding principle of everything and in everything, without it nothing can exist" [2]. God is self-created from the Essences that fill the worlds of His Hierarchy. They form the nominal basis of God's composite and, having passed the path of perfection in His Hierarchy, transform their own structure to the Absolute state And, in turn, each Essence is a particle of the qualitative characteristics of the composite (a set of qualitative energy foundations that endow with individuality) of God, on the development of which His evolution depends, therefore God makes every effort to raise each individual to the Absolute state, and His entire Hierarchy is intended to educate Essences and bring them closer to God"

"2. Atman-Koscham or Monad with its areas of shells, inside of which there are chakrams, fiery wheels, through the middle of which the Silver Thread passes, is a holographic image in the Primary Matter of the All-United Pre-Eternal Spirit.

This image is and is a holographic code of development of the Worlds - it is the Primary and the only Information of the Spirit superimposed on the Primary Matter. This is the Eternal holographic informational code of the Eternal Spirit, which Christians call the Body of the Lord.

But one should not think that since a holographic code means something frozen, dead; on the contrary, while we are reading these lines, in the holographic structures of the Body of the Spirit, energies unknown to us are being generated, which may be intended for the formation of supernovae Galaxies in space, and the realization of the idea of creating a New Man is planned. The holographic code is constantly in motion, unconscious to the mind. To understand the processes in the Body of the Spirit, it is necessary to introduce one's Consciousness into the Movement of the Body of the Spirit" [2].
As we learned from 15 amon, the book we are studying: "That part of the Spirit, which is part of the Absolute itself, emanating from the Source under the action of centrifugal force on the day of Brahma, puts on 7 bodies-shells of the Monad, which are the SOURCE OF SPIRITUAL LIFE. It is also divided into 7 shells-areas that, like human organs, serve as a transmutation (transformation) of the Fire of the Spirit into spiritual energies, mental (emotions, feelings, sensations, and so on), as well as the formation of physical reality.It turns out that the physical body of a person and everything its subtle structures (astral, mental, vital, causal bodies), as well as the original Spirit is the Monad" (15 amon, 14-15 pramon)
In 2 pramon 16 amon, an addition is made to the structure of the monad, namely, that in the physical embodiment, the areas of the monad appear in energy centers (chakrams, fire wheels), which are responsible for the work of different levels of human awareness, and their harmonious work contributes to the successful completion of the program by a person . The Silver Thread that permeates the Atman-Koscham (chakras) is essentially the Kundalini energy, so well described in the East. And in the new terminology of Alexander Petrovich, it is ".. a holographic image in the Primary Matter of the All-United Primordial Spirit. This image is and is a holographic code for the development of the Worlds - this is the Primary and only Information of the Spirit superimposed on the Primary Matter. This is the Eternal holographic information code of the Primordial Spirit" [ 1]. We read earlier in the spiritual literature that the Silver Thread connects the subtle bodies of a person with its Origin Source, and now our understanding is supplemented by the fact that the areas of the monad include chakrams and the Silver Thread and are the information code of the Eternal Spirit emanating from the Creator Absolute, which superimposed on Primal Matter. In 15 ammon, the following was said about primary matter: "6. The body of the Spirit or the Soul is simultaneously the Form of the Worlds (all) and the Form of the World (each), which is the information-energy field of the Spirit, that is, His Fire is His Soul and everything that exists in It.

This information-energetic field of the Spirit is His Memory, His Space: it is primary and real, not illusory, and, having crossed a certain threshold of concentration, is the Primary Matter; It imposes on this Primary Matter the holographic informational code of the Worlds. This code is the law of the Genetic development of the Worlds and the Tantra of the Primary Matter of the Worlds" (A.P. Naumkin. Kalagia. Moscow. 1992) [1].

That is, everything in the Universe is the Absolute - both the Spirit that animates Matter and Matter itself (Forms of all Worlds and each separately) and the Movement within the system, thanks to which the progression of the Essences is possible (the union of the Seeker, the Seeker and the Seeking). In the 6th pramon of 15 amon it was said about the global process of building the Worlds of the Absolute, and on the 16th amon the Teachers show us how the Pre-Eternal Spirit leaves a holographic code in the form of a holographic code in its Primary Matter (information-energy space), which, thanks to the law of Being, has the ability to reincarnate into different forms and accumulate their energy potential.


