Article 38 Involution and Evolution of the Eternal

Good day to all visitors of my information channel! Today we are studying 18 amon of the book "Kalagiya" by the Russian sorcerer Alexander Petrovich Naumkin.

"5. Of course, the information-energy field is nothing but the tension, vibration and rhythm of the Movement of the density wave of Time. Information is transferred by this wave to the Forms of Matter, from one of its types to another. Moreover, the density wave of Time transfers information, and the flow of Time introduces it into the depths of Matter, where it gains strength and development.Due to this effect of Time, the Illusion of the presence of an information-energy field in Matter arises, although, of course, it exists, but as a moving wave of the density of Time.This wave sets in motion a holographic information code superimposed on this Form of Matter. The movement caused in the holographic code by the Time density wave passing through it is combined with the Movement of Fire in this code and with the movement of the code itself. As a result, there is the appearance of an information-energy field, which fundamentally does not exist and which is Fire Imagination of Matter" (A.P. Naumkin. Kalagiya. Moscow. 1992) [1].

From the above pramon, we learn that the Movement of the density wave of Time is an information-energy field that has such characteristics as tension, vibration and rhythm. The density wave of Time carries information. Let me remind you that in 10 amon 28 pramone it is written that the components of the substance Time: Zero, Past, Present, Future and Completion of the cycle, are the source of the flow and density of Time, and information is transferred by this wave into the Forms of Matter, transforming it from one type to another through information- energy field with the help of its 5 points: Plasma, Fire, Light (tension, Heat (vibration or oscillation frequencies), Tincture (rhythm or wavelengths). At the same time, the flow of Time introduces information into the depths of Matter, where it gains strength and development. It is created The illusion of the presence of an information-energy field in Matter, but in fact it exists only in the movement of the density wave of Time. This wave activates the holographic information codes of Matter. Fire is activated inside the code with its nominal indicators. At this moment, the appearance of an information-energy field is created, which does not exist, but in its essence is the Fire of the Imagination of Matter.

I will quote from the book by Elena Sedelnikova "Quantum physics for housewives, which shows the perception of quantum reality by the Human Consciousness - the Illusion of Tertiary Matter. In my opinion, this is a vivid example of the Fire of the Imagination of Matter, all the more so for you and me and our perception of the new reality of the fourth density :

"Then it turns out that I am also - there is an illusion that I really do not exist? This is both so and not so at the same time. There is no duality in quantumness. There is no single answer, there is no unambiguity. There is no concept - one. You are like a point of potential. Like presence Spirit in you. And you are now unfolding your divinity through yourself, as the presence of the Spirit in you, into your perception, into the perception of a person. And other essences unfold through themselves the perception of the presence of the Spirit. And you look through their eyes at the world through them And they look through your eyes on the world through you. All at the same time. If you feel yourself only yourself, only a person, then this is one perspective of perception, if you feel yourself more integral, feel yourself a planetary Spirit, this is a different perspective of perception.

The Planetary Being has more of God's energy than you. It also has a certain balance of interaction of these forces. You interact with it, you manifest its centrifugal and centripetal parts. And she, interacting with you, shows your parts of centrifugal and centripetal. And since you, a priori, have less of each type of these forces, then your interaction with her manifests itself, as she wants. "" Try to realize. You are the turning point. But you are quantum. This means that this point in you intersects with all points of potentials in all essences. It's just a single unfolding point, but it feels like a myriad of different points. And then these myriads of points of potentials, which in fact are one and the same point, unfold into myriads of choices of perception, into myriads of worlds.

The spirit in you looks through the slit of perception. The spirit in you focuses its light in such a way that it gives rise to the perception of a hologram of the human world. And He does it through billions of human beings.

If we consider the hologram of the unfolding of the world of an individual, without interaction with the holograms of the unfolding of the world of other people, then it will be less stable than your collective hologram. The holographic unfoldings of the world by different people are combined into a collective unfolding hologram. Each of them is different from the other. But when superimposed on each other, they create a perceptually stable picture of the world that you see.

You look not only through yourself, but through all people at the same time. Because you are part of the totality of "humanity", you chose this from the very beginning. But if you choose the integrity of the planetary Spirit, you will see a completely different picture of the world.

