The Pythagorean Tarot card deck review

The Pythagorean Tarot is rare yet highly effective deck which might help numerous postmodern philosophers and creative community members find inner light, harmony and inspiration.

This deck's design is minimalistic, perfectly suited for a medium level of expertise in Tarot readings. Its importance for people who tend to think rationally as a rule is based on the clarity of symbols, shapes and colours that make part of its design.

For atheists, deists, agnostics, as well as for people who simply enjoy the glorious aesthetic of Ancient Greek way of thinking, it is second to none. 

For people who seek other forms of inspiration, this deck could symbolize the charm of wisdom, long nights in libraries, the lightness of traditional Greek songs and a feeling of a fresh, warm and intriguingly quiet summer day.

The deck was created in 2001 by John Opsopaus