From the book of the Authors we are studying today, we learn that our Universe is arranged according to the principle of a nested doll, where one world is in another and higher forms of life control the lower ones. These worlds exist because they have the initial form of Existence, which is rooted in the Higher forms of existence. The Supreme Beings require different types and forms for the successful functioning of Their worlds. That is, small forms are needed for the existence of larger ones, and larger ones for the existence of even larger ones, and so on ad infinitum. Each created form has the right to life, because it initially contains energy that is eternal and indestructible. It has always existed, and only the forms change, according to the requirements of the Higher authorities" [2] .
"Printsip sushchestvovaniya (Bytiyo) - eto osnovnoy printsip zhiznennogo funktsionirovaniya dlya lyuboy formy i otnositsya k "naivysshey forme postroitel'nykh nachal", potomu chto on stroit i preobrazuyet, sovershenstvuyet i proizvodit, to yest' lezhit v osnove vsego. Bytiyo - eto nachal'naya tochka razvitiya ocherednogo etapa lyuboy formy i, naskol'ko sovershennogo Bytiya dostigla forma na etom etape svoyego sovershenstvovaniya, tem na boleye vysokiy uroven' ona podnimayetsya v svoyom razvitii. A sistema ob"yedinyayushchikhsya Iyerarkhiy Absolyuta vsegda soizmeryayet svoi vozmozhnosti s vnutrennim sostoyaniyem mini-ob"yomov, uchityvaya ikh mini-potentsialy v protsesse razvitiya" [2] "ZAKON PROGRESSIVNOSTI I SOVERSHENSTVOVANIYA V izuchayemoy nami knige napisano, chto v Mirozdanii kazhdaya forma i Sut' (Dusha) imeyet pravo na sovershenstvovaniye, no napravlyat' svoyo razvitiye samostoyatel'no mogut tol'ko sushchestva vysokogo poryadka. Po etoy prichine, chtoby kazhdyy znal kak progressirovat', byl sozdan zakon progressivnosti i sovershenstvovaniya. Svoboda vybora v napravleniyakh sovershenstvovaniya otnositel'na, potomu chto etot protsess zavisit ot napravleniya tendentsiy Suti Boga v svoyom razvitii i podchineno obshchim tselyam vsego Ob"yoma Iyerarkhii. Takzhe razvitiye kazhdogo individa idot v napravlenii razvitiya Urovnya Iyerarkhii, na kotorom on nakhoditsya. Vnutrennyaya sila upravlyayet postupkami cheloveka - chem bol'she potentsial'nyye vozmozhnosti, tem aktivneye chelovek proyavlyayet sebya v Bytiye" [2] "Tot obraz, k kotoromu dolzhna stremit'sya vsyakaya Yedinitsa v protsesse lichnogo sovershenstvovaniya, yavlyayetsya obrazom Boga, predstavlyayushchego soboy pervoprichinu, porodivshuyu zakon progressirovaniya, ibo yesli by ne bylo Boga, to neizvestno - k kakomu idealu nado bylo by stremit'sya. Da i voobshche - nado bylo by. I tol'ko nalichiye vperedi takoy bol'shoy tseli mobilizuyet vse Urovni, vsekh Sutey na nikh ustremlyat'sya v yedinom poryve k Vysshemu sovershenstvu, narashchivaya potentsial'nyye nakopleniya raznofakturnykh soderzhaniy kak v chastnykh individual'nykh formakh, tak i v Yedinotselostnom Ob"yome Vysshey Suti" [2] "3. Monadu mozhno simvolicheski nazvat' energeticheskoy kapsuloy, zapolnennoy