Article 37 World of Fire

Good day, Friends! We study further the Book of A.P. Naumkin "Kalagiya. Today we are studying 18 amon books.

"1. Let's return to the understanding of the Form of the Worlds (general) and the Form of the World (private). It must have become clear to you that the holographic code of the Information of the Spirit, superimposed on the Primary Matter, is a common Form for all the Worlds; but the energies arising in this Primary Matter, thanks to the life of the Spirit, that is, due to the tension, vibration and rhythm of the Primordial Fire in this holographic code of Information, created the Fiery World in Primary Matter. Thus began the Divine Involution. It began simultaneously with the granulation of the Primordial Spirit. Both served as the birth of Maya" (A.P. Naumkin. Kalagiya. Moscow. 1992) [1].

Wikipedia gives the following definition: "Involution (from Latin involutio - curtailment, curl) - reverse development, backward movement." "A transformation that is inverse to itself. It is often additionally assumed that an involution is a non-identity mapping." A very accurate definition of God's creation. The Perfect Absolute breaks up into many parts and the Eternal Spirit descends from the Top down to the base of the pyramid. Then, enriched by experience, he rises up the spiral of evolution, again to the Top, so that the entire Divine Hierarchy can move to the next level of development. There is a law of Absolute States
According to my understanding, the granulation of the Eternal Spirit is Its division into parts - the appearance of Essences that have Consciousness. That is, thanks to the original holographic code that the Primordial Spirit imposed on the Primary Matter, the process of development and the formation of the Secondary Matter - the information-energy space, and then the Tertiary Matter and the division into Essences, in which the Egos-Personality-Individuality is formed, began, which serves as the basis for creating an illusion. This is called the Illusion of separation (non-identical display), because in its essence, the Eternal Spirit Creates only within a certain Hierarchy of the Absolute, creating different levels of Matter, but at all stages it is a Single Whole. "...but the energies arising in this Primary Matter, thanks to the life of the Spirit, that is, due to the tension, vibration and rhythm of the Pre-Eternal Fire in this holographic code of Information, created the Fiery World in the Primary Matter" [1]. Descending from the Top of the Hierarchy of the Absolute down the Levels, probably, these 3 types of Matter are formed. The Holy Scriptures mention three Worlds. In the first pramon of the 18th amon, we learn that "... the holographic code of the Information of the Spirit, superimposed on the Primary Matter, is a common Form for all the Worlds ...", that is, in fact, this is the quantum structure of the Universe, where all the projections of the Worlds and Essences representing the One Whole, and then thanks to the tension, vibration and rhythm of the Eternal Fire (the Body of the Spirit) in the Primary code, the Fiery World is created in the Primary Matter. Further, the Eternal Spirit descends to the Levels of the Hierarchy and influences the initial granular codes (on the Essences), changing their number-code values.
In the book L.A. Seklitova and L.L. Strelnikova "Laws of the Universe or the foundations of the existence of the Divine Hierarchy" [2] on this occasion, you can find out the following:

""Any environment of a spatial structure that belongs to any of the many parallel worlds and is part of a common space is isolated and unique in relation to other worlds. Nothing in the general construction of space is repeated, and therefore any world with its private space and subspace is always unique and unrepeatable. The build options create each time a special habitat with new designs dictated by the times. This environment is "a separate part of a separate personal individual", that is, it is the Essence of Space, which has its own direction of development" [2] 08.

"The completion of the improvement and transformation of the surrounding world (the space in which it developed) ends after the Essence reaches the peak of the Hierarchy and the final form of the Absolute for a given time period. The result is the foundation on which the following structures are built, which are planned by the program for the construction of an integral space. All the processes are interconnected and there should be no deviations in the constructions of space. "All together determines the texture of a single space" (L.A. Seklitova. L.L. Strelnikova. Laws of the Universe or the foundations of the existence of the Divine Hierarchy. Moscow. 2017 Official website of the Authors https :// [2]
"2. Of course, everything, everything that I say about the Worlds and Matters applies equally to a person, because he is not only a particle, but also a wave in Spaces and Times.

In addition, considering a person as a particle, we find a perfect reflection inside him, a wave passing through Spaces and Times; just as when considering a wave, we see a perfect reflection on its surface of all the actions of a human particle" [1].

"THE REGULARITY OF GENERAL CONSTRUCTION AND TRANSFORMATION IS INCLUDED IN THE MECHANISM OF IMPROVEMENT, and each Essence, improving and building itself, transforms the environment as a whole - "all Essences build space according to a given development program and under the control of Control from Above" [2]. Each world, Essence, Unit in the Hierarchy seeks to reach the top of the Pyramid - the highest Level, that is, the goal of the transformation of all spaces is the completion of the development cycle, and this process is carried out in stages, through achieving the maximum saturation of a given volume of space with the necessary structures and approaching its development to the final form, which is characterized by the transition to the next stage of improvement. And since the transformation of spaces occurs through the improvement of the Essences of their components and is a platform for transformations, then often "the phase of changes prevails over the result that is achieved with the help of it" [2]. That is, changes in spaces occur more often than floor the necessary accumulations in them are being studied"
"3. We see that the common Form for all Worlds has become a particular Form of the Fiery World in the Eternal Matter.