Therefore, this is called an illusion, something that exists and does not exist at the same time. As soon as you change the perspective of perception, reality also changes for you" (Selena Elena Sedelnikova. Quantum physics for housewives. Publishing solutions licensed by Ridero. 2020) [2].

"6. The information-energy field of the Fiery World was superimposed by a holographic code on the Secondary Matter and became the Basis for the generation in the Secondary Matter by its energy, in the same way as in the Primary Matter - by the Life of the Spirit. This is how the Form of the Subtle World was formed - as a result of the combination of the energies of the Secondary Matter with the holographic code of the Fiery World superimposed on it.

7. A particular Form of the Subtle World acts in accordance with the general Form and becomes common with the Dense World.

8. But the inhabitants of the Subtle World create an information-energy field for their World, which separates Tertiary Matter from the Secondary Matter, as its sedimentary materials from the action of the inhabitants of the Subtle World, and which is superimposed on it by a holographic code; the sound of the code generates its energies from the Tertiary Matter, which are connected with this holographic code and make up the Form of the Dense World.

9. The inhabitants of the Dense World create their own information-energy field for their World. It becomes the final act of the full development of Maya and is superimposed by a holographic code on this Maya, which as a result turns into a perfect reflection of the Forms of Matter and, accordingly, becomes a reflection of all the Three Worlds.

In this reflection, everything flows in the opposite direction and is called Evolution by us.

But this is only the Illusion of the Past in the Memory of the Spirit, and It is eternal, just as the Spirit is eternal, for both Involution and Evolution are only the effect of Time, and although they are separated in Matter by this effect, in the Memory of the Spirit they merge and turn into the Illusion of the Past" [1 ].

We often talked about the Subtle World, where we move after changing the dimension, in a dream, in meditative practices. In the 6th, 7th, 8th and 9th Pramons we are explained how this World is formed. That is, in the beginning, the holographic code of the information-energy field of the Fiery World was superimposed on the Secondary Matter. In the latter, energy began to be generated as well as in the Primary Matter by the Life of the Spirit. The Secondary Matter created in this way is the Subtle World, about which we always speak and study its properties. In 7 pramon it is said that He is the Common Form with the Dense World. The Essences of the Subtle World create an information-energy field for their World, and due to Their progress, Tertiary Matter is created from Secondary Matter, like sedimentary materials, on which, in turn, holographic codes of Secondary Matter are superimposed. As they say in the 8th pramone, the sounding of this code produces energies from the Tertiary Matter. These energies, connecting with the holographic code, form the Form of the Dense World, and the inhabitants of the Dense World create by their activity an information-energy field, which is superimposed by the holographic code corresponding to this World on Maya, which is a reflection of the Three Worlds.

Probably, when the Secondary Matter gives rise to the Tertiary and Creatures appear, then this centrifugal development is the Involution of the Absolute, and when these Essences begin to unite and realize their integrity, then the development becomes centripetal - Evolution.

Evolution in the memory of the Spirit becomes the Illusion of the Past, "and It is eternal, as the Spirit is eternal, for both Involution and Evolution are only the effect of Time, and although they are separated in Matter by this effect, in the Memory of the Spirit they merge and turn into the Illusion of the Past" [1].

There is a development plan for the entire Universe. The Absolute, passing to the next step of the Hierarchy, occupies a certain volume. This basic construction seems to presuppose plots and scenarios - everything exists simultaneously in quantum reality. The Absolute comes with its Essences, which are arranged according to the Levels of this Hierarchy. Thanks to the Life of the Eternal Spirit, all three types of Matter come to life, as well as the Subtle and Dense Worlds. Maybe the flow of Time is the program that revives the Point of Time Present in the Solid World.

In the book L.A. Seklitova and L.L. Strelnikova "The Riddles of Time, we learn the following:" The matrix of time will not remain constant and unchanged in its internal construction and content. Like everything else, it develops together with man. They develop on the basis of mutual existence. But a person receives his own experience from life, and the matrix of Time his own, improving in management and control over the conduct of material and subtle processes. However, as Souls progress, the primary role of the time matrix is lost. Strict control is required for low-organized matter, because it is not able to properly manage its development and is constantly trying to turn off the path of evolution onto the path of regression. But from a certain Level, other qualities come into play in the soul: self-awareness, self-control, self-determination and other higher qualities, which themselves begin to manage and control the internal processes of development "(L.A. Seklitova. L.L. Strelnikova. Riddles of Time. Moscow. 2014 Official website of the Authors [3].