Informatsiyey i Ognom, sostavlyayushchikh Sushchnost' chelovecheskuyu. Vnutri Monady - Ognennoye Zerno Dukha chelovecheskogo, nakhoditsya v dremlyushchem sostoyanii. Yego sleduyet probudit', tochneye skazat' - cheloveka sleduyet probuzhdat' k deyatel'nosti Ognennogo Zerna yego Dukha" [1]. V predydushchikh pramona nam dany byli podskazki o slozhnom stroyenii monady. Kak rabotat' s chakramami i energiyey Kundalini mozhno uznat' iz vostochnykh praktik. V 3 pramone kak raz govorit'sya, chto v svoyey tselostnosti monada yavlyayetsya energeticheskoy kapsuloy, zapolnennoy informatsiyey i Ognom, predstavlyaya soboy Sushchnost' chelovecheskuyu. I govoritsya, chto Ognennoye Zerno Dukha nuzhno probuzhdat' k deyatel'nosti. To yest', vypolnyaya svoyu programmu my narabatyvayet illyuzornuyu Lichnost', kotoraya pri smene mernosti rassypayetsya, lish' ostaviv nekotoryye energii v matritse Dushi. No yesli prozhivat' zalozhennyye chislokodovyye punkty svoyey programmy v blagosti i aktiviruya svoyu sverkh zadachu, to probuzhdayetsya eto Zerno chelovecheskogo Dukha. Mogu po opytu skazat', chto v takom degradiruyushchem obshchestve kak nashe, ty vsegda budesh' chudakom pri etom. Pomnitsya v 90-ye gody ya nachala aktivatsiyu Zerna Dukha s izucheniya yamy i neyamy (chto mozhno i chto nel'zya), to yest' azy Zakonov Mirozdaniya. "Yama i Niyama – eto nazvaniya dvukh pervykh stupeney yogi, sformulirovannyye mudretsom Patandzhali v «Yoga - sutre». Eto pervyye i osnovnyye usloviya dlya cheloveka, kotoryy khochet nachat' put' svoyey lichnoy evolyutsii, svoyego samosovershenstvovaniya. Vsego zhe etikh stupeney vosem', a imenno: • Yama • Niyama • Asana • Pranayama • Prat'yakhara • Dkharana • Dkh'yana ili Meditatsiya •" . Predstav'te sebe podrostka v te gody, kotoryy pytayetsya podobnyye veshchi rasskazat' okruzhayushchim i tozhe probudit' ikh Zerno Dukha. No na tot moment apokalipsis tol'ko zarozhdalsya i u lyudyam ikh budushcheye predstavlyalos' ochen' stabil'nym i sytym. Nikto iz nikh dazhe ne predstavlyal, chto v 2019 godu nachnutsya takiye sobytiya. Togda prishli v zhizn' svoboda seksa, mnogo raznogo alkogolya, razvlecheniy, modnaya odezhda, kvartiry, domiki, doma, domishchi, biznes, krutyye mashiny i zagranichnyye puteshestviya...probuzhdat' Zerno svoyego Dukha kazalos' delom ne perspektivnym. Seychas chelovechestvu uzhe ob"yavili, chto vse stoyat na grani smeny mernosti i yedinstvennoye, chto tsenno v etot posledniy period sushchestvovaniya 5 rasy chelovechestva - eto PROBUZHDENIYe ZERNA DUKH MONADY CHELOVEKA.
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Результаты перевода
"The principle of existence (Being) is the basic principle of life functioning for any form and refers to the" highest form of building principles "because it builds and transforms, improves and produces, that is, it underlies everything. Being is the starting point for the development of the next stage of any form and how perfect the Being the form has reached at this stage of its perfection, the higher level it rises in its development. development" [2]

