38 тайна гробницы кв. 55 ветер странствий 4. туман


I shall begin to not result dialogues, and that say Анка, especially at it has burnt slightly картошка = potatoes with pork шкварками= meat, and that has told Чапаев, and I shall tell on картошку, жаренную= cook on pork fat. It is necessary to give to heroes to have a rest and then so much everything, that as is spoken
- Without пал - litres to not understand! Let box will order, and посудачат = say about Претендентках,
women, that is - empresses, that have left in a Fog of centuries! Beautifully has bent so about the Circuit of relationship at Тутанхамоне!
And is asked on a title " Захи Хавасс at монумента марсианину. " Yes, Really first саркофаг= coffin in length about 1. 7 meters, and third, outside, though same Тутанхамона till 2.7- 2. 9 meters, if the mummies are higher than 1.8 meters! The god Ра from
film " Star врата " is direct - when under зауныную= fat music of group "Ариэль" is come up, certainly, плынетянин= spase his man - by the god Ра. There is more tremendous are given Галографические helmets for the gods: Ра, Тота Анубиса. I give a photo only from 1900 from excavation. Here typical headgear on coffin. But  business in that, it is exact фараон, but also empress - as could have and бородку= bear, and two Scepters in hands. All business that as the hands inside are stacked! The female mummy had the right hand Вытнутую= lay , and it, and did not fix Смит in a museum of Cairo, and after the mummy роскромсали= crush, reaching up to a skeleton and subjects inside, скольких мужикв = some mens so was "transformed" by this медик = doctor into the women, and on the contrary! I doubt!, it is a plant, it is time to the heroes!
--Смит! Бд @@ I! I shall be, began speech Чапай, when ошалело has learned, that мужик was женщиой = woman all 109907- 1917 and 20223 years, and нате!  that was in a warehouse бочонок! What эля? Спиртяги! Vodka also do not saw! After heard she " went as water " and disturbed brains did not appease, and Clarified!
--Is it is necessary, жа! – вопила = roar Анка, not looking that all obviously has burnt slightly.
- I! - орала Unrestrained повариха= cook woman! As бл " @@ the Mother @@ Хрю @@ Бля @@ е! - here I prepare, and you! Here at it(her) " the milk for манной каши = macaronis Девису has escaped ".
- Horse-radish to you, instead of манку! - орала she( Девису! Old гоблин! Девис that day and has not waited манной каши on milk, and " with burning запил "! So "лохонуться"! I shall test mine English
- It is wider ше ля фам! / Search for the woman on French! /-голосил = cry Девис, smearing tears on dirty cheeks. It, trusting, that a mummy – мужик = man, did not wash from a principle!
- I do not see Woman!! - and, Всхлипнув= cry, and икнув, has transferred all orders to excavation Картеру, till 2023! For the first time населеиие of camp легло = lay to sleep not пожрамши= eat! And in night silences was still long audible всхлипывание = cry Анки at Niles, where it complained Эхнатону- to the crocodile about complete dullness мужиков! In the morning she nevertheless woman, has flooded печку on стане= river Hyle, пинками push has woken Чапая, and having regrette Девиса, that маялся " after yesterday's " and having told: All сожрали - eating, Архелоги " is ironic! - is not present even лаврового lavres of a sheet! Here Чапай has understood, that had a snack вчерась- tomorrow  лаврушой= shit, and Анка has moved on базар! Мужики- присмирели= mans stay slowly , and even to its arrival have washed hands, and have swept! Анна has returned to dinner, and whom that is necessary to a message in a plot! Let, it is the professor from....
In light сказкнного= saing  it also will tell about the possible relatives Тутанжамона, and about a mummy of a certain empress. It is time! Has passed about 115 years!
 If it is honour, I do not remember, that it for фараон in саркофаге = coffin here in figure, but so was, and having put them on попа = high is photographed up to three such саркофагов in the report, as empresses so, and фараонов. Also it is a photo that, let of gray-haired professor.
- Yes! - that that with the text was not so! - beginnings Саид эль Хаким! The arabs was, as professors in much!
- Sirs and товарщи! - beginnings it is simple Саид! What presumably to name a name царицв in Kv. 55 it would be necessary to list all empresses from Тутмоса Четверого!
- It is good, what not from Ричарда " with lion's heart "! - who say is slow! Old man nice smile USSR of times feels Интеллигент, and has continued. During his speech, all have understood, that of empresses it is simple, and that combined a post empresses with фаронством much, and is not worked варанты. So Сайд considered, that could pass in власт Children empresses Тии, and there two, or three daughters, and still Бакетатон, that are obvious in " Rocky tombs Амарны volume 3 " she as Princess. She was not considered by anybody as empress! And the plot goes, if there are women!....38...Translate ....................Page 37