But the Pre-Eternal Spirit will remain inviolable integrity in all the Worlds and in its own, for: "He is present where he is absent, and absent where he is present.
Thanks to this property of the Spirit - to be everywhere in inviolable immutability and integrity, and therefore thanks to His Action by the Power of His Fire, the inhabitants of the Fiery World, using His Power - Fire and the Power of Fire, created an information-energy field of their World, which became the Soul for the rest of the Worlds Creation, the Alpha and Omega of the Universe, the program holographic code of the informative progression of the development of the Fluid Ethereal World and the Dense World.

4. The information-energy field of the Fiery World, being condensed in the Primary Matter, gives birth to the Secondary Matter as sedimentary material that has fallen out of the Primary Matter as a result of the action of the inhabitants of the Fiery World" [2].

From 3 pramon 18 amon we learn that the general form of all the Worlds, apparently existing at this stage of the Absolute within the Hierarchy, becomes a particular Form of the Fiery World in the Eternal Matter. At the same time, the Eternal Spirit remains "in inviolable integrity in all the Worlds" and Its main property is the ubiquitous Presence, to be everywhere in inviolable integrity. This Presence is often referred to in Michael Newton's books Journey of the Soul and Destiny of the Soul. The people who changed the dimension described God as the Great Presence. And it is not for nothing that in the Christian religion the greatest sin is blasphemy against the Holy Spirit, because He is the Holy of Holies of the Divine Hierarchy. Everything is created by Him and He is present in every spiritualized Essence.

Further, we learn from 3 pramon that the inhabitants of the Fiery World used Fire and the Power of Fire to create their World of information and energy field, "... which became for the rest of the Worlds the Soul of Creation, the Alpha and Omega of the Universe, the program holographic code of the informative progression of the development of the Fluid World ethereal and dense world" [1]. The Soul of Creation is described in great detail in the Srimad Bhagavatam . If we turn to such sacred Scripture as "Yoga Vasistha", then probably the Great Brahman is the Eternal Spirit from which all 3 worlds are created. The integrity of existence is emphasized by Vasistha's stories to Lord Rama about the earthly deeds of people, about their Enlightenments, and about their realization of the Great Void of Tertiary Matter, which in its essence is an Illusion. I highly recommend reading or listening to this wonderful book in audio format . Saint Vasistha tries to bring the Consciousness of Rama to the understanding of the Primary Matter and the Fiery World, through immersion in the Secondary Matter (the state of Samadhi), revealing the Illusoryness of the Tertiary Matter. The immersion of any Consciousness under the veil of Maya, through suffering, knowledge, activity, creativity reveals more and more meanings, essence, laws, concepts of the Divine Game, enriching the Seeker with new energies and increasing his energy Power. What we are looking for is Consciousness, it is the Eternal Spirit, which is always in us in the form of Kundalini energy. Through our Searching, He is enriched with experience and also expands His horizons, so that in due time the entire Hierarchy of the Absolute could move to the next, higher Level of Existence.

"According to the Living Ethics, in our energy space there are three worlds of different states of matter, which far from exhaust the wealth of the cosmos. The Supermundane World consists of the Subtle World and the Fiery World. The Subtle World, in turn, consists of the astral world and the mental world.
Subtle bodies are quite material, have weight, volume and are characterized by the degree of rarefaction (thinning) of the matter that makes them up. It all depends on the composition: the lighter and cleaner, the lighter and more mobile. Bodies are set in motion by the thought of both their owners and the influence of other inhabitants of the Subtle World. Thoughts can be of different strength and tension, and this also affects the mobility of the subtle body. There are a great many degrees of rarefaction (thinning) of the matter of subtle bodies.
Even more subtle and perfect is the Fiery World. This world consists of the "substance of fire", the highest psychic energy. The fiery world is the primary source of processes and phenomena of both the subtle and dense earthly worlds.

“The Fiery World is just as filled as other spheres. Also, beings of different evolutions, but fiery degrees, flock for cooperation. If the dense state under the influence of chaos almost does not understand cooperation, if the Subtle World accepts group cooperation, then the Fiery World is distinguished by complete cooperation. (MO2.375).
“Everything is built in the Fiery World, then descends into the subtle body. Thus created on Earth will be only a shadow of the Fiery World. We must firmly remember this series of creativity. (MO3.445).
The earthly world and the higher worlds interpenetrate each other. Between them there is a constant process of exchange and transfer of energy. Not only the higher worlds feed the Earth with energy, in turn humanity saturates the space with its emanations and supports them with its psychic energy.
“The dense and Subtle worlds are transient, the Fiery World is eternal. Its extent is unknowable, its steps and features are incomprehensible. The primordial cosmic energy boils and acts in it, adding up its combinations invisible to us, creating worlds, life, transforming the types and states of matter, flowing one into another, giving rise to bubbling, fine-streaming sources, from the depths of which the blessing of beauty, creativity and spirit flows. (Shaposhnikova L.V. The thorny path of beauty)"