In the book we are studying, it is written that in the Universe each form and Essence (Soul) has the right to perfection, but only beings of a high order can independently direct their development. For this reason, in order for everyone to know how to progress, the law of progressiveness and improvement was created. The freedom of choice in the directions of perfection is relative, because this process depends on the direction of the tendencies of the Essence of God in its development and is subordinated to the general goals of the entire Volume of the Hierarchy. Also, the development of each individual goes in the direction of the development of the Level of Hierarchy on which he is located. The inner force controls the actions of a person - the greater the potential, the more actively the person manifests himself in Being" [2]
"The image to which any Unit should strive in the process of personal improvement is the image of God, which is the root cause that gave rise to the law of progression, because if there were no God, then it is not known what ideal one would have to strive for. And in general - it is necessary And only the presence of such a big goal ahead mobilizes all the Levels, all the Essences on them to rush in a single impulse to the Highest Perfection, increasing the potential accumulation of diversified contents both in private individual forms and in the One-Whole Volume of the Higher Essence" [2] https:
"3. The Monad can be symbolically called an energy capsule filled with Information and Fire, which constitute the Human Essence.

Inside the Monad - the Fiery Grain of the Human Spirit, is in a dormant state. It should be awakened, more precisely, a person should be awakened to the activity of the Fiery Grain of his Spirit" [1].

In previous pramona we were given hints about the complex structure of the monad. How to work with the chakras and Kundalini energy can be learned from Eastern practices. In the 3rd pramon it is just said that in its integrity the monad is an energy capsule filled with information and Fire, representing the human Essence. And it is said that the Fiery Grain of the Spirit must be awakened to activity. That is, by fulfilling our program, we develop an illusory Personality, which crumbles when the dimension changes, only leaving some energies in the matrix of the Soul. But if you live the embedded number-code points of your program in goodness and activate your super task, then this Grain of the human Spirit awakens. I can tell from experience that in a degenerate society like ours, you will always be an oddball about it. I remember in the 1990s I started activating the Grain of the Spirit by studying the pit and non-pit (what is possible and what is not), that is, the basics of the Laws of the Universe. "Yama and Niyama are the names of the first two steps of yoga, formulated by the sage Patanjali in the Yoga Sutra. These are the first and basic conditions for a person who wants to start the path of his personal evolution, his self-improvement. There are eight of these steps in total, namely: • Yama • Niyama • Asana • Pranayama • Pratyahara • Dharana • Dhyana or Meditation •" . Imagine a teenager in those years who is trying to tell people around him such things and also awaken their Grain of the Spirit. But at that time, the apocalypse was only in its infancy, and people saw their future as very stable and well-fed. None of them even imagined that such events would begin in 2019. Then freedom of sex, a lot of different alcohol, entertainment, fashionable clothes, apartments, houses, houses, houses, business, cool cars and foreign travels came into life ... awakening the Grain of one's Spirit seemed not a promising thing. Now it has already been announced to humanity that everyone is on the verge of a change in dimension and the only thing that is valuable in this last period of the existence of the 5th race of humanity is the AWAKENING OF THE GRAIN SPIRIT OF THE HUMAN MONAD.
During this transitional period, many Masters have come. A lot of information has appeared to upgrade our Biocomputers (Spheres of Existence). And those who have been preparing all their lives for this transition can already move on to the stage of Dhyana, Meditation, and maybe someone will even reach Nirvana (Widdle-Space in the terminology of A.P. Naumkin). 4 and 5 pramon 16 amon just talks about such meditation practices.

"4. Having collected the energies of your body from all three forms of Matter, you should direct them inward, to the central axis of the spine, to one point at the base of the neck. Thus, let us approach the Silver Thread, from which the Fiery Grain of the Spirit awakens.

5. Sushumna ignites with a white-silver Fire. This Primary Fire is the Seeker, which has already been mentioned. The desired one in this case will be the Monad (Atman-Koscham, shells, that is, holographic areas in which energies acquire a special kind of movement). And the Quest for us will be the Movement of the Spirit from below upward through the Sushumna (the structure of Fire is vertical) and radially, from the regions, in a special way. Thus, the holographic field of the Monad will enter into Movement through the movement of all the energies of Matter and through Matter itself. In this Movement, the Fiery Grain of the Spirit will unite with its holographic informational code and develop into the High Essence of the Spirit. Of course, if for this act the Consciousness is purified and the body is holy.

Thus the Ancient Living Spirit, and He is with us" [1].