The book says that in addition to the general Time of the World, each Essence in the Solid World has a personal Time that unfolds the programs laid down for this incarnation. And from the above quote, we understand that with the growth of human awareness, the influence of the personal Time Matrix becomes less severe. That is, it is assumed that the individual will begin to work with his inner space and penetrate into the Subtle World already through Spiritual practices. The expiration of the chronons of his personal time slows down at the same time. The same analogy, apparently, can be drawn to the general course of the Time of the World. The more spiritual the society, the slower Time flows. Perhaps, the lower the Level of the Hierarchy the World is, the faster Time flows there.

"But even in one world, Time can have different speeds and have different potentials, and the more voluminous the construction of the potential of Time, the larger volumes it covers and regulates more complex processes. The general direction of the development of Time is always progression and movement towards a common goal, and not chaos and degradation.

The Authors also say in their book that the overall power of the Time field is increased by any action that has taken place, a process, a created state, a form, because Time is a complete process that accumulates quality indicators into its matrix, forming the "acting force of the Time field". Nothing can stand against the power of Time. By this force, everything is drawn into motion: gross matter, the subtle energy plane. Time has a tendency to command, and it surpasses all other tendencies of the world, which embraces the Essence of Time. The imperative mood is embedded in the structure of Time, and it is always greater than the imperative mood of any object or state of the world in which it is located, that is, everything that is in the field of Time - obeys it in every world.

If the imperative mood of the Essence of Time is less than the potential for subjugation to the Essence of the given world, then the Essence can get out of control and this Time will not be able to direct its movement towards progression. For this reason, all processes and forms of the world are built taking into account the submission to a given time. "The prevailing basis of the time of each particular world (Level) is aimed at setting in motion the development of Essences and building the physical and material structure of this world" [3] vremeni-01-03.

"10. Here a very remarkable paradox arises, allowing Us to move from World to World, both in the stream of Involution and in the stream of Evolution, almost instantly and at the time we need, to meet people, to learn everything about them, as from their past, and from their future, Involution and in Evolution.We learn in the Space of the Spirit.

Hence Our greatest knowledge of the Laws of Karma and our ability to control individual karmic lines.

Hence Our call: Kalagia! To Cooperation with the Eternal Spirit and with Us - the Teachers of the Worlds. Om!" [1].

I hope now you can imagine what Infinity is?

Just one moment - Worlds before your eyes!

And the Wisdom of books, accumulated over the centuries...

We are interested in knowledge.

But who will measure

What do we not know yet?

What an almighty hand

Give us strength

fly up to the sky?

I'll tell you for sure:

Only one Interest.

But to say that interest decides everything is to say nothing, although interest is one of the greatest energies of the driving forces of Matter.

In the future, we will consider here the divine concept of the immersion of the Spirit in Maya in order to achieve Beauty and Freedom.

11. Of course, everything that is said here about the Forms of Matter, about the Worlds and their Forms, about different energies - all this applies to all planes of Existence and directly to a person, to his material-energy and spiritual structure. If I say the World, then I mean the person as the World; if I say the Universe, then I also mean man as the Universe; if I say the Fiery World and the inhabitants in it, then I mean both the Fiery Spiritual Essence of a person and the energy quantized tricks in it, the fiery tornadoes of the emerging energies. Therefore, one must be concentratedly attentive to everything said here, and one must understand: everything that is said here, word by word, will gradually line up in a single ray of grasping understanding, in the circle of Consciousness, in the focus of the condensation of Fire, and will lead to ascending action" [1] .

Interest, curiosity, inquisitiveness have always been a sign of high intelligence, and the ability to ask questions is a great art. After all, what is philosophy in its essence - the ability to ask questions and discover new spaces and possibilities for describing the surrounding World. Creativity A.P. Naumkina, L.A. Seklitov and L.L. Strelnikova, Elena Sedelnikova, Michael Newton, the Roerichs, Helena Blavatsky and other great Essences that brought modern Knowledge to mankind greatly expanded the horizons of our understanding. In the 11th pramon of Kalagia, the Teacher System addresses us and calls us to be attentive to everything said in this book, so that "everything that is said here, word by word, will gradually line up in a single ray of understanding, in the circle of Consciousness, in the focus of condensation Fire, and will lead to ascending action" [1].
