Ветер шепчет мне на ухо тайны

The wind whispers secrets in my ear
(Ветер шепчет мне на ухо тайны)

The night is dark, the moon is bright,
The stars twinkle with celestial light,
I stand alone, beneath the sky,
And hear the Earth's eternal sigh.

The wind whispers secrets in my ear,
The trees sway, and the night is near,
The rustling leaves, the crunching grass,
Nature's symphony, that will forever last.

The world is full of wonder and awe,
With beauty that leaves us wanting more,
From the mountains high to the oceans wide,
All of nature's glory cannot be denied.

The sun rises, and the day begins,
Birds chirp, and a new song begins,
The world awakens, full of life,
And I am grateful to be alive.

For in this world of light and dark,
Of joy and sorrow, and hope and heart,
We find our place, and we find our way,
And we embrace the beauty of each day.

So let us stand, beneath the sky,
And listen to the Earth's eternal sigh,
And let our hearts be filled with love,
For all of nature, that's all around.

Recorded looking at the starry sky.04:55, 04.03.2023