There are many practices for activating the Kundalini energy. It is best to read with exercises on Hatha Yoga and pranayama. At Andrey Verba's school, teachers conduct both individual and group classes, including online. If we talk about those who are already working with their energies, then in the 4th pramone concentration is proposed on the basis of the neck and the activation of the Silver Thread in the monad, thereby awakening the Grain of the Human Spirit. The author of "Kalagia" often mentions the terms Seeking, Seeking and Seeking. This also contributes to the transfer of the adept's thinking to a higher level of understanding. After all, the book, in fact, tells about the Laws of the Universe (about the Kons in the Slavic-Aryan terminology), only not in a childish way in a fairy-tale form, but the Divine processes are revealed more globally. Therefore, allegory is also present, but thoughts for Meditation become more energy-saturated. So it turns out that after the ignition of the Grain of the Spirit, the ignition of the White-Silver Fire is activated in Sushumna. "Sushumna, Sushumna-nadi (Skt. ;;;;;;;;, IAST: su;um;; - sunbeam) - according to yoga, the central nadi (channel) of the human energy system. This energy channel passes through the inside of the spinal column, in contact with the padma of each of the chakras. Sushumna originates at the base of the spine (at the location of the Kundalini), runs along the spinal cord and ends at the top of the head".

" And it is said in 5 pramon that this is the Primary Fire, that is, a particle "Creator. Remember the structure of the Sphere of Being - Consciousness is located in the region of the spine, that is, Consciousness is a part of the All-United Pre-Eternal Spirit. That is, the Teachers designate It as the Seeker. The Absolute divides its Essence into many particles that go through their development, moving along the Levels of Being from one World in the other, and in each of us this particle is the motivator of development.Because this is the intention of the Creator.If we recall the Kons of the Universe in the interpretation of the Slavic-Aryan Vedas, then the first con is the con of the Source - all living things came out of the God of the Family, and the second con Intention - everything unfolding in the Universe has the Intention of the God of the Kind. In fact, Larisa Seklitova received the Laws of the Universe in a more complete volume, which has a huge energy power. In the book "The Laws of the Universe or the foundations of the existence of the Divine Hierarchy" by L.A. Seklitova and L. L. Strelnikova describes in detail the Intention of God - and this is the improvement of each of His particles, the recruitment of various composites into the matrix of the Soul and the increase in the energy capacity of each improving Unit (monad of Essence).

“We learn from the law that the energy Hierarchy consists of 7 bodies for the 5th race and 9 bodies for the 6th race of humanity. The authors give the names of only 7 bodies that are known to us from other sources. There is a lot of information about this in the Indian scriptures.

1. Soul, matrix - the highest qualities, the purest energies.

2. Absolute body, protective shell.

3. Spiritual body - higher knowledge.

4. Casual body - actions, causes and effects.

5. Mental body - thinking.

6. Astral body - feelings, emotions.

The etheric body is the energy basis of the physical body, or a frame for it.

7. Physical body" [2]
Apparently, this whole structure is the monad, the matrix in this scheme, as the main storage of information (flash drive).

The desired is a monad that accumulates experience ("...holographic areas in which energies acquire a special kind of movement"). "And the Search for us will be the Movement of the Spirit from below upwards through the Sushumna (the structure of Fire is vertical) and radially, from the regions, in a special way. Thus, the holographic field of the Monad will enter the Movement through the movement of all the energies of Matter and through Matter itself. In this Movement, the Fiery Grain of the Spirit will unite with its holographic informational code and develop into the High Essence of the Spirit, of course, if the Consciousness is cleansed for this act and the body is holy.

Thus the Ancient Living Spirit, and He is with us" [1].

Seeking is the movement of Kundalini energy from below up through the Sushumna. Unconsciously, depending on the thinking, behavior and lifestyle of a person, this energy can rise to some chakras and fall again. When an adept leads a righteous life and is engaged in creativity, then this energy can reach the upper chakra of Svadhisthana. At the end of the book there is a meditation, which " called to Educate a Man in the Cosmic Feelings of the One Divine Consciousness of the Existing Life Being by the Beauty of the Absolute OUM". This is a page and a half text. But in order to arouse in the mind the images offered by the Teachers, one must have already learned information from several scriptures, for example, from the Srimad Bhagavatam about Creation, in order to be able to concentrate on the proposed images, and thereby connect one’s Consciousness (Kundalini energy, Primary Fire) with the Grain of Spirit and, vibrating on the upper chakras, feel the Silver Thread that connects with the Source of Divinity. A maximum of 2-3 people finish reading my articles, which means that so far information of this level remains accessible to a very small number of people. What can you do? Such is this world. All the best!!!
